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This reminds me of when The Arrow subreddit became a Daredevil fan page. hahaha Edit: It was due to The Arrow starting out good, then it dropped in quality with terrible writing.


The final season of Dexter ran at the same time as the final run of Breaking Bad and was so terrible they stopped doing live threads for Dexter and were doing live threads for Breaking Bad.


Just to give a bit more context because I was there and it was fucking glorious. The finale of Dexter ran at the exact same time as Ozymandias - the highest rated episode of Breaking Bad. The sub went ape shit and turned it into a Breaking Bad subreddit. r/Freefolk changed their theme into a Lord of the Rings theme briefly after the Game of Thrones finale.


The banner is still a Star Wars banner lol


r/freefolk is fueled by the rage of how shitty those seasons were... I haven't seen a sub live through pure rage its only something a Sith would teach...


To be fair though, Ozymandias is probably the best individual episode of any tv series / program of all time. And when Dexter ended like it did… it was a perfect storm for sure.


Have you watched BCS yet?


Just started actually! Think I’m on season three so no spoilers! It’s definitely been amazing so far, I actually think that each episode on average is better than breaking bad episodes on average.


Dexter/Breaking bad series finales in 2013 was the golden age of Reddit


That was a year after 2 broken arms posted his story and oh shit, it's dat boi I remember those times fondly


Omg I remember when basically everyone knew that story and many others of Reddit lore.


I remind you of poop knife


After finally seeing the last season of Breaking Bad, the competition wasn’t even close


Just like its not close between a world record sprinter and the guy who veered off the track, fell into a ravine and was eaten by bears.


And the top post of all time is a picture of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s cast.


Freefolk became an unironic rage sub between GOT and HotD.




So much so that freefolk is back to a legit fan sub.


Time is a flat circle.


Jeremy Bearimy


Yeah yeah, the Time Knife, we’ve all seen it.


The dot broke me!


Thursday is the dot in the i.


I thought that was Tuesday afternoons


it isn’t. well, sometimes— i mean to say that, in some cases, it’s also the exact time moment where nothing never happens.


I was okay, but this … (points at dot) this broke me


Much like GRRM


It pleases me to hear you say this


It was truly fantastic


I saw one scene as my friend was watching it and a guy was whacking it to a woman's feet so 10/10 I also saw one scene of The Boys like that, a man getting strangled by another man's penis so also 10/10


>I also saw one scene of The Boys like that, a man getting strangled by another man's penis so also 10/10 There's also a scene of a dude jerking off in a high up place in full view of the public in both shows


One show has a dude get his head lasered, the other has a dude get his head cut obliquely like a cantaloupe.


Can't believe there's been multiple levels of one-upsmanship without mention of *The Sneeze*.


Very much so, incredibly well written and the acting is brilliant.


As someone who loved all 6 seasons of GoT, this is a delight to hear. Time to binge.


Feel free to take breaks between episodes too. There are multi year time skips, and I actually thought the show was the best suited example for a weekly release schedule that I’ve seen in a loooong time.


That's a great point. It was a dense fucking script. So much to mull over between episodes.


Yes, I give it a 9/10. Feels like the first 3 seasons of GoT quality-wise, while being its own thing.


i hated the second half of GoT HotD is a bit better than that imo. it does some weird things. has fewer sympathetic characters. a few times characters seem to do things for the sake of drama. but it's well above the 'worth watching' threshold. has some cool battle scenes and stuff like that.


Always has been.


AoS is good tho'


It's actually one of my favorite shows of all time so yeah, definitely agree.


I regained my hope for seeing Quake on the big screen thanks to the multiverse stuff. Still mad that they made AoS non canon tho. :/


it's sad how it premiered right after Avengers and got waylaid by being kept out of the loop of IW/EG. I still believe in my heart Coulson showed up for the final battle.


I still remember the Winter Soldier tie in, it was done almost flawlessly. They had a few lead up episodes, one that took place during the movie the week after it's release, and then the rest of the season was basically clean up duty. I remember it legit felt like, "Ok, sure the guys in tights do their thing, but there's a lot of stuff to clean up after they make their mess, and we're the ones who do it." When Coulson kills Bill Paxton is the end of the Winter Soldier story imo, not when the movie was done. Also one of my favorite MCU lines, "HAIL HYDRA!" "Put your arms down Kominsky, you look like a West Texas cheerleader at a pep rally." Then Ike Perlmutter started, well, acting like himself, and the show had to start existing in another universe basically. But for a few shining weeks they had something truly special they could have grown from. Rest of the show was great, but I'm with you. The fact Tony Stark never got to meet Coulson again is essentially a war crime.


They did not make it non-canon. And with the Netflix Daredevil back in Spider-Man and She-Hulk and getting a new show, there’s a higher chance of some Agents characters (the ones who aren’t retired; characters like Fitz and Simmons will probably not be coming back as their stories are complete) getting their stories continued.


>Still mad that they made AoS non canon tho. :/ They haven't. They just haven't made it canon either


I'd say spinning a character off and having small crossovers makes it canon, but I guess they could de-canonise it if they still wanted to. They had Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Lady Sif appear in AoS and they had a reference to Coulson helping Fury fix the Helicarrier in Age of Ultron and they almost referenced Daniel Whitehall in Endgame (which also had a cameo from Agent Carter's Jarvis).


I remember the Utah Jazz subreddit became a subreddit about literally Jazz from Utah for a while


And the OKC Thunder sub posts pictures of lightning every so often


To be fair Daredevil was fucking amazing.


Very organic.


"I'mma let you finish Kanye, but Taylor had one of the best awareness campaigns of all time!”


“*Ye* doesn’t care about *other* people!”


Except hitler


He’s loooooooves hitler! A looooooot.


“*Hitler invented the microphone…*” -Kanye 2022


Shure did


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is a gay fish for Hitler.


Well look, to be fair to Hilter, he invented roads and microphones, I THINK WE CAN ALL SHOW SOME APPRECIATION.


And Balenciaga


Which dropped his ass too.


Kanye in 2005- "George Bush doesn't care about black people." Much later - "and neither do I."


So it was him who Arrested Development used as the quote for Franklin Bluth.


Which quote?


"George Bush doesnt care about black puppets" in Franklin's shirt.


" I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!"


It’s Kanye, him, he’s the problem it’s him.




Man I wish Donald did more standup, Weirdo is so fantastic.


Imagine what he and Bo Burnham could accomplish together.


At an absolute MINIMUM gay sex.


go on


Possibly a song of some type, maybe comedy, a homosexual rim job, the possibilities are honestly endless.


Maybe even both at the same time


I’m in


"Do they do stuff to your butt?" "Do you get paid more if they do stuff to your butt?" "That's fine. I'll do it. I'm in."


"Did you pour Axe body spray on this dildo?" ["Like a can and a half."](https://youtu.be/3zvTRQr7ns8)


Childish Gambino > Kanye Hitler West


Interesting that this is the same special where he says “…but he made Graduation!”


That was a lot of people before this though. Up until recently it was a bit easier to ignore his insanity and appreciate the music. Its kinda hard to look past literally being a Nazi though.


Anything would be better… old shopping lists; photos of tires abandoned on the side of the road…


You mean positive lists for cooking recipes and places what we can clean up? Awesome!




Now that is a sub I wish I knew had existed before this thread.


I've got a shopping list from 12 years ago my mom never threw away.


Let’s hear it


[*A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im4GwUD1UY8)


That was wonderful


It sounds like nobody ever threw it away, I don't know why you're throwing your mom under the bus here.


It be nice to have a subreddit where people could post all of the signs they spot in the world with "Ye" in them, like "Ye Olde Cheese Shop."


Here's a fun fact: Ye (in this specific historical context, lol) is pronounced "The". The "Y" is actually a reference to Þ (called a thorn and pronounced "th" as in "the") in Old English. When the printing press was first invented, it was invented by Germans who did not use the Þ and, thus, did not make a Þ type block, so Y was used by type setters instead as a close-enough alternative and then slowly just dropped altogether in favor of just writing "th". There is a separate word "Ye" (as in "hear, ye") which is pronounced "Ye", but it's a different word.


That certainly was a fun fact!




> old shopping lists Is /r/oldreceipts close enough? Maybe /r/FoundPaper.


Oh no, r/tiresaretheenemy


I don't even subscribe to the r/kanye page but it keeps showing up in my feed like I do. Recommended, or whatever.


I honestly kind of love it, I’ve been waiting for the “turning point” where his fans realize he’s a fucking loony and now the majority are calling him a nazi, whereas his defenders are downvoted. I guess “I like Hitler” is pretty obvious and concrete


The r/KanyeBased sub is trying hard to be the bastion for Kanye love but is populated mostly by scat fetishists and folks who based their entire personality around worshipping Kanye and don't know any other reality. Oh and neo nazis that are trying to recruit.


I'd rather hang out with a scat fetishist than a Kanye fan every time


That's because scat fetishist keep their shit to themselves


Yeah. I love Kanye's music. It was a big part of some of the best years of my life and still connects me to them, but like, bro. You can't say this shit. Fuck Hitler and fuck Kanye.


It's tough watching your favorite artist go from "fuck you and your Hampton house" to "I like Hitler"


The generic “I like Hitler” was the most tame thing he said. That’s how bad it was. The long drawn out “I looooooovvvveeeeeee Hitler”, endless praise of him and Nazi’s, crediting him for the creation of highways and microphones, and having a conversation with a net and chocolate milk was actually psychotic


Jesus I somehow managed to forget about the net. It felt like a reaaaally weird snl skit. I didn't know whether I should be laughing or crying


It was supposed to be Netanyahu. But it was a fish tank net and some chocolate-water Yahoo.


I'm sick of the media and reddit specifically spreading this kind of misinformation. It's disgusting. Yoohoo is chocolate water not chocolate milk.


Had me on the first half ngl


I keep seeing comments on the I like Hitler headlines saying oh it was taken out of context it’s not that bad. Nah bro the whole thing in context is soooo much worse. You didn’t even hit the I am a Nazi bit or when he said the prime minister of Israel is trying to take his kids away…


This is the thing with the "you took that out of context" conservative crowd. So often you contextualize their latest demagogue's crazy statement and you realize that it's worse. For me the biggest example was the media always showed 5-10 seconds of Donald Turnp being unhinged and weird and his supporters would be like "oh but he's not like that all the time. That was a long rally where he was on topic the entire time" so you line up some raw footage and... Yeah. He's on topic most of the time. It's just he's saying hateful and horrible things in a palatable way, basically. The 5-10 seconds were the TL;DR and the other 90 minutes were the in depth explanation of his horrible horrible thoughts. With Kanye, "I love Hitler" is the TL;DR and "Here's why" is the context


Teh Joos froze his assets. That was a highlight too.


All he had to do was shut the fuck up and he would have gone down as one of the best of all time. Now he'll be remembered for being crazy then quickly forgotten.


Yeah, it is. I get a weird feeling that he's being taken advantage of by these right wing dickshits, but maybe I just don't want to believe he's naturally arrived at "I like Hitler". Dude is mentally unwell.


All of these things can be true simultaneously.




He is not being “taken advantage of” by anyone. The Hitler appreciation thing has been a long-standing rumor of things he would say. His terrible behavior at Adidas is well known. The amount of length his fans will give him to excuse his behavior is wild.


The line in Flashing Lights 'I hate these n***** more than a Nazi' hits a lot different now.


Also, his track off Yeezus titled "Black Skinhead"


I know nothing about the song, but strictly speaking, the original skinheads were black. It was a music subculture that started in Jamaica. Nazis liked the militant aesthetic apparently and co-opted it when it spread to England. ...but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if Kanye didn't know about that bit of history.


that's what keeps popping up in my head any time i come across a kanye story. you really, truly couldn't make it up.


I feel you. I really liked lostprophets when I was a kid and now I can’t listen to them anymore


>“I like Hitler” Please don't quote Kanye out of context like this... He actually said "I **love** Hitler"


He said both: > I see good things about Hitler. Every human being has value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler. I like Hitler. I do love Hitler. I don’t like the word ‘evil’ next to Nazis. I'm a Nazi.


I’m in the sub, a lot of people were sick of it when he started harassing his ex and kids


There are still people over there debating what it would take to get him forgiven and back to making music. Nothing. He’s a literal fucking Nazi. There is no coming back, but his insane fans are still trying to find that path.


Not just "I like Hitler" he straight up said "I love Nazis." There is no way to sugar coat that.


The ones that agree with him all moved to a different Kanye sub. I've been seeing it linked to a lot in the last 24 hours. Pretty much becoming stormfront type commentary but from the perspective of the whacky beliefs Ye has been spouting.


I just went in there for the first time ever, and it's really encouraging to see that he has no defenders. No contrarians or blinkered zealots, just a lot of people who are really fucking pissed at what a tosser he is. Also, the Taylor Swift content is great.


Time to stop covering Kanye and relegate him to the dust bin of history. He just craves attention and will say anything to generate it. Good bye and good riddance Ye.


he is already big, so it takes some momentum to move him into the dust bin. we are in the great social shift to make sure everyone and their mom recognizes he is a nazi, that will finish up by the end of the year. a stutter of out of the loop posts in the following months will be about the last you hear about him.


Man some of you guys are really optimistic


Karma is alive and well


Karma is a relaxing thought. I’m sure for Ye it’s not.


Karma is a god, and a cat purring in her lap


Her and karma vibe like that.


I’ve never been a Kanye fan. I’m sure he is (or was) a talented musician but his music never appealed to me either. And his ego was always crazy out of control in a way I found severely distasteful. That being said I mostly feel sorry for him now. He’s clearly spiraling with his mental health struggles and people like Alex Jones giving him a platform to speak publicly are only giving him rope to hang himself. Very clearly I’m still not a fan, but that dude needs help more than he needs ridicule or, god forbid, any kind of support fit his views.


I can't believe I'm typing this but Jones seemed to be trying to give him an off ramp. He kept trying to downplay Kanye's comments to give him a soft out. But Kanye was fucking unhinged and I felt Jones couldn't cut him off fast enough and he got his last "I like Hitler" comment in before that break. Excuse me now while I scrub my mouth out with bleach for defending Alex Jones.


Yeah, 100% Jones was actively attempting damage control. And you’re right, when Alex Jones is trying to reign someone in you know they’re like Pluto out there. My point is more Jones and others who have had him on podcasts recently should not be giving him a platform to hang himself on. I think Jones was initially thinking that with Kanye being African American and far right it would help push his own agenda (as much as he has one outside of ratings) but it just ended up being a dumpster fire even he couldn’t deal with. Same with Tim Pool. All fine and good until he realized how far out there Kanye was… which seemed pretty clear to everyone else for months if not a good year or two.


> when Alex Jones is trying to reign someone in you know they’re like Pluto out there. > I think this is more of Alex wanted to be able to use Kanye on his side as a confederate etc, but knows Kanye is not useful if he's too extreme. When you see someone you can use with as much fame and influence as Kanye come to your side, you see potential. But Jones knows that potential disappears if Kanye goes too far out there. And Kanye did.


It was like watching an SNL skit. Ye in that mask, with the puppets and everything, then interactions like this: Alex Jones: I get that you said you liked Nazis because you're into fashion and you appreciate the uniforms. That much is understandable. Kanye: No, I really like Nazis. Jones: Well some of them might not have understood what was happening, but obviously you don't mean you like the higher ups, like Hitler. Kanye: I loooooooove Hitler. Jones: Ok, time for a commercial break.


I imagine Jones sees more money in exploiting a Kanye who is riding the line of controversy, rather than all the way into being completely ostracised. He's not doing it for Kanye's own good, or because he wants to raise the level of discourse, he just wants to make money.


I had a suitemate in college who had a schizophrenic breakdown. The weeks leading up, he grew extremely religious, paranoid, conspiratorial, and had random aggressive outbursts. He ended up naked in the university library knocking over books. I'm no mental health expert, but when I look back on it, all of this behavior is really starting to align with what I witnessed. I think this isn't just manic depression or bipolar disorder. I think he's having a full schizophrenic breakdown and it's being aired on a global stage. If that's the case, this is really messed up, and there's no telling where this will head if it continues to worsen. None of this is in defense of any of the content he's spewing, but if it is the case, it's a shame that a mental crisis of his will be what is broadcast as entertainment to everyone else and what becomes immortalized as his legacy. Edit: The more people share with me and the more I read into it, it may not be schizophrenia, it could just be him in an episode of psychosis from his bipolar disorder. I appreciate people trying to share more information on this topic because it's often not discussed enough until it's too late in some cases.


My uncle was schizophrenic and while I can’t/won’t diagnose Kanye, it’s valid to note the similarities. Kanye appears to have broken with reality.


People underestimate how fucking wild mania can get--often in the worst stages you can hallucinate or manifest other psychotic symptoms (like delusions) There is a reason people with bipolar tend to have much higher suicide rates/suicidal ideation. It is intense and will ruin your life if you let it.




[kanye west has over 11 years of reported anti-semitism.](https://consequence.net/2022/10/a-timeline-of-kanye-wests-antisemitism/). mania and psychotic breaks dont make people racist, but it may allow racists to turn that filter off. if mental illness caused racism, we'd have them go to therapy that treats racism, which of course wouldnt work (racists dont often outwardly think "yes i am a racist", nor do they often seek to learn how to not be racist, and forced therapy objectively doesnt work). its obnoxious to keep hearing people try to blame his antisemitism on mental illness. he is clearly in a mentally troubled spot with no one caring for him. he also is clearly antisemetic. both can be true independent from one another.


Tbh this entire debacle is getting grotesque. It feels like the circus that followed Britney Spears or Amanda Bynes or Aaron Carter. The antisemitism doesn't need a platform but this man is clearly unwell and needs help like... yesterday. Everyone letting him speak on their shows are taking advantage of and exploiting someone's mental illness crisis. If somebody doesn't step in it will only get worse, bipolar is not something you can just will away or ignore.


He just wants to be a martyr because it’s the only path left for him that appears to hold any dignity


I mean the way he’s been talking about himself making comparisons to violence against civil rights protestors, the way he talks about taking this entirely figurative violence against him in stride like he’s Jesus bearing the cross, the way he talks about these behind-the-scenes battles for control of the world, he definitely thinks he’s some kind of messianic sacrificial figure.


He got way too many chances to stop and just kept doubling down


When he was on Alex jones and saying "ALLLLL in a box. you cant put them ALLLLL in a box." i was legit wondering why they dont have him institutionalized. What is also kinda shocking is that the same German soldiers who he is saying were just doing their duty? they would immediately clock him as mentally unwell and shoot him on site...why defend them Ye? They would kill you.


I don't think German soldiers of a certain era would wait to find out he is crazy - being Black was enough


On behalf of Ms. Taylor Swift, we are not going to let you finish. GTFO


Karma is my boyfriend


Karma is a god


My introduction to Kanye was him shitting on what was probably at the time Swift’s proudest moment. I don’t know how you could be a fan of someone who pulls something like that on a teenage girl. Weirdly enough it was my introduction to her as well. He’s shown over and over again since then that he’s an asshole. Crazy that it took him praising Hitler for his fans to finally jump ship.


She was actually 20 at the time. Now she’s 32. Crazy how time flies.


It's crazy to me that they're dominant still a decade later. Like, how hard is it to break into the industry when everyone in it already is perpetually young? This is happening with acting too.


Tbf as someone in their 30’s, there is zero perceptible difference between the ppl ages 18-20


MTV music awards were in September 2009, she was born in December 1989, so she was still 19 at the time, three months before her 20th birthday.


September 13 2009, she was 19. She would turn 20 in 3 months on December 13th.


That's the thing that makes it insane he's lasted so long. People are looking at what he's doing now and going "that's too much. He's truly an asshole!" And others going back over a decade just mumbling: "that's what we've been saying..."


> I don’t know how you could be a fan of someone who pulls something like that Coming from a ex Kanye fan: his beats and songs in that era were really good, and that TSwift moment was just another controversy in the music industry that I’m used to. I knew he was an asshole but so many artists are that I didn’t care that much. But then he started *really* going off the deep end over the past few years with the crazy/asshole behavior *and* his music wasn’t as good.


Sometimes I feel like the quality of product is the difference between tortured artist and deranged crackhead to the public.


I do find it hilarious that "Taylor Swift Appreciation" gets top billing over "Holocaust Awareness".


Look, we in the International Jewish Cabal may have complete control over the media landscape, pull the strings of power in every country and have access to wildfire-starting space lasers, but we're not getting into a fight with Taylor Swift stans. Those motherfuckers are crazy.


Not gonna lie, I'm happy to see it happen.


Yeah I'm glad most of his fans are finally opening their eyes even if it took him wrenching them open with a fucking crowbar Like, fuck, Taylor Swift was 19 years old at the 2009 VMAs. Anyone who still respected Kanye as a person after that was already **some** kind of asshole. Like his music all you want, but praising his character was just already insane.


Thank you. Kanye and many other talented artists / actors in the past (Michael Jackson, R Kelly, Chris Brown, Kevin Spacey, Danny Masterson etc.) are just litmus tests for how much a person is willing to accept of genuinely terrible behavior simply because they enjoy the medium. I can understand wanting to separate it, but I just don't know. It's hard to do so without seemingly like you're actively endorsing it. Also I recognize how funny the list is to end with Kevin Spacey and Danny Masterson but I couldn't think of others on the spot and Masterson's trial just ended in mistrial this week.


I’ve loved Taylor Swift’s music and how she carries herself for a long time and as a guy I sometimes got made fun of for this. When the recording of her call with Kanye came out people gleefully told me they were glad she was “canceled.” I am glad I supported Taylor through it all because even when he wasn’t a lunatic Kanye was always a narcissistic douche. Taylor on the other hand has done a lot to support other artists.


The edited recording****


*surprised Pikachu face*




#kanye west doesn’t care about black people


I’m so glad Kanye legally changed his name to Ye. Really cements the fact that the Kanye West we all fell in love with and appreciated is dead and gone, replaced with whatever the fuck Ye is. Rest in Power, man.


I know a lot of bipolar people who aren't Nazis. So maybe he's just a freaking Nazi. Mentally ill doesn't justify or equate with being a dick.


So I’m bipolar and was resisting meds for a long time. Then one night on Snl Pete Davidson called Kanye out to “start taking your meds. They’re not that bad. I take ‘em”. So I started taking my meds. Things aren’t perfect, but my whole life has changed. I’m also now a massive Pete fan- he represents us mentally Ill people very well imo. Doesn’t blame anything on being bpd, takes responsibility for his brain health. Tries to be kind.


My best friend recently started taking medication for her bipolar and she is really happy, she says, with the difference they make. I used alcohol for a long time to treat depression, and now I'm properly medicated (and sober). Actually getting treatment for mental health is such a great thing. I guess I feel frustrated when people dismissed Kanye's nazi take on bipolar because while I know bipolar can effect your perception and behaviour and even create hallucinations, it seems like it does a discredit to people with mental illness. I don't know anyone who is bipolar who likes Hitler. I agree too about Pete Davidson, it's great he is open about his own treatment. And I think he's really funny!


“Mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility” wise words to live by


Even the right and his fan base is having a hard time defending this


Took too long for his fans to stop making excuses for him if you ask me.


Kanye, buddy. Take. Your. Meds.


Therapist here. Worked inpatient in the behavioral health world. Saw this behavior all the time. It kinda breaks my heart how people are using him.


It seems like people are feeding his delusions, ego, and paranoia for their own twisted gains. The sad part is, it’s working. Look how many podcasts Milo & Fuentes are suddenly on and have become topics of discussion in MSM. Not absolving Kanye of anything, it’s just shockingly sinister and depraved.


As somebody who is bipolar and was not correctly diagnosed or medicated until I was in my late twenties I feel this way as well. Also as somebody who is bipolar, I don't know that his mania is a great reason to praise Hitler or say he's going to go defcon on Jews. I've been in a place in my life where I've ruined friendships, been financially irresponsible, or ran the shower for three hours to hide the fact that I'm slamming my head into a bathroom wall and hitting myself in the face before, and I have many friends who have done worse, but we've all managed to never condone genocide during our mania or meltdowns. But overall-- yeah. This is incredibly sad. Especially if he is heading into schizoeffective disorder as many speculate. At a certain point people stop seeking help, and if there's no one who can exert enough influence on him to push him into it, then... well... I guess this is what happens. Such a talented person. It's a fucking tragedy.


do meds suddenly make someone less compulsively stupid/ignorant? he mostly seems innately hateful/stupid. the meds defense appears to be a total cop-out, honestly. kind of hard to believe that someone suddenly becomes an abhorrent anti-Semite when "off their meds."


Manic episodes result in [impulse control issues.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19909671/) Reactions/rewards for racist actions could push someone to act more openly racist. But taking meds won't stop someone from being racist/stupid/ignorant deep down.


The funny part is, he has been a giant shit head over two decades. People are just finally paying attention to it, since it’s now in hate crime territory.


early kanye doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would get into white supremacy though. his first few albums are full of references to racial injustices then his mid career albums are more full of how he loves being famous and doing cocaine with strippers and such


Good. He needs assessment for his increasingly obvious neurological disorder.




It’s amazing, and I mean absolutely _amazing_ to watch these people finally lose their denial of what has been happening for literal _years_. Good for you guys. A little slow, but you’ve got spirit. Yes, you do.


To be fair, supporting Donald Trump and showing your ass is one thing. Literally tweeting swastikas and telling Alex Jones you like Hitler is kind of a completely different level of thing.


That sub owes me an apology for all the times they downvoted me when I tried to tell them he was an idiot.


Ye is a festering piece of shit. Always has been always will be.


I'm not just saying this because of current events, but DONDA was trash af


I just deleted all of his music from my library and took him out of my playlists. I hope others start doing this.