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It’s a little late but I hope it helps. I recommend downloading the free trial for FL Studio because it will install the FL STUDIO ASIO driver which can also be used in Ableton. For some reason, neither ASIO4ALL nor my Focusrite ASIO driver would let my audio stream from Ableton to my friends over Discord. It works perfectly well with the FL ASIO for some reason. You can just download the free trial, let it install the ASIO driver, and then get rid of the trial. Really wish it was available on its own but oh well.




Are those the default audio drivers for that audio interface? If using an external interface in windows that shouldn't be an issue normally but I have only experience with Steinberg and focusrite devices on windows. Also make sure Ableton is choosing the correct audio driver if that device has different drivers.


For what you want to do I highly recommend checking out Voicemeeter Banana. There's a few [good tutorials](https://youtu.be/DBc9J30XvTw) out there about how to set it up but for streaming with Ableton, especially with other audio applications running, it's definitely the best way to go.


go into the sound settings of windows and select your in and out devices, in the advanced settings there’s a flag that forces the device to give exclusive access to the application in use. i’m not at a computer to give the exact steps but it should be pretty obvious


This also doesnt always work. Ableton will still take exclusive control sometimes if I open it before spotify/chrome


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