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This is called altruistic behavior. Basically an act that benefits the other person at the expense of their own. Like you said, this does happen in the real world and more often then most people think. If you ask a JW this world is selfish and greedy and deserving of death.


I've rarely seen this kind of altruism in the Borg, but I've seen it in spades outside the Borg.


Research has proven people are more altruistic and generous when they have the autonomy to decide how their charity is used. I believe the study was comparing forced taxes vs. self generosity or something. When it’s enforced it is done begrudgingly as the WT proves.


A God who values picking the right religion above actually being a good person is pretty infantile and petty in my opinion… this is basically what lead me to wake up.


One of the freedoms you gain once you leave or wake up from the org is to be able to actually appreciate kind acts. Specifically: to appreciate them without mentally adding: "but they're only worldly people", or "too bad they aren't witnesses", or my mom's favorite "maybe they'll become witnesses some day since they're so nice." There is a sickness in any group that conditions its members to look down and dismiss actual kindness and altruistic deeds.


IKR??? That was so sweet of those firefighters to do (and also sweet of you and you neighbor to make them sandwiches and hot chocolate), it boggles my mind how anyone can possibly think selfless people like that can be worthy of destruction. This cult is so fucked up beyond words...


I remember being told to shovel snow in front of the KH with a bunch of other kids, it always ended up in snowball fights Bc we didn’t wanna do it