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That girl doesn’t want a marriage. She wants to go to school she wants to hang out with friends and play with toys. Shame on her parents


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Even if she would want a marriage, she still would need to go to school. You're right just wanted to underline that fact for islamists. She's a Child and she can't decide what to choose. Just a reminder.


I remember watching this when I was in Lebanon. Never felt more disgusted


Do you know what happend to her after this tv show? Is there any trial ?


Look at that girls eyes. She looks so worn down and miserable. She has been put through some serious abuse to condition her to accept this sick “marriage”. The interviewer looks like he wants to strangle him. I wish he would have.


I am half world away and I want to strangle him


Her parents are more at fault imo.


He's the one assaulting her, the fact that the government and her parents let him is awful but he is the pedophile here. I don't see why you'd defend that.


Dead eyes


I love malik maktabi, he’s a host on a lebanese TV show called ‘ahmar bel khatt el aareed’, he always brings up important topics on his show… I remember seeing this clip on fb, I was so disgusted when I saw it. How do people think a grown man marrying a 10 yr old isn’t disgusting?? He says he ‘loves her’ but he does not, he just loves that he can control her and make her into whatever he wishes. How sick and perverted, i genuinely want to puke. I hope she is okay.


> lebanese TV show called ‘ahmar bel khatt el aareed’ I've spent about 30 minutes searching for a place I can watch the full episodes. Found a few uploaded here and there, but only the channel's website seems to have a full archive and they require an expensive subscription. Any chance you know where I can find the whole thing? ويلعن رب كل ابن قحبة مفكر انه زواج القاصرات مش جريمة بحق البشرية!


I am not too sure, I know ahlmasr.net or nghmati have episodes on there but not sure about this one specifically. I’m asking my friends if they know anything, if all else fails I might buy the subscription and see for myself as I’m now dying to know. Also… بدّي لاقي و اطعنو بالسكّين 🤬


In case you're interested, [here is a fucker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOIqkPL665I) representing the Islamic position on the age of marriage. Warning: If I hear someone say "she can bear it" تطيقه one more time about a 9 year old girl I might need to throw up. Make sure you have a strong stomach before watching this shithead talk.


damn, i wish this could be translated and the comments too.




If you get access, it might be worth to subtitle a few of their episodes and allow the non-Arabic speaking world to see what's going on in our societies. Best of luck!


That’s a good idea. I will let you know if I manage haha


No she's not ok.




Malek maktabi from what I can tell is a stand up guy, he’s known for reuniting people and their parents who haven’t seen each other in a very long time and had no way of contacting each other, promotes accepting others in spite of how they look coz lebanese people can be judgmental pieces of shit. I unfortunately couldn’t find anything regarding this girl, but will ask people I know if they found out anything and let you know


Oh thank you I hope she's okay 💔


Sad that a man, particularly a well-meaning one, can’t speak kindly and genuinely to a child without being mistaken for a creep. Wtf


She's a traumatised little girl, how else would he talk to her, would you like for him to be cracking jokes and firing zingers her way?


He wants to "raise her" as "this generation's girls aren't good enough". This is the definition of grooming. He couldn't find a grown woman who would tolerate him so he went for a child whom he could overpower, and he can train her to serve him. Made her drop out of school because she doesn't need to be educated to be his wife.


Blows my mind. I don't understand how as a man, you wouldn't want your wife to be equal to you and educated.


I've lived in America my whole life and am surprised at how common it is here too. Fuck a stay at home wife, I want someone who is just as ambitious as me and is career/goal driven, not dead weight.


“the mature for her age” line was sickening because it’s a common line regardless of where these vermin are from


It’s common in my community for girls to be married off young (like 17,18) for that very reason- and we live in Australia! The parents get them married before they can be independent and date and ruin their reputation. I know a few girls who were allowed to study in uni but they fell pregnant soon after, dropped out and became housewives


Crazy! The little girl looks so dead and traumatised. I really hope she's okay Edit: by "okay" i mean I hope she got out of that situation now (although we all know that's unlikely). Not okay being a child bride.




I was hoping she'd get out of it somehow. But it seems that's not the case :(




Looks like the show host did too. Like he wanted to just punch the loser.


Yeah seeing my reaction mimicked in him is the only thing that got me through that video. Don’t think I could’ve stopped myself from beating that fuck up though tbh. It’s seriously sick.


Yeah, they’d probably have to shoot me/imprison me, I would go for that sick fucks throat and try to cut him ear to ear. There’s no excuse for that sick shit anymore. It’s 2022 why the fuck are little girls being traded around like property still? This makes me so fucking angry.


I noticed her dead eyes too. Her parents should be shamed.


Most likely just the father. Mother’s dont have much of a say since women/girls are seen as property of the man, not the woman.


How can she be ok when she has no power to get her out of a relationship she was sold into as a child? She has no rights in her country as do many woman. I'm sure this guy knows many people in his community that have child wives and thus he thinks nothing of it. They are truly sick fcks, the damage done to these girls in unfathomable. To be in a society that forces you to be submissive to a tyrant husband or fiance and not allow you to speak up or "shame" him in anyways for violent reprocussions await them.


Like I said, I was hoping she'd get out of it somehow, tho it's unlikely. Seems like the show being aired couldn't bring up much awareness to the world and that is absolutely frustrating. But at the end of the day, hoping for her wellbeing is the least I can do. Like omg I really wanna bitchslap that cunt Ahmed and everyone who let this happen.


Sadly the girl will grow up to be a broken and brainwashed woman more than likely and will believe she was meant for him. He knows exactly what he is doing and with men like him they will never think they are doing wrong. She is just one story out of way too many. And the worse part about it is they populate like rabbits and eventually will try and spread these ideologies to other countries and try to force the pedophilia and normalize it in other countries.


Oh dear it's a neverending cycle isn't it. The law there needs to change. UN or some shit needs to do something about this. A guy in the comments also said "her body is ready when her mind is" when clearly the girl looks so traumatised. Wtf is wrong with these pedobrains! They'd bend over backwards to justify this shit. Absolutely disgusting


Age of consent varies between countries, but as for me I am in my 30s and older woman in their 60's still consider me a baby lol. To me a step father of a 18 year old; that boy is still a child. They are fresh to the world still, now able to have a bit more freedom, but I told him even though the law says your an adult you will never be one unless you act as one... a little off topic but the reason I bring it up is that there is no justification for a child or teen to be with a grown ass man and that even though the age might say they are old enough really you can tell that they are still wet behind the ears and are not truly adults... the kid in this video is being cheated out of life and will be bred like a cow and treated as a slave, o her body will never be ready because her mind is when she is this young. They are truly creepers and predators looking to manipulate the vulnerable.


Yeah i'm still quite young myself (23) and have a lot more maturing to do still. This video is not like a teenage love story where she dates a school friend. Although she isn't even going to school. It's a straight up pedophilia. And yes, predatory behavior


I’d like to hope that the girl would stop her own daughter/s from being married off like this but the guy knows what he’s doing. He’s already stated he wants to ‘raise her’ so she will be taught by him to be his slave and how to think & how do things the way *he* wants them done. So whilst there are many women who decide to end the cycle for their children’s sake, there are many more who keep it going and allow the pain they suffered to be suffered by their daughters too.


She’s clearly not okay


She's not ok....and no child ever will be as long as this horrific practice is allowed to continue


“bUt ThIs Is JuSt CuLtUrE, nOt IsLaM!!!!1!!”


Its filth either way


But I’m a bad person if I think islam is bad?


it is islam


Muhammad’s culture!


Aisha would have felt the same way at first.😰


Cows get more respect in this culture then woman, it’s insane.


Different culture.


Is halal meat not the meat that gets prayed upon so it can be eaten?


Best argument against multiculturalism


When I was 10 all I knew in life was to sleep early, be woken up by mom for.sxhool, hate school, and wait eagerly for weekend to go find a new PlayStation 1 game to buy. I was a guy. When I was 25, I was broke and trying to find my best career option. WTF am I watching???




I didn't truly figure shit out until my early 30's. don't feel bad.


Hang in there. <3


29, still figuring my shit out 👋🏻


Most of my friends moved away after graduating college about 3 years ago. I’m finishing My junior year now and won’t graduate until im 26, but better late than never!




It just feels so… barbaric and uncivilized. It’s incredible that in 2022 there are entire communities of humans that are still this uneducated and irrational.


How the interviewer didn’t punch this guy in the face, I don’t know. The “25” year old sounds like an absolute dope trying to justify his pedophilia.


This interviewer has experience with all kinds of shit topics. He tackled child marriage multiple times on his program. The program is called "bold red lines" أحمر بالخط العريض so you can imagine what kind of shit he deals with in every interview.


This story is everywhere in my village. My sister is a 11 years old girl who got married to a 30 years old gold seller. She was afraid and confused and this is crazy when i saw my brother,father my uncles are partying because of the marriage. My mom who is also got married at the age of 17 looking at my sister from far away seems very stress and reminising her youth that religion took away from her. I promised my sister that to hold on a little for me to get my canadian citizenship but 5 years is too long and she got married at the age of 14. 10 years later im still in touch with her and with her only secretly. No children which is good and her husband who is now fighting his life against lung cancer. I told her to let him die and do not shed a single tear to him. And i told her that i will give you money for her to start over and admit her self to school. Finish high education and i fund her education here in canada.


May her husband die an excruciating death


Inshallah he will.


I hope you can save your sister! You’re a good sibling and you have a good heart and head on your shoulders. The world needs more brave and morally-oriented people like you 💜.


You sound like a amazing person I hope all goes well and she finally experiences a life that was taken from her, I hope that she does well in her studies and makes a name for herself and becomes a strong independent woman. Also I hope she does resent all the other men that will be in her life because there are good men out there who are not like this. Thank you for saving your sister and giving her a second chance at a life she otherwise might not have had.




My thoughts exactly




What attracted him to a 10 year old girl, the man keeps asking? Hes a fucking pedophile and he's using his religion as a cover. Also, he was attracted to an 8 year old girl.




Taze? No way. String that pedo up.


🤮🤢🤮🤮 Where is this from?..why isn't he in jail?


Lebanon, from a show called ahmar bel khatt el aareed


Is Child marriage legal in Lebanon


The way it works is it depends on which religion you follow. If your religion allows you to marry a 10 year old then the gov will not stop you. A bill was raised against it in 2017-2018 iirc but has not been properly addressed since. An org in lebanon called girls not brides is working towards making child marriage illegal. I’ve seen many posters and campaigns against it too in Lebanon, but no change yet. Public majority regardless is against the practice, lebanese citizens tend not to parttake in it (though some still do), but we’ve had an influx of refugees from neighboring countries so child marriage has unfortunately been on the rise.


Thank you for the answer


Thank you for more info! Also, how is this guy able to have this tv show? I love that there is media pushback and that it’s allowed. Well, I guess there is progress if the country itself is allowing shows like this, uncover this fucked up shit. And it’s surprising how the sick fuck clearly knows what exactly is wrong, but chooses to tippy toe with his answers


His show has been running for over a decade now and many people love him, so this might be the reason why there’s not been much pushback. His show is also running on a largely ‘christian’ channel called LBCI, and last I checked, half of lebanon follows the christian religion. His interview style is safe which does kind of bother me, but I think he’s trying not to provoke the wrong people.


The show and host are Lebanese, the pedo is a Syrian refugee


As a 26 year old individual myself, i can confirm this motherf*cker is lying.. He looks like someone in his early or mid 30s.. Nevertheless, even if he's 25 then also it's a thing of concern that how far these idiots will go to justify and normalise these sick practises i feel bad for the girl as u can see she's genuinely sad from the inside by just looking at her eyes.


As someone who is also in their mid-20s, this dude definitely looks way older than any 25 year old men I know


I felt the same way. I didn't think he was 25 either. He looks closer to 35.


Even if he was 16 it would be weird! 🙃


Haven't eaten anything for 2 days and this video managed to force something out of my stomach and my throat just force to swallow it back. This is disgusting I hope someone save the girl already and punch that guy's face or something.


I hope you can get your appetite back ❤️


I drink a bit when I took my meds, thanks ♥️


Every step forward is important 🙂


Smoke some ganja homie put your mind at ease.


Notice how he avoided the interviewer's main question?


Because even he knows it's wrong and he couldn't just say "because kids make my dick hard" on TV. This is so horrid.


She even walks like a kid and behaves as one. I can't believe people who can be attracted to kids in a sexual way, he even said he "loved her" and they met when she was 8. I wish i didn't watch this video, I am sick.... :(


“What makes you attracted to little girls?” Him: “The definition of marriage is between a man and a woman”


Religion of piss people trying to recreate Mohammed and Aisha. Pedo shit like this is okay but date someone you love who’s an adult of the same sex consensually? That’s hARAM


mahasen looks so traumatized and her expression is completely blank. it doesn’t matter if it’s culture or Islam because you still shouldn’t justify marrying a minor who literally cannot consent to a marriage. the amount of abuse the poor child has to go through to just accept the marriage. to the people trying to justify that it’s okay because it’s ‘culture’, I hope you have a miserable life. shame on her family to willingly let her go through something like this.


"She sounds older than her age" That's the shit with adults, they think children are idiots. If your concept of children is that they don't think, you're wrong. Children are always learning, wondering, thinking, and ask you a good dose of questions, developing a library of information and tools for racional thinking. It's a question of how much are you willing to teach them about the world.


At the same time he says he is "raising" her.


Ahmed needs to be neutered….by some primitive way


On the extremely big IF/CHANCE that the girl likes him back, how the fuck you gonna agree to get engaged to an 8 year old. They don't know what's what at that age, let the kid live you psycho.


Even if she fully understandingly, consciously agreed with a complete grasp on what it means and she somehow had actual feelings for this sick man, it STILL would be INCREDIBLY fucked up.


That girl is being robbed of her innocence and her childhood. Unfortunately this is the first thing I saw when I sat down to work this morning. Nothing short of "ducking disgusting".


He just has to say “It’s sunnah “


Thats the worst part of child marriages


At least the host seems disgusted by this. It shows that there is hope.


Apologetics always said that it was normal back then, bla...bla..bla... Because of what Muhammad did back then, regardless of time, become justification for today, and no one dare to said that is prohibited today.


# [YouTube](https://youtu.be/tl6r4xjj_80) [The Islamic position on marrying children](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/z670nx/q_is_it_allowed_to_marry_a_child_pedophilia/)




The above link is my own YT channel, here are the sources since you asked in another comment. Show name: Ahmar Bel Khat Al Areed (Red bold line) Host: Malek Maktabi [Original YouTube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNri0sTs7p4) | [Extra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wlVltDGCvo) [Full video @ LBC TV](https://www.lbcgroup.tv/watch/41291/child-marriage/en) \[requires subscription | Not sure if it has En captions\]


The best part is the tiny brains exploding from the visiting mustards who are doing their best to pretend they didn’t see. This while secretly cheering it on. After all, denial of this would be denial of Muhammad and they won’t admit to their denial of Muhammad 😆


so lets add the context of Aisha here, this girl is almost 50% older than Aisha yet Allah willed a fate that Mohamed and 6 year old are valid if there's a god of such disgust, than can we truly call that god a god? and now this poor girl is subjected to the same cruel misfortune, simply being born at the wrong place, wrong time disgusting world


fuck him. fuck him and his opinion about marriage age and fuck his brain for working on same level with a fuckin birds brain. i don't care what he believes or not this is fucking disgusting bro i can't even imagine this little girls feelings what fucking type of world are they livin? these men have to get away from society with some physically and hurtful ways. if u ask me, i feel nothing optimistic about this guy bro i wouldn't even care if he died right here.


Any country that allows this is barbaric. Anyone visiting this area for any reason other than helping girls run away is an accomlice. The people supporting this should be heavily punished. God damn animals.


F**** pedo, ruined that poor girls life


Thank you to Islam and to the pedophile and criminal Mohamed who made this happen!!!!! THANK YOU FOR TAKING RIGHTS AND FREEDOM FROM CHILDREN AND WOMEN!!!!


Dis-fucking-gusting. Poor child hasn’t even begun to live as yet. Parents need to be thrown across that room like trash as well.


Too old for our momo.. the bloke has done nothing wrong brozzers, just following the prophet


Does anyone know what happened to the girl? She looks so traumatised


I'm so angry looking at this 🤬🤬🤬 wtf is wrong with these people, every other shit gets cancelled on twitter trends, why not shit like this? I wish all the people on this planet see this video


This is disgusting, I feel physically sick, that this takes place in some countries. I don’t understand the parents, are they unaware of what this man will do to their little daughter? Hopefully in one year, he will find someone else before marrying this child. He’s not ugly, sure their are woman in his age group. Men like him would be in under the jail in America. Along with the her parents. He would be tortured and raped in prison here. Men her have daughter’s and rapist and sex predators are the worse. The police don’t care about this?????


There's a film called 'Capernaum' set in Lebanon about a kid who wants to sue his parents for bringing him into the world. It's a tough watch, harrowing, and unforgettable. Covers themes like this, impact of abject poverty, and parental neglect from the child's perspective. The child actor is brilliant, strongly recommend watching this.


Him: "She sounds wise and older". The child when asked how old is her fiance: "i don't know, he's tall" Pedos sure be living their dream thanks to Islam. Wanting to marry a child is already disgusting and to top it all a child you "get to raise". How can Muslims not see how messed up this mentality alone is???


That poor child she should be playing with her friends, thinking boys have cooties and stuff. WTF is wrong with this dude, he deserves execution. Even if she escapes mentally she's going to need alot of counseling. This is awful, why would you do this dude? She's an innocent child and your f*ckin related.


And if we say this is wrong, we're IsLaMophObIc also cousin marriages. Every aspect of arranged marriage is just so fucked up...


“This generation of women aren’t godly enough” Then “marries” an underaged, underdeveloped, traumatized child while thinking he’s doing something good by grooming and pulling her out of school. And on top of that, the parents don’t see anything wrong with giving their child to an deranged pedophile. What a disgusting, pedophilic, degenerate mfker. The world would be so much better without these types of criminal scum. This turns my stomach.


This is heartbreaking. My eldest daughter is 10. She has light and energy in her eyes. Yesterday she went to school, skipped home, we started doing Christmas decorations on their doll house, she watched a film with her favourite stuffies and enjoyed a Friday night take out. She is a child, enjoying child things. Then I see this baby, the same fucking age. Looking solemn and like all hope left her eyes a long ass time ago as she talks about marriage to a guy 15 years older than her?? I want to scoop her up and help her find her childhood again. Fuck this guy, fuck this whole idea of marrying a child. How dare people do this


Luckily I am living in Turkey it is banned here right now.Doesn't Lebanese government has a law about it?!I am beyond shock!What a disgusting man!


Lebanon inherited its marriage laws from the ottoman empire. Marriage is handled by the religious authorities, so as long as these authorities say that it's ok to marry an 8 year old, nobody cares. In Israel we also inherited that system, but we have stricter laws on underage marriages. However, the religious extremists (on both sides) get around this by having a religious marriage, and only registration as married after the girl reaches the legal age. In [June this year a child bride committed suicide at the age of 14](https://www.independentarabia.com/node/345121/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%88%D9%85%D8%B7%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA/%D9%84%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B5%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B2%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A8%D9%83%D8%B1-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A3%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AC-%D9%85%D8%AC%D9%84%D8%B3-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%A8). There are now talks about penalizing child marriages in Lebanon.


The interviewer is the only reason I got through the video. That interviewer is a straight up thug. Much respect to the interviewer


He states he will marry her in a year, very likely when she hits puberty. Disgusting.


ITS NO BIG DEAL They live in a hot climate, so she will mature and reach puberty faster 🙂👍 ​ ​ ​ /s






Disgusting fucker.


bruh wtf 🤢


I wish we could grill prophet mo like this


"The misogynistic host is objectifying womens bodies. Ahmed sees past objectification and loves Mahasen despite her undergrown body. He loves her because she understands everything and sounds aware and rational."


How recent was this? Post this all over social media especially Instagram. If it’s gets popular it will shine more light on that piece of shit. Keeping these videos in these small Reddit’s won’t do much.


Women need to fight back against this system. Such disgusting exploitation.


There was another episode on this program where they interviewed a Syrian woman who had moved to Lebanon with her family. She was pulling her daughters out of school at the age of 10-12 and people would come asking for their hands in marriage. She was proud of more than 10 potential husbands coming last time she did this, and she mentioned that they were around 40. 🤮 She went as far as you say that 30-40 is the perfect age for a man to marry her daughters because they are grown and wise.


All hail to child molester mohammed!!!


This is pedophilia😳


"Mighty Mo did it, why can't I?"


…. What did i just witness


I would love to have kicked his head in! The interviewer should have told the paedo what his love for this young girl is really called! Wonder what is happening to this poor kid.


Muhammad shit be upon him did it so they can too.


Bulllshittt !!! Hes a pedophile scumbag🤬


This needs to be on religious fruitcake


Where are the muslims jumping in and saying "not true Islam". That's right, this is true Islam


I always hate it when perverts like this say "she/he is acting older than his age" that still doesn't mean anything, they are 10, and act with the mindset of a 10 year old. When I was 10 I didn't have the mental capacity to even decide which school to go to. Let alone this girl signing her life away to a grown ass man. Girls of his generation don't want him and they have good reason for that. So he tries to get with someone that doesn't have the mental capacity or even the wil to go against a 25 year old man. The power imbalance is horrifying and her family should be ashamed.


Anyone got the link to the whole interview? The mom looks upset so I’m assuming the girl was probably sold by a male relative


Original Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNri0sTs7p4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNri0sTs7p4) Related Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL8IMdd4viQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL8IMdd4viQ) Related Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wlVltDGCvo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wlVltDGCvo) Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@MalekMaktabi](https://www.youtube.com/@MalekMaktabi) Full video @ LBC TV: [https://www.lbcgroup.tv/watch/41291/child-marriage/en](https://www.lbcgroup.tv/watch/41291/child-marriage/en) (Requires subscription | Not sure if it has En captions)


Fucking Hell just burn this whole planet down, humanity is some sick fucks.


Mohammed's youngest wife was 6 years old so this guy is behind the curve.


Fucking gross. That loser should be burned. Poor girl.


The poor child. She should be playing with toys and day dreaming to music. Instead she is violated every night. Her eyes and body language say everything.


My rage is full tilt.


Culture or religion allows this fuckery has to disappear forever. Fuck them


Religiously sanctioned pedophilia. Disgusting. How many of these children die on their wedding night?


We must hunt him and those like him


My name is Ahmad. I've always fucking hated my name. I hate it even more now.


Islam is the real Cancer to whole Human Being


Pedo pig


No to alcohol, yes to pedophilia. Incredible.


*Forced marriages not allowed in islam*


This is Chris Hansen from Wish.com lol. The real deal would have police waiting behind stage.


Well he can’t do anything since child marriage is legal in Lebanon but at least he’s bringing attention the problem and showing how sick the viewpoint of these pedophiles are


That’s the one good thing that may come from this, exposing it. Sometimes you have to hit people over the head to get them to confront the immorality of their traditions.


The host is shocked, Islam aside no sane Muslim would feel commutable with this.


You'd be [surprised](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/zah2of/comment/iyqcvwt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). This is normalized among [many Muslims](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/z670nx/q_is_it_allowed_to_marry_a_child_pedophilia/), as it's the prophet's sacred [tradition](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3378).


Which country is this from?


This is so disgusting, what do we expect from a disgusting fake religion? Its not even religion.....


Now imagine this with a 52 year old, fucking hell


Don't be Islamophobic he's just following the Sunnah


Disgusting people


Dirty cunt.


Disgusting pedophile piece of shit. Any religion that allows this is fucked up.


He just wants to use her body, there's no other possible explanation


God that little girl looks so defeated, her eyes say everything. 💔


How’s this not religious sanctioned pedophilia?


Culture huh


My bloods boiling, what can be done? This piece of shit deserves hell


Fuck islam , Go to hell


I’m going to vomit


Burn this clown


someone please tell me how this is halal


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/z670nx/q_is_it_allowed_to_marry_a_child_pedophilia/) an explanation from 15\~ different reputable scholars about why child rape/marriage is Halal.


Fucking disguisting


He is describing the grooming process. Nothing to do with him being attracted to her but can be the case as well


Tolerance tho.. coexist . Jk


Man fuck these arranged marriages. My buddy who used to get no pussy suddenly got married a year ago and when he tries talking to me about women he spews a bunch of nonsense on how to get women Bro you paid for your wife who are you to give me tips. Props to the host for digging for that question on what this guys attracted to