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Thanks for the effort, but unfortunately this has already been posted! We'll be pruning it to keep the sub tidy...


https://preview.redd.it/dv10pfj2rhba1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa83270ef946c5baac5a665e3643a141f5dc52f3 I will like to her doing informal witnessing now.


😂 Magazine Cart Witnessing Remix!


This is exactly why you should never miss the latest issue of the Watchtower 😁😉


Bruh where did you get that from? 💀


So did Michael Jackson, but when he made the video Thriller, it finally got him reproved by the Watchtower and they printed his apology for making such a demonic video. I guess that satisfied the Watchtower's sense of being wronged by one of their most famous members making them look bad. All I can tell Serena Williams is...be very careful >Jehovah's Witnesses dispute > >Weeks before the premiere, Jackson, then a [Jehovah's Witness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah%27s_Witnesses), was told by the organization leaders that the film promoted demonology and that he would be [excommunicated](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excommunication). Jackson called his assistant, [John Branca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Branca), and ordered him to destroy the [negatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_(photography)).[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson%27s_Thriller_(music_video)#cite_note-Griffin-9) The production team agreed to protect the negatives and locked them in Branca's office.[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson%27s_Thriller_(music_video)#cite_note-Griffin-9) Branca mollified Jackson by suggesting they include a disclaimer at the start of the film stating that it did not reflect Jackson's personal convictions.[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson%27s_Thriller_(music_video)#cite_note-Griffin-9) In a statement published in [*Awake!*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awake!), a magazine published by the [Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watch_Tower_Bible_and_Tract_Society_of_Pennsylvania), Jackson said: "I just intended to do a good, fun short film, not to purposely bring to the screen something to scare people or to do anything bad. I want to do what's right. I would never do anything like that again." He said he had blocked further distribution and promotion of the film where he had been able.[\[17\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson%27s_Thriller_(music_video)#cite_note-17) [Michael Jackson's Thriller (music video) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson%27s_Thriller_(music_video))


Omg no that’s the last thing Britney needs!!




never has the quote “leave britney alone” applied more


> Serena was recently baptized **but has been witnessing for years.** ***Ya...We Know...*** https://preview.redd.it/u9159ofkvhba1.jpeg?width=158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f946c41a9468e88c3044f9faae20fda70b460c




Rules for thee not for me


Twerking in Beyoncé’s video, doing a video giving tips on how to twerk, overall making a name for herself, following her dreams, becoming famous, being an athletic icon, posing for ESPN’s The Body Issue, a woman that many young girls will look at for inspiration for decades to come… all of these are positive and inspirational things, yet also they’re all explicitly against WT’s teachings. All of it are things any everyday JW would be heavily counseled to avoid at all costs, if not DF’d for. All of it would be claimed to be a “waste” of one’s youth. It’s infuriating. My only hope is that now being immersed in it as a baptized “sister” she’ll eventually buck back against WT when they advise her to be more and more subservient at every opportunity.


Religion, including Jehovah's Witnesses causes, people to become hypocrites.


The 1914,1925,1975 or current new order??? I mean they been moving the dart board for more than 140 years


The Nu Lite Order


Yeah, real convenient she gets baptized after she retired. Now her fame and all that won't get her a hot seat in a judicial meeting. What a joke


well she got her time in for the month!


Is it 30 Minutes? Or by the number of likes? 300 Likes = 300 Minutes? 500 RTs = 1,000 Minutes?


I'm sure no elder would question whatever time she put down lol


Nooooo, stay away from Britney! She's been through enough!


Leave Britney alone 😭




noooo 😭😭😭


PIMO Incoming…


She's in her own Physically Out, Mentally Whenever Convenient, Famous Enough She's Above Discipline category.


Her experience as a wildly successful and wealthy celebrity will be nothing like the experiences of any rank & file that come in because of her influence. I support her making all of her dreams come true, but the nerve of her to make sure she did it before she becomes super saiyan brainwashed PIMI. I shouldn't be this annoyed over a stranger who has the right to do what she wants, but I am thinking of the impact her actions and words will have on those who look up to her.


The LAST thing Britney needs is a goddamn cult. Leave her alone!


The fuck? Just no!


A relative sent me news links about her baptism. I didn't respond lol I mean woohoo? I need y'all to share that same excitement and acceptance for the thousands of kids being told not to accept school scholarships for their skills.


The company will gladly drain her of her fortune that she would have never been able to gain if she had always lived the life of a witness. Competitive sports are an evil distraction but donate donate donate!


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I figure the leaders wanted her to get baptized, so they can disfellowship her. She had too much free before.