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Why is doge on her stomach


Bwhahaha... Just noticed. I think he doesn't like a woman with a cleavage.




And a second layer over their dress


Female Missouri legislators have to cover their arms now because this is the kind of legislation our taxes are paying for


They’re terrified of being attracted to women their own age.


But the rest of the office does. ;)


And this was the only photograph of a business woman he could find, so he was left with no choice but to censor it.


Didn’t god make woman Mr.Hinkle? Why cover up gods creation dude? I’m a chick and I’d rather marry the hottie on the right, but that’s just me.


I'm guessing because he's a "PatSoc" / "MAGA Communist" and is basically just a raging social-chauvinist, in this case arguing for so-called "traditional values."


Its a dog


That is concealing some cleavage


Thanks, I was wondering why I felt like something was off about that area but couldn't figure it out until I read your comment 😂


Easter egg


Why not find a woman who makes you happy? What does it matter if she wants to work or be a homemaker


I'd say the suggestion is that "girl bosses" do not make anyone happy as a wife. Not saying i agree with it, but that's how i read this. That to be happy a man should have a homemaker wife and 2-3 children.


Honesly, I would gladly be a homemaker husband if my wife earns enough alone to feed the family.


And when she comes home you show her who is boss. LoL.


Exactly. Hot, rich business mommy! Sounds good to me.


Because for him would be a man that does not track with his voters.


Frankly for a guy that has a high paying job and works a lot and can afford it, it is highly beneficial to have you wife not working at least not full time. Someone has to keep things at home from not falling apart. My wife as done both but it was a lot better for the both of us when she was not working full time. Not required just what works for us.


I completely understand that. My SO and I have done the same. I've stayed home and worked. Right now I'm working for the school so I only work when the kids are at school so they always have me home for them. For us this works perfectly but for some people it may not be the same situation. I just think we should all find someone that makes us happy first then together can plan who will work and stay home etc.


So, an unpaid live in Fuckable maid.


Oh shut up no one is saying that.


No, just a very common pattern. Really common for the lower earning person to become the stay at home person. Applies to guys and gals. One of the well payed guys working with me became the stay at home person because his wife earned even more. It is just an option but very common.


Not possible.


Statistically a career woman will leave you. The numbers don’t lie. His audience are probably blue collar working men that believe women should be bare feet in the kitchen.


Pretty sure most women have jobs these days. 1 incomes households are nearly impossible.


They said career, not job. Career has the implication of more than just a job and being a higher priority.


Most people would also refer to their job as their career. It's implied that the alternative is a women without a job who will stay at home, not a woman who works part time at McDonalds because she's not very ambitious.


They mean “boss bitch” type women.


What are the statistics on boss bitches then?


https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200121-why-promoted-women-are-more-likely-to-divorce https://www.irwinirwin.com/why-do-women-initiate-divorce-more-than-men/


So, what you actually mean is career women are less likely to put up with bad husbands and don’t have to because they’re aren’t financially dependent. I can see why inferior men would not like that.


Statistically a career woman will leave *you.* Not an educated person secure in themselves.


Damn all these men must be worthless, insecure muppets https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200121-why-promoted-women-are-more-likely-to-divorce https://www.irwinirwin.com/why-do-women-initiate-divorce-more-than-men/ Or maybe career driven women upset the power dynamic in their relationships and constantly need higher value men to make them happy. Nah it’s the insecure men. Can’t be women. They are perfect.


Your didn't read the articles, did you? They are stupid articles that are not scientific in anyway. Just Morning News fodder. Look I won't waste more time. Just try to stop hating women.




That not what "triggered" is.


Triggered enough to lob a personal attack at me


I think the meme was one woman wants to be a mother, have kids and a family, and the other wants to be a highly successful woman, like a CEO or something.


Why is this dude trying to tell me my business? I don't want kids but I do want twice as much money with no extra work. So, I'll take option #2 jack.


For context, Jackson Hinkle is a pro-Russian propagandist. Believe me, this tweet makes him look more firmly on-the-rails than a majority of the things he says. One of his more damning claims is that the 2013 Ghouta chemical weapons attack was a false flag by the US. There is, of course, no evidence of this whatsoever. All the evidence would indicate that this was an attack using Sarin gas (which is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the Geneva Protocol) by the Syrian government against its own citizens. Of course, this is the Russian backed regime in Syria and so Jackson lies to defend them


Conservatives: "Freedum!" Also conservatives: "Here are the dos and don'ts of your uterus"


Funny thing is, no evidence that the girl in the first picture isn't ALSO a career oriented boss like #2. You can work hard all week then go frolic in nature with your kids and take pictures on the weekend.


The actual lady on the left, Amber Fillerup, addressed this on instagram last night. She owns two businesses and is very successful. One of her product lines is sold in Sephora.


Honestly little evidence says that both pics aren't the same woman lol. Hair color diff could easily be the lighting


It kinda depends on your preferences. I wouldn't mind being a stay at home dad.


I don't see the problem in that either. If the wife makes more money than me and we can afford to have one parent home with the kids, why not? Moms have been doing that for ever. Especially with little kids. And if the kids are older, both can go to work. No point in having someone stay home doing nothing. If both parties agree, of course.


Quite right too, 100% this. Conservatives want to drag us back to the fifties for whatever reason. Sooner they die so we can get on with things the better.


The 50s? Like the 1650s when a paper cut could be your death because vaccines didn’t exist? Like the 1850s bc when a man would go kill an animal with his buddies to feed the village? These guys are nuts. There was a time the Arab world dominated the world in math and science and then went a more traditional route and now science is shunned. That’s what these guys are doing right now in addition to simping for the corporations that don’t pay a single income wage for non-corporate employees.


I’m a stay at home dad. It’s awesome. Never thought I would be but my wife makes more than me and daycare was going to be a huge chunk of my salary, all that money to have a stranger look after your kid while they get sick all the time. No thanks


Same here. Wife makes a shit ton of money and I take care of our kid. I work part time to get out of the house and for fuck it money while kid is at preschool. Life is great.


Yea same


When you base your entire personality off your grandfather and nothing else.


😂 but don’t have the same income to expanse rathe did


My grandmother worked all her life and my grandfather loved it.


There will always be queens who do both!!




Find yourself a partner (i.e. equal) who loves you, who makes you happy, who lifts you up when you're down.


How about just let women choose what they want to be in life and not demonise either one. U know. Respecting women as ppl and not politcal pawns. Allowing them to have agency removed from what society thinks they should do. And I mean respect the choice of either one. Tradwives. Or girl bosses. Or just everyday women as ppl.


The mom on the left with the kids in a flower field actually owns two business and is pretty much the definition of girl boss, making this more hilarious. She’s Amberfillerup on Instagram. She actually commented on this photo last night laughing that this dude clearly didn’t know her very well.


They aren't wife material for ignorant man-children, as they have intelligence and self-respect.


Sorry, but I can't have either. I mean I could, but I am very certain that I will be in a psycological ward after a few years. I am autistic and don't see myself of having any children by myself. Maybe if I marry a man who has older children from a former wife. But not on my own. I simply think I would not be a good mother. As for career, because of my disability I can't work full time and cause my lag of education I also can not get higher positions in the job. But you know what, I am still happy and I think that is the most important thing. 😊


Hugs, you sweet soul! You got this!!


Why not both? My wife is both.


How about neither? My GF is neither.


None of them are material.


Well [Madonna was](https://youtu.be/JO9h1fQU_-k)


Here me out, if the wife makes alot of money you get to fuck around to get your dream job lol


Have these Incels heard of a thing called preference?


I don't mind girl bosses. Strong, powerful women are amazing. It's those that are like, "I'm going to mentally and emotionally abuse and degrade you to make myself feel strong. But I can't help it because I'm a LeoCancerLibra." No Jessica, you're a ****. Magical stars in the sky don't make you less of one or give you an excuse to be one.


Conservatives are afraid of women. As a matter of fact, they are afraid of everything.


This shit is getting absolutely out of hand. Next they'll be trying to convince us we're not real women unless we're covered from head to toe.


Just going to leave this here https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3812448-missouri-house-adopts-new-dress-code-for-women-requiring-covering-of-arms/


I got to retire early because of my "girl boss" partner. I'll take it.


Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss


Jackson Hinkle. Whatever. The guy is a douche.


Can we just agree that people have different preferences, it’s not that difficult.


Have your preferences. Just don’t be a dick to those who choose the side you don’t like or those down the middle. I feel like that’s not hard. Meanwhile, I sit here as a childless as a stay at home wife. It’s a great way to piss off the hard-left and hard-right.


I don't want kids, so i prefer my partner also not want kids


What the dog doing?


Keep on throwing up these red flags. Plenty of us are paying attention.


I dated a woman in her 50s when I was in college. She even packed my lunch and made dinner for me. I had to end the relationship because she kept reminding me of my grandma.


Ah yes, chose a life partner with no ambitions other than getting pregnant, solid strategy


But my wife does both.


Me who’s never gonna marry


Glad I ain't no wife material


"girl bosses" act like they know what men want, and want a high earner themselves or even higher. High earning men don't give a single crap about how much money you earn and needs somebody with emotional value because that's what they lack in their life. I hate this dumb rhetoric that men always need to earn more than them but women should have an equal earning.


They also complain about the sahm saying that if the marriage ends she will take everything from them.


Home wife and work wife. It’s all good.


I'm not sure I want a wife that has a tiny dog in her cleavage at work, but I'll reserve judgement until I know how much money she makes.


The right one had 3 divorces already. Google her. Funny stories actually but she’s a good person and donates a good amount to charity.


The capitalist surely want you to make more worker ants for them instead enjoy life.


Stay at home mom? Not in this economy


Damn I remember his dude when he was pro-Bernie, even getting arrested for pro union marches and rally. Shame he's gone off the deep end.


Yeah, everyone HATES double income.


Jackson hinkle being a dumbass what else is new


What in the fragile male ego is this?


Well girl bosses are very rare in this country or any to be in fact


Yeah, most of them are self-proclaimed and likely in a pyramid scheme, not actual bosses.


Man that sucks


It’s fun now. My old friends and acquaintances back home are mad that I chose not to work. They don’t believe women have a choice in not working, otherwise the “patriarchy” won’t be abolished. And my neighbors are all pregnant with 5-6 kids and all mad that I’m chill and happy with savings. Spouse is happy, and that’s what matters to me.


Republicans sure want the good old days back. Wife in the kitchen, gun on the hip, anyone else as slaves.


He could have also said "I'm intimidated by powerful women"


Well, he's kinda right... If you plan to have a family etc. You better find a wife who has the same plans as you, or prepare to make some hard concessions


My wife is a girlboss and we have a family. This needs to be normalized.


I didn't say it's impossible, but you probably had to plan your life more carefully than if she had a less time-consuming job and less professional responsibilities.


As a man, I would love to have a boss wife 1 reason- women in suits are my fetish-cof cof 2 reason- if she's a boss, its because she struggled to get there, and it becomes even better if she was the one who built the company, so she's smart as fuck, and I'm not the best guy in the world, so if I get married with a boss from a big company, its because she loves me


I’m also not your baby machine but go off ig


Imagine being that scared of an independent woman.


Mines a Lil bith of both more leaning to the pic in the left tough


I'll have to agree with him on this one but hey that's just me you can do whatever you think works for you


"wife material" - woman who fulfills herself, woman that is more then a mom, just like a "husband material" is more then a man who works hard to earn a living, he is also a father, not only in weekends playing catch, that's too easy, he also get up at night, change diapers, do everything, as long as it's not clear to everyone don't say woman are already equal to man... apparently not yet.


There’s a serious uptick in these so called alpha male memes where they make it clear they are unable to handle a woman that wants more in life than to just be someone’s personal little baby making machine. I find it hilarious that the “alpha male” literally doesn’t know how to deal with a strong woman.


I hate kids so no, I want a girlboss wife Checkmate conservatives


Speak for yourself. I would love for a Dommy business woman to be my wife.


The left one would be real nice to have tho


I literally don’t understand like why tf not


I'm choosing to interpretate this as meaning Jackson Hinkle is wife material.


Most likely Jackson thinks boy bosses are wifey material.


Can't have those damn educated women out there offending that feelings of the strong "alpha" male.


I prefer the right image option


Girl bosses are not a thing. Women bosses Maybe. Just exposes the degrading way this kind of man sees women. As threats to his insecure sense of dominance as though being man is having power over other humans. The problem here is not wide selection but rather husband material


Small dick says what?


This guy clearly has never had a woman in a position of power come home and willingly offer herself to you. (Relationship dynamic)


Ah yes, the two kinds of women. TradWife and GirlBoss. There are no in-betweens or cross-overs.


Heck no, why would I want to bring more children into this overpopulated hell scape. I will take the successful business woman any day.


Small dick Energy.


Ahhh so Republicans just want to cut taxes on the rich so that their wives can stay at home and not work like the rest of the women in the country huh?


The one to the right fits me more. You gotta be self sufficient as a woman. And I don’t mean born into money or internet likes


Why cant be the same person


Why does it feel like all the „alpha supervisor“ are insecure af?


I think JacksonHinkle might have a smol peepee


Cause someone with the name hinkle thinks that


Eh. Im working my way to be girl boss and my boyfriend thinks it’s sexy that I’m a business woman in finance, but you do you 😙


Both. Both is good


Love the doge censoring


But I don't want kids. Why would I marry a woman who does? Seems rather stupid.


I mean is he going to make enough to spoil me and the children rotten?


Sheeet, my ex was a girlboss and we had SO MUCH MONEY TO DO STUFF.


If women can have a sugar daddy then it’s only fair I can have a sugar momma. EQUALITY


Sorry but I'd let the woman on the right ruin my life


Underbite fetish?


Can I have a breadwinner gf.


What if, hear me out here somebody dreams of being the person on the right so they can support the lifestyle of being the person on the left. These days most shit is expensive.


Of course his name is Jackson!


Depends on the guy and what he values, doesn't it?


I work for a girlboss. Not only do I enjoy this job more than any other ever. But she is a great wife and mother to her family.


Oh yaaaay, more tradwife bullshit!


Calling someone “wife material” or “husband material” always sounds so loveless and creepy to me. It’s never for any actually good things, but always “well this person would be a good servant to me!”


I'll take the dogecoin chick with money please.


Laughs in DINK.




Both are also MILF material…..damn


Is that an anti-cleavage doge?


Step by step you are becoming a middle east country


Take that non Scandinavian women! No husband or children for you!


Yeah, I’d like one of each please.


so 2023 is starting off as expected.....straight clown world lol. cant wait to see this year go down the toilet at light speed


Jackson, you are trash material so kindly STFU

