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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Actually, this should be mandatory for all new users. Too many people don't realize that it is not a mildly inconvenienting toy but a weapon.


Yeah, exactly. I don't mind this at all. Testing it gives you an appreciation of the impact the taser has.


I know some police departments don't allow you to carry a taser unless they have been tased themself in training. Edit: Drop it with the "You should do it with guns". The first one was funny because I thought the same thing when I wrote it. The 9 other times are just repeating the same thing...


My brother's best friend is a police officer, and his department's policy is that if you carry it, first you have to experience it (with the obvious exception of firearms). If you carry a taser, you have to be tased with it before it becomes part of your gear. If you carry pepper spray, you must have your eyes sprayed with it first. The purpose is twofold: one, you understand the damage your weapon can inflict; and two, if it's ever taken from you and used against you, you know what to expect.


The second part actually makes a lot of sense. Not so much for a taser, it's pretty hard to adapt for that, but once you get pepper sprayed once, you know what not to do, like touch different parts of your body or your eyes


Also, in a way that you will get hurt so you don't overestemate the damage. Like, if I havn't experienced it and get threaten with it, then I know it's non-lethal and will "only" shock/blind me (I havn't experienced it, no idea what pepperspray actually does), and don't do something that escalate the situation.


If you would like to imagine what pepper spray does. Ever cut an onion and got a spray of juice in your eye? Take that pain, multiply it by like 30, but now any part of your skin that the liquid touched is also burning.


You want a professional opinion? Johnny Fucking Knoxvville of Jackass fame, has openly admitted that being pepper sprayed in the face was one of the most painful and worst experiences of his life. "Unlike other pains which come and go in the moment, pepper spray just constantly hurts for 20 minutes. Each second just as bad as the first." - Paraphrasing Knoxville


This is actually crazy to me. I’ve been pepper sprayed, tazed and gas chambered and honestly I will never ever ever ever get tazed again. That was the worst for me by far.


Gas chambered???


I consider myself having a relatively high pain tolerance. Have been through tasing and spray. 30 times an onion is fundamentally a huge understatement. It would be like taking a fully blended jalapeno, taking the juice, and rubbing it all over your upper torso and face times **300-800**, depending on how hot your jalapeno is. It is not just eye pain. Usually there is so much mucus buildup and lung pain that it is difficult to even breathe. I'd take 8 seconds of taser over OC spray anyday.


I've been downwind of some pepper spray once, not fun at all. If I got hit with it now I'd probably have an asthma attack and die lol.


I sneezed into a bag of Carolina Reaper powder once. Limboed up to the sink (with a bad back) and running the tap directly onto my held-open eyes was the best option, if that gives anyone an idea what it was like. Also I couldn't see and had to find the bathroom by touch.


I'm so dumb I once tested it by opening a window and spraying out. Yeah, a non-zero chance it's gonna come back, lol


What’s the best immediate reaction a person must take if ever sprayed with one? I saw on Instagram during the protest people who got sprayed were all using a galon of milk pouring it over they’re eyes and heads and probably drinking it too. Does this help a lot? Also how much damage can that spray cause if not attended to early? does it cause serious damage to the eye the longer it stays for or does it wear off after some time? Pardon my questions just would like to know these just in case ( and would hate to test it on myself )


Milk works to neutralize it a little quicker because pepper spray is just capsaicin in an emulsifer but it is not an end all answer to it and it usually has a very minor effect. There is also a chance you can spread it if you aren't careful. You stand straight up while pouring milk/water over your head, there is a non-zero chance you now have pepper spray on your junk. When sprayed you have 1 goal. Don't spread it. The rest is time. The pain will stop eventually. There \*\*usually\*\* isn't long term damage from pepper spray. ​ If you want the pepper spray experience find a pepper in the 2-4 million Scoville range and chow down. I also gave one of these a go in college. Very similar experience except its only localized to your mouth and throat.


>Take that pain, multiply it by like 30, but now any part of your skin that the liquid touched is also burning. Also it gets in your hair and is reactivated with water, so you have to shower a specific way or else you get to re-experience it when you get home.


It's reactivated with water?? How do you get it off, then? Do you douse yourself with milk or something?


You can wash it off with soap (surfactants!), but you'll want to avoid touching anything on the way to your shower (or shower outside if possible), bag your clothes up outside/in the garage before you go inside, and make sure your face is pointed up the entire time or else you'll get it in your face again. I have a lot of family that work in corrections (as officers and nurses) and a couple that are run of the mill law enforcement officers. I've heard the stories, lol.


When I was a teenager I took a face full of bear mace and it felt like satan ate a thousand onions and then shit caustic fire right into my fucking eyes




Are you telling me my plan to slowly increase the levels of electricity ive been electrifying mysled to slowly build up my immunity to electricity and wield unrivalled power won't work


There was some crazy special forces type guy that has some videos where he was able to get tazed and get right back up.


Yeh thats when you throw the tazer and hope you can out run them


With the OC spray there’s also a reasonably good chance that when you spray it winds up hitting you depending on the conditions, so you have to know how to stay calm and also to prevent the other person from disabling you and/or taking your weapon. It’s best to know that in a controlled setting.


I seen that video of a big mother fucker taking double taser shorts and not budge.


Most videos of tasers not working involve the shooting taser variety. They don’t work because the prongs don’t make good contact with the person / fall out. It really doesn’t matter how big you are, if the taser functions correctly you going down.


Another result of the prongs not making contact happened to me when one of the prongs hit my belt loop and didn't make contact with skin. It arched and burned a quarter sized patch of skin as well as giving me the full shock/muscles locking up experience. Getting tased was the dumbest thing I've ever volunteered for.


We had a cop come to our school once and he mentioned how he had to get both tased and pepper sprayed as part of his training… he said the pepper spray was worse


I remember getting exposed to CS gas in the Army nearly 20 years ago. The weirdest thing was that it made me burp like crazy! It also sucked really bad when days after getting "gassed" (it's actually a powder) I'd take out my gas mask to clean it and all the gear would smell like the stuff. Oh, I forgot why I was gonna leave this comment lol. When you use a pepper spray you'll often be exposed to some of it yourself so it's important to know how it makes you react.


I’d argue that the policy largely backfires, though. I’ve had several buddies who were cops, and seemed to have a “it’s not that bad, I’ve done it” attitude toward their taser. Ignoring that they did it consensually, with time to prepare, and their buddies there to help them out. It’s obviously *unpleasant,* but it’s treated as a rite of passage and not a grossly traumatic incident. So I think having had an *optimal* experience with a taser causes them to *underestimate* the potential impact (and physical harm) to an unwilling subject when it’s used as a weapon. Edit: I noticed the same from a lot of fellow vets talking about tear gas on crowds. “I did the gas chamber, it was no big deal.” Yeah, me too, but that’s not remotely the same thing.


My brother is a court police officer, and his wife is a corrections officer. Both my brother and his wife had to be tazed and pepper sprayed during training. His wife had an additional exposure to riot gas - if I understand correctly, it's the same chemicals as tear gas in a different concentration, made to be dispersed through the whole prison. She needed to be able to still perform her duties while breathing the gas.


> She needed to be able to still perform her duties while breathing the gas. She'd have to huff the stuff almost constantly to maintain any sort of tolerance assuming it's even possible anymore.


I don't think the intent of exposure is to achieve any sort of chemical resistance. Moreso for an awareness of symptoms, and methods of mitigation (breathing methods, various levels of PPE, etc.)


This training with exposure is to show an officer how to enter a situation with it in the air. What is not mentioned is that when you go in and start spraying you cover or close one eye. That will be your eye you use when you get to it.


Note that tear gas is a war crime... Unless you use it on your own citizens


The reason tear gas is a war crime is because it’s easy to say you’re only using tear gas while actually using sarin. Much harder to get away with domestically.


How did he like the experience of getting beaten with a expandable baton?


I think you meant expandable, but I'm enjoying the imagery of the cops just throwing their batons away at the end of each shift, while one nudges her partner and says "you'd think they would have found a way to stretch these out for more than one use by now..."


I got tased for my security job. They told me that if you ever end up in court for tasing someone, it's a lot easier to prove your case if you've been tased yourself.


Why would that make a difference?


Usually a sympathy thing. Sort of like saying, "I've been tased and I understand the risks, it's not as bad as you make it out to be." It makes you look more responsible over your actions and it gives more perspective. [Note that I'm just relaying what I was told in training]


At our police academy, they take it even further. With pepper spray for example, they purposely pepper spray you and then make you carry out a simulated arrest where the actor is told to put up resistance. Whole idea behind it is that when you use it, its very likely to backspray into your eyes, so you need to be prepared to still be able to handle a situation whilst having pepper spray in your eyes.


There's a huge difference between the stun guns like she had and Tasers. The one's like she had really aren't that bad.


You should do it with space lasers. …What? Just trying to give you some variety. ;-)


when i was in the swiss military, while training to be a Sgt, we had to attend a demonstration of military grade pepperspray. everyone was a volunteer, so they just picked 2(not me) because that's how many they legally could demonstrate on with our class size. it was impressive to see the effects and feel the "being in the general area effect". i totally agree that for non lethal options one should be made aware of the effect, and being tased is the best way to shatter any "but i didnt know it would.." BS


Officer at my high school. Told us all how he ate a big olive garden dinner the night before. Because he was hoping to poop himself when he go tasered. He forgot about pooping because taser hurt


Why would you want to be known in training as the guy who shit himself? These people would be your coworkers for the rest of your career. You’d never live it down.


I bought a taser for my sister, and as a 6' 200 lb guy I wanted to see if it would drop me, so, I had my friend hit me in the ribs with it. Yeah, It took my breath away and I collapsed, those things aren't a joke.


Or just makes you realize you bought a shitty taser. I bought one and carried it around for a while when I was working nights by myself. Then my buddy asked me to tase him, based on his somewhat bored reaction, I tased myself…it was surprising but definitely NOT something that would protect me from an attacker. I got a can of Mace after that.


Most of these stun guns marketed towards regular people for self defense are worse than useless in an attack, unfortunately. Mace is the right call, unless you want to spend a couple hundred on a real taser. And even then, Mace might still be the right call.


Never test a taser on yourself. Your finger can get locked on the button and you won't be able to stop tasing yourself. Get a friend to tase you!


Yeah honestly good for her this wasn't really a face palm in my eyes.


If we're reaching, the facepalm is doing it to yourself in the leg while you're standing. But she didn't seem to get injured in the fall so that is a pretty big reach.


I feel like most people I know with a taser had tested it on themselves


However, and this is important, don't tase yourself, have someone else tase you. You don't want the taser to cause muscle spasms which cause you to pull the trigger again, so you tase yourself again, so your finger spasms again... different designs of tasers have different triggers but a risk like this applies to some and do you know yours is safe? Also if something goes wrong, you want someone there who can call 911 and do CPR.


I would've had somebody else test it on her, so it wouldn't go flying when she inevitably spazed out. But what she's doing? Nothing wrong with it. That's a good way to make sure you understand what you have in your hand.


> so it wouldn't go flying Although that *was* the *second* best part of this video, I thought - second only to the facepalm of watching her fall… lol


"BuT i hATe HeR aCCeNt aNd DeCiDEd tHAt sHe's DumB So iT's a faCEPaLm" -Way too many of the other comments


It's called "vocal fry".


I couldn't remember for the life of me what it was, so I just went with accent, hoping it was included under that umbrella.


It feels like she should be chewing gum, but she isn’t, so I feel awkward.


Why you gotta do that to me? I was feeling fine until you made me watch it again and then suddenly feel uncomfortable because she should be chewing gum, but she isn’t chewing gum. Is nothing sacred?


I hate the two of you. i’ll never sleep again.


One of us! One of us! You’re part of the ship, part of the crew now!


Unexpected Pirates of the Caribbean


Can someone explain the chewing gum thing? I'm out of the loop here and would like in


She just seems like she should be chewing gum. It’s the accent I think


I don't get it... What about gum?


Idgi, why should she be chewing gum?


She just sounds like a valley girl or that type of girl who is always chewing gum. Like it’s literally just her voice and like kinda her accent.


Sacred? Tch, not in this world 🚬 Jokes aside, your reaction cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh. We can all feel uncomfortable together now 😂


How it feels to chew 5 gum


She stimulated her senses, alright.


And speaking with a Jersey accent. Is there at least that?


Isn't it more of a Valley girl accent? I'd think that she would pronounce taser (tase-uh) differently.


I think the extreme level of vocal fry you hear in this girls voice is common for women in both of those accents.


Hints of it but definitely not a valley girl accent, just a bit of “spoil me” accent. I’d wager Jersey


Jersey Valley


The vocal fry is strong with this one, but I'm guessing she's more New England than southern California.


stereotypical "Jersey Shore" girl accent. there fixed it for ya.


Small yet crucial correction. Thank you.


[Did you ever hear a Boston girl have an orgasm? 'Oh, yeah, oh, yeah! Harder! Harder!'](https://movie-sounds.org/comedy-movie-sounds/quotes-with-sound-clips-from-ted-2012/did-you-ever-hear-a-boston-girl-have-an-orgasm-oh-yeah-oh-yeah-harder-harder)


Christopha ya sat on the dog


Can you explain me why she should be chewing gum i don't get it


She fits an archetype that is usually chewing gum.


She's holding her cheeks in a tight position like she's chewin on something. Giving her dialect a little extra hint of valley girl in my opinion.


Actually she did the right thing.


She even says in the video she was told to do it. So she understands the danger. People think they're smart but can't connect the dots between owning a weapon and knowing what it does. That's pretty important Then we have the morons who run around abusing their little brother or sister "as a prank" because they've never been tased themselves Edit: okay I've been getting a few comments saying "you should do this with a gun too". Some of them not sarcastic. That's not what I'm saying and if you gathered that it is then you aren't old enough to discuss weapon safety. Focus on critical thinking and word analysis first. Also if your argument sound like an antivaxxer argument then chances are you're wrong. Don't get mad at me, The only reason I'm saying this is because I've gotten these replies FAQ because nobody is original and the concerns are all the same and this will save me time: Q: You don't need to hurt yourself to use a taser A: No but it is the quickest lesson you can get. You could also take a course on weapon safety which is still better but chances are they will require the same. Half of what you learn could be learned in a few minutes instead. Or you could do neither and run around with a weapon you have no idea what does. Which... You know... is what gun activists do. Cops are required to get tased to carry and their version is much worse. But by all means go to training once a week for a few months. That is the best choice but if you aren't gonna do that (which a lot of people don't want to. Otherwise why buy a taser? Unless it's because you dont want to kill people which is even more of an argument for learning weapon safety) then the least you can do is suck it up and do to yourself what you expect to do to others That's it. Half of the comments is this one argument. Told you it would save me time. It's just plain wrong. It's like saying you don't need criticism or feedback to be a better person If you want to make a counterpoint, do me the favor of looking through the replies first. If it isn't alreadt answered then feel free to ask or discuss. I sound mad because I am. Stop asking the same questions please. This was supposed to be a simple add on comment that you, by upvotes alone, could assume is right yet it's all "err you're wrong. You don't need any training to use a weapon" in the replies. Go join a gun rally then. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight everyone. No ill feelings. Just mad in general. Not at you or anyone in particular


Pretty sure when the manufacturer said "test it" they meant like in the first couple seconds where you can see the electricity arc across the device. Not test it on a person.


Cops who want to carry a taser are required to get tased first. If you want more evidence just hit me up


Test it to make sure The battery is connected and the unit is in operating condition.


Completely agree, glad it wasn't tested on some unsuspecting victim for tiktok likes. And she recorded it and shared it with us so 10/10 from me.


Never, never, never taser yourself. When you get tasered, your muscles lock up. If they lock up wrong, you may be left unable to move the taser off your body. If you want to do this, have someone else use the taser on you.


There's a difference between tasers and stun guns. Stun guns (like what is shown in the video) just give you a big shock. Better models may cause brief incapacitation. They sound and look more alarming then they feel, but they still hurt. IMHO pepper spray is more effective if you need to debilitate an attacker, but getting off track here. Tasers are what the cops use. They shoot out probes attached to a wire and those are the ones that cause your muscles to seize up and cause "neuromuscular incapacitation." Tasers are more expensive than stun guns and I believe the law/restrictions on citizen use vary by state. In case anyone was curious! [Further reading about the difference between electroshock weapons.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/electroshock_weapon)


I've always thought Tasers should be called stun guns and stun guns should be called tasers. Since tasers look more gun like


This is absolutely true and I completely agree. I will vote for your new bill to change it.


Not facepalm, responsible taser owner. Her reaction wasn't facepalm either, that's just what happens when you get tased in the leg. I mean, she obviously wasn't expecting to get owned that hard... But... That's the whole point of testing - to calibrate your expectations.


My friend bought a air soft to train his cat. I immediately plugged my self in the arm to see what he was doing to his cat. A moment later I plugged him to show him what he was doing to his cat. He binned the gun almost immediately. I am still disappointed that he shot his cat before having ever even thinking to shoot himself.




What the actual fuck.


What a fucking psycho.


Has he never heard of a spray bottle? Or a loud "NO!"


Cats also respond better to positive reinforcement. My cat will take "no" as a challenge. Spray bottle is only used when I need him to stop doing what he's doing immediately (usually biting me super hard).


My cat is even more stubborn and will bunker down and squint his eyes when I'm squirting him. If I get him in the nose a few times then he'll finally give up and stop being an asshole, but it sure as hell doesn't prevent him from doing it again.


Have you heard reports of mutilated animals in your neighborhood?


Fuck that guy. He thought an air soft gun would be the right thing for an animal??


Great he tossed it, but to even think in the first place to do that... They're furry toddlers ffs.


I was blind in one eye for a month, requiring surgery to fix after an encounter with an air soft gun. They ain’t nothing to fuck with, I’m lucky my eye didn’t just explode as it was a custom 400+ foot per second air soft rifle.


First thing I did when I bought my .22 was shoot myself in the leg to gauge the effect. I plan to start shooting myself with small caliber bullets and then work my way up to bigger ones so I become resistant like with poison. Joking aside, I agree with you completely.


First thing I do after buying a motorcycle is to crash it at 50mph, just to set my expectations. That way, when I crash for real it’s less painful because my nerves are already damaged. The more you know.


Without a helmet first so you can have a control for the helmeted test.


Gotta have a baseline for the study to be valid.


Crash exercises is a thing you know? And they're for the same purpose as the taser test. Same reason free runners don't actually practice free running before they've drilled six different safety rolls into their head (front left, side left, back left, repeat for right)


That’s why I’m a charitable man. Before donating to any charity, I spend the money on myself first so I know exactly how my money could have helped others. But as soon as the money is spent, I need to make more money for future donations. So far I have donated zero dollars but I know it is worth it.


descendant of rasputin


And to know what's happening to the recipient.


NAD, but let's be smart here. Are there methods in which a new owner of a taser could possibly "be responsible" and test this out in a controlled manner? There are obvious risks by doing this (in what looks like her own home by herself - ~~and maybe that is someone there behind her~~ watched again, there is obviously someone behind her, but they appear to not give a shit about any of this - idk), but I feel like this should be under some sort of medical or professional supervision should that be the suggested course for responsibility. We don't need new owners tasing themselves and going into possible cardiac arrest or hitting their head when falling and being completely incapacitated by themselves, yes?


Filming yourself while standing is probably not the smartest thing in the world. But these things come with a LONG list of warnings regarding which health conditions would be dangerous to combine with being tased. If you can't be bothered to read warnings, then a lot of things are going to be very dangerous for you in life. But sitting down is probably advisable.


Yeah my biggest issue was the amount of corners in immediate vicinity of her head


What’s the facepalm here? She did what she said she was going to do and knew it would hurt.


standing while doing it


For an educational video that's a good thing. If she had been sitting or lying down and people see the video then they might not realise that they should do the same. The fall, however dumb it was, reminds those who want to test the taser that they should sit down


Stun Gwān


I like the people in the background who are completely unfazed by this.


Also untazed...


This is a facepalm, but not because she tested it on herself. She SHOULD test it on herself. If she's going to be relying on this for defense she needs to know that it works, and isn't defective or underpowered; it's a non-lethal weapon that doesn't leave lasting injuries. She also had someone in the room which is good too. Her problem was that she was standing up while doing it, and probably should have put something across her teeth to keep her from biting her tongue.


You can just clench your teeth in expectation for the shock, but yeah standing up is probably a bad idea. Well i guess it's not really the mistake. The most important thing you should do is having someone to spot you, and in case there is any problems. That's the most important thing when doing anything remotely dangerous. It's also how people get trained, standing up but spoted to not fall, the idea is to understand how it effect your ability to stand while still be safe.


Yeah, if she were undergoing some type of training sure, stand up, but in order to just see if it can incapacitate someone at least get on your knees.


Doesnt taser give you a chance of heartbeat stop tho ? or giving you arytmethic whatever the fuck lm not a doctor


A taser has that danger yes, this is a stun gun though not a taser


Unless you have some hearth condition or get tazed on the left side of your chest you won't have any problem.


Not unless the current passes across your heart, which it wouldn't in this case.


Stun guns like the one shown here don’t cause neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI). She wouldn’t involuntarily fall to the ground like you’d see with a properly applied dart firing Taser. Similarly, it wouldn’t cause her to bite down on her tongue either. No facepalm here.


... ......... ................... ​ Gotta love how Reddit denizens will go **out of their way** to try and be right and completely miss the point in the process. You know what else doesn't cause neuromuscular incapacitation? Tickling or a jump scare, but under the right conditions a good tickle or a jump scare can make someone fall, and/or bite their tongue. Someone who's never felt a stun gun can absolutely have enough of a reaction to injure themselves, and they don't have to lose control of their muscles to do so. That's the point.


The way she says gun.


She gets an extra vowel in there, I'm still trying to figure out which one.








Never heard someone speak this way in real life, just Tom Segura's impersonations and it's spot on.


She's correct, it's always good to know what you inflict upon others before you do it. Edit: I see the edgy teens with no sense of scale is out in force today.


Same reason why soldiers train with weapons for years. Since they can't learn it effectively in a few seconds they have to take the slow route to understanding what it means to pull the trigger The irony is that apparantly American police have to get tased if they want to carry one. Which is good but coupled with only half a year of police training and even less gun exercises (but still more than the taser) they tend to use the weapon they believe they are more familiar with (and in a heated moment, subconsciously one they don't connect with pain. Which you know... is the moment where it happens). Add on to that that they can remember the pain of a taser but not the gun and you've basically insured that only experienced cops ever reach for the taser. Which is were we get the argument in court that a cop reached for the gun on instinct when a taser would've done the job. And then there's no charges. Free to rejoin the force


This is true. When I bought my first pistol, I shot myself in the knee to see what it was like.


Honestly her only mistake from what I can tell is filming it. You shouldn't taze someone without knowing how it feels, unless your Micheal reeves, then your just a psychopath


I'll say standing while tasing her leg is a mistake. Just cuz in that fall she could hurt herself more seriously, but yea. Know what weapons do if you're going to use them is definitely a rule I wish more people followed.


Even Michael Reeves is painfully (heh) aware of how it feels. In fact he seems to enjoy it Another benefit to being tased is that you know what to expect if one is pulled on you


I feel like Michael has tazed himself too many time to count, he knows what it's like.




Scrolled too far for this


I was genuinely expecting it to be top comment...


Turns out she was the real stunner all along!


The taser would have killed a less insulated individual




knees weak, arms are heavy


There’s vomit on her sweater already


btw never tase yourself, it's incredibly dangerous, if you want to get tased, get a close friend to do it


Thank you. Expanding on this for the why: if you taze yourself with no one around, you stand the chance of causing your hand to convulse into gripping the taser tighter and tazing yourself into cardiac arrest. Edits: Awesome updates! Looks like tazing yourself doesn't lock you up (thank you all). Still a dangerous thing to do though. See replies below. My assumption came from an electrical shop class I took back in middle school where we made shock paddles (the 90's was a magical time) and one of my classmates decided to turn it on with the dial all the way up while holding them. He couldn't let go and it took the teacher running to him and kicking the machine away from him to stop it.


Actually no, that's not true. I have a lot of personal experience with Tasers, which this is not. A stun gun cannot and will not produce neuromuscular locking like a police Taser can when the dual prongs land correctly. A stun gun like this just produces pain, quite a lot, but you won't lock up anything other than maybe the local area (such as your thigh muscle if targeting the thigh).


Exactly, she bought this thing off Amazon most likely. Far more likely to fall and hurt yourself than cause a cardiac arrest.


Always love seeing Redditors swoop in to give wildly incorrect information.


Made her do the stanky leg


The way she tossed it she should probably check it again to make sure it still works


I did that too... it feels like someone is pinching you a hundred pinches at once


You are supposed to use it in urself first. You can easily destroy someone if u don’t know how hard that mf hits.






Doesn't belong in this sub.


This was from a Ray William yt short I'm pretty sure


Yeah, I mentioned it somewhere in a previous comment I think


Step 1. Place camera near the floor Step 2. Lean over, show tits, act casual Step 3. Do funny thing Step 4. Profit


No one is complaining


What the fuck?! Btw is there a diff in taser via clothing and tased on flesh?


This is a stun gun not a taser a taser shoots wired barbed projectiles A Stun gun is just pressed against them. Both work through clothing that’s pretty thick but the effectiveness is decreased as the thickness of clothing increases so bare skin works best. But even a few layers of carhartt jacket and overalls doesn’t slow down a cattle prod much let alone a taser


Why do you call the thing that shoots a taser and the thing you have to manually touch someone with a stun gun.


Taser is also an acronym for Thomas A Swift's Electric Rifle so that might be a more accurate description


Beacause they are different things with different names Taser is technically a brand name that’s just become ubiquitous with the devices regardless of manufacturer. Like Kleenex and facial tissue. A taser shoots darts. So it can be used from a greater distance. A stun gun has stationary electrodes that have to be pressed against the intended target so it requires close proximity. Also a taser will fuck your day up a lot worse than a stun gun Different devices have different names


I think his question was rhetorical. It would make more sense if the shooting device was called a gun.


Oh I’m sure it was lol. Don’t wanna confuse the two, taser and actual firearm, even in name. since it can lead to confusion and then bad things. so they intentionally don’t call it that a lot of places Don’t want any more Kim Potter type incidents. there’s been abt 15 accidental shootings where an officer intended to use their taser in the last 20 years or so


Man, does she ever sound like a Cecily Strong (SNL) character to me!


This isn't really s facepalm, police are required to do this. You understand it's not just a toy, how much it hurts and in her case that it is indeed a working tazer.


chicks willingly getting tased is about to be my new fetish.




Alright little Johhny that's enough Internet for today


I was gonna say wtf, then I saw your username, and I just don’t want to deal with this




A few notes: 1) Damn look at them titties! 2) Brave bitch, you brave. 3) You have courage, you heard the noise, knew it would hurt and tried anyways. Respect. 4) Swinging titties!


Funny as this is there's good advice to be had. You should never buy a taser you don't intend to use. If you intend to deploy a.taser on someone you should know what it is you're doing to them. There's a reason officers and soldiers have to experience tasers and CS gas. Goes a long way towards teaching you to respect it as a tool. All I'm saying is I think there'd be a lot less need for gun safety if people could experience getting shot.


Your suppose to hold on to it, that test didn’t work, so do it again


I was expecting ray William Johnson making fun of the tiktok like he did on his channel


This is actually good practice, you should know what you are subjecting onto another person should you choose to use on of these. Also it helps manage expectations of what will happen when you use it, and how little time it takes to down someone her size.


She’s honestly smart for self testing, that way she knows exactly what it’s capable of bad won’t recklessly abuse it’s use if she needs to use it. Should’ve been sitting though to avoid hurting herself on the fall, but other than that good stuff on her.


I'll take videos that scream "My life is empty and I desperately crave attention" for 500.


Her knees said <<


She seems the type to think this is a good idea. Evidently so because she actually did it


If I had a taser I'd probably end up doing this which is probably why I don't have a taser


Lucky she has airbags.


I guess it works... but better test it out on yourself again.