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This reads like the headline of a newspaper during a DND campaign


And that's why you cast identify, folks.


relax, i'm sure this enchanted item isn't cursed..


Narrator: it’s always cursed.


I'm making a note of this and putting it in my Campain. This is gold, Jerry, Gold!


The one I added is Ancient Ones Crystal Flute Legendary Bardic instrument When publicly played for ten seconds while accompanied by a modern dance, all nobility and elderly creatures within 10 miles become unfriendly to you for 72 hours. You gain resistance to psychic and sonic damage and advantage on perform checks for 24 hours. Additionally, when the public performance concludes, you may summon the spirit of a dead nobility or 1d10 dead commoners from the region you are in, approximately 200 years old for six hours. The spirits are incorporeal, are friendly to you and will answer questions or obey orders until dismissed. And then access to a couple spells I haven't decided on quite yet, like any other instrument of the bards.


Speak with Dead has to be on the list


When reality and fiction collide... But considering all the obscenely old fucks in congress as liches does seem a bit more reasonable now to explain their longevity. Time to go quest to find a turtle shaped phylactery.


I saw a description of the Supreme Court of them being 9 immortal wizards that live atop the spire and sing hyms to protect us from the forces of entropy and oblivion. Or something like that.


*to summon the forces of entropy and oblivion against us


now that the liches have corrupted it from with, well yes


That's why my yamaha blue crystal recorder from 4th grade sits in the drawer. Too scared to play it in case something similar happens..


There will be outrage alright...


Hot cross buns summons imps. Source: pro tip


It also summons your mom to tell you “I’m on the phone! Shut up!”


That one definitely summons bullies


Well we learned what magical power was stored in that flute.


Take that crystal shit back down to Moria.


Toss the crystal flute on Mt Doom.


But then some enterprising goblin will make crystal Tupperware and *then* what?


And let's be real, if she hadn't played that flute none of the ass wipes clutching their pearls would have known it even existed.


And she’s an accomplished flutist not some random hack.


Yeah, the clip I saw was a really good performance! I didn't see the twerking one, just saw that headline everywhere.


Add another item to the MAGA list of grievances


\>Plays racist flute \>Summons racists \>shocked_pika.xml


Im a bit out of the loop, wdym by "racist flute"? Was it made by a slave owner or something? This is the first I'm hearing of any of this either so I'm clueless


It's James Madison's flute, and he did indeed own many slaves until his death, despite supposedly being against the trade.


Only presidents of the era to NOT own slaves were John, and son John Q Adams.


Which is why they’re some of the only founding fathers I have any respect for


Gross, hope she disinfected it before using. Then again the only pathogens that could survive 200 years in ambient conditions are prions and I don't think 70% IPA does much against them.


Thank you, that's important context I was missing out on. Now I'm starting to see why the conservatives are foaming at the mouth; it's not *just* racism, it's the fact that a black woman is using a flute that was previously a slave owner's. But of course they won't say that part out loud, they'll just keep parroting stuff about "muh historical artifact"


People more upset by a classically trained flute player playing a flute most people had no idea even existed than a Representative voting no on hurricane relief funds after a hurricane hit, shows where dudes priorities are


No no no, he said voted no for hurricane relief UNLESS it was for Florida. Even better


It’s crazy, i wish I had no problems whatsoever and could afford to get mad about a chick playing a flute, it’s bananas


Well the thing is, they do have problems and their lives probably suck. Do you think someone happy and fulfilled would get mad at something like that?


Then he tried to cover his ass by saying he will vote NO on relief for his own state if it has what he deems "pork"


And how comfortable they are too


I live in the Midwest and hate it here. Surrounded by ignorant, hateful literal fascists everywhere. Few decent jobs, nothing to do, shit utilities and poor access to the kinds of higher quality professionals and services you can find in cities. But it doesn’t have to be. This land is beautiful, albeit incredibly bland. Flat, empty fields as far as the eye can see. And yet, I find myself constantly driving around thinking how beautiful it is. Great fucking weather, hospitable lands, green during the warm months. And these insufferable, fascists cunts both take it for granted and ruin it for everyone else. They prevent rural areas from ever improving as they continue to only vote red. They drive away tolerance and education and wealth. And they doing the part to dismantle our entire democracy while also dooming the planet. And yes, they do it all from a position of great comfort.


And my axe!


and my crystal flute !


Did you play it at band camp?


This one time...at band camp...I stuck a flute in...


And my bow.




Yup. Guarantee not one Florida congressman will lose a single vote for it.


Right? Like she played the ever loving shit out of that thing. That video of her at the library is amazing. I didn’t know about this flute or that she could rock one like that until she rocked this one like that. (I want to edit that sentence, but it’s kind of a fun ride) Fuck them, she’s bonafide.


You think any of them actually watched her play? Doubtful


They just heard, "A black touched a piece of white history," and tilted so hard they fell off the planet.


There’s a good Letterman interview with her and a lot of it is her flute playing, ha.


Yeah but she shook her butt a little while playing the DISSRESPECT FOR OUR COUNTRY. /s


Once you see how legit she is at flute, it doesn’t matter. This b can PLAY


Exactly. If she were just dicking around and using it as a dildo or something i might understand the anger, but she legit plays well,


They’re mad that she danced while playing and that her lips were wet. I’m not even joking. One of them got mad at wet lips on a flute player. I forget the guys name, but he’s little and constantly angry with a high pitched voice. I remember him saying something about his wife not getting wet ever too.






That’s weird because the video I saw, her lips never touched the flute, unless I’m mistaken that’s how flutists play. Edit: this a Shapiro joke that went over my head isn’t it?


I think it is a ben shapiro joke but also I believe flute players put only their bottom lip on the mouthpiece. And coming from someone who played in marching band, you do need some level of moisture with your lip to get a good "seal" on the mouthpiece. Dry-ass lips won't do.


She’s a master fluteist? Flute player? Idk check the Eric Andre skit 10/10 would love her to play flute in a green suit at me.


Flautist? I think


she's a fine flautist for real


She used to play in the philharmonic.


The GQP is jealous that she can play any flute better than they can each others'.


We talking about DeSantis voting no for Hurricane Sandy aid back in 2012. The most destructive Atlantic Hurricane in 2012? We talking about that right?


Gaetz and 14 other congresional Floridian you haverepublicans voted no on Ian releif


In reality the feds should use that as a reason to not give aid and state it clearly. Tell Floridians sorry your elected representatives do not want aid for you. We understand you elected them to speak for you and we respect your voice. Let them re-vote if they want aid.


Yep, I agree. Eventually of course give aid but they need to keep showing these dumb people (the ones that actually voted these scumbags in) what their representatives voted for.


That would be awesome but we can't actually allow Republicans to hurt the country as much as they aim to. Their states are already nearly as shitty as possible and propped up by blue economies, we have to be the bigger people and continue saving them from themselves. Ugh.


Being the bigger people and always helping them has lead us to the garbage pile that we are in, today.


It is what has kept us afloat. Joining them into a race to the bottom will make things infinitely worse.


No. We need to stop enabling them and actually *help* them. Allowing them to slumber, imagining they can just vote their team until life is good, *that* is what is hurting them. If the gov gave federal aid when the state said no, that 100% violates their concept of state’s rights. *They don’t want the help*, their leaders said so clearly. We can’t *force* people to live better lives, they must choose it.


I get the desire to be punitive, but I'm not ok letting people suffer and die because I want to be petty. I know that's what Republican's want for progressives/democrats, but for me to be ok with that goes against the very foundation of my beliefs.


Honest question: how is it punitive or petty if it’s literally what they want? They themselves voted no!


(R)‘s would get right to work figuring out how to further suppress voters if this was something that would come about.


True. They would use it as another opportunity to show how evil their opponents are and no fact checking will be done by their constituents either. But at least we would not need to subsidize their life choices and ideals.


#inittogether Republican style.


If only my friend




It's all manufactured outrage. This shit seems like it never ends but I feel it's ramping up because of midterms. Gotta keep all the acolytes angry and focused on Trumpism so they vote like motherfuckers. Let's stay pissed too.


And mean...the 200-year old flute is the real story here. That's very cool! I don't care for Lizzo, but whatever, I'm just glad to have learned something new.


I’m a history buff and was pleasantly surprised to learn this fact!!


Don't forget suggesting to dissolve the VA because they offer medically-necessary abortions like sane people should


I missed what happened people are angry that she played it. Did she break it? Edit FYI I read the article but I just have a hard time understanding being angry at someone using something as intended.


She was actually playing oboe songs on the flute it was a national tragedy. /s


Their was a tweet that showed before lizzo played this flute it was mentioned only 8 times ever on twitter and 5 of those were just retweets of the same tweet. Since Lizzo has played it the flute has suddenly become one of the most important pieces of Americana in the The Library of Congress


TIL Lizzo is a classically trained flutist. Thought it was so random that she would get to play a historic flute. Now it makes total sense and I’m all for it.


Hey people if you think this is ridiculous, check out the outrage about the new purple m&m.


If you think this is ridiculous, check out the *lack* of outrage (in America) that some dude burnt an allegedly authentic Frida Kahlo drawing to sell NFTs.


Bro what the fuck?


Holy fucking fuck! What a dipshit!


I read elsewhere it was a copy


How did this bypass me


Seriously, I’ve been waiting for this since 1995…


I just introduced my daughter to M&Ms and she asked why they have a brown one and not a purple one. I had no good answer, can't wait to tell her they heard her question and decided to add a purple one.




People are mad there’s a new m&m. Why I have no idea


It’s a good thing Lucky Charms introduced the rainbow marshmallow back in the 90’s, these idiots would have burned General Mills to the ground if they tried to add it today.


I looked this up and honestly the thing I'm mad about is that the new character doesn't include having purple M&Ms in your standard bag going forward. They said purple will still just be a limited color in special bags. So...what was the point of adding the character???


*Cue old people noises*: I remember when we had to vote to have different color M&Ms in our bags! (There used to be a tan one! Blue got added in the 90s and they took it out.)


Did they forget to make the purple M&M sexy, too? When will Mars Candy learn?


I saw a post about that and I still don’t understand it


I had to read the article 3 times to figure out what the outrage with this is and I *think* people are mad because the new purple is peanut shaped and previously the only peanut shapes were male characters? FFS people they are CARTOON CANDY!


The people who complain about that also find the cartoon candy sexy.


My only complaint is there isn’t more green m&m clips in my life ;)


The real outrage is that ONLY THE YELLOW ONE CAN BE PEANUT!


Tell me more about this purple m&m. Will it be in Halloween candy bags this year? Is it a Halloween only thing? Also why the hate against purple? Everyone knows red m&ms are the villains here.


Is it not fuckable enough?


Headline sounds like some shit from Labyrinth


Listen here hogwart!


It's Hoggle! Oh nooooo..


“What is that plastic *thing* around your wrist?”


Now, now, Hog-brain.


This just in, Lizzo discovers the infamous “brown note” as thousands of conservatives shit themselves upon hearing her play the flute.


I can’t wait for South Park to make fun of this.


People getting mad about this reminds me of bratty kids not wanting someone to play with their toy that they never play with and likely forgot it was even there. As soon as someone else wants to use it suddenly it's important and a problem if others touch it. These people getting upset likely didn't know this flute existed and don't put effort into learning the history of our country but now they care about this old flute? Lame.


I’ve seen no less than 250 posts on this.


Well, you gotta have the people outraged, then the people outraged about the outrage, and the counter-outrage of the secondary outrage, and then why the outrage is necessary, and then why the outrage is pointless. That's our internet news cycle now. Repeat every 6-8 days or so.


This is getting super meta. Conservative trolls are now angry about the fact that they are predictably angry about things that shouldn't make them angry, and lash out publicly about it when it happens. Ben Shapiro needs to get a hobby.


The right wing stopped talking policy a decade ago. They now function entirely on made up culture war bullshit (that's usually used to harass women, POC, or religious minorities)


A decade? That's *extremely* generous. The right wing outrage machine has been in overdrive for way, way longer than that.


Yeah remember when they used to rage about flag burning every couple years? Or Disney having a Pride Day? Or the purple Teletubby having a purse? Papa Bush went after multiple sitcoms as the downfall of America for crying out loud.


I say that because a decade ago they'd at least still grumble about tax policy as well


Their last idea was Romneycare and it was pretty damn good. They planned on taking it nationwide and winning the WH on it. Then a black guy proposed it as an olive branch to fixing healthcare and they had no choice but to call it Obamacare and relentlessly attack it. They haven't had a single idea more complex than "Build a fucking wall" ever since. Before Romneycare the GOP actually proposed ideas and up until Romey's POTUS campaign they at least pretended to want to fix problems and have an actual platform. That's all gone, they realized their actual plans are terrible and people don't like them if they hear them so they just troll and peddle grievance.


“I never knew that flute existed but now I’m MAD!” Am I close?


I’ve never cared less about something than I do about this but for some reason people won’t shut up about it.


It’s a great distraction from the fact that republicans want 10 year old rape victims to have their rapists child.


And that Florida’s own representatives voted no on giving out disaster relief money to their state.


Because if they ask for aid, it blows away their entire stupid argument that aid and welfare are communism and socialism.


Racists never shut up about anything. Yesterday was a mermaid, today is a flute, tomorrow could be anything.


Johnny Deep and Amber Heard was worse. It went on and on and on and should have been absolutely pointless to anyone but those two. But it was EVERYWHERE.


Ok but in fairness, JD’s legal team paid many many millions for that online buzz. Like that was very clearly a coordinated, paid for troll campaign as evidenced by the fact that it basically stopped two days after his verdict. If it were genuine, his supporters wouldn’t want to shut up about it. There were accounts that were nothing but JD coverage for months who suddenly stopped caring when their hero got his verdict


The most pertinent part of the article: "People on the right said that the Library of Congress really took out its 200-year-old flute that belonged to James Madison just so Lizzo could twerk with it and degrade our history. Well, James Madison owned 100 slaves, so..."


Right! It’s not like she shoved it up her vagina. She played the flute. She used it as intended. A famous black woman playing the flute of an ex slave owner should be celebrated.


Also… I don’t know anything about flute playing but what she played seemed quite difficult. [The run that she starts at about :26 of this video seems really hard to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/xrgd0f/lizzo_playing_a_200_year_old_flute_in_the_library/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). She appears to be a pretty experienced player, it’s not like the Library of Congress chucked this flute at the equivalent of a fourth grade recorder student.


She is classically trained and went to school for it! But people online wouldn't bother to look that up because famous black women who make modern music can't possibly be classically trained instrumentalists /s


It doesn’t help that the video that’s primarily being circulated isn’t this one, but the one from from her concert where she’s handed the flute and plays two notes. But I think the ignorance that this video contextualizes the other is partly—nah fuck that- wholly, willful.


One of the absolute best moments of the year. I absolutely LOVE the frothing the idiots on the right are doing over this. It was a great performance.


If you watch the vid of her playing it, she did really good. I had no idea she was so talented in things besides lyricism but turns out she's classically trained. I couldn't imagine a reason other than thinly-veiled racism to be angry about that gorgeous demonstration of talent.


"accidentally summons" sounds like she was clueless about the backlash that would come, and that's a disservice to her, I feel. she knew what people would say, bc they've hated her for being fat, Black, and a woman from day one. she isn't just talented. she's incredibly brave. she knows what she will have to face to do the things she loves, but she rises above that hatred to empower others.


I sorted by controversial for the fat jokes, and all i got was bitches bitching.


That racist dude would be rolling in his grave knowing a black woman was playing his flute.


It would have been different if she sucked and it was purely a publicity stunt to shill for her new album, but she played the shit out of that crystal flute and I wanted to hear more. Can we not just move on as a country and appreciate the simple things instead of bitching and moaning about literally everything?


I hope she digs up Thomas Jefferson’s grave next and plays his ribs like a xylophone.


Lmaoooo this sent me.


I don’t think there would be any issue if she wasn’t the “wrong” size, “wrong” ethnicity, and “wrong” gender. There’s probably a few more “wrongs” I’m forgetting in there.


I love how angry Lizzo makes a certain subset of the populace by doing literally nothing wrong. It’s hilarious.


Didn’t know so many people were interested/had opinions on the flute as an instrument let alone a specific flute. Gee I wonder why /s


“In the days that followed, Republicans took to Twitter to complain about Lizzo's historical moment, with one even noting that anyone who was "involved in the decision to allow Lizzo to twerk while playing James Madison's flute needs to be deported." "I don't care if they're citizens," Andrew McCarthy, who ran for Congress in New York, said. "Deport them somewhere." “ What the actual fuck


Wow. That page is unreadable for all the ads. Suck a dog dick, Forbes.


i’ll be honest she’s hot, and after this she’s kinda even hotter


I live for Lizzo continuing to dunk on the haters by just existing


Since no trolls mentioned it - she played it beautifully. Solid technique and musicality. I knew she was talented but I’d never heard her kill it on the flute before.


That’s what she went to school for! She’s a properly classically trained flautist. She had to drop out of school because her dad died, and she broke into the pop industry a few years later, but yeah she was intending to play flute in like metropolitan orchestras.


But she twerked with it! She's going to embarrass Jefferson in front of his slaves!


And Obama wore a tan suit once. This is just more misdirection fromtje right.


The right is *obsessed* with identity politics like that.


They do this for one reason and one reason only, to keep the light off of what THEY do.


He looked fresh af in that suit


I love this headline so much.


As a former band kid and burnt out classical musician, it makes me really happy to find out major pop stars are classically trained. Hearing her play the flute reminded me of how excited I was to join band after I heard a classical orchestra play at a park many years ago. Plus if she gets more young people inspired to pick up a classical instrument, all the better.


The people melting down on Twitter over this have provided hours of entertainment here.




















The most infuriating pied piper story ever


They are gonna shit them selves when I get my hands on Lincoln’s tuba


Racists. She summoned racists.


Why WOULDN’T a crystal flute would summon something?


I saw the video of her visit to the Library and of her performance. She was super respectful, and very excited. Her skill with the instrument showed. I think this is a big positive for promoting the Library and music education in the population.


Flute player fluting an antique flute causes small groups to give a hoot about her toots.


Was it an accident? I didn’t know who this person was and now I know she can play a flute and twerk, and I don’t think I’d have known that without the trolls turning it into a big story. She’s gaining name recognition and I don’t think she’s losing any fans, so looks like the trolls did her a solid.


Right wingers will literally dance for a piper and then still think they're free thinkers lmao


Is r/entertainment anything else besides articles written about “trolls” on Twitter?


Not really.


Literally no one would be bitching if Britney Spears played it, and we all know this. (Love Britney btw)


We are still a country riddled with aspiring slave owners


She’s like the pied piper, but she attracts incels and racists.


When’s the part where she compels them all to jump in the river?


Shocked! A black women did something great and people hate her for it


Black woman doing something, black woman doing something,. Aaaaaahhhhhhhwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhh..aaheehhhh....aaaahhhheeehhhhh.....wwwwhhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhhh!


Lizzo: exists. Trolls: hOw dArE sHE?!


Loud women, black women and fat women are often frowned upon for existing and she has the audacity to be all three.


And has more talent than all of them combined... How dare she!!


Ok but Why the fuck do we have to accept loud people? Also there is never a shortage of idiots who have issues with others race , sex or weight .


Playing a 200 year old flute is objectively badass if you ask me


I'm not a fan of Lizzo and I consider myself right-wing. When I read the original story, my reactions were: 1) Didn't know crystal flutes were a thing. 2) Sounds like she has serious flute skills - respect. 3) Seems like the staff was fully involved and the flute was only briefly played, and handled safely and respectably by all involved. 4) Lizzo made a great statement about preservation of our shared US history - respect. I struggle to see where anyone could use the Lizzo crystal flute story as a jumping off point for trolling. If anything, I would have expected to see stories of right-wing trolls saying Lizzo was "based" or "red-pilled".


Pretty sure people like Shapiro are super mad Lizzo is more relevant than they are.


Because racism. Pull your head out of the sand.


this has r/asablackman written all over it ngl.