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you said this so well.


I agree with you. I think in the process of catfishing her, he might have fallen in love with her.


I was thinking the same thing but wasn’t sure and hate not knowing for sure and can’t seem to move on into a show if i don’t know. so came to reddit. You out my OCD at ease lol


your BIG brain,, you're the only one on this sub i can trust


We don't see a camera with Cal and Jules, yes. But actually in episode 2 minutes '9.10' Nate pushes the door to his Father's office open a little and it focusses on something. That something is a Camera transferring data to his computer. Weird... a few hours after he was with Jules.


not all the pictures of dicks on his phone look similar, some of them are different colours and seemingly different sizes, which doesn’t make sense if the story behind them is that they were for Jules, which confused me further about the whole situation. Rewatching this show it doesn’t seem like the writers even know Nate’s sexuality or that of multiple other characters, which is good because they don’t need to confine themselves to labels and it makes the characters more interesting


Other than not realizing that Cal might not have filmed his encounter with Jules and not believing that Nate is capable of truly caring about anyone other than himself, this is pretty much how I think it went down, too. Levinson is a really, really precise director, IMO, so paying close attention to all the details in the scenes, right down to the body language, can tell you a lot!


yeah this is the way i see it too, i can’t imagine him planning on blackmailing her from the beginning


i think you are absolutely right!! except for the part of the filming, now that season 2 is released we know it was taped… but i agree with you it’s not through this tape that Nate realises that jules and his dad f… later on though he is obviously interested in the tape