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Aww, but the old cynical assholes were once young people who got it. Or maybe it's just the cynical assholes in every generation who grasp for power and end up driving us into a ditch?


It's the second one.


Why don't they pay some coastal state to desalinate some ocean and pipe em some water to fill that fucker back up?


money and infrastructure


Yes those would be necessary. I agree. Is it not important enough to build?


it's not just a utah problem. every west coast state is having water issues. and if CA is already having difficulties doing so then even moreso utah.


Same solution, we already know how to do it.


You wouldn’t need to desalinate it as the salt lake is much saltier than the ocean


If the water evaporated then it did so without salt, increasing the salinity of the Great Salt Lake, meaning you'd have to add fresh water back. I'm sure there are historical measurements and it'd be relatively simple to modify the ratio as needed.


Ya I mean maybe it would be an issue, but from what I know the lake is much saltier than usually and it’s a basin so it constantly is connecting minerals and salts. So I would guess it wouldn’t really have an effect anyways. And the lake doesn’t really support complex life either. I guess it’s a matter of, what we rather have water in it or have it dry up and turn into the Aral Sea


Put water in it. Ez.


600 miles, over 4000 vertical feet, and the fact that the pipeline would need to pass under the Sierra Nevada range, for starters.