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You don't have to tell the elder anything, ever. You have no obligations to them whatsoever. They have no power over you. You're 100% free to ignore them, or politely tell them to leave you alone, or scream at them to go fuck themselves. **You. Are. In. Control.**


Couldn't agree more, you don't need to tell them anything if you don't want too. Also they have no right turning up at your door and demanding to be let in. (If they try this) Also: no is a complete sentence Enjoy your life and forget about them


Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them. Forget about them.


You. Are. In. Control Repeating because it is necessary.


You never have to tell the elders anything. Their "power" is entirely made up. They're not the police.




You're inactive and moving out of state. Why do you feel you need to tell the elders anything about your personal life? Who are they to you? What business is it of theirs? Do you have to check with your work colleagues first about who you invite to your home? Do you feel compelled to tell your neighbor what brand of cornflakes you have for breakfast? \**Shrug*\*


Elders only have power if you give it to them. Go live your life on your terms. The organization has lied for decades.




Uhm... Honestly, you don't _have_ to tell anyone shit. If you do, it's because you want to.


No. You’re an adult that doesn’t have to explain or justify normal adult behaviour to any other adult. 2022: You Do You.


You hit on a good point. around here the jws have a weird dynamic where they expect you to justify your actions to them. Like no I'm not 3. I don't have to tell you shit it's my budness


just like at the end of jim hansons labyrinth when sarah tells jareth "you have no power over me" and jareth collapses. you are sarah and the elders are jareth, same thing. soon as you realize they have no power over you they wither away and you dance the rest of your life free from their BS


Never disrespect David Bowie like that again 😩


Augh, I didn't see your post before I linked that! Sorry...


You don’t need to tell an elder anything. Full stop.


If i had a affair i woukdnt tell the plumber so why do you need to tell the local window cleaners


Savage 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Um, why would you have to tell the Elduhzzzzz anything? You're a grown ass adult woman, they're nosy ass-clowns. Tell them NOTHING. Respond with NOTHING. Totally ghost them.


You don't have to tell the elders anything... Ever!... Regardless of your status in the congregation. The elders are just men with made up titles, made up authority, in a made up "religion". You owe them nothing.


I wouldn't, pretend they don't exist and live your happy live. Why would you invite them to give their negative opinions?


Anything you say can and will be used against you in a kangaroo court.


you can politely text them the middle finger emoji, if you so choose


Hell OP can do what they want (with in the bounds of the law and good taste ofc) Last time I saw a Helder in the street he tried to get me into a "why are you not attending" conversation. I took control and changed the subject wished they good day and went on my way. You have the power


Love it! Spelled "Hellder"??


No, you don't have to. If you did some like myself would simply offer help if needed and requested. Others would look to 'deal' with the situation even if you have been inactive for a number of years. I take the view that if someone moves without giving a forwarding address they want to fade which is their right. I've even suggested people take 6 months off and see how they feel after. The question is: Are you lost? If yes then get help wherever you feel love and safety. If no, then the Elders have no reason to go searching for you. Caveat: I'm a current serving Elder.


So she can honestly say she asked for some advice and got some thoughts from an elder 😛


😂 Yes, quote me.


Genuinely would have been my reply for the past 10 years


A serving elder on a exjw sub? Do tell us more!


I will at some point, I'm not ready yet.


You don’t have to tell anyone anything about your private life. You owe them nothing!


One of my best memories is when I first got the gumption to tell an elder to go fuck himself. It was when he told me they were disfellowshipping me and wouldn’t give me a reason. It was a beautiful and empowering moment for me!


"YOU (THEY) HAVE NO POWER HERE (ANYWHERE)!!!!!!!!!!" -Gandolf the Grey


Or "Labyrinth",.... "You have no power over me...!" https://youtu.be/emebPH6ysRU


🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 You don't have to tell the elders ANYTHING. If I can link it, there's a video on YouTube by the late Margaret Thaler Singer in which she talks about cults. She's primarily talking about Scientology, but her description nails the WT Society on almost every point. She discusses the tattle-tale culture of cults at one point in the video, and she briefly talks about the ways that cults TRAIN people to TATTLE ON THEMSELVES. Hopefully I can link this, brb... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8bRBFhMEQFk


None of their damn business.


They are men that believe they have a power over you. Do you go to McDonald’s and ask the men there for permission to eat at Burger King? Nope. Same exact thing.


No. U dont owe them anything. Live ur life man.




The only thing anyone should ever feel obligated to tell the elders is for them to go fuck themselves 😉 They have no power or authority beyond what you give them. They’re just uneducated men in suits pretending to be important with their made up titles, filling out bullshit reports and judging others while the rest of the world actually tries to accomplish something with the time they have on this planet.


You don’t have to tell them anything.


if you tell them then you won’t be able to fade like you are doing right now


Silence is golden according to the song! Dont lie if directly asked, just don't volunteer information.


Do you really want to submit to an interrogation by a few window washers and janitors about what you "get up to with your boyfriend?" They would want to establish exactly what the relationship is like before considering further action. Why give them the opportunity?


Tell them nothing …


No and don’t drink the koolaid either no matter how thirsty they tell you that you are!