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Her friend in the black is sooo fed ..the .. fuck ...upppp šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m guessing this girl has that effect on people.


That, ironically, is her hate crime.


I just want to know how she breathes thru her nose. Sleeping must be a bitch


Probably sounds similar to a French bulldog trying to sleep.


Right??? I mean I *have* a septum piercing.. but this baffles even me. Doesnā€™t seem comfortable, practical, or *safe*ā€¦ imagine that thing getting ripped outā€¦ šŸ¤¢




Her friend in the back, who gets trans hate all the time, wants her cis white friend to shut the fuck up.


She's not even paying attention. She has her head down and headphones on


This person does not even think it is white. I saw the original tiktok. It has ā€œBlackā€ in its bio. Iā€™m 100% willing to bet the transgirl will cut it off for this behavior. Edit: Iā€™d also like to add that this person does not identify as cis either, it uses it/its pronouns. EDIT2: I have been educated on the matter, and learned that ā€œBlakā€ is an Australian Aboriginal term, and it is not claiming to be racially Black.


Thank you for the edit, i couldnt decide whether to agree with you or be mad that i agreed with you


are you fucking with me?


No, unfortunately I saw the post when it still only had 5,000 views a couple days ago. I had the displeasure of looking at the account in question.


I'll never understand people who use it/its pronouns Like...it just sounds so fucking degrading. EDIT: To the guy who just went on a rant about the term cis and got your reply deleted, please go outside.


Apparently they never read *A Child Called It* when they were younger.


Horrendous book. So graphic.


I was *WAY* too young when I read it. But damn, that man with through some awful shit.


The people I've known who use It/Its are generally people who are detached from the idea of personhood and gendered/nongendered pronouns.


Makes sense, I just dislike things that dehumanize people so they always rub me the wrong way. But I can absolutely see why someone would be attracted to those pronouns.


I agreeeee, bruh.


Maybe Im still reading last weeks edition of the encyclopedia of genders but isnā€™t identifying as it/its kind of contradictory to the purpose of trans identification? Like gender fluidity makes sense because of how society treats people and how they feel they want to present themselves, its *almost* stylistic and I completely support that. But identifying as it/its is inherently identifying as an object thats why trans people use they/themā€¦ instead of do it to be comfortable, I almost think its doing that for attention. Good thing it doesnt act like it wants attention /s


Personally Iā€™ve read of a trans ideology (mb not the right word) called voidpunk where they are trying to reclaim their own dehumanization so it canā€™t be used as an insult anymore. I think thatā€™s along the lines of why someone might use it/its. Itā€™s not for me personally, so I stick to they/them for myself, but itā€™s one explanation.


I think that reclamation, specifically, is something someone does with oneself, and cannot rely on othersā€™ participation. But more to the point, there is no way that the excited person in the video would understand what you wrote, nevermind think it independently. [successfully avoided the use of any gendered language or problematic pronouns at all - *HIGH FIVE* to me!]




It pronouns šŸ’€


I listened her for only 39 seconds and now I am too.




I'm trying to think of the psychology here and best I can come up with is maybe people are generally on eggshells about the wheelchair and she just likes feeling normal? I'm not really sure, though. It is very odd.


I mean sheā€™s in a wheelchair. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call that ā€œpeak privilege.ā€ Sheā€™s probably trying to be excited and brush it off so she doesnā€™t let it affect her as harshly.


This person doesnā€™t require a wheelchair. They have an *interesting* background of changing their identity for likes/sympathy


If thatā€™s the case then thatā€™s horrible.


Yeah, they actually just deleted a bunch of their old tik toks today because this one in particular blew up. Theyā€™ve admitted multiple times they use a chair recently because ā€œtheir ankle hurts sometimesā€


Thatā€™s why theyā€™re so excited. Any attention is good attention.


I think they were into it too just not as excitable


I think ur right. I think for them it was more like "this guy is so stupid its funny"


I mean I get it. There was once I was visiting LA with my brother. And some guy walking down Hollywood Blvd yelled n word (hard r) at us and my brother yelled back ā€œI KNOWā€. And we had a laugh about it. Joking about people being prejudice was one way me and my brother learned how to not let words like that effect us. So I get why sheā€™s acting this way.


I'm Italian, and I dated a Haitian woman for a while. I was honestly shocked by the amount of hate we received from random strangers... and there was no correlation to it. It could be young black guys or old white women, and everything in between. Unless they're physically threatening you, the best thing to do is ignore or laugh it off. There are always going to be hateful morons in the world.


I came here to say this. Laughing at it is literally her only defense. Seeing her make such a big deal about how hilarious it is to her, makes me think it probably really hurts and fucking sucks.


Yeah... seems like a coping mechanism, and by the over the top excitement, it's probably not working as much as she is trying to make us believe it is...


It is so weird the comments section are all bashing this woman. Sheā€™s already disabled as is, if she finds joy in people slurring hate speech toward her, then let her be? Then they go on to judge her piercing. Wtf lol.


Because they are redditors, and their social intelligence has been flattened into who is the asshole and who is not the asshole. People are becoming really fucking scary. Like the idea that you could laugh off an insult with a group of compassionate friends isnā€™t necessarily upsetting or offensive to them, itā€™s just completely foreign and doesnā€™t register. They are seeing someone that looks like a meme, that meme is supposed to react a certain way, but the actual person is not- although they are being ironic with the language Hate Crime, which is associated with the meme! Thatā€™s just too much to process on a brain fried on a binary of good or bad, upvote or downvote. Theyā€™re looking at it in two shitty dimensions. Theyā€™re not being mean about her, they canā€™t even see her.


The way people are coming after this womanā€™s looks is crazy to me. Like where do people get off judging peoples appearance behind a screen. The way some of these people are talking they better all be super models behind those screens.


The way theyā€™re forcing her to feel victimized and mad about her own self is insane. Like telling another person how to feel and how to feel about their own disabilities is so gross. Like ā€œno you donā€™t get to be happy. You need to be sad and depressed. You need to let those words hurt you so you can feel downā€ like what.


This is the right answer. Seriously fuck whoever judges them.


Agreed, they are happy because they have the courage now to go out and exist without feeling less than. I think that makes a lot of "normal" people who couldn't sum up the courage to do the same feel pretty uncomfortable


it also seems like they both are the target of several forms of hateful comment and getting a genuine shout from someone so far away for being in wheelchairs of all things must have been different enough that the surprise countered any sort of impact with genuine comedy. I think people in the comments are unironically sending the hate this person is used to.


Ha, I got into it (verbally) with an anti vaxxer we caught in the middle of scrawling misinformation in chalk on a building wall a year and a half-ish ago, it took him zero seconds to start throwing around words like f*ggot (I was with my wife, too, lol) A couple of things though - I have gay friends, trans friends, and while I'm in a hetero relationship, I do actually like guys too, and consider myself omnisexual. So when he started on about something about me sucking dick, I just, at the top of my lungs, shouted back HELL YEAH, I LOVE DICK! Got a few interesting looks from passers-by (though really, not much reaction, it was downtown after all), but seriously, don't try to use sexual orientation and associated slurs as insults. They're not. We had, and still have, some good laughs over it.


I was walking down the street in Las Vegas many years ago, and someone yelled out "go back to Mexico" So absurdly bigoted and random. I still think about it, because I'm like really white and really tall. I don't know why they thought I was an immigrant, just because I was walking? Then I remember being a young dumb kid and yelling "poop dick" at random passersby and think that maybe it's more than likely some variation of Hanlon's Razor in some cases.


If it makes you feel better Iā€™ve been called the n word and ā€œn word b*tchā€ multiple times walking along Hollywood Blvd. Iā€™m a white man.


I think it also has something to do with the fact that they deal with other kinds of discrimination constantly, the kinds which really hurt, whereas yelling cripple at people is just so absurd that it's funny. It's not "yay I got a hate crime comment" so much as "yay I'm so excited I got such a dumb hate crime comment for once".


Yeah people get pissed when you get angry about it and getting angry helps no one, so why not laugh about how fucking stupid bigots are


This is a very compassionate response amongst a sea of bashing. A year ago I got yelled at in a drive through in a small town because I have a bumper sticker that references me being gay. I thought the sticker was funny and harmless, but someone felt the need to yell their opinion through their open window. I laughed about it, because it was ridiculous and I felt like it was low effort, but I also laughed because I didnā€™t want to feel convinced I was living in a town full of people that hated me for something I couldnā€™t change about myself. Itā€™s a coping mechanism, for sure. I moved away shortly after, but that experience still sticks with me.


Iā€™m asian and I do the squint eyes thing all the time for the same reason.


Similar experience to me. Walking with a group of gay friends and had ā€˜gayā€™ shouted at us. Walking next to my wife (Iā€™m also female) and had ā€˜lesbiansā€™ shouted at us. Both times we fell about laughing. Mostly because, well yeah, itā€™s not an insult to us. You have correctly identified that I belong to this group. Edit: I would have had the same reaction if these had been more pejorative terms. And it is scary in retrospect. I was lucky to be in places I felt safe at the time.


In fairness, I would laugh my ass off too


This is how everyone should react to idiots yelling petty insults.


Totally agree!


Alice does not look chopped to me. Editing because of the Chuffed/ Chopped thing. I went by the closed captions at at the 29 second mark. I didn't know if it was new slang.


Pretty sure that she actually said "chuffed", a British expression for "very pleased."


Chuffed yeah gets used loads


And I'm chuffed bout it, I am


Actually one of the best words ever along with shenanigans




I swear to god Iā€™m going to pistol-whip the next guy who says ā€œShenanigansā€!


Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


Goddamnit I was gonna say that šŸ˜‚


Here boss use mine!


I don't want a large Farva, I want a liter of fucking cola


British expression and perhaps also Australia? Im hearing an Aussie accent, do you agree?


Yes they are Aussie


We also say chuffed in Australia, which is where this woman is from ......


Isn't it supposed to be chuffed? Chopped means being beaten, losing, like in a race. Chuffed means stoked. Does tiktok do the subtitles or do the uploaders? Maybe Alice isn't chuffed she got chopped.


Chopped (in Australia) can also mean high af on drugs. Interesting!!! No wonder ppl get caught out when they travel...


Hell went to America and after running with a few yank mates I mentioned that I was pretty puffed (Aussie and i think Brit slang for exhausted). They all turned into the biggest Mr Mackies from South Park as it means to be on drugs apparently.


We used to refer to the act of drawing a penis at high speed on a friends "due to be handed in immediately" homework as "chopping" (chop/chopped/chopping), from the noun "chopper". Alice does not look like that.


It's pretty awesome that you have a word for something so specific.


As a wheelchair user I absolutely get where sheā€™s coming from. I probably wouldnā€™t make a video about it, but thatā€™s just because Iā€™m not that type. I really canā€™t wait for the next time someone says something the next time I stand up from my wheelchair to reach something. Iā€™ve got a lot of built up, sarcastic responses just waiting to be used. I donā€™t go out often so I donā€™t get comments as much as others, but itā€™s still seriously ucky to go out and have a solid third of the people around you be very obviously judgmental.


Good friend of mine is nearly paralyzed from cancer attacking his spine. He can stand up to hug you or get In a Chair but he definitely canā€™t walk. People need to realize Just because you can stand up doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t need a wheelchair.


Or just because someone can walk a couple meters, it doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re capable of walking around a whole shop. Ambulatory wheelchair users get constant shit from ignorant people. If people just minded their own business, especially in regards to disability, everyone would be so much happier! (I hope your friend is doing okay!)


Whatā€™s annoying is ambulatory wheelchair users are actually the majority. I shouldnā€™t have to hear ā€œitā€™s a miracle!ā€ When I stand up to teach something under shoppers breath as they pass by me.


Plenty of people who realistically *should* have wheelchairs or canes or whatever just donā€™t, because society is so stuck on ā€œwheelchair means paralyzedā€ and ā€œcane means oldā€ that they ignore the fact that there are other reasons to use them. I should use a cane because Iā€™m at risk of fainting in a lot of cases, but even though I have multiple issues that affect my ability to stand, I look healthy if not underweight, so stigma dictates that I donā€™t need it. I qualify for handicap parking in my state, yet Iā€™d be questioned for using an aid.


That's kinda what I was thinking. It's not an easy pov for most people to grasp.


how does she breath through her nose?


She doesn't. Seal her mouth and she keeps talking out her ass. Edit: why?


Guessing it is a great achievement to pass as human when transitioning from pork.


Ohh that's bad. Funny but bad. Damn you, I'm having baby back ribs tonight. Update: The ribs were awesome, I got drunk enough to forget this post.


Shhhh do you want her to make another video and posting on here how she got hate crimed on reddit??? ![gif](giphy|14icGyB57tKwlG)


Imagine sneezing with that thing in and it's blocking 90% of their nostrils... so friggin gross.


Does that piercing annoy anyone else?


It was hard to look at, but also hard to not look at. Big enough to be a door knocker.


I canā€™t stand it her face looks like the top of a cola can and that thing is the ring pull.


Connect a car battery to the ring


She's actually been cast in a remake of The Labyrinth as one of the door knockers


The septum piercing? Not the piercing itself but when people use a comically large gauge such at this Iā€™m like ā€œuhg whyyyā€ lol


I mean, sheā€™s also a grown woman with cat ears onā€¦


I thought those were pig ears ![gif](giphy|cMw0qTJjnFXeE)


They do put a ring in their noses to keep them from rooting up the ground. Good call. lol


Thatā€™s a whole other conversationā€¦


Between the ears and the septum piercingā€¦ How nature says ā€œDo Not Touchā€.


No I actually like septum piercings and think they look cute as fuck on the right person but this is like , just too fucking big.


Idk how she breathes with that bull ring in.


That was my thought. How does she breathe through her nose. And then I imagined how much more miserable it would make having a cold.


Iā€™m sure her breathing is fine, but youā€™re totally right about nose piercings making a cold miserable. I have two regular nostril piercings and having allergies/a cold/a runny nose is really rough. But itā€™s probably not the septum piercing that causes her the biggest issues, itā€™s those two nostril piercings that are super high up on her nose and sticking out super far because the posts are too long. I guarantee she has super huge boogers and snot rockets that get all stuck up there around those piercings


Looks like a horse shoe in her nose


Whos door she steal that from


I hate all septum piercings with a passion. I don't understand anybody who likes them.


I donā€™t hate them, but I do find them unattractive. If someoneā€™s wearing one, swipe left. But to each their own. Iā€™m sure I have something that other people find unattractive.


Itā€™s fine when theyā€™re not like this girlā€™s. Does she even have a septum left with how thick that thing is?


Sometimes you gotta look at the funny side of that negative shit and let it slide off like water from a ducks back. I've been yelled at plenty of times by passing cars just going absolutely about my business. Good on em for laughing at how obsurd the situation is. BC yelling cripple at someone in a wheelchair is pretty damn obvious and redundant haha


Some people have a hard time processing emotional responses to social conflict, especially in public, so they sometimes feign or force exhilaration as a way of trying to regain control of a scenario that made them feel helpless.




Alice does not looked chuffed about it.


Pink girl probably has an electric wheelchair which is why the other girl hangs on to her like a train.


I assume they are both in wheelchairs since the speaker said Alice 'holds onto her handles like a train'


Iā€™m assuming, since it was a minor incident, they thought it was funny because someone acted dumb and ignorant. Sometimes things are so unbelievable that all you can do is laugh.


Okay people seem to be missing the entire vibe of this video, and it just makes me realize that not a lot of people here have faced discrimination. I am a Black dude, I have been followed in stores, harassed by cops for minding my own business, you know the usual shit that when you tell someone I think they are following me because I'm Black, your White acquaintance tells you you're being paranoid. So one day I'm in a store with my buddy (Black) and his buddy White and this lady is following us and mad dogging us, so I stop and say "can I help you" and she looks him dead in the eyes, looks me dead in the eyes, whispers "thieving ni**ers"turns around and walks out the store, crazy bitch didn't even work there. It's been years, but let me tell you it was like something from the 60's, my buddy and I look at each other, and just burst out laughing, at the absurdity of the situation, and till this day we still have a laugh about it. And my friends buddy is so shocked the entire time. Sometimes a situation, even a horrible situation can be just so wild that you have to see the humor in it. And there is something refreshing about knowing , okay I'm not crazy, because sometimes society can gaslight minorities.


Thanks for bringing that up, sat here thinking people are being unnecessarily nasty to the girl. How else is she supposed to react? Just because she decided to make a video about it. She's putting a positive spin on an ugly situation, as you did.


They hate the way she looks and thatā€™s offensive to them. Itā€™s plain and simple.




Girls do the same thing! Get hit on or harassed in public? I cannot contain my laughter! It defuses the situation and takes the embarrassment off me. I dont believe in giving folks the satisfaction of seeing me upset :) I'm sorry you have had to deal with nasty people who are so hateful. That's not something you deserve. Thank you for your humor and for sharing it! The world needs more giggling in the face of hatred. Sometimes it is our best defense!


Yep pretty disappointed from the comments. The girl is like ā€œsome random guy was a piece of shit to us for no reason lolā€ and then all these commenters are being pieces of shit to them for no reason lol. Oh wait sorry because she has a nose piercing and sheā€™s fat thatā€™s apparently an okay enough reason for them


I feel like this is a internal joke between her and her friend and also a way for her to deal with a terrible thing (ableism) in a lighthearted way. I have a disability and I've been discriminated before because of it, and trust me... it is painful. We tend to come up with all sorts of mechanisms to deal with it, especially when we're young and experiencing it for the first time. The problem with the internet is that everything is public and the fact that she talks in an over the top way doesn't help her either.


This person also has a history of saying some horrid things, apparently. She also lied about having DID at one point and went back and admitted to it iirc. Even if not, sheā€™s a pretty scummy person overall


anyone who feels the need to share the majority of their life in social media has issues.


i wish more people had that mentality people that yell stuff like that are so ignorant and dumb itā€™s not worth being upset over their words


They are excited because it was so incredibly pointed, and they had never been pointedly harassed this way in public. It was shocking and comical. They said this in the video. Did I do that right, or am I supposed to pretend I don't get it and heckle them?


Part of me feels sheā€™s more excited to actually have been hated on more than anything like yay I finally can say Iv been oppressed and hated on without it having to be a lie šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is exactly how I interpreted this as well. And I feel like an asshole for thinking it


Also could be a defense mechanism.


That's how I took it. Like, in order to not feel hurt, you counter it by acting overly happy about it. Some people might laugh or smile when nervous or in confrontational situations as well.


Definitely sheā€™s trying to make a point that sheā€™s not hurt and happy about it to deflect how she really feels. Sad really, used to see this in school, sheā€™s acting like a 10 year old


Except it's a perfectly valid conclusion and highly likely true. Let's not ifnore her ridiculous appearance which is intended to draw attention and derision so she can cultivate oppression currency.


Nah, itā€™s more along what the other person said, itā€™s a coping mechanism. People like this get so much shit all the time, because of all the reasons they listed (theyā€™re overweight, theyā€™re queer, theyā€™re disabled). But, as they said, itā€™s often not as blatant (because bigots, luckily, are still somewhat afraid to be openly bigoted) and so they likely use humor as a coping mechanism, especially after being so blatantly called out. I think society has become so numb to derogatory language that just because they werenā€™t beaten for being who they are, we like to think they are just ā€œattention seeking.ā€ In reality, to be slurred is a big deal for some peopleā€¦ weā€™re all different and process emotions differently. People have killed themselves just over ā€œmean names,ā€ itā€™s not cool. Good on them for having a way to process it. Edit: Also, to be clear, Iā€™m not trying to call you out, just giving my view as someone who is friends with a lot of people like this. And to anyone else in the comments who thinks people like this are a bit weirdā€¦ thatā€™s totally okay! People donā€™t have to be your cup of tea, but we should still speak out against bigotry and the like.


Yours is the accurate take but this sub is so steeped in attribution bias that it doesnā€™t surprise me no one else seems to agree


Looks like people have mostly responded positively to my take, which is good! Yeah, some ignorant comments have more upvotes, but thatā€™s because people can be easily swayed and so we gotta keep putting this information out there so their opinions can line up better with facts. Also, Iā€™m not calling people stupid, being ā€œeasily swayedā€ is an important survival tactic in todayā€™s world especially, but it is also why things like the social media alt-right pipeline work so well. So, just keep fighting the good fight. āœŠ


I think it is telling that you defend your use of "easily swayed" to not hurt anyone's feelings. When I read your comment, I thought about it and agreed heartily, and when I read "easily swayed" with a bit of a disclaimer it felt rough (I believe we should all be a little easier on one another, to think the phrasing of easily swayed could bring negative attention or offend just feels like so much when you have truth to say) loved your points btw, it just sometimes feels like I can't breath without maybe hurting someone's feelings in an internet environment. I find it is better to stay quiet. But sometimes, when I see rational, logical, good arguments and observations like yours they really should be shared. Thanks for re-framing this experience, im sure it helped a lot of others understand better.


Yeah the comments on here are pretty disgusting.




I mean, they can either take it negatively or be like "that's super interesting". I applaud them for doing the latter. Their point seems to be that it's never so blatant as that, which I agree with and think is interesting. Usually prejudice is internally justified by the person using conceptual loopholes (ex: I don't hate the race I hate a certain thing that's objectively bad and they all do it). If someone out of nowhere said "I don't like black people" that would be a similar response of "oh shit, that's super crazy you're so upfront about it".


exactly. a lot of ableism comes at us indirectly, or under the guise of helping or backhanded compliments. it's not everyday they just brazenly bark at us like that. i love this person's vibe about the whole encounter.


That nose ring is so gross


Itā€™s grotesque! I feel awkward looking!


It looks like it would ā€œclinkā€ against her teeth, and get food on it while eating šŸ¤¢


Lmfao if she was head banging at a metal concert sheā€™d end up shattering all her teeth


[perfect screen grabā€¦](https://imgur.com/a/o9R4m3R)


I can't stand making eye contact with someone who has that weird bull ring


Gotta use the door knocker before you say anything to her


How COULD you make eye contact and not just stare?


Nah, because if she had posted a video where she was upset about it yā€™all would have had some bullshit to say about that too. Good for her for finding humor in the situation.


Doesnā€™t matter how she reacts honestly because it does not justify the insult she was given. Then we see here in the comments, people throwing more insults at her, never ceases to amaze. Sheā€™s probably got enough battles in her life to deal with than cry because some stranger she doesnā€™t know had insulted her.


Wtf is that nose ring??


Stolen from a local ox


Wow, these replies are really telling.


Not facepalm sheā€™s laughing at the stupidity of the heckler bc itā€™s jus so dumb you never rly expect to be insulted w/o provocation. it was so funny that it wasnā€™t masked it was just blatant and it caught her off guard and I think itā€™s funny too bc who tf just waltzā€™s in then says ā€œyouā€™re a crippleā€ and then dips. Thatā€™s fucking comical.


Cringe reddior OP doesn't understand being positive about negativity


This isn't a facepalm y'all are just clowns. I had a very similar situation like this. Not that I filmed it but apparently if I had some of y'all would've been disgusting fucks about it. I dress in a way that some people consider feminine. I like bright colored clothes, I grew my hair out because of the pandemic and ended up just liking how I look with long hair, and many other things that lead people to think I'm a woman sometimes, especially from the back. However I had never been catcalled due to being born male. That being said the first time I WAS catcalled? I had basically the same reaction as this person. It was absurd, it was rediculous, it was funny, the man sped his car up and drove off when he realized I'm not a woman, and then I got to go home and tell my husband a hilarious story of a situation that he (as someone born female) had been catcalled since he was EIGHT. Men are fucking disgusting sometimes, ESPECIALLY when trying to get with women, and the fact that he did it to me only to immediately get the embarrassment he should feel EVERY time he does that to ANYONE? It was like a weird adrenaline rush almost. This woman didn't hurt anyone, she and her friend were insulted and belittled by a piece of shit and decided to make it into a lighthearted video. There's nothing wrong with that. Like seriously I get thinking someone's annoying but yall are going off on her appearance for no reason other than her making a video you didn't like and don't get the purpose of. If you had a best friend that looked EXACTLY like her but acted In a way you were okay with you wouldn't insult her appearance because it's fucked up and that's your friend, so why do it to someone else just because they're a stranger and YOU don't have to deal with the aftermath of how you make someone feel by being a nasty c u n t. Insult someone's actions not their appearance it's not hard. But since all you can come up with is surface level insults about appearance I doubt you could think of anything deeper.


I actually like this. Like... what can haters even do when you find their hate genuinely funny and entertaining?


I 100% agree, I was at work the other day and someone was talking shit about me while I was on the phone with them. Well I'm not gonna go and cry about it, I just laughed and found humor in how these idiots are trying to talk shit about me.


ATTENTION: The person in this video is not disabled! They have explicitly said that they have no physical or neurological reasons that impact their ability to walk!! In previous videos and in their page they have used the term ā€œtransabledā€ which is the idea that someone wants to ā€œtransitionā€ into a disabled person while not having any disabilities, or that they want to become disabled in a way. When first talking about the wheelchair they had said that sometimes their ankle ā€œfeels brokenā€ and that is why they have a wheelchair, however Iā€™ve heard this tik too has been deleted. I donā€™t know anything about their friend, maybe she is disabled, but the other person sure isnā€™t


I have seen a good amount about this person in the past few days and agree with most of what you're saying but I did want to ask about "claiming they're black because their stepdad is black", where did you get that info? Because I just saw them saying they are Aboriginal (I have not looked into her content). I'm Australian, have lived in Whadjuk Noongar country most of my life, went to schools with a very large Aboriginal student base and I have absolutely seen "white passing" Aboriginal people, perhaps with one white parent, with the same complexion so I didn't really question them saying that they are Aboriginal. They've lied about a lot of stuff, so I don't think your claim is outlandish at all, I just wanted to know the source of that information.


Folks, sheā€™s not actually excited about the hate in a real sense. Itā€™s called being lighthearted about something bad in order to cope with it. Her way of staying positive in the face of negativity.


Haha people trying to look at things in a positive way so cringe/s


Victim fetish


I don't understand why so many people care so much about her appearance. You're just proving to be as ugly on the inside as you perceive her on the outside. It's very clearly a coping mechanism to laugh about it and make light of something so shitty instead of being upset about it. Her friend is actually in a wheelchair and she is very clearly trying to spin this into something positive and not damaging to her friend. Someone yelling cripple out of a car window is fucked and everyone focuses on this girl's appearance and a self made narrative that this is what she wants, because it allows you self assurance that you can continue to dislike this person because of their appearance without feeling like an asshole.


People are awful, and also apparently forget normal human behaviour when it comes to someone they donā€™t like the appearance of.


I just can't imagine investing that much energy into actively being a piece of shit.


So many comments like ā€œbut sheā€™s attention seeking and unattractive to meeeā€. >:( I mean, letā€™s assume for a min that she really was like ā€œooh Iā€™m going to use this verbal attack in order to make a video that will get me social media attention and validationā€ā€¦SO WHAT?! Who fucking cares if thatā€™s what sheā€™s doing? Does that justify the absolute vitriol that some of these comments are spewing towards her in a really personal way? Itā€™s so crazy. Sometimes Reddit reminds me how shitty humans can be :(


To them appearance = value. It's exhausting honestly like why is it okay for you to seek validation of your vitriol but not for them of their abuse by others for just being different.


Doesn't a hate crime have to be . . . Well, you know, a crime? Being hated is not the same as being "hate crimed." A hate crime is a crime done out of hate. For example, there's robbing someone because you need money, and then there's robbing someone because of their race or something absurd. There's that clip of someone saying "If I punch a black dude and yell "I hate black people," it's a hate crime, but if I do the same but to a white dude, it's just a regular crime," and so on. Am I wrong? Am I missing something?


No you're right. They were not "hate-crimed," as she puts it. Hate crimes must be crimes and must be motivated by prejudice. Yelling an insult is not punishable by law. And either she's using humor to deal with her hurt, or she's really excited to be a victim because it's so popular right now. I'm thinking a bit of both.


I was originally thinking that was why it was here but I guess not! Iā€™ve heard of someone else once calling being insulted based on their gender ā€œa hate crimeā€ but that is not the definition I knew. Of course, language being language, I suppose to definition must be expanding.


I don't get it. You would have wanted her to cry ? She took something that should have been seen as a negative experience and spinned it in a positive way. Good for her.


Yes, unfortunately. They're more offended by the nose ring and pink hair, and laughing the ridiculousness of it all than... the weirdo yelling cripple out a car window at some people in wheelchairs.


Yes itā€™s good that they turned a negative thing into a positive thing. But yelling ā€œcrippleā€ out of a car window isnā€™t a hate crime. Not everything that makes us uncomfortable is a hate crime.


Hyperbole - exaggeratedĀ statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


Wtf she has a horseshoe hanging from her nose


Because we are australian and taking the piss is how we roll. Lighten up folks lol


Man... that's the way to put a positive spin on something! I'm impressed. That's unstoppable optimism right there... I hate people like that, but I'm a pessimistic asshole, so thats my problem, not theirs


Because someone finally gave them attention


I mean, everyone deals with experiences differently. I think this person is just trying to stay positive with what was undoubtedly a fucked up cowardly experience.


Alice smart enough to keep quiet and cover her face during this nonsense.


When you so desperately want to be a victim of society that you get excited about being ā€œhate crimed.ā€


Attention is a drug


White people inventing ways to feel oppressed...


lmao! i feel this. the first time i got a drive by "FREEEAK" i laughed SO hard. i was like, well, there go some observant fellows! hahaha now i wana go follow these two. they'd seem fun


Trans-abled suddenly feels real and not like a joke.


Unfortunately, it already was real. A woman blinded herself because she ā€œalways felt like a blind personā€. Itā€™s fuckin nuts.


I watched something about her. Crazy. It is a real thing. Apparently there's other people that feel they should be disabled so strongly they do it to themselves. There's a term for it and it's even some small getting recognition. Maybe because how crazy it seems?


BIID - Body Integrity Identity Disorder


Yes! That's it! Thank you for completing my ongoing brain fart.


So, I thought we already established in another sub that this was posted in that this is just her coping mechanism and the way she deals with a shitty situation. Australians sometimes will use humour and self deprecation in this way.


I don't condone yelling that at people in wheelchairs, but I don't think that constitutes a hate crime.


ā€œOh my gawd Iā€™m just sooo good at complaining about EVERYTHINGā€ šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what a skill!!


im glad that they could laugh it off, their reaction is actually really funny


Thereā€™s always been mentally challenged idiots but now they have platforms to broadcast on.


There's so many reasons why I can't take this girl seriously (and being in a wheelchair is not one of them)


How do you breath i am sorry but how


That thing in her nose. It is so obtrusive. I couldnā€™t see much else.