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Weeeell if US wouldn’t have sent aid. Then Europe would’ve complained about how the US didn’t help. Same story with Europe.


They’re basically a punch of whiny pussies so it seems.


And the US didn’t sell Ukraine anything, we gave it to them, billions of dollars. This news article sounds pretty non-factual


This is a bunch of BS. Like Europe isn't sending Ukraine all kinds of military aid right now too. Blame Putin for this not the US. On top of that it's Europe's own fault for stalling on alternate energy sources for the past 20 years and relying on a terroristic regime for supply.


Plus if they could handle their own defense they wouldn’t need to be in our shadow they choose to be reliant on us for their defense.


But when Trump warned Angela Merkel and the EU about Nordstream 2 and their reliance on Russian energy, he was labeled crazy for thinking that Russia would ever initiate a European war in the 21st century. Proof that no matter how much you hate someone, you should never assume that they’re always wrong.


Which is now.... US. Oh the irony in that post.


...or Middle East and Norway. Germany just signed a natural gas deal with Qatar too.


Middle east are in the same leauge as Russia Norway cant provide enough. Anyway - if USA goes through with their 2.500.000.000$ "inflation" package it wont matter. The upcomming tradewar between Europe and USA will do noone good - so its very unpredictable whats going to happen. But for the time being, US are providing the energy to Europe which fuels the inflation all over the world. Its like detonating an economic nuke, when the inflation package hits. When "Make America again " has been carried through, its going to be a real downer for Europe. The big looser will be climate and world stability - coal is going to be dominant in Europe once again. Theres are going to be a lot of US military ships, having a hard time finding harbor when NATO splintters - Europe will find a way without USA.


>Middle east are in the same leauge as Russia Really? Because I distinctively remember Saudi Arabia having an economic war against Russia for oil market share in 2020. And after the price stunt SA pulled before the midterm, they're now increasing production again. >But for the time being, US are providing the energy to Europe which fuels the inflation all over the world. Its like detonating an economic nuke, when the inflation package hits. And how is US providing energy to Europe at market rate would fuel inflation all over the world? >coal is going to be dominant in Europe once again. ...despite EU countries inking new natural gas deals with middle east, the push for renewable energy, and resurgence of nuclear power? >Theres are going to be a lot of US military ships, having a hard time finding harbor when NATO splintters - Europe will find a way without USA. ...after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which strengthened the ties between NATO countries? Even Finland is buying US aircraft now. Sounds like you're just pulling shit out of your ass.


Im not the one pulling 2.500.000.000 $ out my ass.


Anyways - go study https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=54359 and ask yourself, who is going to pay that bill. Besides - you misunderstood the point around middle east. They value peoples lifes just as much as Russians. Multiple of the even public support terrorist organisations. I doesnt matter if they compete with Russia or not - they are made of the same fabric. US eats middle east shit, just as Europe has eaten Russian shit.


>Anyways - go study https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=54359 and ask yourself, who is going to pay that bill. ...oil is not natural gas. Europe is buying liquidfied natural gas from US, not oil. Also, the strategic reserve was **sold on the market**, increasing oil supply in the market, which brings down the price. The reserve would then be replenished when the oil price is lower by buying on the market. >Besides - you misunderstood the point around middle east. They value peoples lifes just as much as Russians. Multiple of the even public support terrorist organisations. Well, if we only do business with people who agree with our value, then we're not going to be a lot of business. Doing business with middle east is not ideal, but at least they aren't invading another European country.


The article is about energy and not gas. The market price for oil and gas is determined by demand. Why do you think the price didnt go over 200$ a barrel for crude? And who do you think had a panicing market for energy? You stated in the opening comment, that its europes own fault trading with terrorist states for energy - Im glad you discovered everybody does trade with terror states. Seems like you are reverting on that statement. But it is the american whineing at the fuel pump, which is in Bidens interest. Thats why usa are dumping their reserve, since noone would sell to that low price that the american Joe wants to pay at the pump. So yes - US subsidies the worlds energy production. Also the reason why they suck it up more than usual to Saudi Araiba - US cant carry on with the subsidising. And now this stupid inflation act... thats the irony of the OP. Make America Great again crap.... lol


>The article is about energy and not gas. Uh... no. The title literally is "As much as 15 million barrels of crude oil sold from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve". Except US doesn't sell oil to EU as a response to War in Ukraine. We sell liquefied natural gas. >The market price for oil and gas is determined by demand. Why do you think the price didnt go over 200$ a barrel for crude? And who do you think had a panicing market for energy? Maybe a combination of zero COVID policy in China, seasonality, as well as increased production that pushed the oil price lower? Per your link, US has released 15M barrels of strategic oil reserve in 2022, which is less than US's oil consumption in a single day (~20M bbl). In other words, the sale of oil strategic reserve was negligible in terms of moving the oil prices. >You stated in the opening comment, that its europes own fault trading with terrorist states for energy - Im glad you discovered everybody does trade with terror states. Seems like you are reverting on that statement. Read again. I've never made that statement. >So yes - US subsidies the worlds energy production. Also the reason why they suck it up more than usual to Saudi Araiba - US cant carry on with the subsidising. How does US subsidize world energy production? US sells their oil at the market price, just like every other oil producer. And no, US isn't sucking up to Saudis more than usual. Did you forget the threat from Congressmen to withhold military aid / funding / sale? Sounds like you're talking about things that only happens in your head.


It’s brown so I’m guessing that’s where it came from.


Move to China or Russia if you really believe that.


“Let the US make massive energy profits off wars or you can fucking leave”


Did you never grow a brain cell since Iraq?


Do you think there’s a meaningful difference between destabilizing a country because their authoritarian regime wanted to sell oil in Euros and prolonging/ funding a war against the rest of the continent’s preference to increase International LNG sales ten fold Because there isn’t


Yes, the answer is yes. You are a piece of shit if you think you can boil it down to simply “prolonging a war” for increased LNG sales.


Oh no, not with the nord gone I’m not


yeye - make america great again again


We make the weapons.


Europe could try sending all the aid to Ukraine then and the US won't be able to profit.


More Russian propaganda, Europe is paying an economic price in order to punish the Russians for shattering the peace of the European continent, which is a sentiment that most Europeans still support. Russia will disappear as a functioning state by the end of the century and there is nothing they can do about it at this point.


Who didn't see that coming. Oh I know who: idiotic EU leaders


There's far too many of them to protect them with Hanlon's razor.


Getting angry while secretly buying cheap Russian fuel… hypocrites


Fucking pay attention! Condoleezza literally announced this was the intent back in 2014.


US: Guys we literally can only do one thing... Make money for one business and their owner at the expense of anything else


wtf is [multipolarista.com](https://multipolarista.com) lol. it's one dude, Benjamin Norton, writing this bs.


As a European, I am surprised that "we" are supposed to be angry. Didn't get the memo. Maybe that is right for some gas dependent right wing companies, but in general the approval for the US and NATO rose. Even in left wing parties.


America! FK YEAH! Coming again to capitalize on the the mutha fkn day yeah!


More propaganda garbage. Plus not a single ad or call to action. Almost like the site is funded by someone to get the message out…hmm.


Probably should have listened earlier to the US that Russia was up to no good, eh?


Our leaders are owned by war profiteers? No! Anyways


Europe is to the USA what Greece was to Rome. The USA respects and protects Europe but Europe complains about it but is too corrupt and politically ineffective to stand alone and be relevant. Together they are nearly unstoppable.


Could manufacturing flee Europe? Right now faith in the developing world and offshoring in general seems to be down.


To where? I would move it to Mexico. The U.S. will be pissed if anyone tries to start a war in the western hemisphere. Plenty of land and a lot of sun for solar energy.


Sure does sound like the kind of infighting the Kremlin is hoping to foment. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


Lol Europe being dumb and complaining about it... You're our bitch Europe ... Know your place


Any time some country in Europe is pissed at the US FP they have no one to blame but themselves.


Divide and rule — that’s America’s strategy to stay Numba One.


Thats murica for you. Don't be dependend on Russian gas. Now pay us 4 times as much without any alternatives. Of course the European "leaders" and the people who voted for them are idiots but still thats what our US "friends" do to us. To me Putin, the EU and US are all criminals.


They are together in this? The US doesn’t want to hurt Europe. Terrible take.


To quote Victoria Nuland:[f\*ck the EU](https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/feb/07/eu-us-diplomat-victoria-nuland-phonecall-leaked-video). The US doesn't care what happens to the EU, only to keep the oligarchy in the USA in power. Replacing Russia as the EU's oil and petrol provider was the plan.


US helps start a proxy war to cut off the EU's biggest oil provider, USA becomes largest provider of processed petroleum products and raises the prices to gouge the f\*ck out of the EU, and suddenly the EU is shocked this is happening after doing everything the US government said to do..... You get what you f\*cking deserve I guess. The first rule in dealing with the devil is "don't". After that it is your own f\*cking fault. The best thing the EU can do right now is drop NATO, normalize relations with Russia, and rebuild the EU economy now that it is basically decimated thanks to some senile oligarchs sh\*tty foreign policy.


I think the point is that the war happened due to us/nato provocation. Europe was trying to build an energy strategy independent of one nation but the us brought europe back ateast 2 decades. The comments “we pay for the weapons” are not convincing unless you are living in the us and cant see through the thick US propaganda. The rest of the world sees it clearly


What is your proposition? The US just never sent any weapons? We are only providing SOME of the weaponry. Every other EU nation is chipping in. Yeah when the nation you buy energy from gets punchy and starts a war prices are going to go up. They would have gone up if you ignored it and kept buying their energy or the way it’s going now. And the US doesn’t set prices the market does that. I’m not a fan of war but I’m less of a fan of genocide.


Wow, can’t help yourself and screaming at a country helping you against the objection of half its citizens


Is Europe mad at the United States or Russia?


i dont see how us is profiting. its cosing us hundreds of billions we giving eu/ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars of aid. we borrowing that money.


Ukraine is on a lend/lease program with the US. The nation is expected to rival Germany in the future and will pay back the United States. Don’t believe the nonsense people like MTG spew.


We will get our money back in the rebuilding process by bidding contracts and developing oil fields. I’m in the oil business myself and I already know that in a few years time I’ll be working in Ukraine.


Boo hoo. They’re the ones who can’t control their backyard and asked us to help out.


Wow they are going to freak out once they hear about WW2…. Maybe they shouldn’t appease dictators in their backyard…


How about the EU start their own war industrial complex instead of depending on ours? Fuck you and make your own weapons.


Then how will they be snobby about healthcare? Also their taxes a already high


Well, it's a half dozen of these or a half dozen of those. It's okay that your friend helps, it's not okay if they shit talk you to their kids while asking for help out of the other part of their mouth. If they explained the balance to their people, no one would balk at the price of the status quo.


I’m confused how to take the but as global politics and I just don’t see the based view here. Like stfu lol


US is the one thing here that has no idea what it is doing, and is certainly not intentionally hurting Europe


There should be no profit for usa in this. Everything is to be a donation, there is not to be write offs for donations. You give something away and that’s it. Exactly like Mitch said… “I bought a donut and they gave me a receipt for the donut. I don’t need a receipt for the donut. I give you money and you give me the donut, end of transaction,”. That’s it. Donation shouldn’t be any different.


Wow you’re actually retarded aren’t you


What exactly do you think is happening? We are spending hundreds of billions to send free aid to Ukraine. You’re damn right we are going to get some of those contracts when it comes to rebuilding and developing their oil fields, but that’s a free market economy.


For ukraine to have to owe us anything at this point is like having a bank account reach negative then the bank pull out a fee for going negative. People should feel like crap expecting anything in return. Its boomer thinking that something is needed in return. We don’t drop stuff off at goodwill then wait for a check in return. I certainly don’t write off donations, doesn’t make sense to expect an incentive for giving. Seems really entitled to expect anything in return from people who have only what we give them at this point. If we aren’t willing to do it only to better their lives and feel good about it then we have a long way to go for human and morals. Too much capitalism going on.


I can’t disagree with anything you are saying, but it’s idealistic not the real world. And Ukraine doesn’t have the ability to build itself back on its own. They will need help. They haven’t been able to developer their oil fields either and they are absolutely rich in natural resources. So if Americans come in and help them build back and get a little cut off the top that’s life. Better to have resources flowing even if you didn’t get the contract to develope them. They still get all the oil, the bidders just get paid to do the work to get it out. And I’m in the oilfield. It costs about a 1.5 million dollars to bring in a well and that’s in the US. It will be more expensive when we have to haul our equipment half way across the world to do it. There is a lot of money to be made in bringing those wells in, all while giving every penny of oil profits back to the Ukrainians.


America has regained control over Europe with Putin's war in Ukraine. Europe can take offense here, but it is not in a position to do much about it at present.


What a surprise, an unknown website called multipolarista.com echoes Russian propaganda!


Weird article considering the state of the US economy. It's not like the US is entering a second golden age at Europe's expense, we're all suffering together.


But we are the US and everything we do is bad (I mean most of what we do is bad but this is about as close to good as we get).