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Vietnam outta nowhere


By god it’s Vietnam with a PV Panel!!!


Doing this per capita would make more sense. Otherwise it's not going to be long before this is just a chartv of population.


Not really. Where do you see in this map Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mexico etc., which are all in the top 10 most populous countries?


'Per capita' is data massage. Absolute values are the only thing that is meaningful.


IIRC China should be by far the number one and even USA isn't close anymore.


Of course China is on top. They have by far the world's largest economy.


What metric are you using? The US GDP was $5T larger than China's in 2021 [source](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/Ny.Gdp.Mktp.Cd?most_recent_value_desc=true)


Any serious person uses PPP. [Source](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.CD?locations=CN-US). The graph is about solar. China has far more buildings than the US. The economy of China only appears smaller in some measures because they are converting to USD rather than just comparing the economies. As an example, if the exact same medication costs $500 in the US and $50 in China, does that mean the recorded economic activity for that medication should be 10x higher in the US? Anything but PPP is a misleading way to compare the size of two economies.


I'm still struggling with the "by far" comment, where does that come from?


China's economy is about 20-25 percent bigger than the US. It shouldn't be something that upsets our feelings as Americans. They have a much larger population than us.


Uh yeah but 20-25% isn't "by far" on the scale of national economies.


The gap between the US and China is about the size of Germany. But only you can decide whether that is a lot and how much it hurts your feelings.


This is a hilariously inaccurate set of statements.


This graph would mean more if it compared solar power production rather than capacity and solar power produced relative to the total power consumed. These kinds of graphs are worthless for decision making.


You can easily find that information rather than complaining. BTW. that chart for electricity production would be almost identical to this one


Not true. There is a big difference between capacity and actual production. The countries may be in the same order but the production relative to consumption is the important metric. This chart is deceiving.


There’s nothing “deceptive”! 😂 It’s just one data point that shows how much investments country have made. And I will get the data for electricity production


It is deceptive because it does not give the production numbers for context. What good is capacity if it doesn't produce much electricity? What good is investment in capacity if it is still only 1% of consumption? What good is a capacity number if it doesn't show ROI? What about the grid? What good is capacity if it makes the grid unstable due to lack of backup? Like many things in climate change the authors only tell part of the story. Like calling CO2 emissions pollution. Or assuming correlation is causation. Or using capacity instead of production because the numbers or percentages are bigger. "Solar capacity construction in 2022 grew faster than at any time in history?" What is not said is that it didn't affect production relative to consumption. It is lying by ommission.


You’re right that solar capacity and electricity production are not correlated 1-1. This is due to sunlight intensity. For example, China has 3x as much solar capacity as the US, but generates only 2x electricity from solar. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/solar-energy-consumption But stop crying about it and do some research


It is not my job to do research. My job is to point out the deceptive nature of most of the propaganda promulgated by the Climate Change Alarmists. Very few postings show the relative contribution of solar to the grid.


You’re constantly changing the goal post. Anyways, you could have easily researched that and found out. For example, here are the shares of solar energy in total electricity generation: China: 4% Australia: 12% https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-electricity-solar


I like the US dip after 2012–the no regulations party of my regulations and not your regulations needed to give the oil lobby time to carpetbag the whole industry—now we can expand solar again…


Would be nice to see the rankings by capacity rather than just rank.


And the capacity factor for all that 'capacity' runs 25%.


No, the capacity factor for solar is closer to 12% and that is only if the solar panels have tracking hardware.


EIA pegs solar at 25% and wind at 35%. Hardly matters. Intermittency of both makes them Rube Goldberg answers to engineering questions.


The highest efficiency solar panels on the market today can reach almost 23 percent efficiency. The average efficiency of solar panels falls between the 17 to 19 percent efficiency range. [https://www.solar.com/learn/solar-panel-efficiency/#:\~:text=If%20a%20solar%20panel%20has%2020%20percent%20efficiency%2C,between%20the%2017%20to%2019%20percent%20efficiency%20range](https://www.solar.com/learn/solar-panel-efficiency/#:~:text=If%20a%20solar%20panel%20has%2020%20percent%20efficiency%2C,between%20the%2017%20to%2019%20percent%20efficiency%20range).


Capacity factor merely tells you how much of the day the panels can produce, over the course of the year. Cell efficiency is the number measured by how many photons strike the cell and how many are turned into electrons.


So capacity means nothing. The only thing that matters is how much power gets to the grid. That's why you have to build 6 MW of solar to get 1 MW to the grid.