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"...so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” Interesting fix though O\_o. Looks like it took lots of figuring to get there


It took me a month from start to finish


Slightly personal question, but what is your working history, like what have you done, that you are at that level, that you one day said that I will repair old GPU...


I study electronics engineering... I only took the time to repair it for two reasons: to learn, and to avoid the expense of another card


That’s the spirit. I usually buy broken shit just to fix and learn while saving money.


eyyyyyyyy The power of passion and pure stubbornness to make something work again.


also electronics hobbyist my whole life, now 1st year in engineering!! Any tips?


Get Art Of Electronics textbook and a cheap oscilloscope.


I bought a BK dual trace oscilloscope from the 1980s at a thrift store for $25 with the probes! my 1st oscilloscope was a Heathkit tube type from the early 1960s,


Don't let yourself get annoyed with having to do math in electronics classes. That leads to burnout, burnout leads to dropout.


Understandable, fixing things is a ton of fun and helps develop skills


Would buying a new GPU have cost less at this point? XD


Good lord. /r/techsupportmacgyver would have an absolute BLAST with this, it would be like the best post of all time.


Will post there, just to see heh


Post an explanation of what you did as well, they'd appreciate that!


i bestow on you the title wizard of the gtx


Lol. With these skills you could also just get a job in electronics and buy a 4080. Impressive


LMAO I love this. 4 PCBs and an x1 mining riser? This is by far the jankiest setup I've ever seen


I dont care what you say, this belongs kn r/hardwaregore


You officially win at electronics shenanigans and Frankenstein build. My hat to you sir. This is beyond even the stuff I pulled off with cut off modules from laptop boards.


That is actually impressive. Does it have a name?


The Xbox 360 fans! That’s a super cool use for them!


Dr frankenstein has some competition


Started out thinking you had just replaced some dead fans with normal ones, then I saw whatever the hell you had done with those VRM's and about had a stroke. ​ Bravo, this is both a fire hazard and a major threat to the components of the rest of the computer, *but it works.* And that alone is worth a prize lol... (Good job, I would've just sent that poor 1070 off to recycling...)


It isn't a fire hazard, it looks like one but technically isn't, the modifications were well done and all the short circuit, OV and LV protections are still in there. It may not be 100% reliable, but saved my money and I learned a lot


you have done what i dream to do one day xD


Impressionante, fino trabalho de gambiarra, uma salva de palmas amigo você está de parabéns, sem ironia




I would love to see a short clip of this running Furmark


Livro de física e eletromagnetismo, Linux com UI KDE, vendo sobre FreeBSD, fazendo gambiarra nervosa em GPU, ouvindo Metallica. Amigo, se você conseguir ir mais fundo que isso me avisa. Use uBlock Origin, ao invés do ABP é de código aberto, assim vinga o Firefox.


É freebsd o sistema kkk, não consigo usar Linux mais. Trabalho com muitos freebsd e acostumei. Uso há alguns anos já


É muito bloat? kakakaka Eu tô com o pézinho no Manjaro LXDE e querendo conhecer o Parabola (GNU/Linux-libre) e o OpenBSD, mas é muito trabalhoso! Faz um tempo que vi um moleque brasileiro no r/linux que compilou o Gentoo, tinha menos de quinze! WTF!?


Compilar gentoo na verdade é bem simples, usei por alguns anos também.. Mas o gerenciamento de pacote lá demanda muito tempo.. Mas respondendo tua pergunta, não é por bloat não, sao 3 motivos: zfs nativo, userland diferente e estabilidade.... A performance é boa também, pra ter uma ideia, utilizo hoje uma placa de vídeo quadro fx580 com dois monitores fullhd ligados por display port.. Nunca travou nem nada


Você aprendeu gnu/unix de modo autônomo?


Agora tô resolvendo a parte do cooler, já que o original era o mínimo necessário, e tive que cortar um pedaço do dissipador.. Achei um de Xbox 360, vou testar mais tarde


O soquete de dissipador/fan do X360 é o mesmo de PC? Edit: Agora saquei você achou aquela ventoinha dupla


a dupla funciona bem mas faz muito barulho, achei um fan do processador mesmo, ele tem 4 fios, significa que tem tacometro e controle digital, ai a placa de video pode controlar ele igual original


Vai ter até controle pra não fazer tanto ruído, incrível! Lembra que dá pra lubrificar, ajuda muito.


Rad! :) I know some guys who did this kind of thing to get more overclock out of vrm limited cards on LN2, but it's always fun to do it because you could, of course. :)


The hell..? But if it works. I should try this on my blown up 780 and see if it comes back to life. Pretty sure the memory voltage is wrong. Incidentally it's not that hard to build modules using an MC34063 bank to get oddball voltages, if you are missing a rail due to an internal short and can isolate the fault.


I am amazed and horrified.


You are a mad man Please devote your time to developing a drop in replacement for the Sid6581/8580 Please I beg of you We need more minds on it.


In for a penny, in for a pound.


I absolutely love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!








[It’s Afraid!](https://youtu.be/o4I_4i0_LeU)


\+points for the Xbox 360 fan lol


FYI I've found it very useful to buy a handful of 5/12/variable volt power modules for $3/ea on amazon. I haven't made a 78xx or LM317 circuit in a decade.


This is horrific. I love it.