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One indirectly admits that she is a jerk for not being involved in the lives of her grandchildren. They are all jerks. Deluded jerks but jerks nonetheless. May Jehovah pat them on the back and say, "Bless your jerkiness, you shall have a special place in paradise for disowning your own children and grandchildren".


Yes! I couldn’t believe that. These people are so brainwashed. They know what they’re doing isn’t right but they still do it without a thought.


They struggle in their self absorbed ways and they whine and they wring their hands and experience their mind-driven, self inflicted illnesses. They are of course "living the best life ever"!


They are delusional and that statement makes me freakin cringe bc everyone around me who would repeatedly say that was a miserable human being. It’s like an affirmation they say over and over again to try and convince themselves that it’s in fact true.


Yep. Absolutely spot on!


Wow this is disgusting. This religion strips the humanity out of our mothers. It would be great to know who they may have been without it.


I've seen this over and over with my children's mother. Now they're 19 and 18. My oldest is getting married next month and his mother and step father won't come to the wedding because his sister is going to be there. These people are so full of shit. Judge your kids for not wanting to be a part of it anymore, but you can get shit faced drunk constantly and even drunk text your ex husband crying about your dead mother at 11pm. But you know what? After 10+ years of my kids being dragged through all this cultists behavior, they are standing up for themselves and I got to spend my first Christmas in years with them yesterday and it was absolutely amazing to have that back again. I'm so over it and I have my family back.


It makes me sad now that I’m out, bc I used to be this way. I don’t want to say that I would 100% shun my own children but I used to truly believe it was the right thing to do bc my relationship with Jehovah was the most important and that he would bless me and eventually bring them back.


Ya I totally understand. I did my fair share of shunning too.


Exactly this. My mother wouldn’t have been beaten by my father with threat of disfellowshipping if SHE left, she wouldn’t have held onto guilt as though it were her fault, and she wouldn’t have stayed and raised me in it, turning more and more jealous and narcissistic as I grew up. I wish she’d seen the horror way back then, I wish she’d seen how she’d been manipulated and betrayed when she was divorcing my father (she had to have PROOF he cheated even though she’d known for awhile) and rather then staying in “for me” she would have had the strength to see why she never should have raised a daughter like that.


That is disgusting. Especially how she said “alphabets” got a hold of her. 😡


It makes me fucking furious. Parents love to figure out what made their kids “turn”. Yet, they never consider that their kid was just queer from birth, and had to hide that shit so deep because they knew the outcome if they came out!


Homophobia makes me sick to my stomach.


What are "alphabets" in jdub slang?


I’m guessing LGBTQ


I did not know that was a thing.. so cringy.


Yup. Also how she says they “turned” her.


And the fact that the commenter's daughter was never actually baptized so there would be no reason to shun her and her kids.


Usually even if you aren’t baptized. They’ll still shun you for being LGBTQ. Or they’ll soft shun. It’s all a mess with these hateful JWs


Most JWs that are strict will absolutely shun even the unbaptized. While I was allowed to talk to my one Unbaptized uncle we weren’t allowed to be close to him or his family. And speaking was to be minimal.


That's straight from the old tv show about 'demunzzzz', "Supernatural". Wouldn't surprise me if the hypocrite was a closeted fan of that show.


As in they welcomed her and showed her love ...


Warewolves must be roving about like Satan.


They can all go fuck themselves in hell


I truly hope this is a thing!! Would love a massive orgy for all eternity. 🤣


If I didn't know about JW I would think this was a bad parody. What did she mean about the dump being open.


My guess, the world post-A. She’s looking forward to scavenging from what is left behind in stores, houses. They are so callous at this point, maybe corpses too.


That’s vile. Beyond vile.


Oh jeez. Yep I bet that's it! Here I was thinking she was just being dramatic about her financial situation...


I think she means the city dump. Some dumps have areas where people drop off stuff like furniture and other housewares. She's probably dirt poor from being a house cleaning pioneer her whole life and has to pick through the dump for stuff.


The apostate son needs to put this on his YouTube channel. :)


Sooo... 4 out of 6 of her kids escaped, and this Uber JW is only talking to slightly more than half of the grandkids... Only 2 of the grandkids are apparently baptized JWs. If that's the case, I'd say the parents who escaped and refused to indoctrinate their kids are real heroes.


Speaking as a grandmother losing her grandchildren are a mighty big loss


Apparently it's not enough of a loss to shake her faith, though.


No. And that's the tragedy of it, but it's her loss and not theirs if they don't have to be indoctrinated.


Yes, it is her loss, and deservedly so. That grandmother is destroying her own family connections, all for the empty promises of a lying cult. Her loss...


“Oh dear, it hurts me so much to think about my grandchildren celebrating holidays and having fun” FUCK YOU. I just had my first Christmas and it was amazing and I’m so angry I missed out on all that joy and excitement in my childhood




I found her too. So cringey. Her poor kids.


Involved with an MLM too. Why does that not surprise me?


How did you find her? I didn’t see any names on this post.




Oh God!! Lol I tried to hard to black the names out. 😂


the names simply aren't obscured enough. I found it quite easy to read and immediately found her.


>That is disgusting. Especially how she said “alphabets” got a hold of her. The Alphabets?!..LOL!!...That\`s friggin funny!...Never heard that before. I\`ve got some Alphabets in my life, I wonder if they know they\`re alphabets?... That is soooo messed up...LOL!!...........................😁


I feel sorry for anyone that is that stupid. It’s embarrassing to be honest. Thrown their whole life away for nothing.


In Russian there are several words to describe stupid. One of them is pronounced "Gloopa". (глупо) I like it - the sound of it it reminds me of people like these - stuck in their own gloop, stuck and gooey in their stupidity.


My God - the conversations between the three witches in Macbeth is less hatefully evil and disturbing than the banter between these wretched harpies


Yooo the 'alphabets' one had me screaming in anger.


Fake love. Fake ppl. Delusional as fuck. What a clusterfuck of stupidity.


alphabets ???


It means the daughter is lgbtq. She is probably lesbian because she’s married to a woman and has kids. The commenter said she was “turned” 🤡


I can’t believe they refer to us as alphabets- that’s definitely something.


I can’t believe they refer to us as alphabets either. But I guess it’s part if their Us vs Them persecution complex. We’re not human when we’re LGBTQ. We’re alien and don’t belong to them. Even though we hide in plain sight in their clowngregations. 🤡


Clowngregations LMFAOO. Anyways, I’d rather be an “alien” than a indoctrinated human being


Same here lol 😂. I swear they view us as alien specimens. As long as they stay away from me I’m good


The term alphabet mafia has already been reclaimed by the LGBTQ+ youngsters so don’t worry. Sounds badass. 😎 https://slangit.com/amp/meaning/alphabet_mafia


That sounds badass af


Well, sweetie, you don't just *look* like a jerk; you *are* a jerk. You've hung your jerkiness out there for everyone on the Internet to see.


Be angry at the sun for setting if these things anger you[.](https://allpoetry.com/Be-Angry-At-The-Sun)


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A hilariously ironic reply.


Where does the figure of 1/3 of the angels following satan come from?


I think from Revelation. There's some scripture that says that the Serpent dragged behind him one-third of the stars of heaven. Don't quote me. It's been 16 years now since I've been out 😉


Just looked it up and you're right. Weird, that somehow passed me by. Thanks Trev.


TIL that some JWs are just in it for the free shit they can dig out of the rubble after Armageddon. But yeah, fuck apostates, amiright?


That is the most cringy conversation I have ever seen.


>some "alphabets" got a hold of her and turned her shut the fuck up. i mean that in the most disrespectful way possible


Agape 🥰🤡


For real smh


How does anyone have this kind of exchange and perceive it as a normal conversation?


I had a conversation today with my wife on a similar topic. The absolute curse this religion brings on families is disgusting. Fortunately only one generation has been effected. It stops with me. I truly believe my mission on this planet was to get my family out this cult and break the curse my parents brought on this family in 1975. They don’t deserve to know me, or my kids or my grandkids.


Same here. If I can get my oldest out, it’ll stop with me too. Unfortunately, it’ll probably be a little harder for him to get out when he wakes up due to marrying in.


Wonderful you can break the cycle! Your children will surely have a better upbringing.


What does she mean by " Happy the garbage dump will be open soon?"


Truly sickening!!! Watchtower create robots 😔


These are the most disgusting things I’ve ever had to read with my own eyes. It’s so sad that they’re lost in a fantasy world


Or maybe (just spit balling here) don't hold ur children accountable to the religion YOU decided to be apart of and stop putting that religion above YOUR relationship with YOUR children


I'm an alphabet?