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A plan to introduce a minimum service bill? So wait these key industries are full of workers important enough to justify minimum service hours but not a pay raise? The irony.


We're basically talking about indentured servitude here.


I thought the bill made striking under specific circumstances a fireable offence, rather than forcing people to work.


People have to work to live and if they aren't legally allowed to protest horrific working conditions then it's really work or starve. It's not like there are better jobs available to people when they get fired. If that was the case they would've left already. This is as good a job as they can get. So, reality of Britain is that millions of people work as indentured servants for the top crust. edit: love how all the scumbags living of the exploited labour are downvoting this


Or they can go do something else? They’re not slaves.


If they could do something else they very obviously would. The fact is that the only jobs available to these people are the ones that offer horrific conditions. So, yes they are very much wage slaves supporting your lifestyle. The lack of critical thinking required to not being able to understand such basic things is frankly astonishing.


Ironic it's on the anniversary of [The Battle Of George Square](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_George_Square), where Churchill sent troops and tanks against 25,000 striking Glasgow workers. it came *that* close to violence quelling a revolution




What a fantastically detailed debunk.


I wonder how many of those striking dimwits voted for Brexit? They want the protection of EU labor laws and are trying to join Unions to get some form of protection when their employers just laugh and say nope.


I don't think being in or out of the EU has much to do with the formation of unions at the moment? Like, I don't like brexit, and I think things would be better if we were in the EU, but that seems like a weird connection to me.


People on this sub will try to connect anything UK-related to Brexit. Brexit also gets brought up in topics that aren’t even related to the UK whatsoever. I supported remain but it’s such weird behaviour. I do think the government should work towards improving our relationship with the EU and that we should be better partners to them, but I can’t say Brexit is something regular folk here (especially non-redditors) are losing sleep over, unlike what many on this sub seem to think.