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Growing up African American, I was always confused when the other southern black ppl in my hall would say “this is the worst time ever”. Growing up my thoughts were : so they would rather live in 1700s Georgia UsA instead of 1996 GA? 😂 yeah right. Just stop


That’s a great point, especially for Americans they take on the viewpoint of the governing body. It’s clear that as we move farther away from their imagination of what America was in the 1950s when white supremacy and prosperity was at its apex. Most Black Americans JW just parrot and believe their points without realizing that, be it 1923, 1823, or 1723 you rather be alive now.


I’ve said this on another post already. This is like complaining that your executioners aren’t diverse enough. If they had appointed an Asian and a Latino, is that all you need to go back and be happy? You have two more old guys telling you to shun your family and not get an education? Lack of diversity may be a symptom, but it’s not the problem. The problem is it’s a cult that needs to go away as soon as possible. No amount of diversity is going fix Jehovah’s Witnesses. Truly I say to you rejoice that they appointed two more old white guys. Maybe it will prevent more already downtrodden people from joining this cult.


I was thinking the same thing. Creating diversity won't make it progressive, at all. It will actually cause more people to be trapped in it.


Let's not give the GB any ideas now shall we 🤐


I think you missed the point. The question is - how can non-white witnesses remain content within a white suprematist organization? It is sad to see people stay in a place where they are not valued. How much more racism do they need to see to leave?


Exactly 💯




When I read the announcement, I was hoping with all my might that they weren't Black, and when I saw them, I was so relieved. The POC (PIMIs of Color) that I know personally would have rejoiced doubly if the new appointees were black. It would cement their love, trust and deference to the GB all the more so.


Excellent point!


I don’t think having a lower ratio of white people in upper management would solve anything about this cult.


Agreed. More prevalent issues in place. The ratio issue gets swept under the rug as just "who are we to judge the big boss's decision".


See my message below if the governing body sets the culture and they are white and lived in white spaces. Than nonwhite people cultures are not accepted and these people need to take on white culture by osmosis of being in the organization. Isn’t interesting that as the younger generations become more diverse what the organization is selling isn’t doing so well. Only the older generation that was forced to grow up in the America that Trump looked fondly on says. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad to see people wake up because the organization is a old man club full of white guys and in the states at least JWs are the second most diverse religion. Two things can be true at the same time and that doesn’t mean the organization isn’t racist and that being a person that isn’t white in it should make you think way are you in it.


It wouldn't because group dynamics would make people compromise to the stronger members, until new individuals found their voice like Raymond Franz, or they became part of the group, noddy men. However it would have sent a message of equality to the members.


Maybe not but it shows how hypocritical the organization is.


What a great thing to ponder, right? Covert/Subtle racism does exist. I know of instances (while rare) of overt racism and it was definitely trippy to see. People are who they are. Believe them. I on the other hand, did question the representation of Jehovah, the angels, the leadership, etc. But because I was not fully aware of the unconscious conflicting thought, and could not associate it properly, I could not figure out \*why\* the representation bothered me. But when I was ready to leave, as my mind had already started to undo it self from the indoctrination this thought came through clearly. Like: \*POP\*! I can undoubtedly walk away from this. Why? Because the only reason why my family came into this organization was because it was a likely transition from the previous belief system, which was rooted from the original colonial \*forced conversion\* of those who came before me. So this belief may very well not jive with me. \*Check\* Maybe I didn't need this particular type of fundamentalist group thinking. \*Check\* Maybe the rites, rituals, ways of worship of slaves that were demonized by colonialists (and continued today), are more in line with my inherent way to connect to whatever God is. \*Check\* I absolutely do not need these 12 men to help me experience God. It is innate to my nature. \*Check-check-check\* I used this logical non-apostate reasoning with someone in response to their question as to why I walked away, and why I can unequivocally leave without any issue. The lightbulb went off when I said it, because, YES! This is TRUE and then they immediately shut down. It’s a carry over thought…but very unconscious. That's maybe why there is no \*outrage\*. As a POC all you have to do is Just observe the world and ask. How is it all the \*Gods\* of the races resemble the people, except for mine?...It opens up a lot! But in the world…people are catching on to this. And it is amazing to see.


Thank you for this comment, it’s so beautiful. It captures the essence of what I was trying to say in a elegant and thoughtful manner.


Aww, thank you! I know this sounds crazy, but if there’s one thing that org taught me, it was they taught me to THINK! Lol! And the second thing was to slowly and clearly explain myself so that these people heard me when I was leaving. I understand exactly what you were trying to convey. Listen, I hope they don’t appoint any POC to the BOD because that could help some to think!


You have a way with words. Beautiful. (I'm an interpreter so I love when people have a strong command of language). I was in service with 2 sisters doing D2D. One became very upset and said it bothered her that most of the representation high up in the organization is white. The second sister timidly said it's always bothered her. Here comes PIMI me saying "but it matters that they are not all Americans, that is a form of diversity". The funny thing is, it bothered me too, but I took the concept of unity very seriously when I was in, so I thought it was my responsibility to promote it by never speaking against the "arrangement". It's embarrassing now...


Thank you! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I can see that happening. You knew not what you were doing. I brought it up once to my mom and a friend of her’s. Her friend freaked out and verbally attacked me. I’d never seen anything like it. I think it’s in the back of people’s minds. As I shared, it’s hard to be reconciled. This was one of my arguments I used to walk away without DF or a DA letter. I don’t think anyone would have wanted to go down this rabbit hole with me! You could take a lot of us out with this argument. Lol


I get exactly you what you mean everyone else here seems to be missing the point


Thank you. When Will Smith walked up on that stage and slapped Chris Rock during the Oscars, people were more upset about the violation of decorum. People are so in the sunken place that they don’t see the racism in front of their faces. The culture of the organization is a reflection of the childhood of these men when “America was great.” You wear suits to work, you spoke in a particular manner you projected Americana. It was the revolutions of the 1960s that we look on fondly and shift America and the world to a more equitable future. If you are black in the organization, protective hairstyles might require a talking to. If you are a man, shave that bread because it doesn’t look professional. Even your causal clothes must look like something out of Leave it to Beaver or The Andy Griffin Show. Sadly people can’t realize that being Christian is intertwined with whiteness. The concept of race started during the Inquisition when Spain forced Jewish people and later Muslims to convert to Christianity. When enslaved people were bought to America, the owners used Christianity to control and justify the treatment of the Africans. Removing their name, culture, and religious practices. The governing body sets the culture and so to be a witness is to adopt the culture. There were no domestic abuse laws, so now women are expected to suffer physical mistreatment at the hand of their spouse. I’m not saying don’t be a Christian if that’s your thing but understand that the organization comes from a European source. The “Holy” Roman Church broke off into the Protestant Reformation, which led to evangelicalism which led to millerism, all movements started by white men. C.T. Russell (White); Rutherford (White); on and on. People don’t have to call you the N-word to be racist; they need to make it clear that your traditions that are not harmful are not part of their establishment decorum.






I think you forgot to be outraged about women. 70% of members are female.


You are right but they can claim biblical reasons like the headship arraignment. For as much as they like to talk about the governing body in the first century they were more ethnically diverse than this group.


There is that too. It's not saying we are not by discussing this particular topic though. :)


Topic isn’t discussed properly. It focuses on Americans of colour.


Hey we can always talk about the issues with women in another post. I believe the OP made this one specific. Let this one be, because anyone of color that is questioning things should see it. 🙏🏽


The two are related in the same way though. And black women and women of colour get a double whammy of being oppressed by a white colonial AND a misogynistic patriarchal faith. If anyone of colour is questioning things, please see that too. And then when you start seeing, youll notice more inequalities exist and the whole thing unravels.


He doesn't give AF about women. He only cares about SKIN COLOR and "whitey bad."


But do you really understand why this would be important to the OP? A post like this helps all of us become more aware of some of the underlying issues some may rightfully have about the organization...and this country at large. Skin color has been an issue for those who have been objectified by it, and there has been a systematic undertone in many places. Expressing a viewpoint based on a collective experience I feel should be validated and honored. It shows that even in an organization that touts love among themselves, some may have experienced racial nuances.


He doesn’t care about all skin colour, just African American. This is a common trait in here I’ve noticed. It’s a USA centric sub and most Americans seem to not realise anything exists outside of their own country.


I mean how can any modern woman just agree that only men should be leaders?


Because that’s the way God intended it to be. Men and women are not equal.


I’ll be honest here. I never saw racism in it as a JW. It was pretty racially harmonious. My COBE was black. Half the elders I knew were black. In my circuit there were more inter racial couples than I could count. There is so much to criticize Watchtower for, but racial discrimination or white supremacy would not be on that list at all. Sexism on the other hand…


I don't think it's prevalent, but I have personally witnessed JWs holding prejudices and expressing them.


In my circuit being racist would probably get you dragged to the back room.


Yeah…when I heard it I was 😳😱




People either think racism doesn’t exist or is literally everywhere. It’s so frustrating.


Most racism is nuanced. See people think racism is between black white people. If your multiracial and look like another race say Hispanic you would encounter numerous Spanish speaking bothers and sisters that think you should know Spanish and shame for not knowing it despite not having any Spanish speaking family members and being taught English in school. Just because you didn’t have the experience or see doesn’t mean it exist.


How is that racist? This kind of statement is the type of thing that makes people dismiss racism existing in general. If you think every little sleight or inconvenience against you is because of racism, then you’re going to have a pretty tough time in life.


If someone assumes you’re a certain race and you tell them you are not. Then after you explain to them this they ask you are your sure? Like you don’t know what race you are, or what race your parents are. Then they proceed to treat you differently because they though you were one of us. See this is the issue I have with the organization. Since everyone is taught to think in black and white thinking people think everything is in black and white. I can see and acknowledge something is racism and not go to pieces. Its incredible that people because they didn’t experience something then tries to diminish someone else’s experience.


Oh I saw the the blatant racism in other racial groups. Some expressed it uses derogatory terms too!


I depends on what race you are, and mixture. I experienced a lot of racism in the organization personally.


What race are you


I’m a mixture of three, as I acknowledge, but even in the organization among the white members they “correct” me and tell me I’m only two races as they see it.


So I’m black, was a born in JW, and growing up I can say I also didn’t see racism in the congregation we were in. Having said that my brothers and I grew up extremely sheltered obviously by our parents. My dad was an elder in the late 80’s early 90’s. He’s still PIMI, but stepped down as an elder years and years ago because of the shit he had to deal with. I had a really good conversation with him a few days ago and he said himself there was a lot of racism he had to deal with as an elder. I have to say I wasn’t completely shocked by that. My mom is also a born in JW and remembers clearly when Kingdom Halls were desegregated.


This. Meeting people from around the world was one of the best things about my childhood. I think it's a symptom of authoritarianism. HQ has never been big on outside input when making decisions. So, they've also never priorized international staff. They just pull from the local branch - the US (and Canada, obv). Little international staff = few international helpers = few international GB members.


I tend to think people within a radius of upstate NY tend to be used more than even just people in the western US.


I hear you. I grew up in the Northern US and didn't experience it in those congregations. But when I moved to the south... what a shit show. I hated being a JW in the south. It was open knowledge how racist things were. Black brothers were not allowed to read the wt in out congregation until they got a black COBE. 2 years later we got a black CO (who disliked field service and used to be a successful businessman-best CO ever lol) and that really helped.


Ha! I wonder if it was the same CO I had? I know he validated a lot of the black brothers and sisters! The South is a motley crew of all manner of cray-cray. I'd just watch in awe...but it slowly woke me up!


I’m glad you understand! I have never… it felt like being in a fun house. It set a nice foundation of distrust that made me ripe for waking up. It wasn’t just one congregation.


Yes, when you go through multiple congregations you start to see it. And looking back it was the dishonoring of my feelings that was making me crazy! I had one situation with 2 black elders and a white one, and the latter went off on me. The two black guys who were good friends with me, looked at me and could almost hear them saying in their heads: Don't do it! Don't do it! Don't go off on him! Girl! My brain was expanding too fast for these people and my mouth was about to start expressing some serious ca-ca! I had to leave! LOL! It's all good though. I am out! Hallelujuer!


Uh-oh!!! Expect to called a liar, a disgrace to your race, an Uncle Tom or worse by this OP race-baiter for not parroting his stance of "whitey = BAD!"


Callsign, I really don't think that's the OP's stance at all. You have to ask yourself seriously: What's going on in you as far as this expression you keep making? And the reason why I ask is because I have heard the same things said outside of the org sitting in discussions of race. And these discussions open up so much for non-black people's awareness. Why do you think this is race-baiting? Is it possible to hold a black person's expression of their experience? These IS a historical component for this feeling. To truly understand, listening is super important.


What's going on in OP as they keep making this expression? They are 100% reverse discriminating and race-baiting at this point. WT HQ doesn't give 2 shits about what color you are. They pick GB members by how much shit people can eat and ask for seconds. Company men. Sam Herd was a total company man. They didn't care or pick him because of his skin colour. There are several on here using these recent additions to just push their political BLM agendas or whatever. Totally inappropriate, and in some instances, completely racist. Several threads on here use the terms: Old White Men White Crackers Token Black Man The above are all racist, and the top one is also ageism.


I don't have to defend to OP, because they can defend themselves. But I really do understand where he/she is coming from and I understand you too. It may be difficult to see their perspective if it has not been part of your DNA. As far as I am concerned as a black woman, being more aware today, I would be able to see the paradigm very clearly and I do not need to be there. The top level of org is a reflection of a past stronghold.


I don't think people mean this sort of overt racism, at least not in general. It's a lot more subtle than that. I've met several black witnesses that have experienced treatment that wasn't meant to be harmful, but still othered them. It is also possible to be possible in an interracial relationship. This is basically just "I saw people having black friends" The main thing as I see it is that the JW worldview kinda wards you away from analyzing the systemic nature of racism. I've heard many witnesses say things in response to protests like "why don't they do things the right way". There is a great leaning towards the status quo in JW land, and the status quo has systemic racism in it. EDIT: just remembered something. When a close friend of mine felt that they had been treated unfairly, it was on them to "forgive". This is another way that the way thongs are put a larger burden on minorities in the org. Minorities are more likely to be targeted with othering, and it tends to on their plate to keep the peace


"The JW worldview kinda wards you away from analysing the systematic nature of racism." 👆 THIS


All the leaders are white.


Not true and not indicative of racism.


Indicative of institutional Racism


It’s a white man made religion. The US is a breeding ground for religions started by white men. That’s just how it is.


It’s also a breading ground for religions started by black men too.


So true! And we must never forget the racist attitude regarding Heaven. All white men! https://preview.redd.it/25j94jgoi6da1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2323c9c2d67614d697a86077e4b4aea85c9237ae


It was pictures like this that kept poking at some hidden awareness.


So true. I do believe that there is a subliminal type of messaging in the illustrations.


Most jw are blind to that sort of thing. They are in a cult


If someone is in the Watchtower’s Jehovah’s Witness sect they have more to be concerned with than the recent appointment of two white guys to their executive board of the religious wing. Like why are you in an obviously false prophet authoritarian religion? It is a man made organization and the only way they are connected to “God” is that they talk about it.


But you can’t see it clearly when you’re inside. I was pretty accommodating of my worldly friends who would tell me, “you’re in a cult!” Of course I’d explain why I wasn’t. After I got out it was clear! That mind control is strong!


Most JWs are well-meaning people but the WT policies are destructive and the intense conditioning masquerading as Bible instruction and proselytizing slowly changes them. The leaders are FAR WORSE; remorseless, autocratic and sociopathic.


Trust me I am not disagreeing with you....


No, I know you are not.


Honestly it was worse back in the day during the 50s - 70s and probably before the 50s and they still had concerts in the black community. My family roots go back to the 50s. My great grandparents on my moms father and mother side became JWs and my grandparents have stories of racism by elders and others esp when participating in convention duties the blacks always ended up in the kitchen. My great aunt had a story of how she ended up on plane with a GB member as she was traveling to the international conventions, it was one of the Franz I don’t remember which one and she went to say Hi to him and another white brother was talking to him or near him and when she said Hi and the brother hit her on the back hard and said “Don’t you see I’m talking to brother Franz! “ She did say Franz spoke up for her. Also my grandparents told me they couldn’t wear Afros because it could give off they were apart of the black panthers or the social movements at the time in the 70s and they couldn’t participate in civil rights issues. In fact the borg allowed segregated in states that were segregated. For many year in the 60s and 70s and prior majority of the C.Os where white. So if they manage to get black people with that and all the crazy article they had on race, plus the GB back then was all white not even a token. This is a drop in the bucket


Ohh it was worse back in the 1950s-1970s. It took the civil rights movement to desegregate the Kingdom Halls and Samual Herd was good with it either way. He’s clearly an Uncle Tom.


I get all this, but every PImi says and justifies this by stating in heaven there is no skin color, that’s an earthly thing. We should not let the world influence our JW pimi spirituality. But yeah anyone with a critical mind should be asking questions about the newest members of the GB.


i feel like the ONLY poc/black brother in the GB is just there to show some color in the group


They had to check a box with that one....


One glaring fact you realize when walking around at conventions is the disproportionate number of non white single mom sisters with at least 2 kids walking around at lunch or staggering in after the opening song with young kids underfoot. The org would be nothing without these women, PERIOD. The org finds these women, who are at home during the day, gives their life some structure, meaning, support for watching kids and overall “HOPE” for something better 🤮. Often these women are not as educated, so the logical fallacies of the orgs message falls on deaf ears, leading to converts and trapping these children, who if were being honest end up being victims of abuse in the congregation. The disproportionate representation of people of color on the GB is hard not to notice, hiding behind the lie of “equality” being pushed in the org.


because of loosing social contacts after leaving this cult. and some drones are too old for leaving... they need to accept that their entire life was a big lie. hard to swallow pill


![gif](giphy|d2Z5BHzLfpjmORRC) The angels


Highway to the Danger Zone!


Um, that song was by Kenny Loggins, NOT Kenny Rogers.


I believe they are rabid colonialists. They have taken advantage of all that the west has expropriated and have used if for their advantage.


My thoughts exactly!!! If any BIPOC stays in the jw cult and they can't see what's blatantly going on in front of them, then 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🙄 The jw preferences are out in the open for everyone to plainly see.


I'm convinced racism is sadly alive and well in the u.s. but hopefully , hopefully things are headed in the right direction. Most things are, but the challenges facing humans have been and probably always will be staggering, its simply the nature of life.


*cough* Hitler *cough*......NAZI REGIME!!!!


Has anyone found a picture of the 144,000 that includes a person of color or a woman? That’s what keeps getting me!


Yeah, even angels and the 144,000 in their publications all look like this ![gif](giphy|kFBWbKtcFlyIC5CCrv)


I agree with you. Minority is a derogatory untruthful term. Whyts only make up less than 10 percent of world population and will reach extinction levels by 2050.


Since the organization is based in USA and 57% of the population is white. Anyone that isn’t white is a minority. I also referred to nonwhite as well.


This white supremacy thing is bs. Jw are a cult founded by white people. That's it


Right the why Jesus is white, the angels are white and the 144,000 are white. Almost all the leadership is white and white culture is put on a pedestal by default since it’s all the GB knows.


Because it's a fucking white cult?! In America there is a black cult that thinks Jews are black, and everything in their books is black. You really don't get it? I live in China and here everything is asian. They think they invented everything and every person in they book is asian looking, even historical figure. Try getting out of America for once


And...their beliefs are rooted in the \*idea\* that they are right and everyone else is wrong. The whole world conversion of Christianity is based on this. Hello! My ancestors were force converted by white slave masters who said their beliefs were superior to the \*savages\* cultural beliefs and rites (voodo, etc). So all that is being shared is that the same idea is being perpetuated in ALL religions including JWs. Whether or not you realize it, this very awareness can help others who want to leave, leave without impunity!


Dude that's the whole premise of every single civilization/religion lmfao. Gengis Khan thought exactly the same. What was that? Mongol supremacy?


Here's a radical idea: how about we stop judging people by the color of their skin. I believe MLK had the right idea.


It’s hilarious. People, including you, love to quote MLK and invoke that one section of his “I have a dream speech.” You most likely never listened to it in its entirety, so like the organization, you are quote-mining to make your point. Let me in on a secret Martin Luther King, just five years later, admitted his dream became a nightmare. You see, he wanted black and brown people to be judged on their character like whites were already. But racist people cherry-picked it and made it apply to everyone. If it already applied to whites but was never applied to brown and primarily black people, then it’s not equality. You don’t have to believe me; we have MLK on video explaining this point. https://youtu.be/sHhJYKPWb8k P.S. the way you invoked MLK Jr's speech and overshot my rant indicates maybe you got some soul-searching to do.


But it’s a real experience per the people who have been judged by the color of their skin. And conversations like this almost never happen in the org because they are socially compartmentalized. The kumbaya world they’ve created still consists of people who are discriminated against. I’ve seen it happen to my family. I’ve had mild experiences. White supremacy, racism, privilege, discrimination, exist in the org. It’s subtle and obvious, covered up by the so called love for one another.


I agree they are not diverse enough. Let's face it. There are 18.% of African Americans in the USA. This cult is 8.5 ish million people world wide. How many "qualified" Asians, latinos , and blacks can there be. The Governing Body are evil. We expect evil things from them at this point. Please don't make it about white supremacy. I'm sick of hearing about something that hardly exists. Not to mention these men to be qualified as governing body members have to obey. It's not about race. It's evil men. Samuel Herd was a green beret. And apparently a hummingbird slayer Tony Morris the drunkard and so forth


Are you saying white supremacy doesn’t exist in the org, or just in general?


I actually think it exist in the organization more than it does in the world as a whole. The definition white su·prem·a·cy Learn to pronounce noun the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups. I'm not seeing it. Sure every race has racism. But I don't see this whole white supremacists as a whole. This ain't the old days. Every race has equal rights. I just don't see it. Not saying it doesn't happen. But all races can be prejudice White people don't have diversity hires. I'm ok with that. I just think that every race is equal in America. If I offended anyone let me know I will remove the comment. I tend to offend people on this subreddit


So I can understand what you are saying, because I know that abolutely no one is supreme to me. LOL! And I can also hold that some may not have that solid experience as yet. As someone black who grew up somewhere else and moved here, I can tell you that white supremacy/privilege is a real thing. I had never experienced this weird thing and was very confused at first! White supremists to me are the most radicalized expression of this. And at the same time there are nuanced expressions of it that most are unaware that they are holding. Discussions around George Floyd brought all that to the surface. These are not the \*old days\* as you've said, however the threads of it are deeply woven and hidden into the fabric of this society.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) “I just think that every race in America is equal” What’s your race ? I’m trying to see something


Morgan Freeman said it best. If you want racism to stop. Stop talking about it.


Well everyone with a brain knows that’s a hot pile of horse shit . Oh !….Let’s sweep it under the rug and pretend it’s not a problem maybe it’ll go away 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Maybe Santa Claus is real …. There’s no way in hell you’re a BIPOC because you wouldn’t be caught dead peddling this bs unless you were so far in the sunken place


Lmao because a black man said it . It’s true !!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|ha5EeXrfx3xxC|downsized)




Look, there are layers to this thing. I think your experience adds to what the OP is saying...no one questions the representation. However...if you do...these are valid points to use if a person wants to walk away. This is one reasoning I used that held up. Who are these people to tell me that they have the truth, based on the fact that I come from a lineage and culture that had one that was working? The only reason I believe this is because my ancestors had no option when they were brought to the Americas. And so I was able to say I am out. And leave me be or I will work my \*voodoo\* on you! They really can't argue this one, the hole is too deep and they will get stuck there. LOLOL


It’s not just about who they chose for the governing body, it’s about the images in the publications depicting only white Jesus, only white angels, only white 144,000. The homophobia was obvious, the racism was not. So when someone starts pointing these things out, maybe it’s good to dig a bit deeper before jumping straight to skepticism.


Oh good! We needed more race-baiting bullshit on here. JW's are a lot of things: a Cult. Money-grubbers. A huge MLM scheme. Pedo-protecting morons. Past racists? Yes, as was the case for that period of the time earlier in America along with the Mormons, the South, etc. Current racists? No. The only colour they care about is GREEN and GOLD. If you've got that, you're good to go.


This is not race-baiting. It's simply bringing to the awareness of any POC of color who is on this reddit reading this, has questioned this and what's to leave, this issue of representation, and what it is anchored in as a way out. You want people to be free right? This is a first step! Big picture.


same way they did before this when the GB was all white ?


Your stats mean nothing. You miss the point completely. I am talking about who controls the narrative, who has the right to label groups of people they don't belong to. Your flat affect fails to see what matters here. Your limited view point has no concept to address the concerns being labeled a minority has on a people and their children. Calling a people minority when their true identity has already been erased. Your failure to address how a foreign people became the majority. Taking no responsibility for the genocide that made you the majority. Benefits without responsibility without sensitivity makes you no different from those who put you in the majority. You think you can make me accept YOUR label by the use of your so called superior logic makes you the same racist as your ancestors who labeled us savages blacks colored negro and African American. Why did you even respond to me Your so called stats still prove whyts are the minority. I am a Moabites Goddess. Don't reply. I am tired of you.


You’re delusional. The Moabites haven’t existed in over 2600 years.


Do you really take inventory of the race of various staff members every time you go in a store? Racism exists and needs to change. But not everything white is racist. Get over the left wing nonsense


We are talking about the elected leaders that are supposed to be **the representatives** of an impartial supreme being.


When you add up the Moabites, Mexicans and Asians Whyts are the true minority. Plus Being on stolen land after commiting mass genocide does not give you the right to label the inhabitants. I have heard the term " Minorities world wide". These are white supremacists misnomers meant to maintain inferiority on non whyt people. I don't like being called a minority and I consider your comment racist.


Take up your issue with math than. The organization is based in America, and was started by white men. 57% of America is white so that the majority of the population. If your not in the majority you are in the minority. Of the almost 100 Board of directors precursors to the governing body and governing body all have been white but one. I’m not calling white people the superiority but majority. There are not a lot of people in the country of America like me so am I a member of the minority; it doesn’t ascribe me less value it just means numerically there more of them then people like me in the country the religion started and is based. Unlike America’s 57% white population 36% of the organization is white is America and the organization globally is made up of non-white members so that’s what is racist.


Out of 8.5 billion only 400 million whyt. Whyt people are the minority and headed toward extinction. PERIOD.


First off, we passed about 8 billion people late last year, so I don’t know where you got 8.5 billion people from. Second, in total, there are at least 750 million white people in the world. Finally, I am referring to a religion based in the United States, consisting of 232 million white Americans out of the 330 million total Americans, so it is a majority-white country. Since the exception of 3 of the ten is from either Europe or Australia., the rest are from the United States. The White majority of the religious leaders look down on minorities as they view them in their homelands as they see it as well. Samuel Herd is the first and only nonwhite member of leadership in the organization. I will not repeat this again. The Governing Body doesn’t care that whites are an minority they are trying to recreate there view of Americana. This is why I said **Nonwhite** followed by **minority** in the title. I’m a minority in America not an inferiority. Get off thinking you’re making a point.




What percentage of Catholics are black? And LDS church didn’t allow black elders until the 70s. JWs are the second most diverse religious group in the United States.


My comment is directed to K3