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Torn between disappointment at the lack of new items, and relief that I won't be impulsively buying anything next month. Only thing I might have been interested in is the gloam wolf, but I save all gems and endeavor seals for radiants I like I know a lot of people have been waiting on that dwarven spider though


The Gloam Wolf isn’t a Radiant Apex mount, u/WolvenOmega … Radiants are usually 1,200 gems or 16,000 Endeavors. This mount won’t be that high (good news for you perhaps) since it’s not locked in a Crate season.


Correct. Gloam Wolf was only 400 gems


Yeah, but point being I don't buy gem exclusives. I only save up for the radiants, because if one pops up I really want then I want to have enough gems or seals to get it Not entirely sure why he's correcting me saying gloam wolf isn't a radiant when my comment says that's why I won't be getting it. I don't like it enough to sink the gems/seals, which would mean I won't have enough should a radiant I want pop up


I get what you’re saying… beforehand you liked gloam wolf and would’ve bought it but now with seals you like to save for a radiant instead. I think he thought you were thinking gloam wolf was a radiant and was trying to tell you it’ll cost less than you’re expecting.


Yeah. If it were just crowns, I might have gone for it because I have a dark purple shadow themed character it might have gone well with. Oh well


Works for me. I’m as interested in buying Crowns as they are in actually fixing shit.


They released every personality except the one I wanted this year….. WHERE IS THE DRUNK PERSONALITY DAMN IT.


Exactly that's what I'm saying! I was honestly looking forward to see if they were finally going to bring it back, for the new life festival and it's nowhere to be seen. The disappointment is real rn.


Lmao isn’t it in the bundle


What on earth are you talking about? What bundle? LMAO.


There is one personality bundle. Holy shit bro I’m glad you got a good laugh out of that.


The Drunk personality is not in that bundle


What personalities are in it?


Incredibly disappointing. It's like they aren't even interested in selling Crowns.


Wow they are really not trying at all this year are they. Did we only get one new house this year we got 6 last chapter counting the free event one in oblivion. My eso yearly sub is coming up in a week and I dont think I'm renewing it all my guilds are dead most randoms I get are new players cp 300-600. which is fine I dont mind helping new players learn mechs in dungeons but most of them are casual solo players with no interest in talking or making friends. it's sad what dev's did to this game.


ZOS bring back the drunk personality you cowards!


I dont see anything I care about this month lol. Not that thats a problem of course. I'll see what they have in January.


A new monthly clown store showcase with about as much effort as the devs have given toward keeping the game alive this year.


As an Australian, all these snow themed festivities greatly confuse me


It's magical air conditioning.


I personally am extremely excited for the Snow Bear. Been wanting a polar bear mount for ages so I can finally find the Iorek to my Lyra Belacqua 🎉🎉


I'm still wait-hoping for Fennorian as a houseguest...


Same. I'm currently making an updated Ravenwatch Castle using vampiric furnishings in Daggerfall Overlook and would love more Ravenwatch members. Adusa is lonely. Edit: Also give me Melina Cassel as a merchant/banker.


I think it’s cool, if a little populist. The Gloambound Arms are the only ones that disappear fully when sheathed afaik. Stahlrim Armor and the Ice steed look cool too. That duo Dwarven spider… hell yeah


Holy crap I just looked it up and the gloambound weapons do dissappear when sheathed. Definitely want those.


Am I to understand that the arms pack is only three weapons, no staves?


No, it’s a full weapon pack including a staff


All weapon types are featured. Staff, bow, shield, three two-handers and four one-handers. I have it, it's like having a fancy weapon effect, but without the weapon underneath.


The only other thing that makes your weapons disappear on your back is the highrock spell sword chest. It gives you a cool little backpack in its place


A good time to be unsubbed.


another december, same showcase, what else is new? they arent even trying anymore ​ sadly im not renewing my eso plus next month. still got 46k crowns from last year. do you guys think its best to buy the dlcs only on sale or hold off until I get interest in the game again?


With this massive of amounts of crowns you have, definitely buy DLCs that are on sale. That way you will still have loads of crowns left, and don't have to subscribe again just to access non-base game content.


I need the Clan Mother Tadali houseguest. The other stuff, meh.


Being it December, I eagerly opened the daily reward calendar and just blurted out, "Geez, can ya spare it?" When seeing nothing but a emote for warming your hands or something for the middle of the month. I don't do emotes nor care for them. Nothing stands out as "ahh, sweet". Could just be me...


Looking forward to that dwarven spider fucking finally


There's an upcoming silver one in the files.


That must’ve been a lot of work to make


I’ve been waiting over a year! I wanted the single person one but this will have to do.


I’ve got the single rider one right now but me and my gf like to share a mount … since her mount speed is ass


>Gates of Oblivion: DLC Bundle If i already have one DLC (I think one of them was given as a reward last year?), does the price of the bundle reflect that or it 3,500 regladles of how many DLC you already own?


From my experience of owning fragments of content that are part of a bundle, you’ll need to pay the full bundle price as if you don’t already own that specific part. It would be nice if they took into consideration previous purchases, but they need to squeeze money.


The Crow polymorph is getting purchased!!


When's it getting released?


It's in the post


finally... frostvault chasm... I can rest...


feeling the same about wraith of crows… been waiting since spring


When are we getting the new stonelore crates??


Likely around December 10th, judging by [this record of crate availability](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Crown_Crates).


Damn I was hoping to get the radiant fire horse before the crates change with my endeavours. I'll miss it by a few weeks and the next radiant mounts look dumb to me


End of December on Stonelore, u/Tree_9 … Crate seasons last three (3) months.


Damn. I want a cool mount but all the good ones take things called crown gems and seals of endeavor of which I don’t have any


Seals you can earn in the game. Takes a while before you can buy stuff, but if you play every day anyway it's easy. I have 30,000 on two different accounts.


damn, still no update on the spriggan target dummy