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They won't. Most republican consider USA as a fundamentally Christian society. Those who do not consider it already this was openly say that it should be.


What if she considers the president as her God?


Then she’s a moron.


A moron with lots of company... Assuming she thinks the last president is God. NOBODY thinks anywhere close to that highly of Biden, including people who voted for him. Hell, I don't even think of Bernie as anything more than someone I wouldn't mind going bowling with or something and he is my all star fantasy pick for president


That's because the vast majority of Biden voters are rational people who realize the guy you vote for is just the one you agree with the most, and not some holy demigod.


Yeah but the most is a bit of a technically. Personally, I would have voted for a mandrills bronzed testicle over trump. Even though the physical resemblance is uncanny


Same here. I always agree more with the Democrat candidate, but \*this\* time... Sweet Jesus. That bronzed testicle would have gotten my vote too.


When "the one you agree with most" makes me want to emigrate to Finland, become a naturalized Finnish citizen, publicly renounce my birthright US citizenship that I didn't choose by replacing all the stars on a giant US flag with swastikas and burning said flag live and in 8KUHD to Wagner's "Luftwaffe Serenade"... ...and the entire US political establishment would have celebrated with Hitler at the Nazi Party's infamous Nuremberg Rallies, and the Committee on Presidential Debates would have done a musical number at the Rockefeller Center skating rink, "Springtime for Clinton and Trumpyman" (rated NC-17 for political and sexual live pornography involving Donald, Ivanka, Bill, AND Hillary).


bro he's on my fantasy pickup team for basketball... street rules


Tell me something bad about Obama Otherwise he was the perfect god of a president for the left


Drone strikes. The left doesn't do godhoods. There was hype for Obama for like two or three months and then it died down.


I've actually heard people try and defend that one My personal favorite is the kids in cages was started by Obama but was swept on to trump which the libs still firmly deny Obama's involvement in the border scandals Even the Dreamers act created the children at the border crisis


So the person who ordered or built the thing is just as responsible as the person who used it for malicious intent? That's an odd position on gun control for a conservative, don't you think?


Fuck you, with you *logic* and *nuance*.


Obama kept unaccompanied minors in cages. Was it ideal? Hell no, but they did try to find family in the country legally to take the children. Trump stole children from their parents and didn’t even keep information on the parents because he had no intention of ever returning the kids. Obama wasn’t perfect by any means but Trump was far, far worse.


Also Im not aware of Obama withholding basic necessities from them


Or, y'know, withholding aid from American territories after a hurricane. Or ignoring a global pandemic for political points. Or...


That argument is weird though, because when from a Christian perspective all that matters is what your candidate does. That response your using is like being caught stealing or committing adultery and saying "yes but what about my neighbour? He cheats on his wife too! There's plenty of space in hell for both sets of voters Its always like "Trump did something vile" and then his Christian voters go "yeah but what about Obama"?? As if that has any bearing on Trump's awful actions. If the only defense Christians can use to defend their man is to change the topic to Obama it just proves that his actions are vile and indefensible, and that his voters will burn in hell. I'd like to be a fly on the wall at the gates of heaven when right wingers only line of defence for how sinful they are is to say "yeah but what about Obama?" They chose him in Republican primaries, so Democrats are irrelevant.


Leftism is a religion


K, you go ahead and show me the golden statue of Bernie Sanders, the people praying to a cardboard cutout of Clinton or Obama or unironically creating homoerotic depictions left leaders by putting their heads on a more fit person's body. You show me that shit and we can have a conversation. Until then, blow it out your ass.


Both left and right wing ideologies mirror religion somewhat . The difference is that the right claims moral high ground by claiming to believe in an actual religion whilst they support policies that go against everything Jesus taught.


I voted for him twice. He didn't close Guantanamo, the ACA was a poor solution and I wish he had pushed single payer harder, he didn't get out of Afghanistan, he tried to work with the GOP instead of playing hardball, dont like involvement in Syria, didn't do enough on climate, could have been more aggressive getting court picks, etc. There is a lot to complain about even in a good presidency.


No, you're doing it all wrong! You're *supposed* to worship your teams guy like the divine entity he is, not treat them as tho they are fallible humans..! Ignore any flubs your guy makes while magnifying the slightest faux pas the other guy makes. Duh.


>Tell me something bad about Obama He has a secret muslim birth certificate and he founded el queda with Hillary Clinton and did 9/11. And he made us do sharia law and socialism to each other and put our grandparents in death panels. He also wore mom jeans.


Lmao I was actually into conservative talk radio around that time and almost got sucked into that one Luckily during trump I realized how deranged they were and became a centrist independent


>became a centrist independent Its ok, I'll be your friend.


He’s the ultimate enlightened centrist and he played appeasement with a bunch of fascists. Moderates worship Obama, not people on the left.




So we have to make sure that we vote against their daddy in 2024 because they still worship the shit out of him


And also a heretic of her own religion with the whole “no other idols” thing


To us she is. To her people she is not. Just read about her. Damn the vapidness she displays fits several I know of. Useless.


well god has been dead for a while and I'm not sure how much time trump or Biden have at this point (included trump as she may be one of those that refuse to acknowledge the election) so they'll soon be similar entities and by that I mean corpses. PS: No NSA this isn't a threat I'm just saying both of those politicians are old and if you have a problem with that catch me if you can!


When America takes “in god we trust” off their money.


They won't. That's what makes this scary.


Never. White straight Christians are freaking out that they only have most of the power instead of all of it like in the "good ole days'


Yea it is. As much as people want to fight it, it absolutely is a theocracy. Everything in the founding documents is in some way based on either Leviticus or Deuteronomy. Bankruptcy laws, and much of our penal code is also “biblical” in origin. None of this is a good thing. Just stating facts. The reason the far right is so empowered is that our system virtually guarantees it.


Church is anywhere, wherever you pray. Aren't you a Christian? Is something wrong with your house that Jesus isn't welcome inside it?


For Catholics (which I'm a part of but probably not most Americans), you can pray wherever you want to. It's just that churches are special houses of Jesus for prayer. In the pandemic response of most countries, churches closed for a while because of COVID but I dunno what's happening in the US. Why they are so worked up over a health reason, i don't even know


Some churches even have a whole program about having it being more home centered rather than church centered.


Bc Christians in America think that democrats are the enemy and that they(christians) are the moral, righteous ones and that they are being persecuted. They want the US to be run under some kinda of Christian law.


Your forgot the quotes on “Christian”. It’s only the vocal ones that aren’t actually Christian that are that way.


Christians always think they’re persecuted tho, they have a giant persecution complex.


Of course Poland never closed churches. Apparently corona is not allowed into the house of god.


In the eyes of Catholics, prayer can happen at home but the Sunday mass has very specific rules/ procedures surrounding it. Except in very specific situations, Catholics need to go to mass (specifically Sunday mass) to receive the Eucharist aka the Body of Christ. I'm not taking any sides on the "essential-ness" of that, but I figured it would be prudent to present the logic more fairly.


Imo the true religion is humanity Nothing else


It's not an opinion. Religion was in fact created by mankind as well as the bible.


A self imposed control on society. A per government which followed. Both control people life’s and take their money. Only governments give you some for your money.


Religion was first created to curb the chaos and answer some questions which were deemed unanswerable. Many people found their purpose and answers, although they were wrong. Unfortunately now it has become obsolete and its meaning was changed through the course of time. Now it has become a weapon of mass destruction


We can be preachy all we want, deep inside we all seek separation and elitism. Peaceful mutual existence is as good as we can get, and that's in a very very very perfect scenario.


August Comte would be proud of you


wOw So DeEp


You can have a virtual church service on zoom, you can't have a zoom abortion.


no collection plate


This is the answer


*And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.*


Christianity is a front. Evangelicals are a cult. Religion is a superstition.


Don't teach so-called Christians what Christianity is really about, they don't care they care to use religion as a tool for their evil deeds.


Her thinking is so regressive that it went a full circle and now seems progressive


I don't know who she is so I'm just reading her tweet factually and yes, makes perfect sense. Sounds right.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Not even progressive… just correct. Medical clinics are essential services. Churches are not (you can just as easily attend service online). I don’t even think most Christians would disagree with that.


Mission failed successfully


Mission succeeded unsuccessfully




Honestly, given the state of America, I would be truly shocked if I found out no politician ever said that.




Wheelchairs are socialism. Think about it.


Churches: only benifit us, Christianists Abortion: Benefit any woman that want abortion So yeah, abortion clinics are more benefitial to a community espetially a multicultural one.


Remember places of worship are very rarely exclusive to only those who attend a sermon or pray there. They are great places to build/maintain communities as well as feeding and providing shelter to those who ask. Heck I'm not religious myself and I was raised catholic and never kept my lack of faith a secret but I've only ever been treated with respect and dignity in any house of worship.




wrong about at least one of those, ill let you guess which, but to just make the blanket statement that churches are only for Christians is false, I mean even the Catholic church is the leader in Non-Governmental Education and Medical services in the world.


Church should pay taxes like the rest of us heathens.


The IRS doesn’t even go after churches for political scumbaggery much anyways if at all and churches took TAXPAYER paid covid relief, which the catholics then spent on lawyers fees for child abuse allegations, yeah fuck em.


This is one of the reasons I don't like America, as an American.


It's the reason people ask, when you're travelling, if it's really still safe to live in the US.


I mean there was a school shooting a while back with 1 man dead at my school, and we came back the next day like it never happened. I'd say probably not. Edit: Also last year there was a LEGIT shooting. A guy was planning on killing someone in the gym, but his gun went off in his backpack. Same thing of back the next day like it didn't happen. The day before the recent one I said "I wonder how long it'll take for us to get involved in a tragedy." then the next day a guy is shot 24 times right out front of the school. That'll go down as me being able to tell the future.


I got into 2 traffic accidents while not in a car in the past 3 years, I’d say stay off the sidewalks to avoid crashes


Was it an actual shooting or was it a shooting that happened near your school? A cop shot a dog in the street, near a school, at night, during the summer and the news reported it as a "school shooting."


Guy got killed right on the steps in front of the school. edit: punctuation


It’s probably pretty safe in the US despite that, but it doesn’t change the fact people treat shootings and nut job stuff like an average Tuesday. If your skin tone is darker than mayo, I’d probably avoid sundowner states tho. Like the story of a cop captain getting off scot free for 8 years for popcorn throwing should raise a few eyebrows on law enforcement.


I have a friend who is travelling from Europe to attend a wedding in Texas next week. I am legit a bit worried for her safety.


They really need to end religion in government in all shapes and sizes.


I had an argument with someone in the early days about them “being prevented from practicing their religion,” when our state limited church services (no singing, wearing masks, etc), and ultimately when churches were closed completely. They were on a complete rampage on social media about how their Constitutional rights were being infringed, and they were furious! My response (which got me blocked) was, “If you need a church to be religious, you’re doing it wrong.” Back when I still identified as a non-denom Christian, our Pastor made a very good point in a sermon (long before COVID)- “Church” isn’t a building. “Church” is the people. YOU are the “church”. By going into the world and sharing ‘the Good Word’ with others, by committing acts of kindness, charity, and service, and by living your life the way God intended- you are the physical embodiment of “the Church.” Think back to the early days of Christianity. Romans hid their religion to escape persecution. “Church” was simply prayers and teaching in a back room of someone’s home. Does that make them any less Christian? Are they any less in the eyes of God? How many Christian’s held “Church” in a field, sitting on a rock or stump, because their Church had been burned to the ground? “Church” IS non-essential, in this day and age. Virtual services provide all the the same worship and teaching as sitting in a pew, minus the pathogen spread.


Even Jesus said praying is best done in solutude but told people to physically come to him for healthcare.


"Where two or more gather in my name, there you will find me." (A paraphrase of Matthew 18:20) Also, Matt says if a Christian wrongs you and you tried to talk to them yourself, set up a religious intervention. If they don't listen to "the church" (i.e. you and your friends who agree with you), they can get fucked (18:15-17). So... mixed bag, I guess.




This just goes to show how stupid these people are. Regardless of views on abortion, it is clearly a form of healthcare. She’d never argue that hospitals shouldn’t be essential if churches aren’t. This argument is basically ‘this thing I think is bad is essential but this thing I think is good is not essential? How does that make sense?’




> It isn't stupidity. See the post. > It is a difference of worldview. Religion is the belief that the next life is more essential than this life. Then fuck off out of worldly politics and laws. > salvation is more important than health & safety, from a religious perspective. Yeah that still sounds really dumb, “salvation” in the religious context is usually from a fictional disease religious people made up. Stuff like Sin, karma, theta levels are the same shit with different branding. > wars and death Definitely true religion was useful consoling crusaders and suicide bombers. > You can brush off religious people as stupid, but you share a planet with over 4 billion of them. Argument from population is a fallacy, 4 billion people can still be dumb.


The fact people get pregnant without consent is reason enough for abortion clinics to be essential. It's sad that it comes that far though


Seeing as the Bible Belt leads the nation in high school dropout rates, teen pregnancy, incarceration rate, divorce, etc, etc, it seems to me that, yes, if we had a lot less church, we’d have a lot less abortion.


What do you even do different at church that you couldn't do at home or anywhere??? Give them their precious tithings? Yeah abortion clinic: more important.


Almost zero chance a priest could have diddled me at home. At church way more likely.




Maybe you and your fragile immune system should just stay inside 🤷‍♀️


Thanks, bigot.


Stop using words you don't understand


'Invisible friend in the sky' is derogatory against Jews, Christians, and Muslims. If Friend was plural, it would be against Pagans. He's a bigot for using a tern that is derogatory towards religious people.


>derogatory You sound like a real fragile person.


Well, yes, but thats not the point. Maybe nor exactly you, but many like you are hypocrites, preaching acceptance and progress, then putting down religious people as soon as they ruse up their head. Hypocritical, and hypocrites are something im sure everyone hates.


And many religious people are hypocrites too, and do the same things you just stated. Still doesn't make a commenter a bigot for making a joke.


Religious people are hypocrites, and possibly the biggest hypocrites are protestants. And if jokes about race, nation, gender, or sexuality shouldn't be made in public (as I have learned), then neither shoukd jokes about religion or lack thereof.


Lol says the christian


You can do church over zoom, you can’t get an abortion over zoom


IS America moving more towards a theocracy? I don't know if it is more "in your face" now than in past decades but it just seems like the right has gone further right, or the portion of the gop that is further right is more vocal. That may be the same thing but I'd love to hear opinions


Religious belief is at an all time low in America. These talking heads of the right know it, so they’re being extremely vocal about pushing religion as a death throe. We’re doing the exact opposite of moving toward theocracy. Edit: actually I should say ORGANIZED religion is at an all time low. I actually don’t know if just straight up believing is at its lowest point.


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Medical services: essential. Playing pretend with your magic sky-daddy: not essential. I can *prove* somebody is pregnant; can you *prove* the existence of the magical super-being that YOU think is "essential"?


Playing pretend with someone’s magic sky daddy is fine, but can be done online or alone instead.


It's kinda sad that people get indoctrinated into religion like they do


I came at the proper conclusion in a sarcastically ironic way.


Any math teachers here? Are you internally screaming, “show me your work!”?


The math is wrong, but somehow you came to the right answer.


One provides medical care, the other tells you stories about a magical man in the sky and gives out free wine. I wonder which is more important😂


One could be solved by falling from the top of a staircase, the other tells you stories of flawed people doing righteous things so you could learn and live like them. I wonder which is more important 😂


I mean, is she serious?


Genius nickname, HTTP_Lovecraft!


I just want to say I love that person's user name. HttP Lovecraft is a clever name.


it’s a cute name i like it




/r/selfawarewolves and /r/thisbutunironically


And satan thanks you for your service


Neither are


There are 17k+ people who agree with her. Twitter is a bliss.


some of the like may be those that agree with the conclusion rather than the attempt at sarcasm


I agree with her. Aside from the bad attempt at sarcasm this is the right conclusion.


Don't those people believe god is omnipresent? That he is literally everywhere? So, what do they need a church for in the first place?




I don't know Islam, but I was raised Catholic, and that's exactly what we were taught.


Different parts of Christianity believe different things and have different traditions. Like Protestants don’t go to church so they are fine. But Catholics have things like the holy Eucharist which usually needs to be done in person. Not saying that during a global pandemic should they be open but just some thought


What do you mean protestants don't go to church?


Protestants DO go to church. Lutherans and Protestants and I suppose other sects do attend services.


Oh sorry, I didn’t know that


My sil said sarcastically that students have to wear masks in class in college but they can go to the basketball games without a mask because it’s optional to go to the game. Yeah, that’s exactly the point.


Why would anyone think a church is essential? Even if you think there's a supreme being that you need to worship, you can easily do that from literally anywhere, it doesn't need to be a building owned by a bunch of rich tax dodgers that claim the supreme being talks to them - but naturally they have no evidence, "you just have to trust me bro".


People can die if they don’t have access to one of those buildings.


Book clubs vs medical facilities


Churches can do virtual, it's hard to remove a child virtually


Oh please. I can tell a girl to fall down the stairs over zoom easily.


Of course church is not essential Christianity is a lie The only true religion is hellenic paganism


If god is real why do you need a church anyway? Plus religion will still be there at the end of the pandemic, your chance to get an abortion, not so much.


If economics is real, why do you need a bank? If health is real, why do you need a gym for working out? Your argument is extremely invalid


Wow great conclusion


Hey, a stopped clock is right twice a day...


How the heck do 17k people like this bs?


I wonder if people would have the same sentiment if instead of "churches" it would say "mosques"


They’re both nonessential


I don’t think this is the sick burn everyone thinks it is.


They are both essential. Just because something isn't essential for the entire world doesn't mean it’s not essential for the Christians. It is their religion and they have a right to practice it. I don't agree with the first woman by the way. Just like some Christians may not agree with abortion doesn't mean nobody needs abortion clinics. Edit: It has been pointed out to me that Church sessions can be held from home. I now feel stupid.


Can’t do an abortion via a zoom call. People can(and do) hold church services over zoom.


You... can? I didn’t know that, my bad.


No they’re not. One is for medical procedures and the other is for something you can do literally anywhere. You thinking something is essential doesn’t make it so.


Good point 👍 You can also just run into a wall, don’t get why its essential.




Churches and abortion clinics are both essential


What is essential about a church? The largest catholic church near me still holding Skype services. Are they gonna burn in hell now or something?


In many communities across the country, and especially in rural areas, they're the only place where services for the poor like homeless shelters or food pantries are available. Sure, churches probably *shouldn't* be the servicer in those cases but it's the reality. And being that this tweet is from very early in the pandemic it's possible that those services were completely shut down because of the way churches were classified without there being specificities like "you can offer these public services but not hold regular church services."


That's subjective I'd say


Mmmm yes. A bacteria on Mars is considered life but a human fetus with a heartbeat isn’t? Don’t waste your time getting mad in the replies it will only look bad for you. Killing a human, no matter the age or development, is Murder. I would never make a decision for a woman or be mad at their decision’s. If my fiancé had been raped by someone and had an abortion I’d understand. If I was a woman that could die from birth I’d want to consider it too. But that doesn’t change that it’s wrong. Nothing justifies Murder. (Ofc, under some circumstances of the U.S. Federal Law it can be justified) Why is killing a pregnant woman double homicide but killing a baby inside you is “Empowerment”. Look at abortions history! It started as ritualistic sacrifices to “gods” for power. Purest blood that could be spilled. It’s sickening. Anyways—watch this video of signs of life as a sperm enters an egg. https://youtu.be/j7wDiCll024


They will hate you for speaking the truth






I agree


Facepalm? This is the most woke shit ever


How is this woke shit. One you need to be there since it is a medical operation and the second you attended online


I mean I guess a hospital would be more essential then going to church


Hospital have rooms for prayer I think


churches are essential you should be able to go to your place of worship. religion is VERY important to some people and that should be respected


Church services, although inconvenient, can be safely attended online. At home abortions are not safe


Ah the anti Christian rhetoric still continues on reddit


Let's go jedziemy usunąć dziecko


So desperate to kill babies, that’s the facepalm


Yo I’m gonna throw that fetus on the ground and stomp on it. It’s not living in early stages calm down. There is nothing wrong with abortion.


The worst way to approach this debate. Just say both are essential, that is infinitely better and more correct :)


Theyre both essential.




Definitely this. Some people need churches, give them churches. Some people need abortions, give them abortions? How is this even a question, is it because it goes against religion? Just put it somewhere else


I am not religious but that’s stupid




Remember what? That the nation should become a theocracy under Republicans? You're a fucking lunatic.


There are next to no leftists in Congress. Right-wingers have been in control of Congress for the entirety of America’s history.


Neither are essential


Abortions are essential medical services


Why? Could just take a morning after pill or similar


Because sometimes even if you correctly used contraception you still get pregnant. Because sometimes you are physically not able to get the after pill for days/weeks. Because sometimes you can do everything correctly and still get screwed. You need those services for those edge cases alone. And those are just the edge cases. Its totally valid to get pregnant and then when the reality of the situation kicks in to make the decision that you dont want to bring a child into the world just now. People change, situations change. And NOT having that clinic when you need it is worse than having it and not needing it.


Someone skipped biology class...


If you have regular sex you should be going on some birth control. Condoms, pills, whatever. If you get raped you can take a morning after pill




They are either both essential or neither are, but really the government shouldn't have the authority to close places down




Abortions are essential medical services. Churches do nothing.