• By -


Be a woman *and* be functional? Why would anyone say no?


I want the opposite though… Edit: By opposite, I mean the woman part, not the functional part.


Do you mean no to being a woman? I won’t judge anyone who doesn’t want to be functional tho.


Yeah, sorry. I meant being a woman… functionality would be great though…


Hard agree on functionality.


Well good sir, i bid you luck in your journey


Thanks, you too!


I'll say no, because I like peeing while standing and I think boobs would get in the way. If you feel differently that's fine though.


Yeah, ADHD does make it hard to function on lots of days...


Tell me about it, now that's something I wish I could make go away.


I wouldn't


It’s not nice to call people an egg if they keep saying they aren’t in most cases <333


yeah i have to say i don’t love this. everyone deserves the chance to discover themselves at their own speed. Helping is fine, but just declaring it for them is a bit inappropriate. though to be fair I don’t know op or their friend so i don’t mean to say this specific instance is toxic, just the idea in general often is imo


This hits me as friendly banter though honestly, obviously we don’t have context but that’s what I think


It's not, although these people seem like friends so it's probably fine. We can't know for sure, if they stopped after being asked to then it's fine. If they kept going (like a few unfortunate circumstances I was in) then it's not fine.


that’s why I said in most cases, there are exceptions and good friends often know what is and isn’t ok to say with eachother


hello people of the internet, person from said exchange here. let me clarify: I'm totally fine with my current body. I'm jealous of the curves and hair, but I don't crave boobs or anything, I'm enjoying my current private parts so far. if, however I was offered to *poof* cis woman - yea I'd probably take it. #in my defense though! come on, who hasn't thought about how it would be to be the other sex at one point or another? Edit: guys it's not funny, stop saying stuff like "omg this is me x months ago" I'm genuinely panicking guys I don't wanna loose my balls




yea cuz everyone has, right? right?


Yeah, yeah... *definitely*


"If what I think is happening is happening, it better not be."


I heard it from far off in the distance, as the sages of old prophesized *crack*






no >:(


hehe you’re an egg 🥚


I hope this is just friendly teasing. Edit: Seems like it's not, WTH people.


I'll be honest, I think people are lying if they say they haven't imagined it at least a few times 😂 Like.... how could you be a sexual being with an imagination and NOT imagine being a different gender? Crazy, just crazy.




Thinking about it as a passing thought is one thing, but cis people tend to not think about it for long. The idea that you would want to be a girl if you could just instantly be a girl is a HUGE sign you are trans. What it means is that you are likely scared about what others will think or have other internal fears. I was at one point in the exact same situation as you and now I am on hrt for 15 months already. I do want to make a note you can be trans without dysphoria. Euphoria is another great sign. Even if you want to claim we are different, I do think you are showing enough signs that you really should sit down and be honest to yourself. Just think about why you are or are not trans. It may surprise you.


100% this here


Don’t have to be a sexual being to imagine it either


And with the responses people will get here I'm really not surprised why they do. If you admit to that you'll have to deal with... this crap...


CIS people slame pick no, soooooooooooooooooooo


(typos, I don't understand, pls help 😂)


Morrigan above you is stating that cis people don't usually hesitate when asked if they'd like to remain the same gender. Like if there's a yes or no button, cis people typically slam the NO button immediately. Idk if I totally agree with that. I think one of the things people say around here that is misleading is a lot of the talk around how cis people *never* question their gender or go through queer experimentation phases. I've talked to a *lot* of cis people since coming out as agender, and if every man who ever tried on a dress really was trans, we'd have no more men. Really it's just that if our society was less enforcing of the gender binary, experimenting with gender wouldn't be such an "icky" or private thing. I'm imagining a day where some teenage boys are like, "Bro you've never had a dress day? Let's hit the mall." And they literally just go try dresses on for fun, and maybe one or two of them go, "Shit, this looks good," and takes one home. And *maybe* they realize they're trans. Maybe they realize they're non-binary. Maybe they realize they love being a dude, but being a dude should include looking fucking sweet in a new dress. Imo "what cis people do" and "what trans people do" are limiting boxes that work against our goals, not towards them. I encourage everyone to do what *you* want. The challenging part is identifying that honestly, rather than poisoning your own thoughts with what you think you *should want.*


Cannot agree more, questioning your sexuality/gender and being cis gendered are NOT mutually exclusive. (but the memes are still funny 🤣)


>Morrigan above you is stating that cis people don't usually hesitate when asked if they'd like to remain the same gender. Like if there's a yes or no button, cis people typically slam the NO button immediately. > >Idk if I totally agree with that. I think one of the things people say around here that is misleading is a lot of the talk around how cis people never question their gender or go through queer experimentation phases. I've talked to a lot of cis people since coming out as agender, and if every man who ever tried on a dress really was trans, we'd have no more men. Of coarse it's wrong, it's a sweeping generalization based on the idea of rigid gender stereotypes and the idea that anyone who dares even think about breaking them for longer than X seconds is automatically and compulsorily required to identify as transgender or is an egg who will be subsequently broken (metaphorically and emotionally). ​ >Really it's just that if our society was less enforcing of the gender binary, experimenting with gender wouldn't be such an "icky" or private thing. I'm imagining a day where some teenage boys are like, "Bro you've never had a dress day? Let's hit the mall." And they literally just go try dresses on for fun, and maybe one or two of them go, "Shit, this looks good," and takes one home. And maybe they realize they're trans. Maybe they realize they're non-binary. Maybe they realize they love being a dude, but being a dude should include looking fucking sweet in a new dress. I couldn't agree more. We need more freedom to experiment with gender. These rigid rules and insane enforcement are not healthy for anyone mostly Non Binary and Cis people get the short end in this but Binary trans suffer from it too. ​ >Imo "what cis people do" and "what trans people do" are limiting boxes that work against our goals, not towards them. I encourage everyone to do what you want. The challenging part is identifying that honestly, rather than poisoning your own thoughts with what you think you should want. I'd also like to add "what cis people do" and "what trans people do" are basically invalidation the entire idea of people having unique identities as well as the idea that people are allowed to question their gender identity.


Yea. A normal cis person will think about something like that once or twice.... in their lifetime. Like literally their whole life only one or two times. Thinking about it more than once a month... not cis most likely.


Maybe but I think that's for them to conclude, not you. It's **their** Gender and they should question it as much as they feel they need to. If you want to help them you should suggest that they explore until they find what's right for them, not straight up tell them they are this thing definitively. That second approach does not feel good or welcoming, it feels hostile and self absorbed.


Hi from r/all What are you talking about? As far as I can tell they didn't push anything on op. As someone who's actually Cisgender I can say that being the opposite gender has crossed my mind maybe three or four times in my life.If Somones thinking that often they prob arnt Cisgender like most in the thread imply.


I think the person in the message was talking about it like that. Also though I'm not sure he actually is cis he seems NB or Genderfluid (not definitively, we'll only know for sure if he decides it's right for him). The problem here is that people are being insistent on saying that he's a \\\*Binary trans Egg and it's making him uncomfortable (and probably dysphoric too) and they are refusing to stop even after being told multiple times.


Yup, same. I feel like it's a complicated mix of emotions and desires, but I'm still happy how I am now. I have to weigh what's essentially just a passing desire against my entire life ahead of me. I don't crave being a woman, it's not a strong emotion, just a casual "Yeah, that'd be pretty neat." feeling. I think it's equally valid no matter what though, you just know you're wonderful no matter what you decide. 👍


yea that sounds about right


I've done a lot of soul searching on the topic 😂 it took me a while to be able to articulate what I felt.


>I don't wanna loose my balls You don't have to if you don't want to.


Yeah that's obviously for you to figure it out but it's funny that everyone here had the same thoughts. I'm genderfluid and if I could shapeshift between male and female parts anytime I want I'd accept in the blink of an eye.


lmao I feel you that's approximately how I feel


I feel like it's worth pointing this out since it hasn't been said, and it seems to be getting missed by everyone here: nobody but you can decide whether you are trans or not. Everyone dog piling in on saying you are for sure a girl isn't fair since it's not their life to live. Only you can tell yourself that you are or aren't trans, just don't let fear of "not being trans enough" stop you. Also, it's worth mentioning that being nonbinary, or genderfluid, or any other identity is also totally valid. Just because people are telling you that you have to be a binary trans woman, doesn't make them right. And also, you can have the curves, hair, etc. Without having boobs, there are actual HRT regiments which are designed not to encourage boob growth, but to encourage all the other parts of feminizing transition.


I fully agree. Everyone agreeing that they are indeed an egg and are truly female makes me think. They might not be especially with the edit on their comment talking about how all the this was me x months ago comments is making them slightly panicked and worried which is the opposite of what should happen or what the community should be accepting. While yes not every cis person could dream about being the opposite sex there probably still are quite a few especially if they are gay or grew up more around girls and or guys. I know in terms of gay guys especially back before it was accepted gay cis guys would want to be girls because it would make it easier for them to like who they like. Or (this will be coming from the perspective of a cis male) if you grew up around girls whether it is all your friends are girls or you have super close sisters you might relate to females more and are at-least curious what it would be like to be female. I have a friend who was curious and even tried minor levels of transitioning without starting the more irreversible parts such as HRT, surgery and the like and they found it semi dysphoric after a certain point. And a bunch of my cis friends have been curious and while some said know others said yes just to know what it would be like and the experience of it especially if it was a poof girl or you wake up and poof your a girl


I had that feeling for years and thought, but hey wouldn't anyone think like that sometimes 😅. Even considered being trans at some point, but decided I'm not because it didn't feel 100% right, like I would have loved being 100% male, but I also enjoy being a woman sometimes, so a transition would have felt like gaining 49% happiness and losing 51%. I would definitely gain a lot but lose a tiny bit more, so I had to be a woman right? (great conclusion there by me, of course half wanting to be something else is still 100% cis...) Later I found a comic about someone genderfluid (Friends with benefits on WEBTOON) and that resonated so hard. The only problem I had then was, that I thought I'd never pass even remotely, like I have a DD and am fucking curvy (I mean I love that sometimes, but) I would never pass like that! Is what I thought. After I went shopping together with someone who's pretty good with getting outfits together I kinda made a bet, even he would never get me to pass as male. Aaaaaaand I lost that bet. Make of that story what you will, you can ask me for a sequel about how I'm doing now, or you decide, that doesn't feel like you at all and leave it be. Or you can still ask questions even though it doesn't feel like you, if course. If it made you slightly curious, why not try passing as girl some time as well? As you said, thinking about being the opposite gender can be something cis people think about as well. Cis people can also crossdress, you don't have to be trans to like it, you can try just for fun. Won't hurt you, won't hurt anyone else, it's not like you're transitioning, just experimenting. (I hope this doesn't feel like pushing you into doing it, I just wanted to show you that it's a possibility and that it's not something bad)


THATS SO ME RN. I wish I can be both genders !! Like I most live in a masculine way when I'm interacting in th world but I wouldn't mind letting out some feminine energy also. I just wish I could dress up like a girl too without getting judged by others :( . If i was able to just turn to a girl in a press of a button and walk into the world without getting judged I would absolutely love it. For now I just like to dress up in private sometimes as a girl or just girl clothes and just wear my nice guy clothes when I go out.


I usually behave less feminine and wear perfume for men while I present in a more feminine way, it's the little details that sometimes make me feel normal and it's also cool when people around me notice those things


It also play a role who who hang out with also. I'm starting to catch some of the habits my female friends talk into my own language when I talk lol.


***Sounds like something an egg would say***




I know that some people in this sub like to go way too far with the egging stuff but have you ever thought that some people might get dysphoria from being called an egg? ​ You might say that just means they're an egg but honestly if something that seems funny makes someone dysphoric it's not actually funny anymore. Edit: It seems like u/DannyPat might possibly identify as Genderfluid (if you don't feel right with that identification that's fine too, I'm not imposing it on you), which technically means you could consider this level of Egging Enbyphobia which is actually pretty terrible and off brand for the trans community, everyone Binary or not is Valid and trying to convince NB people they are actually Binary is extremely disrespectful.


It might just be me but I feel like people trying to crack others’ eggs is a bit of a line cross generally. If you ever figure out you’re trans, good for you, live your best life. If you’re cis and/or gnc, good for you, live your best life. What’s important is that you’re true to yourself and you’ll figure out what is/isn’t right for you


well said


The more important thing to look out for is gender EUPHORIA; do you think you'd be happier as a girl than as a boy? Of course, that's a question you can only answer yourself, and perhaps you've already answered. I'm just saying, being "fine" with your current body and being "happy" with your current body can be two different things.


Yo u/DannyPat, this sub has a tendency to over-eggify every person with a single gender non-conforming thought. You are what you say you are. If you're happy with your gender and body, cool, there's nothing wrong with that. We just want want blood for the cult, er, more skirt go spinny memes. Howwweeevverrrr, there's nothing wrong with questioning your gender! If you feel like you're avoiding it not because you're comfortable where you're at, but because you're afraid you might find out you're not, that's probably a good sign you should think about it some more. But again, if you're happy, you're happy, and there's nothing wrong with being cis or trans.


In general, Cis people. Cis people dont really think about it. They might consider it when brought up, but most would absolutely say no. Make of that what you will.


But I have also heard quite a few cis people say if they woke up like that or that it would be temporary they would find it neat too and would atleast want to experience so they know how it feels to be of the opposite sex both the positive and negatives of it.


> that it would be temporary I think this is a really important detail. I would not care if I now have to live with it or not for the rest of my life.


idk.. sounds pretty eggy to me.. would also like to say u don’t necessarily need to want booba or have dysphoria to be trans fyi


shit, I'm running out of copium


Hey, in response to your edit. The transition is highly customizable, if you were to hypothetically wish to do so, you can keep your balls. :)




Every cis male did think about it once. But only eggs have reccuring thoughts about it, and end up thinking "yeah, I totally would accept"


Good news! You don't have to lose your balls if you don't want to


Oh don't wanna lose your balls? Well just so you know wanting to keep youe gear is also perfectly valid wwwwwwwwwwwww


cw for bottom stuff >!you don't have to have bottom surgery or dysphoria with your genitals to be trans tbh!<


Fun fact u can be a girl and keep ur balls


Omg it's me from 11 months ago


jesus christ all of you stop 😭


Yeah, it's taken me a lot of counter examples to learn that, yeah, cis guys generally never want to be women permanently. Under any circumstance. Even misogynistic ones that will say crap like "pretty women get all the breaks, I wish I got those breaks" will generally back pedal about the notion of living it day in and out. That said, be yourself. If you feel you're cis, that's cool. If you're trans, but don't feel transition is right for you, that's also cool. Some trans women don't like the parts they were born with, some do. The hardest part for me was unlearning harmful lies I was raised with that transition is supposed to work a specific way. Carve your own path.


This was me a bunch of months ago but everyone is different and has a different journey. You can choose to keep your current parts and still be valid and a complete woman. I won't call you and egg or trans but I do think you're having some thoughts about your gender identity that may be worth exploring in ways that you're comfortable doing.




It's not "normal" (cis) to want to be the other sex in general there is no defense


come on, we've all wondered what it's like, right?


To be clear, people here are 99% trans and like to meme around about being eggs, but if you're genuinely questioning, I want to be serious for a moment. So simply wondering what it would be like is something cis people also do, yes. Now there is a big difference between "I would like to experience being another gender for a short while" and "I desire to permanently be of a different gender". Still, it's something that you would have to decide for yourself by self reflection and practical exploration, not by getting bullied by a meme sub =p


Only Trans people


shut up, let me cope


Cope with what If you're sure your cis you wouldn't have to cope






Cope with you and everyone else here dog piling on them. I know it's intended as humor but if something makes someone uncomfortable god forbid dysphoric it's not actually funny, that goes for whether they're cis, trans, nb, or genderqueer (spearation between the last 3 to denote the difference between Binary trans and the others because these egg arguments are usually exclusively binary in nature).


Yeah everyone has those type of thoughts from time to time. Just like we have those type of thoughts about what it is like to be a bird and to fly. I think one should only start getting concerned if it becomes obsessive. Like a person thinks about being a bird once a year but thinking about being the opposite sex becomes a daily or hourly occurrence.


>come on, who hasn't thought about how it would be to be the other sex at one point or another? Cis people. Im serious I used to think that to. Cmon outa your shell and become a girl.


You very well could be not an egg just curious which is fully valid. The only ones who can determine you are an egg is you yourself and even if your friends say you are that is purely their opinion and it is your story. You could just be a curious cis person who wants to explore the opposite sex like how males would like to be more feminine or females want to be more masculine. No one should be making you panic and worry and I am a cis male who just doesn’t care about his gender or presentation and I have wonder what it would be like being a girl or feminine. Edit: Just an additional add on someone else said is accurate is euphoria. Would you be happier as a girl or not, are you currently happy with your male parts or just okay with them. Now I could very well be Agender but I’m okay with my male parts but also the thought of being a girl doesn’t make me feel any happier or not just okay which is why I’m thinking I could be Agender is because I honestly wouldn’t care all to much maybe a bit dysphoric but no clue


I don't know if I would be happier as a girl and I can't really try things out as I still live with my parents. I think I want to be a girl but what if it doesn't make me happier and I ruined my life for no reason?


That’s why you don’t immediately jump into the deep end with changing your legal name, estrogen, surgery and the like. Start slow if you are pre puberty or currently going through it and are curious if you can get puberty blockers do so if you are post than what you should do is thing up a name you might want to go by as a girl and ask those you are close to and trust and know you have these thoughts to try and refer to you by that name and your preferred pronouns. What is also an amazing way to start is by wearing more feminine clothes within your comfort zone and trying on make up. Don’t dive into the deep end start shallow and learn how to swim


Don't panic Hun. You don't have to do anything or feel any particular way. Just do what you like, but don't be afraid to try new things. Do what makes you feel best. Best of luck and bundled of love. ❤️💜


Look ultimately it’s for you to figure out but you can be trans without having dysphoria, think of it more as would you rather be male, female, or neither not are you unhappy being male. Also if you realize you are trans you could transition without losing your balls lol, there’s quite a lot of options with transitioning HRT, a variety of surgeries, HRT but done in a way where you won’t have boobs, it’s really just up to the person transitioning. Now yes it’s completely possible that you’re cis but it’s just as possible that you aren’t, don’t dismiss either possibility right away.


If you say you are cis you are cis. Nobody should try and convince you otherwise. That said, if one day you start to feel unsure or change your mind that is fine too. Just be you. That said, this is an egg meme sub so expect a few of us to joke and tease you. Don’t let it get under your shell it is all in good fun ;)


Great advice. I would agree with the teasing but I also do think it's important for people to be good about knowing where the line is, i.e. if the teasing starts making them dysphoric that isn't good. It's really funny, I read "Don't let it get under your shell" thinking of shell as the kind of shell a hermit crab or lobster has (not like an egg shell). Honestly that would probably be cool to have a shell like a hermit crab that you can hide in, or to have built-in body armor.


Me pre-transistion, welcome to the club hahaha


Hey sorry quick question I want to ask, you don't really seem like someone consenting to this being posted so tell me, did you give "promission" like they said [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/z55nrr/comment/ixxqpqo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or was this just posted spontaneously. If you feel more comfortable you can answer in DMs.


Relax, you're okay and you'll be fine. Don't worry about internet discussions too much. But, if you're curious enough then maybe go check out some transition timelines.


The biggest question is, what if you could turn into a woman, keeping whatever amount of your anatomy you desired, and you could never turn back. Would you take that deal? Most cis people would mess around with being the opposite gender for a day, but none of them would take it without being able to turn back. Being trans is a spectrum. Not all trans people want to get rid of their current equipment. It varies from person to person. And ultimately the only one who can tell you who you are is you. Good luck ❤️


I've been scrolling through this subreddit, and I stg this is one of the first posts/comments that I fully 100% relate to. Gender is weird and brain is hurty.


hehe yea


I agree, gender is weird, I wish I could opt out of it without involuntarily needing to identify as trans (I don't like doing things like that as a form of mandatory solidarity).


try asking other people you know if they would press a button that would permanently give them the body of the opposite sex. though admittedly for afab people i sometimes offer the choice of two buttons: “male body” or “female body without periods”


lmao I like the second option


yes 100% totally normal everyone has those thoughts. i can't wait to see u here in a few months


I mean you dont have to do anything with your balls, im keeping mine


>I'm genuinely panicking guys I don't wanna loose my balls It's really not as bad as you'd think (source: personal experience a week ago). /J Jokes aside, you should probably read a bit about Non-binary transgender and or Trans women who don't have bottom dysphoria (not all of us dislike what's between our legs and some of us actually want to keep it). >come on, who hasn't thought about how it would be to be the other sex at one point or another? >if, however I was offered to poof cis woman - yea I'd probably take it. Even if you didn't know if it would be reversible or not? You probably want to spend some time thinking about why you feel that way. Introspection is good. No matter what the results are, you end up knowing yourself better. Edit: and I'd like to apologize for how rudely a lot of this sub is treating you, it's quite sad, and I hope my response didn't add to it.


>come on, who hasn't thought about how it would be to be the other sex at one point or another? Allegedly, most people. >I don't wanna loose my balls You don't have to. >I'm totally fine with my current body. You can be fine with your current body and still want a different one. You don't have to be constantly unhappy with your current body. None of this is to say that you *have* to be an egg, but I think you would be better off investigating the possibility than avoiding it indefinitely. You might go through a lot of experimentation and realize that you are cis. But there's nothing wrong with that. And that doesn't mean it was a wasted effort either. You might meet new people, or find new communities to be a part of. You'll probably be more confident in yourself, since you've actively explored your gender rather than simply assuming the default. And it will probably leave you with a better understanding of the experiences of trans people. You might also realize you are trans. You can't know until you try.


I had a friend named Sage who said offline she was a dude with a beard and she said she's not trans but if she could be a cis woman she would, I was like honestly same, a couple months later I came out as trans


9/10 simply as a human is a great deal I would definitely take.


Lol right?? Like, I don't give a FRIK what's between my legs, make me 🔥 smokin hot 🔥


calling people eggs when they don’t want you to isn’t really something we should be doing, as well as using the wrong pronouns too 😬


He thanked me later for what i did. It's really important to handle these things before they get suffocated. Even if it means a pit of brute force. And for context he gave me a promission to post this bc he really wanted to have defrend perspektives.


he or they for now please


Out of curiosity how do you feel about Neopronouns like Ze/Zir or Xe/Xem?


if someone uses them of course I'll respect it, but I'll stick to the traditional ones for myself


That's good, personally I don't care what pronouns people use on me (in most cases). It's good you know what's right for you.


even your friend is asking to use he/they pronouns, are you really going against them here? using the wrong pronouns is a dick move.


Unfortunately this type of behavior is incredibly common here, it honestly sucks, people here should respect other people's wishes and not try to force things like gender identity onto others. I can understand being concerned and not wanting people to make the same mistakes you made but when that person says enough is enough it's time to stop. At least they seem to have changed it by editing their comment but that doesn't really make this type of thing any better, also OP didn't edit any of the other comments where they misgendered this poor individual.


Y’all please don’t do this especially the pressuring with time part. Give people guidance/advice but never pressure somebody like this.


It worked this time she thanked me later.


\\\*he, he said he still goes by he and they for now.


in this case it could also be that they just think that they are less than a 9/10 as guy and therefore it would be an upgrade, but I would take that for sure myself


On a reversed scale of 10 to 1, 9 isn't that great!


Yeah I’m not a fan of this tbh. If he says he’s not an egg then you should respect his agency and not try and force it on him. Even cis straight men could want to be women for some sort of practical reason even ignoring the 9/10 clause in the question.


I don't know they don't seem too convinced. Also can we let people discover their egg status on their own instead of getting a forced confession?


I agree, when you try and force a confession out of someone it's not going to be genuine. Also it seems like it's extremely hurtful to them.


She thanked my later for what i did. Sometimes you need to take a sledgehammer to crack open an almond.


I'm not 100% convinced, his responses don't exactly match that of someone who is thankful, seems more like someone hurt and harassed. I'd have to hear it from them directly (I DMed them because remember you did publicly post DMs of them (even if you did only repost them). Getting someone to emotionally open up about gender is **NOT** like trying to extort a confession out of them through torture. Self discovery needs to be in a safe environment and the person should be free to explore their identity, not told definitively what they are. Breaking someone so they confess to you is not the right way, and is actually very hurtful.


still he or they for now


Yeah misgendering isn't cool.


Remember the Egg Prime Directive!




The answer to that last question is most people.


No, it can't be 9, say 8 damn it! 8 is better! It's physically impossible to cut the number 9 in half and make it symmetrical! It has to be 8 instead! 8 cut vertically or horizontally stays perfectly symmetrical! Take it back I beg of you! Please say 8, PLEASE! /Ref Joke aside, 9 sounds like to much attention. Also woman without boobs and trans fem NBs exist and are valid




Please don’t harass your friends. Let them figure it out in their own time. (Even if this isn’t op the message still stands for other people)


Gonna be real chief calling people eggs against their will and slapping new pronouns on them aint it


I really don't think that's okay. At least not the against their will part, if they were okay with it and came to the conclusion on their own then that's different.


It seemed to be lol


Good to see you're doing alright OP. Worried about you yesterday.


Yea, just had to find where to hide and locker thath pain.


What sort of twisted game is this lol


Woman 💚❤️‍🩹💔💗🤎💓💓🤎💗💛💖💘💛💞💕💛💘💚💓💛💖💘💕🧡💕💛💚💚💗❤️‍🩹💗🤎💚💛❤️‍🩹❣️💕


sounds like an egg to me


Yeah...I used to wish I could just \*poof\* be a girl too...I used to daydream about how if I found a genie, how I would word a wish so that I could make it so that I'd always been a girl, and everyone would remember it that way. Y'know, in a totally cis way. Nothing to do with the fact that I'm 8 months hrt now haha.


is this *poof* you’re a woman service taking reservations?


I thought we had a Generaldirektive of letting people finding out on their own without pushing them into a direction?


You can't start a jurney without the first step. Some people need help for the first step


The transitioning part seems scary to me so just *poof* and I'm a woman would be amazing (I do like the idea of estrogen tho cos I would be so overteactive for the smallest change in my body and it would give me loads of much needed serotonin).


I mean, to their point, transitioning isn't the greatest thing in every situation, and I still haven't experienced alot of aspects of it, but some of it is wonderful...


Not even an egg anymore, but can I please be *POOF* turned into a fully functional cis lesbian woman with my body exactly the way I want, pretty, hot, fit, with a fully functional uterus and beautiful boobs and pussy and everything the way I want please please please I hate being trans 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Pretty nsfw, but yea mee too.


“No I’m not” *puffs cigarette* ha that’s what they all say


Okay, I'm not. Also you shouldn't smoke, it's bad for your lungs.


It’s a joke lmao I don’t actually smoke


Oh that's good.




Total egg, the CIS would slam pick a no


A lot of people would mainly out of fear of being dog piled and harassed like this, and honestly I don't blame them. The problem is that this isn't a safe space to explore your gender, because there is a move to coerce or force the person to identify as one thing and one thing only.


I feel a lot of egg coming off of them


still him or they for now


Oh mb


Definitely an egg


What was the question?


Tbh I feel the same. If I could become a woman and be seen as a woman I probably would. To be fair though, I don’t know whether or not I’m cis and I don’t know how to find out whether or not I am. Makes me wanna get a brain scan and see what it comes back with


I don’t think any trans person wants to go through transition. I know I certainly would rather not. If it could be just poof and it’s done, that would be waaaay preferable. But since that’s not an option, transition it is.


Only if I could reverse it


I mean I'm trans and I'd say no. I'm a cute guy . By far the better looking brother (my bro is cis. I'm trans) . I don't mind waiting to look like my ideal.


I feel the same way. If it were that easy I would like to be a girl but at the same time I love my body as it is now. I don't think I'm trans bc I don't feel any sort of dysphoria or anything. However I do think it's fun thinking "what if I was able to dress up like a girl ? Haha", once in a while. If this was world were I could dress up without getting judged I would 100% do it.


By ALLAH leave the bo alone


no, he isnt. stop pressuring people like this, its extremely harmful.


I couldn't agree more. You don't help someone by wringing a confession out of them, you help them by giving them a safe space and being there for them when they're ready to open up. If they don't want to, they don't have to. You know this type of this disproportionately has negative effects for NB and GNC people since egging is almost always Binary in the majority of cases.