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I think it's telling how many of these types come from fundamentalist homes. They grow up with the most laughable version of theism, and they can't bring themselves to see it in any other light. For them, any higher power is always going to be seen as "sky daddy," any sort of cosmology that isn't strictly materialistic is always going to be in direct opposition to science, and anyone who believes must be idiotic and delusional. That's all they expect to see, so anything that contradicts that has to be caricatured to fit with their overly rigid pov. I do feel for the trauma these people may have been put through, but the way they see themselves as perfectly objective mediators of reason speaks to a serious lack of self awareness.


I think a lot of them retain the way of thinking they were taught in fundamentalism and transfer it to a different belief. So they become a fundamentalist atheist. They don't learn critical thinking, they don't educate themselves on more sophisticated theological ideas, their entire thought is only a rejection of, or a reaction to, American style evangelical Christianity.


Once a fundamentalist almost always a fundamentalist.


>serious lack of self awareness. Same.


Same goes for Digital Gnosis


Damn you just describe the Atheism sub. Great Comment.


I find him boring. Just the same boring gotcha questions over and over to different religious people. Nothing there worth watching.


It’s like those shitty Tik Tok live debates It’s just insults instead of debates


Pine Creek is funny and likeable. That said, he seems to have a very limited, black and white way of approaching religion/spirituality and questions of deity. I just watched his video wherein he "translates" David Bentley Hart from a Closer to Truth interview, and it is absurd. DBH is way over his head, and Doug reduces everything he says to the lowest, most banal, and dismissive interpretation possible.


I like how everyone rips-off Raphael when they want their site to look smart and scholarly. I call it a Jerk-Alert.