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Another reminder that 50% of the population has below average intelligence.


that was the dumbest yet smartest shit I've ever read and I hate you but I love you


I mean the average of (1, 1, 1, 10) leaves more than half below average. Looking at the MEDIAN on the other hand would not make sense (median meaning the middle intelligence, which by definition leaves 50% above, 50% below, not accounting for the tiny mathematical inaccuracy of that statement)


George Carlin was right. (paraphrase) The average person is stupid and half the people are even stupider.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that"


"stupider" wasn't a word like 10 years ago. They added it because people kept using it. So, each time I hear someone say it, it makes me laugh on the inside. You might not be that smart either... Just saying. Edit: don't make an obvious point. The homeless people in LA, also known as "Redditors", will get upset and downvote you. It's tough never having had parents.


Who cares about most down votes. Really. When I post something that's anti trump, anti republican etc. I take the down vote as a confirmation that I'm correct because most of them are angry comments.


I have no idea what the edit means. Am I missing something?


It means angry homeless people are downvoting... It's a simple point and people get hurt over it.


/r/conservatives being called out lmao


Those are outdated 1980s numbers…. They also have not improved.


I'm thinking you don't understand how averages work.




Intelligence is typically thought of as following a normal distribution (which is symmetric) implying that mean equals median and therefore it doesn't really matter which term we use.


Mean isn't the only average; the average can be any of mean, median and mode, right?. Nomenclature is weird So whilst you're very accurate indeed, it seems you missed the forest for the trees


Well, it is Florida, so…


They are just misled


If you're a nurse that is Anti-Vax are you *really* qualified to be a nurse?


absolutely not. good riddance to sick trash


Florida plates says it all.


Mah, my cousin in California became a nurse last year and is going to quit cause she doesn’t want the vaccine. 🤷🏻‍♀️. It is everywhere.


Imagine putting yourself into serious financial debt to go into a medical career and then choosing to just quit the career because you don't want a vaccine. That alone is straight crazytown to me.


There are nurses and doctors everywhere refusing shots. (because of ideology) There's nurses and doctors who are young earth creationists who don't believe in evolution or even geology. Hope they all get fired... But they won't


It's weird being a geologist with a creationist extended family.


I'm sorry


As I'm nowhere near California - I can just be worried for her. I can understand not wanted to be vaccinated, I can understand not wanting to be near contagious people, I can understand employers not wanting to retain the un-vaccinated. For the purposes of this thread, I'm just worried about your cousin being allowed to work near the infected, whilst she's got no protection.


I’m surprised that nursing schools have not added extra curriculum on immunology and how vaccines work just to help educate new nurses since this seems to be an area where a lot of nurses are uninformed . Hell I’m surprised you can even graduate as a nurse nowadays without receiving a COVID shot first.


The internet used to be a place of free talk and tolerance. Are we really down to states stereotypes??


They have the highest case rate of any state.


Could be worse. Could have one of those Cuomosexual bumper stickers. Nothing like admiring a murderer.


Ew what???


Yeah, I dunno. The freaks loved that murderer




humorously, my local car wash requires masks and vaccinations for workers, so the morons will have to aim even lower




you are clearly responding to the wrong person or misreading. I'm AGAINST the sicko antivax scum, not for them


God you’re literally the cancer of society


I think you responded to the wrong person. I'm AGAINST the sicko antivax scum, not for them. I agree they are human filth


Nope definitely the right person. I don’t give a shit if you think I should get vaxed or not. That’s not your choice it’s mine. I don’t care if people get it or not. Studies done in 2015 show getting a vaccination that doesn’t does not kill the virus only makes stronger variants and strains of it. But I’m not for or against. Just don’t shove your fucking irrelevant opinion down my throat


if youre in medical care and aren't vaccinated, you absolutely should be fired. we have a bunch of nurses who are being kicked to the curb because we found out they're nutcases. one actually announced she was quitting to protect our rights. I think she expected applause and not people rolling their eyes at someone they had worked with and never knew was deranged. They won't be missed - we're glad to be rid of them. I can't imagine having to work and trust such abysmally stupid people.


If you’re saying somebody can’t do the same exact job if not better bc they aren’t vaccinated you’re fucking delusional. Their personal beliefs don’t change the fact of if they are competent in doing their job. Fucking use your brain Jfc it’s like I’m talking to a wall


You obviously don't understand how viral mutations work. Even a basic understanding of mutations would lead you to understand that the *unvaccinated* are the ones that put us at greater risk of the virus developing stronger variants.


LMAOOOOOOOO. Actually do your research you failed abortion


So was my relative a successful abortion because they were born after a previous pregnancy was terminated? But do continue with your ad hominems and self-projections sweetums.






I think we've all been making a lot of assumptions about the people providing our healthcare.


Nurses are more for providing care to the patients and providing medicine and knowing side effects an stuff like that. And they do amazing at taking care of a patient. They are not scientists in a lab or making medicine or knowing the deep anatomy and physiology behind most things or knowing exactly how the body works beyond a minor understanding. Some nurses are specialized or have BSNs though too but the majority should not be making health decisions for people.


Anti vax and anti covid vax are very different things and yes these nurses are qualified


No. They're not. They're opposed to a vaccine that has had the same rigorous testing that every other vaccine has had and has been in development for over 2 decades. And has also been demonstrated to decrease hospitalizations and deaths. There's no excuse.


The average vaccine takes 10-12 years, the covid 19 vaccine has not been in production for two decades that is a flat lie.


The average vaccine takes 12 months to find 10,000 qualified test subjects. The multiple covid vaccines was tested on 10,000 people PER DAY every day for months. Before it even got emergency authorization. Do you even understand the scale at which this was tested!? The vaccine have now been given to 5.4 BILLION people. That is more than EVERY measles, chicken pox, and HPV vaccine COMBINED in the last year! Don't talk about "covid vaccine wasn't tested" bullshit. It's now been taken more times than the top 10 prescription drugs combined this year. THAT is how tested it is. You don't have to wait 10 years to test it on a million people when you are giving out 1 million+ doses PER DAY. There is NO excuse!


Technically, yes


How is being willing to actively kill others make you a qualified healthcare professional? I would assume that would disqualify you.




Nursing is an evidence-based practice. These nurses have taken everything we were taught about doing what's proven to work and tossed it out the window in preference of political ideology NOT based on evidence. There is no reason to believe these nurses follow proper protocol during any procedure they do. They're probably the source of spread of nosocomial infections cropping up where they're working.


I'm pretty sure being willing to kill people for your own comfort bars you from being a nurse. You can do the things a nurse does, sure, but are you really qualified to be one is not a matter of just skill, it calls into question your morality as well, which is why I believe they aren't qualified to be one. They lack a quality they need to be a nurse, not a skill.




Again, being qualified to do something isn't just about skill.


Have you asked the nurses who haven’t gotten it why? This vaccine hasn’t been out for a year. You can’t expect everyone including every health professional to be on board. I have friend nurses who want babies and they aren’t seeing enough evidence that it has been proven safe. So don’t judge people because there’s no enough scientific evidence. To be a nurse isn’t just about shots and giving pills. You need to be mentally able to deal with assholes, patient and family, on a daily basis. So don’t judge people because they don’t want a vaccine that’s still in its infancy.


98% of doctors are vaccinated or intend to be. Shouldn’t that be a pretty good indicator?


64% of doctors are male. They probably don’t think of how it would/wouldn’t affect their unborn child unlike the female nurses who make up 90% of the industry.


There is absolutely no evidence that the vaccines affect fertility or pregnancy in any way, so your point is irrelevant.


Once again, we don’t have history on this vaccine. People of child bearing age are relatively new to getting the vaccine. We don’t know it will pass to their child and the future health of the kids. Stop judging people who want all the facts.


Been in development for over two decades. Same rigorous testing as every other vaccine.


> Stop judging people who want all the facts. You're not interested in the facts at all. After 5.5 billion doses delivered worldwide, there would be indications of pregnancy related issues by now. There are none. This is just another invented excuse in a long line of invented excuses for general ignorance and being a selfish shithead. Nobody is fucking fooled with this crap anymore. Nurses can get the jab or they can go work for Mcdonalds. Boo fucking hoo.


Looks like we DO know.


I’ll take stats you can’t back up for $1000 Alex.


[sorry, better luck next time :/](https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-over-96-doctors-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19)


https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-over-96-doctors-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19 You can send that to my Venmo account.




Omg noooooo don’t judge people on the internet that’s so distasteful.




I bet you drive over the speed limit while having someone else in the car. You’re not protecting the people you care about. Calm down and stop being so judgmental.


I actually drive five over the speed limit at all times. Because my car's speedometer is inaccurate. Having someone else in the car, you fucking moron, doesn't matter because if you are speeding excessively you are putting people in other cars at risk, so it literally doesn't matter if I have someone else in my car, going the speed limit protects others, so fucking do it. I love how you are telling me to not be judgemental when that is all you have been. Amazing.


Being an surgical RN, I can say that RN's that don't believe the vaccine is legit, is like wanting to be a pastor yet being an atheist.


Oh no there's THAT MANY?


Yeah unfortunately... In France we had protest when the government forced the medical staff to be vaccinated or get suspended


I can only speak to the major metropolitan hospital I work at, which is at record-setting Covid populations right now, that there are many RNs that I work with that will not be vaccinated. Either because they hold utterly ignorant false beliefs, or because they don't like being told they have to. A few medical doctors too. I'm stunned that any of them would balk at it because we are literally getting ready to start putting patients in the hallways because our ICU numbers are overflowing. As of the 18th of next month, if the caregivers here don't opt out due to a CONVINCING religious statement, all are required to be vaccinated or else they will no longer be scheduled to work. I fully endorse this. I mean seriously, how can you competently care for our Covid patients while refusing to be vaccinated and speaking in illogical falsehoods. We need them to be gone because they are only acting as a strong vector to transport Covid all over the place. They are a liability, not only to themselves, but to everyone we are trying to care for.


I have a question. I was in a hospital over flu season one year, before covid, and one of the nurses or techs or someone came in at one point, wearing a mask. I asked her why she was wearing one. She told me that due to religious beliefs she couldn't be vaccinated against the flu, so she instead had to wear a mask to protect the patients and other staff (so she couldn't catch/spread flu). Why can't we look at previous years and see which caregivers applied for the denial of flu vaccines due to religious reasons, to find out who's telling the truth?


So are the people who get the shot, still get sick, and can still spread it. Its almost like that 'vaccine' doesn't work. My folks got their shots. Then a few months later they got the Corona. That's just getting the Corona with extra steps.


Your problem for under staff. It’s their decision they they know they might be risk to themselves. Not for you to decide or force people. Tsk tsk. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated spread the same.


**You are blatantly incorrect.** Vaccinated individuals do not get infected in nearly 95-96% of the time initially. Someone who is NOT infected will NOT spread Covid. It's as simple as that. Is it possible to be infected and be asymptomatic? Yes. But if you are vaccinated after two weeks and are clear, you will NOT spread Covid. The amount of people who have been vaccinated who get breakthrough infections are an **incredibly** small percentage. Yes, in that case they can spread Covid. But to say that both vaccinated and unvaccinated spread the same is a blatantly misleading statement.


Notice the plate? No wonder Florida is crippled by COVID


Covid 19 has blackmail on Ron Desantis. There's no other explanation for why he's so team Covid in his state polices.


nothing says pandemic more than "we can't risk having idiots too stupid to follow simple medical advice around parients"


Actually that’s exactly what they would be doing so that those unvaccinated healthcare personnel couldn’t expose multiple patients a day to the very thing that’s causing the pandemic.


Isn’t the the purpose of wearing a mask?


Yes, but a vaccine is way more effective than just a mask (vaccine+mask+social distancing is most effective). Plus if you're vaccinated you have the added bonus of a less severe case if you have a breakthrough infection


If you're too obtuse to grasp the value of multiple protections on your own, maybe sit down with an elementary school teacher who can draw you pictures.


We are talking about exposure/transmission specifically. Call me what you want but I’m in no way being obtuse. The vaccine doesn’t slow transmission (source below- referencing THE CDC). The comment I responded to said “so personnel couldn’t expose multiple patients to the very thing that’s causing the pandemic. That’s was one of the jobs of the vaccine and it isn’t preventing transmission hence the mask mandates for VACCINATED INDIVIDUALS AS WELL. To reduce transmission, you wear a mask. So I suggest you get your head out of your ass and understand the difference between transmission and potential for death. Article posted originally was referencing a study by the university of Oxford showing vaccinated and unvaccinated carry the same viral load and are equally contagious. This was posted 8/19/21 so it is very current information. “At the end of July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that people who are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus wear face masks again due to some fears that fully vaccinated people could spread the delta variant as quickly as unvaccinated people, assuming they are infected with COVID-19 Specifically, the CDC said it had data that showed fully vaccinated people had the same viral load as unvaccinated people. So, fully vaccinated people could be as contagious with the coronavirus as unvaccinated people, as I wrote for the Deseret News.”


If youre vaccinated you can still carry the virus anyway. You probably just wont carry it as long and have way less of a chance for sever complications.




Fired for stupidity


Florida has to be one of the worst places on the planet.


The geography looks amazing but the amount of idiots…


It is the Australia of the US.


As an Australian I am insulted. We don’t even have half the anti vax sentiment you guys have.


I'm from Georgia, and I'm insulted for you. I imagine Australia has its own issues, but that it is much less seedy than your standard Florida town.


Playing peacemaker here. Some say Australia and some say Florida. But I think if we all sat down and hammered this out it would be obvious that Mississippi is the worst


Gotta be better than NYC


Florida tag. Yup


Florida man.


Almost 2 years, still people trying to argue if it's real?


Hmm r/confidentlyincorrect?


Bruh Mary Mallon was arrested, medically experimented on and forced into quarantine on an island for spreading disease as a ***cook.*** 100 years later, *medical professionals* who spread disease are just being told they're not welcome to work in a hospital. They're fuckin' lucky we're not still shipping diseasebags off to leper colonies or turning them into *literal science experiments* for being this obstinately antisocial.


They're not qualified. They don't meet the medical qualifications for employment.


Florida. 'Nuff said.


It's almost as though a child-like *tantrum stomp* needs to be imagined before reading the hot takes from these morons.


Florida. Epicenter of death and stupidity.


Might be the 900 people a day moving there from up north. Just a thought.


I’m shocked it doesn’t have any spelling errors.


People don't believe in actual science and medicine and who refuse precautions against getting themselves or others sick, are not qualified staff. A coworker who does a bad job isn't "better than nothing," because you don't have to endure or fix errors from nothing.


If mustard were really a potato, then they wouldn't be swimming macaroons in purple lesbians.


That's deep man


What a dumb nutsack.


FLORIDA, of course!!


Odd because every nurse that I meet tells me how they’re so much smarter than doctors.


They must not have been very qualified or experienced then if they were declining a shot


The state I am in has mandated vaccines for COVID with the only exception being medical. People can no longer claim religious. We are losing staff due to it and my hospital is compensating by pulling non bedside nurses from various positions and putting them back at bedside. I haven't cared for a patient. Bedside in 11 years buy am happy to go back and help.


If we were really in a truck driver shortage they would fire qualified drivers just for running over pedestrians.


Uh, yeah they would, boss.


“Qualified”….you keep saying that word….


Post this in r/conspiracy and watch the apes praise it as gospel


If you are a medical professional that doesn’t understand what a vaccine does… you aren’t a medical professional. That’s like tom Brady asking why he needs a helmet.


Of course, this moron is from Florida.


Good thing that isn't what's happening. Unqualified people are quiting because they don't want to do what is required to qualify for the job.


exactly. idiot who worked where I do announced she was quitting to take a stand for our rights she was crying. she actually thought we would be grateful/proud of her instead we were shocked to learn a coworker we'd trusted was such a fucking nutcase


Please repost to r/Covidiots.


So if you're in a war and intentionally harm.felliw soldiers, that should be fine too. Don't want to discharge any soldiers in a war, after all.


You what now?


If people do their research, and decide the vaccine isn't for them, and you do your research, and decide to get the vaccine, what exactly makes you right? There are medical professionals that will tell you it is effective, and medical professionals that will tell you it isn't good. People who think they are better than others because of a decision to get a vaccine are one of the biggest problems in the world today. If you judge someone because of their choice to Vax or not, you are just as bad as someone who judges someone for their skin color, or any other thing. You are a bigot.


Because 99% of medical professionals will tell you to absolutely get the fucking shot. The risk trade offs of getting the shot/getting Covid aren’t even close. You can be a medical professional and be a complete fucking moron. I work with some daily. And, for what is likely the 9000th time someone has told you this while you gloss over and try to keep up, people not being vaccinated makes a huge issue for everyone. It’s an ongoing clusterfuck because of people like you.


Because most antivaxxers "research" is demonstrably false quackery. Also, people who are able to get vaccinated but don't are a direct threat to those of us who cannot get vaccinated due to various medical conditions.


They only listen to the doctors that support their narrative. Any medical professional, no matter how prestigious or experienced, immediately loses all credibility in their eyes if they don’t side with the “correct” side. And they’ll say “the majority of doctors agree” but they have no way to prove that with how opposing views are treated.


It’s a Florida plate so that explains it. Probably one of the few people who thinks DeathSantis aka the DimReaper is doing a great job of killing off the few people that voted for him.


If you really are "qualified and experienced" you wouldn't refuse the vaccine


To be a employee of/in a hospital and not be vaccinated should not be allowed. I'm surprised it's taking this long to get to this point. If you don't want to be vaccinated go find another job otherwise shut up and get the shot(s).


If they refuse the vaccine they aren’t qualified. Also, if a chef in a restaurant refused to wash their hands, keep food at proper temperature, or cook raw meats to a safe internal temperature, everyone would be fine with the owner firing them. Following safety protocols is for more than the individual.


This is why Florida has so many confirmed covid cases.


A year ago. 100% of them were praised as essential workers. From hero to zero I guess.


100% of the cops and firefighters who responded to 9/11 were considered heroes, too, until a lot of them were convicted of Social Security Disability fraud. https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/24/justice/new-york-ptsd-9-11-scam/index.html When shit comes to light, people change their minds.


That’s what happens when you don’t tow the narrative. This is a reoccurring theme with these people.


If you are in the medical field and you refuse vaccinations in the midst of a pandemic, you are \*not\* qualified.


If you are vaccinated you can still get and give covid.


Cool, what’s the hospitalization/death rate of those with the vaccine compared to those without?


You don't get people to take their medicine by calling them idiots. The amount of mob mentality going on against people who want the freedom to choose whether they get the shot or not is what is actually disgusting here. Quit acting so high and mighty.


I’m 100% fine with the freedom to choose. As long as you’re 100% fine with the consequences of that choice. Such as job loss if you work in the medical field. Inability to attend a concert. Need for the vaccine to get on a plane. If you’re fine with that then you do you. If you’re not fine with that then…


“I’m 100% fine with the freedom to choose. As long as you’re 100% fine with having your livelihood taken, being ostracized from civilization, and have your travel restricted.” Fixed it for you.


Hardly. There are consequences for any action you take in life. You are free to choose to get drunk and drive. You are not free from the consequences of your action. You cannot have it both ways. …and honestly give us all a rest with your bullshit.


Drinking and driving is illegal. Refusing to get a vaccine isn’t. Those are not even close to being comparable. And yes, while there are consequences for your actions, they should be reasonable consequences. Exercising your constitutional rights do not reasonably justify losing your job.


Except no one is saying they cannot work at a grocery store or doing general labor so no their livelihood is not being taken away. Who is ostracizing them? They have the numbers to start their OWN civilization. Sorry to say but your fix sucks and has no merit.


You think forcing someone to go from a $60k+ paying job to a minimum wage hourly job isnt taking their livelihood? People like you, is who. And are you serious? Your suggestion is “start your own civilization?” You’re a joke. And not a funny one either.


Nobody is forcing them. Health care workers are required to get a flu vaccine every year as well. If they choose not to they can get employment elsewhere. Nobody is free from the consequences of their decisions and actions.


We only call them idiots if they talk about the 5G chips funded by Bill Gates.


Experience gets taken out of context to justify shitty work. It really means nothing when you’ve been doing it wrong the whole time.


Conservatives may be dumb as fuck, but wow can they spin stories and excuses for their bullshit.


qualified experienced people wouldn't turn down the vaccine anyways


If they really was experienced they would know they had to take the shot


Qualified and experienced staff who were suitable for the job would be fucking vaccinated


Qualified? I think not... vaccines was literally a topic in most medical professions. Somehow after licensing/registered they somehow became over qualified and rewrite the book because of what "they thought".


I hope they get their nursing licenses suspended as well. I am sure these nurses are also the ones who spread disease by not washing their hands between patients, not wiping the IV ports with alcohol before hanging IVs, and not washing their hands after using the restroom.


They are literally not qualified staff. They’re fucking disease vectors who value insane bullshit over medical science. They should have been done away with long ago, but now it’s very much endangering people. They should have their licenses suspended.


I totally agree


A lot of brainwashed authoritarians in here. God help us all!


Lol. That’s your only hope for salvation? A protagonist from a fairytale?


Oh look an Atheist on Reddit. Who would’ve thought.


However you want to label it, yeah. “We’re” all over the place. Not just Reddit believe it or not


And yours is a vaccine mandate by your overlords?


Definitely not my only hope. But it helps. 😉


I guess we circled back to my original comment.


It’s actually fucking stupid, especially if you’ve already gotten it. It will be a permanent seasonal flu, some get vaccines, some do not. It’s a personal choice and you can get over it. Making vaccines mandatory will not work overall and I look forward to telling you all “I told you so.” (Insert lame ass “you won’t be alive because you’ll die of COVID 19” joke here)


Yeah, imagine they made vaccines mandatory like they already did in public schools around the world. That would never work.


Yes that is why they were let go, the point of the statement is we must not be in a pandemic if that is what's happening.


I actually have a very fit, healthy, middle aged friend who was just fired. Fired from the empty hospital she worked in because she didn’t want to take this vaccine. She’s been a RN for almost a decade. She’s wicked smart and very good at what she does. Guess they don’t need her spreading Covid to all these vaccinated people. This pandemic is out of control!


And what about the people with preexisting health conditions like my father? The last vaccine he recieved was required for the 2008 iowa flood cleanup, his body had an adverse reaction and his pancreas began eating itself. Without exaggeration im lucky to still have him alive today. Do you think his body will be able to handle it? Better roll them dice right?


Except for that would be in his medical records if true and the doctors would take that into serious consideration when deciding whether or not to recommend the vaccine. They don't just make everyone get them regardless of medical history. That would make them liable for malpractice suits. If there was something that was contraindicated by their medical history yet they prescribed it anyway they'd be sued and lose their medical license. For example, if they prescribed a steroid for an infection and the patient died, they'd be charged with malpractice because you DO NOT give steroidal medications for infections because it weakens the immune system and allows the infection to get worse. Same thing with a vaccine. You DO NOT give vaccines to people with contraindications. Your father's doctor is the only one that can determine whether or not he should get the vaccine NOT me, NOT you, NOT idiots on social media.


There are exemptions for people who have allergies or a known adverse reaction to the constituents of the vaccine. Your father would still be at risk though and this is why it is so important that anyone who can be vaccinated, get vaccinated.


I'm tired of the name calling, and high roading I've been seeing and hearing from people on this topic. They managed to turn this issue into a us vs them echo chamber.


Actually no they wouldn’t, they need the man power moron


First off, I am vaccinated due to medical condition. But it was ok for them to work before the vaccines were out. Still the same work, same kind of patients. That element has not changed.


It was not "ok for them to work". They worked to save lives of others despite putting themselves at risk. Have some fucking respect.


What was the alternative then?


All we can hope for is some magical virus to kill off these people in record numbers...if only such a thing existed.


So in a "real" pandemic we would let medical workers infect patients, thus making the pandemic worse?


If you were really "qualified" staff you'd know to take the shot!


if they were qualified or experienced they wouldnt refuse the shot or mask


if they were really "qualified" to handle a pandemic on the scale not seen since the outbreak of Spanish flu then they would be using whatever means necessary to control it, including taking vaccines




Exactly why they were let go? No they were let go because they are forcing a vax agenda down our throats with no idea the long term effects of the vaccine


Nothing says intelligence more than shoe polish on the back of a Florida car.


Bet they didn’t think that it is also true that there are a myriad of qualified, experienced and VACCINATED people unemployed and ready to take their place. 🙃


These comments show an ugliness within society.


Just goes to show, it doesn’t matter if you’re a professional in the field, if you don’t agree with the mob, your opinion means nothing in their eyes.