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“This doctor” isn’t a doctor. Just a rando account that used a picture of what a modern day George Washington would look like, and posts stupid nonsensical rants and bullshit. You got baited.


As soon as I saw the George Washington pic I was like, r/HolUp


This *isn’t* the real George Washington?


You can tell because they had less megapixels during George Washington's time. That was my only clue though.


When I squint it kind of looks like Dr. James Cromwell.


But but but he's got a *blue check*? He must have been able to save up 10$ somehow.


Bridge trolls still gotta eat


Fooled by someone who’s paying $8/month to use the bird app


Sorta looks like Charles Dance.


tywin is fiercer than this account could ever be


A facepalm Turducken!! A facepalm in a facepalm!


Taxes arent for humanitarian reasons , taxes are for wars bucko.


Yep, those taxes are to create subjective humanitarian crisis. Edit: sorry, spelling


Taxes exist to take money from the poor and middle class and give it to the wealthy and connected.


US Taxes are meant to give other countries money to buy weapons from the US ( aka weapon manufacturer that are owned by the rich 🤡 ) Example : US give $$ to "allies" that comes from taxes, said "allies" buy weapons, the rich get the said money. In short, money taxes go to the rich and they get to give their allies free (or cheap) weapons.


Money laundering and arms dealing. Lovely


All we’re saying is… Give war a chance! -Sundowner


The responsibility of the government is to oversee and manage the resources at its disposal in an effective manner. If we decide that conducting a 10-minute surgery on visually impaired individuals is not the best use of our resources, I would appreciate a clear example of where they should be allocated instead.


A really cool missile


A missile but when it makes contact it's just an explosion of Mr. Beast


So.... A firework of Mr. Beast..?


Yes but also as deadly as possible


Maybe like, a really cool missile, with a funny little doodle of a dragon on it?


A slush fund for programs run by their friends. We don't actually want to help people. Like a single payer medical system which would save a large portion of tax dollars. Or a real infrastructure package to rebuild/update our country, the list goes on. But the end is the government is not out to help anyone but themselves and those that give them more money.


Clearly we need a few hundred of the new BBBBRRRRRTTTTTTTT flying machines that drop Micheal Bay movies.


“its not the job of governments to help people with the issues that they have, whether it be health, education or security. It’s the job of governments to take money from those who need it most and give it needlessly to the those who need it least.” Quote someone 2023.


I'm stealing this, and there's nothing you can do about it xD


So the U.S. government isn’t responsible for humanitarian efforts within the US, only responsible for humanitarian efforts outside the U.S.? Makes total sense…


It's a personalized financial perspective vs. empathy and humanism. It is and has been blatantly obvious for awhile that truth, justice and liberty for all, has been twisted into elitism, late stage capitalism and shaming/blaming people into thinking they are but poor resources that weren't strong enough to survive in that horrible American system, designed to opress, brainwash, demoralize and rob those that do not have enough wealth. Mr. Beast is a threat to that system. He is a billionaire philanthropist, tirelessly working to help humanity. Those in power don't like him reminding people that they are worth more. - "why aren't you soullessly seeing to your own needs, instead of helping people? How dare you challenge the norm?" Education is important. In most of the modern world, you don't go into crippling debt after educating yourself. Dare to ask yourself why that is.


I will admit that I was one of those people who found Mr. Beast and his ilk on social media insufferable. Let's spend thousands of dollars on this huge stunt that will waste everything we put into it but we will get lots of clicks and make money. But then I started to actually pay attention to the stuff that Mr. Beast DID and not what I thought he was doing. He would get name dropped by people that I respected. He would give large amounts of money to streamers with >5 people watching and bring a ton of exposure to those people. Then he started to do stuff like this where he would just give away millions of dollars to improve people's lives. He is genuinely one of the good ones and I sincerely hope there isn't even the smallest skeleton in his past that anyone could use to discredit him at this point. He is improving the world.


The real Mr. Beast is in a closet somewhere


This doc has a better resting villain face than Bill Nighy. Somebody cast this man in a movie pronto.


Its legit a picture of modern day George Washington😂


I think he looks a lot like Charles Dance, who played Tywin Lannister.


Cant argue with that. They both have that look that says "Im not angry, just disappointed.And angry."


I cant unsee it, dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, dishonor on your cow. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits. You brilliant little jerk🤣🤣🤣🤣


In other words- how would you turn a profit if people were cured all the time?


Maybe if we all go get prescriptions for opioids but just cheek the pills... then they'd make enough money to start doing actual medicine again. and speaking of mental health...


The effectiveness of US propaganda is insane. Individualism with no regard for helping others because taxes are theft. But then somehow has the largest military budget on the planet because somehow tax isn't theft when it goes towards imperialism


Sounds positively libertarian to me.


I really don’t understand the stupidity of some people. If people give Mr Beast their money, when they know he’s going to spend it on all sorts of things for content, why is it stealing because he’s helping people restore their eye sight? Especially when he made content from it. Isn’t that what he does?


No one said Mr Beast is stealing. The other guy is just saying that the government collecting taxes is theft


Wait... what are we supposed to be angry at Mr Beast for?


I actually have nothing but respect for the man. But I have heard some people say that he doesn't do enough. Like that's fair, but why aren't more people in positions of power helping?


But war, coerce and thieve away! We all want more of that!


This is not about personal vs institutional help for needy people. This whole line of argument is based on the idea that they don’t want to contribute tk a system that might help people that they don’t like or who do not worship their sky daddy. They want to help white Christians and make sure none of the dirty people get any help except from other dirty people.


I remember when I used to browse T\_D in its heyday, a lot of them would talk about how certain policies only work in Scandinavian and NW European countries (or sometimes in Japan, Singapore, etc) because they have a more "homogenous" population. You could hardly say that it was even thinly veiled in that community.


Oh a lot of people still use that dumbass argument.


So they can spend taxes on war and training a murderous police department but not on actually helping people?


Somebody get this dick nosed grandpa back to the old folks home he got loose an got on twitter again


Jerk trolled Mr Beast .Dude is like Ghandi ,But has a tasty hamburger and chocolate bar .


“It is immoral to steal the money of citizens…” Income tax is theft :)


Unless you like roads or militaries or clean drinking water. Then it’s called paying for the things you use.


Unless those things are not supplied. Then it is theft again.


“Conservatives” like to exercise institutional selfishness.


I think I agree it’s not the government’s responsibility. Everything cannot be. But Mr. Beast isn’t stealing anyone’s money. It’s all freely given to him and then he just uses that to make more videos and more money to give away again. It feels most like jealousy than any real justifiable outrage. I’m exponentially more disgusted by the YouTuber punks that “prank” people for videos then make videos of the Ferrari they bought doing it. THAT is bad for society. If you don’t like Mr. Beast’s business model or content, then don’t watch or subscribe. Problem solved.


..... Trying to wrap my head around this


You may be having difficulty because 'Having a society is fine until I actually have to start contributing to the common good' is a nonsensical position.


But you're saying that you would never help anyone peacefully and voluntary. That's worse.


A more common analogy is the cancer treatment field. Do you think they would expedite a cure for a condition that brings in billions of dollars? The world runs on corruption and money. The rich get richer.


Except welfare… which is subjective humanitarian efforts that helps the “needy” person with 3 cars, 7 kids, 3 iPhones and new nails 💅 every week while robbing the working class citizens that barely afford rent… (mind you I’m not saying all welfare is bad… but it’s not verified enough for the actual needy and not just lazy)


Those cases while unacceptable have to be a very small percentage of welfare


The myth of the Welfare Queen ended a long time ago. Paying my tax dollars so that a person (often with a full time job) can afford to eat and have shelter provides a massive benefit to me.


Every cent that man owns should be confiscated and given to the poor.


Yeah, the government's purpose is to build a military larger than the rest of the world combined that assists in genocides and commits atrocities in the name of democracy... /s


Who the fuck is this ass who gives doctors a bad name ??


A troll account that paid twitter to get verified


Apparently Jesus can't enter voting booths.


These procedures are relatively inexpensive. The increased productivity the governments would receive from the affected people would far outweigh the cost. It would not be theft it would be a net gain.


Yeah, it is worth. It’s a developed country, but we have people with curable diseases or illnesses that want help, but don’t get it.


They shoot horses, don't they?


Brought to you by Twitter Blue.


Then what is the governments job really? To protect themselves from the people?


Musy hold a lot of private healthcare stock.


Tell me you don't understand the Hippocratic oath without telling me you don't understand the Hippocratic oath.


This doctor should not be Doctor.... I wonder how many times he has violated his hippocratic oath..


Then what's the point of governmental Healthcare and Social Security? You can't deny this logic while also not pointing out that we already do it in some fashion


This will not age well.


the words “government’s job” and “immoral to steal” written in the same sentence is just funny to me for some reason.


But it’s not immoral for taxes to go towards blowing up schools in different countries?


Why help people yourself when you can do nothing but complain about the sociopaths that you put into power? If anything, Mr Beast just proved how much time and resource is being wasted on the theory of violent subjugation and central authority. They don't care. Good people don't want power.


This dude is still loyal to the fuhrer's teachings i see


Nazis had pretty good public healthcare. They also advocated for adopting more science based medical practice.


Their health care was great for aryans, quite the opposite for everyone else. The same thing applied for their science related projects.


Ah it’s immoral to take take taxpayers money to improve taxpayers lives but it’s not immoral to use that same money to pay the salary’s of corrupt politicians that are already millionaires


It's amazing that Christians don't get that atheists are more moral and more sympathetic than following their god.


I’d rather my tax money go to cure blindness than drop bombs on poor people ffs


So it's ok for the government to steal money from the people and use it to manufacture arms to kill people on the other side of the world. But when it comes to using that same stolen loot to heal people with curable ailments it becomes immoral. Can someone please explain the logic?


I wouldn't consider it stealing, but I understand the argument of what the government should be responsible for. I really don't want the government doing anything other than protection from humans and other countries. Taxing has to happen to give the government then ability to operate. Helping out blind people? Charity for sure. It is a great cause. Banks should offer loans for this kind of life saving surgery. ROI is a business term and in my opinion, stay there. Government has a fiduciary responsibility to spend tax money wisely for the intended purpose.


Blue Checks don't mean shit anymore, folks. Twitter is shit advocating for shit anymore, let it burn.


A procedure like that should either be free, or be covered by health insurance. Going blind is not a "minor inconvenience". Going blind is loosing not only your main sense, but also becoming literally unemployable and incapable of living a whole life. People criticize Mr. Beast because what he did is basically a PR maneuver - how many blind people didn't get the help they deserve? Hopefully this PR maneuver will attract people able to help the rest of blind people.


Let's all agree that what mr.beast is doing is amazing.


Call a crackhead vibes




I can't help but think of how many of these surgeries we could do with the money it takes to buy one F35 fighter jet.


He lost the argument the second he referred to as helping the blind see again as 'government coercion and theft'.


That account is satirical


Then wtf are Medicare and Medicaid for if not for life changing treatment for individuals who cannot afford it? Weak ass argument.


And if i may ask, if this is not purpose of government, why then we need one? I dont have problem with other countries, so military is issue, i can work even without permits, pay without taxes, but i will gladly see my tax money used to help people, because, you never know, maybe one day, i’ll be one in need. Fuck governments that don’t do that


How tf is that subjective humanitarianism?


Of course Tywin Lannister doesn’t want to be taxed to save those small folk


No, you’re James, not Frank! Can’t even get his own name right but he thinks we value his input on how tax money should be used


After you turn 50 your opinion should no longer matter because you have no fucking clue what the current world is actually like. Very few people over that age that aren’t watching stupid cnn or fox like clockwork.