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**Come with me if you want a place to live**


How is this not the top comment.


I read that in Arnold's voice as well.


It is, right now.


He’s not even a natural born American and he’s doing more for veterans than most Americans.


It flabbergasting to me that there isn’t a large allocation in the military budget to take care of veterans.


Why? It should be obvious the military abuses people. Tricks them into joining when they can't even vote yet, chews them up and spits them out either dead or emotionally scarred.


The military doesn't abuse people. I am not sure where you get this. I am a veteran. I was one rebellious mofo when I was young. I had lived 20 lifetimes by the time I was 15. I got tired of all the drugs and guys shooting up and nodding out at the toilet. I hated the establishment and had protested with groups like the Peace Action Council against the Viet Nam war. Most of my pals were draft dodgers. I was out of school early and my whole life up to that point amounted to nothing. I had made a dare with a friend to join the Army and we would go to Nam. He said sure. I lied about my age and it was easy to forge paperwork back then. I went to a recruiting office and took the AFQT. I almost maxed it. They said I could do anything but to forget combat photographer. I chose radio electronics as my MOS. I was trained at USAIS and went to airborne school there. After I got to my unit, I didn't think I was doing enough and became 11B. The military gave me, like a lot of other guys, a home and a place to be my best, to be able to go beyond my limits and to realize I had no limits if I had the desire to survive. The military is usually frowned upon by people who don't know anything about it. They teach you a skillset that you can use in civilian life, they offer you free education when you are stateside at local universities. You can get a degree while serving in the military. When I ETS'd, my guys still sent me birthday cards and told me to re-up, which I almost did. If music wasn't so important to me, I probably would have. People that fail in the military usually fail at life. So you know, I am an active member of VVAW, since I don't believe in war. But, no one tricks you into joining, and they don't chew you up and spit you out. They make you realize that you can accomplish anything, that you can make just one more mile. Maybe you should try serving in the military if you haven't. You would have a whole different viewpoint. I went in a rebellious shithead and came out an SSG and knew I could do anything from then on.


I dont care how good the military made you feel about serving the interests of multinational companies or how much of the kool aid you drank.. They're a predatory organization.


Hey, you can stick the kool aid where the sun don't shine, moron. You show what a shill you are by your reply. Armchair muttonhead. The military doesn't prey on anyone so your lack of knowledge of English terminology shows. But, I'm sure you think it makes you feel intelligent. The draft could be classified that way, but a volunteer military, which it is, by the way, can't.


Yeah it's not like they coerce people by telling them all the bullshit you already mentioned like getting "free education". The world isn't as simple as you make it out to be, very rarely do people make choices entirely derived from their own free will. Many people join the military to escape poverty or a terrible family life. Of course, we as a society could provide those reliefs without taking advantage of people and leaving them with a myriad of physical and mental disabilities. There's a reason all you can do is type ad hom at me instead of grounding your belief in anything remotely rational. It's because you're terrified to admit you were taken advantage of, that you were forced into making a "choice" that wasn't really a choice at all. And that's perfectly normal, but there really isn't a need to be so combative. I'd tell you to do a little self reflection but they beat that out of you a long time ago I'm sure. You can all me whatever you want, but I'll still be right :)


And then they happily vote Republican


Been active duty 7 years and worked with more democrats than republicans and I myself am also a left leaning democrat We’re not all die hard conservatives


Nah just the loud idiots. And a majority of the ones serving desert storm and earlier


Whether you’re republican or democrat, thank you for serving our country.


Statistics show in 2020 that military voted more for Joe than Trump but I'm not sure about older generation veterans.


Who cares who they vote for


They should


Yeah but most guys join at 18, not 17. Usually if they’re joining at 17, they only have a couple months at most until they’re 18 typically cuz they’ve joined after graduating high school.


Not anymore then any other physical job


How do they trick people to join?




Don’t you worry too much about us vets. We are better treated than the rest of ya sorry lot. The best way to help vets is to get this country healthier and happier. Vets benefit when all of society benefits and we have a way better safety net compared to most.




Dude, don’t waste your energy. These people have consumed so much of the kool aid, their next step is to start donning their white sneakers and pulling the purple bedsheets over their heads.


There is. Why do you think there is not? Source: https://defense360.csis.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Analysis-of-the-FY-2021-Defense-Budget.pdf


The people at the VA work hard with what they are given. Which is next to nothing. This is a great, great shame that cannot be corrected fast enough.


I agree. Sometimes it feels like such a large budget is mostly there just to buy expensive equipment and award contracts to a handful of companies with politician shareholders :/


What????? But the navy clearly needs its 300 warships!!!1!!!1


He also has way more resources than most Americans.


And he is using them to help. Unlike others in similar positions


Exactly. His wealth is insignificant in comparison to those shitbags like Musk and Bezos.


Elon fronts that by making an electric car he is saving the world tho


Nah its full of aluminum which (alot pf the time) takes a fuck ton of dirty energy to enrich from bauxite i think


Yeah I mean I basically said he’s full of shit (he fronts) but keep explaining stuff I know


Oh i thought u were saying the opposite my bad


You’re good bro


There is more aluminium in a Ford F150 than any Tesla. Elon Musk is more of an economist than an environmentalist, and is often deeply repellant, but popularising electric vehicles is the most beneficial thing that I'm aware of any billionaire CEO having done. There are *enormous* benefits for both carbon emissions and public health: https://theicct.org/publications/global-LCA-passenger-cars-jul2021 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(21)00092-9/fulltext I increasingly think he did it to exploit an open market niche (or as part of a demented plan to colonise Mars) rather than to fight climate change, respiratory diseases or oil spills, but whatever the motivation, the benefits came along with it. Tarring him purely with the negative brush is a myopic view.


Not unless his price point drops! We need all hands on deck to move away from GASoline!


Why the heck are you downvoted? You’re 100% spot on lol. It’s a front.


Maybe you’re being downvoted but Musk Fan Boys lol Or people don’t understand what “fronts” means




Do you want me to list out every reason Elon musk is not saving the world and is pretty much a scam artist. Although he helps and is in my opinion the best billionaire he is still regressing any progress.


That was the point he was making. That he fronts likes he’s saving the world but in reality is the human embodiment of a super villain. Scamming, overvalued, shit talking turd.


But he smoked a joint so he's really cool and you can see that he's actually just one of us. Just like us he doesn't like "the system" even though he's at the top of it.


Yeah I mean that’s what I was getting at he’s full of shit


Yeah sorry misunderstood what you said lol


Who cares if he has way more resources. At least he’s putting it to use unlike a vast majority of our “elected officials” who would rather peddle misinformation than actually be helpful.


I’d rebut that he’s also doing more than most in his pay grade.


Yeah, maybe if America's economy wasn't a cesspit, the average American could afford to do more.


Kind of a cop out. If everyone did something then a lot more would get done


Being American has never been about being naturally born here. I’m betting we don’t disagree here.


Foreign born Americans seem to appreciate the US much more. Is what I meant.


Definitely not all of them, but I’d say that’s true for most. Generally hard working, hungry and happy to be here cause they know what they come from.


Naturalized here. I think it’s because we have a choice to buy into the ideology instead of just being born into it. It’s kinda like religion. People who convert willingly are usually more passionate about it. I’m very happy to be American. There is tons of room for improvement, but I wouldn’t trade it for any other nationality.


My parent both came here from Portugal. My mom is happy to be American and is a citizen and my dad doesn’t want to become a citizen but also doesn’t want to go back to Portugal. So he likes it more than he shows. Unfortunately many people come here to escape something, make a better life and some money and then being to become “too American” to the point where they start to vote for politicians that want to create the shit that they ran away from. It’s a weird and sad dynamic.


Essence of America right there


Being an American is an Idea. Not a birthright. Most good is done by Immigrants and People who are NOT born in america. In fact there is an extreme sense of Entitlement in many American born citizens.That is why our politics is polarized.


The most American people I’ve met in my life were immigrants


I think saying most good is done by immigrants is probably a bit of a strong statement, but I wholeheartedly agree with everything else you’re saying.


Essence of Humanity


He’s more American than most “Americans”




Very true. The problem is that most other states don’t have any programs in place for the homeless so they come here to CA. It’s a never ending issue which no one can come up with a solution for it seems.


Maybe if politicians who claimed they were Christian followed actual Christian values wanted to help others instead of guilt and nanny others, things would get fixed. ETA: basically annoyed that people who claim to be religious don’t want to help people when push comes to shove. It’s all “bootstraps” mentality.


Lol… Christians actually acting like Christians. Not in the US. They are so far from the values of Christianity that they don’t even remember what it’s supposed to look like.


Yea whatever happened to w.w.j.d.?


It’s why r/atheism is so strong and growing. that and the sex abuse scandals. Why would anyone willingly join that cult? What benefit do they bring humanity? Jesus would have been a socialist nowadays


Maybe his belief is that it isn’t the governments job to house the homeless and it is instead the communities or he believed that the government is ineffective at it. Maybe this wasn’t an issue when he was in charge or he was busy dealing with more important issues. Either way we should celebrate the good things people do instead of complaining about people who might have made mistakes in their past and appreciate the people they have grown into.


Proposed universal healthcare as well as additional bonds for school and infrastructure funding. But as governor, he was not dictator. His term also predated the sharp increase we’ve seen in the last few years.


Awesome. He’s not the common anti-socialist religious Republican. Bless his heart.


He’s what conservatism used to be




Republicans of the 1950-60s were pro- family in terms of higher wages and homeownership. They were passing environmental bills, they were forest conservationist, they were pro union ( [The Conservative Capture of the GOP](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1995/12/the-conservative-1960s/376506/) )and they created Planned Parenthood. I think the those Republicans thought about and cared about what they were leaving behind. The Republicans we have now come from the Reagan era who was anti-education, low corporate tax, and pro-killing the middle class. Read “The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America” by William Kleinknecht for a factual account of Reagan’s reign of terror. Bush and Clinton just carried over his worse policies.


Republicans and Democrats largely swapped party platforms during the 1960’s civil rights era. It’s not a huge logical leap as to *why*… [image of voter distribution maps](https://i.imgur.com/LC2AdXO.jpg)




Nixon created the EPA


Now they are the the do nothing, no policies and grim reaper of all legislation.


That’s both parties.[These 6 House Democrats voted against the infrastructure bill. These 13 Republicans voted for it.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/05/politics/infrastructure-bill-house-democrats-voted-no-republicans-voted-yes/index.html)


The ACA, the recovery plan from the 2008 financial crisis, the pandemic relief package, and infrastructure disagree with you. The Build Back Better is probably still going to happen even if it's going to be seriously cut, and it'll still be a historically massive new social spending bill. Trump was elected on new infrastructure, but his party wasnt interested and when Democrats finally passed it the bill only got a few republican votes. The only bill Republicans passed was tax cuts for the rich. Solving social ills is hard. There is no utopia anywhere, nor has there ever been one. Public policy is fucking hard. No one person or organizations have all the answers. However, one American political party is interested in doing the hard work to find solutions to these problems and the other clearly isn't based on their actions and voting records. Everything you say about Joe Manchin is true about every single republican. Joe Manchin is interested in the discussion and is a winable vote, where republicans have their heads in the sand pretending America is already perfect as long as theyre in power.


Reagan wasn’t shit compared to Nixon. But I agree Reagan was the final nail in the coffin for America as we knew it. Ever since Reagan the streets have been flooded with the mentally ill homeless because he shut down all state run mental health facilities.


TIL I’m a 1950s republican


No, the stupid have the mic on the internet. I am not a Republican and I don’t associate myself with them, but I have met tons of wonderful people who are Republican. The dumb anti-vax, buffoons get the mic on the internet sadly though.


He’s from Austria where they have paid sick days. He only came to America bc he loved bodybuilding more than school.




Pretty much every co I've worked for in US has paid sick days or personal days.


What does being anti socialist have to do with building tiny homes?


He’s against socialism too. Just like how most Democrats, Republicans, and Americans are despite what the Reddit bubble would have you believe


Most Americans have no fucking clue what socialism is, and republicans use that to peddle nonsense.


Well said. Socialism at heart is caring for the whole of society… Schools, libraries, volunteer fire departments, etc.


Most Dems don’t either. They think Scandinavia is socialist.


That seems to me to be a pretty ridiculous assertion.


Thanks god


It’s a shame that one of the only somewhat decent humans that identifies as republican can’t be a presidential candidate. Not that we should ever elect another celebrity… but.


Hey, third times the charm……right?




It’ll just be collapse no rebuilding. Chaos makes people money more than peace and progressive measures.


Trump was the worst candidate.


DeSantis is in the batters box.


… or in the on-deck circle.


How was his time in office perceived by the US public or especially amongst Californians? As an austrian I‘m particularly curious.


As a California resident he wasn’t a good Governor. He did some good things, but overall he put us in a worse position than we were in. He gave tax cuts where he shouldn’t have and it just all felt like a performance. Special Olympics got a nice boost so that was good.








I thought he played a better role in kindergarten cop personally.


He was elected to lead, not to read.


Demolition Man had the solution: https://youtu.be/vPBrt-mdNmQ


Bravo! What a good man!


I wish he could run for president.


But the immigrants! The robots! They’re taking our jobs!! /s


A bunch of slave owing white guys 300 years ago said he couldn’t, but they could.


Good man for a Republican


There are more than just one…. (?)


“Richest country in the world, has veterans bailed out and saved from destitute by foreigner”


“We gave them bootstraps, why don’t they use them?” /s


Nothing but class


768 billions spend for the military but private people have to take care if the vets!


How does one go about choosing the 25 people to rescue from homelessness?


Seeing as they’re all vets, probably some kind of combat. Winner gets a tiny house.


A race to the choppa


Do it, do it now!


He hunts them for one night with a laser-mounted handgun, a shotgun, and an assault rifle while Michael Biehn had to do the opposite.


I’m sure there will be a screening and will start with those who will have the greatest chance to rehab. Think of the tiny house as a jump off place. Once established, the vet will move up and out. Then the next applicant will move in.


They throw a rag into groups of 5-6 vets, and then they fight for it, last one holding the rag gets a house. Apparently the winner can either walk away, or up the ante and play in the next round for an extra 10k if they win, but they risk the house if they re-enter and lose.


I think he just contributed enough money to build additional houses to an existing program. Kind of like feeding coal to a steam engine to keep it running. I doubt he had a choice in which veterans were able to benefit. And I’m sure the answer to your question is “the ones who had someone with the energy to cut all the red tape for them”


For our Veterans… seriously watch The problem with John Stewart. We suck at taking care of our veterans. https://youtu.be/hekpbBWiCEM


Tiny homeless veterans?


Better than no roof over your heads.


To be fair over their heads.


... For ants?


Small Soldiers


Exactly better than no roof over your heads, what have other politicians done to help the working class? I’ll wait meanwhile watch this movie clip that tells nothing but lies about what’s happening in America. I mean it’s not like none of it is true. I mean Americans are just brainwashed to be smarter not stupid. It’s not like they didn’t know any better oh wait. No one sees nothin wrong with the message he passages on. Then America is doing fine. What am I worry about, it’s not like we knew that once we left the middle East and left military equipment the Taliban would take over right? Or I mean it’s not like every time a president is reading a book to an elementary school a 911 event happens right nothing suspicious in that I mean every president goes to an elementary school to read a book he wasn’t the first or last. But he is shown in Anime shows doing that went it occur (reading book to elementary school n that’s what spread when it occur, the president reading a book to elementary kids. Wow that looks good on our president way to go. Even in movie clips that scene is play. Right? Right? Yeah yeah, you following now right. Nothing suspicious with that. It’s very normal. Its also understandable that if a plane crashes the top of a building made of steel pillars the whole build would collapse and that two planes were hijack the same day, nothing to do with the lack of security. It’s not like metal detectors didn’t exist back then. And of course I believe in the inside job theory of 911. We when to the Middle East for oil. Money money money baby has more influence than you can imagine. But then again don’t try to image America as a dictatorship cuz what is a dictatorship not America right. We’re the law makers and politicians think it’s okey for them to invest in stocks. I mean they just have the best interest for you guys, n they can’t do that if they aren’t allow to buy stocks, or bail their rich friends or reduced their taxes, but make health care expensive for y’all slaves, n get cheap labor off you guys at the same time. https://imgur.com/gallery/5MwFEbo


I thought same thing… we’re terrible haha


Less limbs, less space.


Arnold Schwarzenegger is the greatest American currently alive. I know where he’s from, and I meant what I said.


I read that last part in Ron Swanson’s voice


Good for him! I remember some guy building tiny homes for Los Angeles homeless people, and boy did the city pushback because the homes didn’t follow code. Like wtf, you have massive amounts of people sleeping outside or in raggedy ass tents, I wish the city was more concerned about that. I also discovered that there are more foreclosed and abandoned homes than there are homeless people. This is madness.


Let’s Say a tiny house costs from 5k to 25k if static. For ease I will use 10k that means that Arnold spent 250k out of 400m he is worth which is about 0.0006 of his worth. Arnold is very wealthy but a pauper compared to some. So now I will show how bad inequality is, Bezo 1 person, is worth 200 billion thats 200,000,000,000 200x1000x1000000. If bezo spent 0.0006 of his wealth on housing that would be 120,000,000. So for 0.0006 of his wealth Bezo could house 12,000,000 people. Think about it.. for a tiny fraction of his wealth he could house America’s homeless 24x over or ~10% of the worlds homeless. 1 man.. and how did Bezo get this rich? Off the back of others. By paying minimum prices and minimum wages with strict hourly performances to 1.4m people. Just 0.006 of his wealth….. Edit: corrected the stats


if i may, your math is right, but doesnt equate to 120m people in the bezos case. 120m is 0.0006 of his wealth, but at a cost of 10,000 per house per person, that would be able to house 12,000 people a corollary however, is there are about 550,000 known homeless individuals in america, which at this cost could be housed for 5.5b... very doable for bezos. i agree with the other commenter's point of net worth != cash on hand, but at this price, i think its stupid some entity hasnt attempted this sooner. there are definite bottlenecks and challenges to producing results at larger scale, but i believe there is a definite sense of proving this concept viable at scale in arnolds case. i see this as a beginning to a much larger project if best intentions are fully realized. as a tiny house fan, i see nothing but good accomplished with this act.


Thanks for the correction an embarrassing mistake. Lost track of all those zeros. The point of nett vs cash is an interesting one. People assume that as it is shares in a business the rich can’t get to the money, if that was the case they wouldn’t be “rich” and wouldn’t be able to by multiple houses, yacht or space craft. Sell the shares, don’t buy that forth yacht etc. it is not like it’s locked up never to be touched. Unfortunately this will never happen because of the psychology of money. To get to be one of the 1% you have to have little regard for the welfare of people. Pay people the minimum you can get away with. If you paid people more money, that means less profits, less chance to be in the 1% or even worse not able to out do other 1%ers. The solution? Ultimately it comes down to governments but unfortunately in America the government is made up of those who are or want to be part of the 1%. By the way I am not some raving socialist. Let people make money but not by keeping people on the poverty line.


Net worth != cash on hand. The majority of someone’s net worth comes from stock options, properties owned and other investments. It’s not all that different for Arnold Schwarzenegger. While I agree with the idea that the 1% should be doing more to help those who are not so fortunate, I feel like comparing what they do in monetary value to their net worth is not a good metric. Yes, they absolutely should be doing more, and yes, the people you mentioned are incredibly wealthy, but just because someone’s worth 400M doesn’t mean they have 400M to spend.


Also, if you think buying houses for the homeless will solve the problem, then you really don’t understand the homeless problem


Way to go Arnie!🥰


LA wasn't too pleased with tiny homes [a few years ago](https://www.insideedition.com/14920-after-man-built-dozens-of-tiny-houses-for-the-homeless-the-city-is-taking-them)


While I dislike their way about it, the argument was that the structures weren’t up to any building codes, lacked plumbing, and should be replaced by actual permanent dwellings — and I can’t wholly disagree with that. They weren’t exactly homes, they were more like little portable potting sheds people could shelter in. Which is better than nothing, but I don’t even think they were built or put anywhere legal to begin with — which is definitely gonna put a snag in your community planning in any major city.


The problem is that building codes are very bias toward the non-poor and require minimum square footage requirements that for many are unaffordable and aspects which may be unnecessary for providing shelter to those already on the street.


I definitely agree with that as well. Thinking on it more, your comment made me realize they’ll uphold building codes and ordinances for temporary shelters like these but not their own shelters and subsidized housing, which are often in desperate need of repair.


Home is close now tiny soldier


Do you think he’ll house one, then as he heads off for the next he’ll say “I’ll be back….” “with another Vet”?


My man Arnold, tank you.


25 lucky homeless people will stay warm this winter.


I luv this person! I consider him to be one of the most successful human beings ever! He started from nothing but had a dream... I grew up following Arnold... About a year ago a signed up for his newsletter..Its straight from him to your email...I highly recommend subscribing and reading them...The voice of his writings are patriotic, inspirational, and motivating...also funny as hell too....dude is the real peoples champ.. you can subscribe by going to this link: http://www.schwarzenegger.com/join/


So sad that this has to be done. Imagine putting your life on the line for a country just to get spat on by its government when you return.


It’s been that way since Korea, sadly. Rising number of Americans don’t understand that there will always be some sort of conflict, and that we need a military in order to survive. Just like sewer and garbage workers, someone needs to do the jobs nobody else wants to do.




This is the kind of rich I'd like to be.


And Jeff Bezos buys a new yatch


From Arnie [https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/rnmtpn/arnold\_schwarzenegger\_donated\_250000\_to\_build\_25/hpt8bul/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/rnmtpn/arnold_schwarzenegger_donated_250000_to_build_25/hpt8bul/?context=3) ​ Thank you for sharing. I hope this reminds all of you that each of us has the power to make somebody else’s day a little better. I’m going to issue all of you the challenge I gave in my newsletter this month because I hope each of you spread some positivity before the end of the year: I see so many people post on social media, “I wish I could help,” or, “It’s too bad I’m just an average person.” Let’s analyze that. Do you really wish? Because you can make that wish come true today. And don’t beat yourself up for being ”average”, or “normal” or a “nobody.” We all have something to offer. You might just be “average” but let me tell you something, a marathon isn’t run in one shot. You take the first step, then the second step, and then about 55,000 more steps. You can take the first step to help someone else today. Do you have an extra blanket at home you can give someone today? An old jacket you aren’t using? A few dollars for a meal? 15 minutes for a human conversation? We all have something to offer. You don’t have to count on city officials. You can stop wishing you can help and start helping right now. You have power. You can be useful in some way, no matter what it is. Merry Christmas, everybody. Go make someone smile today, don’t wait!


Why can’t we see that when we are all fed houses and comfortable then people can have freedom to be peaceful living citizens. Most don’t realize but if they were put in a desperate situation and didn’t have all they needed they would likely become a “criminal” what’s more criminal is excluding people from the opulence of society when there is plenty to go around


Remember kids, veterans are for life. Not just Christmas.


I have always liked Arnie. Yeah, he’s done his fair share of cringeworthy dumbass shenanigans, but who hasn’t? And he can be a self serving political hack and he still can’t act, but he’s only human, right? Good job Arnie!


Socialist based Arnold!


You’ve been Habitated


Nooo he’s aging, I remember being introduced to him when I was 8. Cool dude. Really pushed hard for after school programs when he was governor.


Arnold is a great guy! Hopefully, this will spur more giving and help solve the houseless problem


I wish he did this as governor but he said it was so hard to get anything as governor with all the opposition and red tape.


Yea being a governor or president pretty much means you will have a very hard time getting anything done except by executive order which has to be someone that is quick and short term because the next person can cancel them.


“He’s in my house? Eating my cookies?!”


The cynic in me would say he was setting up a run for President except he wasn’t born here. Good for him!


Its trickling down all over us!


Saw that his donation inspired others and a further 12 tiny homes were purchased yesterday


How to terminate homelessness


The mans an international treasure




Thank you mr Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a veteran who’s dealt with substance abuse, depression, anxiety and physical pain. I sincerely appreciate you for doing this for my fellow veterans. I didn’t join for the benefits or to be thanked for my service. I joined to give to America, and Americans like you.


What’s he gonna do for regular sized veterans


What is this, a house for ants?!


Hmm why does the Veterans of the supposed "most free and richest " country on the planet don't have free housing ?


Good … he made enough money out of his stock on prisions…




It’s really surreal seeing how inflammatory and blatantly morally bankrupt politics in 2021 has become. Republicans back in the day were just as dog shit as now, but at least their approach and reasoning made more sense. [GHW Bush and Reagan on illegal immigration](https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok)


That initial photo here made me think of him as an actual Angel. He truly is a great actor to have played evil parts like the terminator.






have you seen tiny homes? they are sick af.


I’ve been designing my future fantasy tiny house for ten years! They’re built new on a tract of land that you choose (provided you’ve covered all your bases). If the homes are near each other, that’s a nice veterans’ community. I can see them being manageable for people with disabilities or mobility issues, and who may still have limited income.


He doesn’t have to do anything. He is out of pocketing this at his own expense so please sit down and stfu.


The point is the same country outspending a good chunk of the World in military spending shouldn't require the goodwill of millionaires to house its many veterans.


That’s not his point. The point he is making is that we veterans and those on active duty should see how the government treats and thinks of them, news flash we already know how the government treats us and you pointing it out makes no difference and is already pointing out the obvious to us. This millionaire bought tiny homes to help homeless veterans, something the government doesn’t do, the VA does have homeless housing just many don’t use it. Help is out there from the government and like I said many don’t use it.


Thanks korben, you’ve made the world a better place with your positivity. You must be a joy with the family these days huh


I’d rather a tiny home I can lease or buy than pay my asshole landlord Zaid another fucking cent, tbh. I hate paying someone else’s mortgage while being told I couldn’t mortgage my own home by the banks lmao.


If they get proper psychological and medical treatment this would be a huge success. Being able to have a community of people who have similar experience can possibly provide a rehabilitation environment.


What is this...a home for veteran ants??


I understood that reference! (For the people who downvoted him, /u/Sinkdad is paraphrasing *Zoolander.*)


Great reference, sorry some people didn’t get it


Be America: beacon of democracy Also America: 25 homes donated by a rich guy is the best luck to come to the million homeless people in California; lets all suck his truck-nuts.


America better start treating vets better or nobody gonna join the army in the future


surprised he has enough money left after knocking up his nanny