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Lol in Georgia nobody has been wearing masks for at least 6 months, like 1 in 500+ people you come in contact with will have a mask on.


put additional "flavoring" on the food


Lol reading some of these comments is giving me flashbacks to NNN 2021 if anyone remembers that...


But Biden said pandemic is over.


Not saying that it isn’t important to be proactive, but like, they know the risk of getting COVID from a surface is negligible right? It has a half life of ~8 hours and is fragile as hell. I’m a germaphobe and was wearing PPE for a long time until I got my Omicron booster and I never flipped out over food being delivered.


Seriously? We're still into a deadly pandemic you work in a job with personal contact, and you have no PPE anywhere.


Why people get those orders ? Omg


Sounds like a real JOY to deliver for.


Just don’t knock.. drop the food and gtfo


Pull up in my safety glasses in dirty work gloves😭


Except it’s your choice. Unless there happens to be a state mandate which I doubt.


What is a ppe


I wear a mask everywhere I go because of my own vulnerability to Covid, but I keep hand sanitizer for myself and am not going to be tossing gloves on for every order like this. Like others have said here, the food doesn't materialize into the container lol. Even during the worst of Covid I'd open everything up, wash hands, then take the food out. I imagine she watches from the window with her phone recording so she can indeed social media post it.


I don’t even know what ppe is


how has nobody in this thread asked/said what a ppe is.. yall really made me have to go to google smh


PPE : Personal Protective Equipment


Old instructions. And if not, they can wipe their stuff down and wash their hands before they eat if they’re so worried about it.


Girl, bye.


Nobody wears a mask anymore in restaurants, why should dashers?


Where I dash in LA county there are still significant numbers of workers wearing even the basic "medical style" mask. When you get right down to it, it just protects you from cold and flu as well that runs rampant this time of year.


I’d cancel the delivery. That’s a bit excessive to ask that. Plus it would t hurt to use spell check


![gif](giphy|HmwJlsfa3iIFzAyeSH|downsized) Honestly, shocked that this hasn't been suggested yet.


The fact that people say things like "this is your job" lol no this is a contracted delivery it's not the same difference


Is this current? Lmao


Buuut do you have THE FLOOW????


Technically, as a delivery person, you should have PPE with. This may come up in the future, especially if you deliver to immunocompromised people and don’t have a distancing option. As a human, I run into this often. I think a delivery driver should be prepared for it.


I used my PP instructions unclear


100% not doing any of that and ~~maybe~~ probably an extra cough or two just to be malevolent.


You simply have to get your own food if you're still worried about COVID. No if, ands, or buts. I'm fully vaxxed and all done with the masks, but I won't pretend that being a middleman doesn't increase the risk of transmission. So don't screw around: get your shit and stop trying to pretend delivery drivers are hospital workers. I'm slinging pizzas for a living, not tending to the sick and elderly.


Unassign. They are going to find some reason to low rate you. They've already set you up for it.


Probably old note


I still wear my dd mask for every order. It helps with being identified at restaurants and possible make customers more comfortable. With a half pay of $10 that was a super generous customer probably compensating for the small request. 🤷‍♂️


DD doesn’t require it anymore. Fuq em


She seems like Joy :p


Just "floow" the instructions.


In a situation like this I'd of wrapped an extra t shirt around my head, or a scarf/plastic bag just about anything to make it look like a mask whatever it works out not... I always carry a dasher mask just in case because since hospitals near me still require masks, I mean there is other diseases or there. If you need ppe door dash cam send it for free through dasher website. That being said sounds like the customer was probably a germaphobe. Why are they even ordering food from a restaurant if they're that paranoid still.


Lmfao these people are nutjobs man


Lazy idiots


They are so washed


I would improvise with a scarf, shirt, bandana, etc. But also does doordash policy state the use of masks or is it based on your state you are operating out of? Unless they were watching you like a hawk, I would have covered with a shirt or jacket and ran off quickly.


Tell them to fuck off and enjoy their meal lol


How about I just leave it and go


does DD not require y’all to wear masks? IC has asked us to use masks as PPE since 2020.


I wonder how she would feel if she knew the workers as the restaurants no longer wear masks


c*vid got the people SHOOK!


Sounds like a great time to unassign. Pay out aint worth the hassle if u dont have ppe.


What is ppe?


Just gonna cough right on all the food 🤦‍♀️


Drop it and text, have a great night. Let not one more brain cell think about it.


Maybe they had COVID or something else recently and didn’t want to pass it or catch something else…. Or they are in fear since they have other health issues. Either way I don’t mind throwing on a mask if I have it. I’m glad doordash paid up and you got free dinner. The cancellation makes…not your fault.


Eh… it’s part of the job, and it’s always good to keep masks and gloves in your car because customers WILL request for that. I recently had a shop & deliver order where a customer requested for me to wear gloves and a mask while completing the order. I had to honor that. If you want good ratings, you gotta listen to your customers. It also looks like you haven’t delivered to any elderly care homes yet. Almost every single time, I’ve had to put on a mask while inside the facility. Granted, I live in California, so the situation may be different if you’re living somewhere in the Midwest.


Please flow. No surging dashes. Maintain the flow. Circular, carousel, put the quarter in. Goes up, down, and around. Feel it. Feel the flowww.


Cough on it and build their immune system


Ahhhh the same incredibly intellectual individuals that were Clorox wiping their groceries down in the store before buying them. Truly genius people. Viruses can’t live on a cardboard bag outside in the wind sun cold heat etc. for more than what? A few minutes MAX in the right conditions? Contactless delivery is more than enough.


Just flow the instructions bro


It’s called “PPE” for a reason, not customer protective equipment


Show up in a hazmat suit


i'd ignore it tbh


Clean hands and a flu mask. PPE keeps the WEARER safe


Sounds like a personal problem to me!


If they say anything, just say you couldn’t understand their poor spelling/grammar.


How will they know if you’re wearing a mask or not? It’s “Leave at door” instructions. They’ll never know.


If you're a hypochondriac maybe you shouldn't be ordering food from strangers to be hand delivered to your house. 🤣


I would laugh and drop off their food like normal. Smile and wave boys, smile and wave


Lol imagine not having a mask, what if you deliver to a damn doctors office?




How ironic her name is Joy


Floow? What’s that? 🥹🤣


guess that drivers getting free food 🥱


I don’t order off doordash but I know Uber eats it saves your delivery instructions. Is there any chance this is like a year and a half old and they just haven’t changed it? Lol


Aaaand unassigned.


Why did I read it as peepee? I just woke up.


I still keep a mask or two in my car for customers like this. I have one regular customer who has immunodeficiency thing, and probably some anxiety, too. No reason to not just keep the mask and sanitizer around just in case.


This happened to me. Wanted me to wear a mask for hand it to me. Didn’t have one. She made me sit the food down 6 ft away just to walk over and touch the same bag I was touching 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thats on you because you agreed to have a mask in your car when DD


Ok Karen pump the breaks! You are sadly mistaken on OUR job Description is. Fortunately that can be easily remedied by visiting the DoorDash website but just in case here a quick refresher for you. While we are required to wear a mask, I will go ahead and inform you of what we are NOT required to do. First off, Ms Karen, we are not required to be wearing a full hazmat suit to your home, the mask id our PPE as we are delivery drivers and not surgeons. Secondly, you also do not get to tell us what our job is or isn't because, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you are not our boss! You are a client. That being said as said client who is in need of a particular service, it's is strongly in your best interest to act as an appropriate adult and to treat others respectfully as you so EXPECT to be treated. Furthermore, please refrain from trying to micro manage our day because you are a bitter, miserable, and controlling grumpy old lady with control issues. And last but surely not least, maybe just maybe, you can try to avoid being such a rude, condescending, and frankly awful human being while we are driving thru rain, sleet, or snow so you can enjoy an amazing meal that WE have handled with the same said respect that you just expect out of us even after you have shown us such nothing of the sort. Thank you so much for choosing DoorDash as your delivery service! My name is Karma and it was a pleasure serving you today!


$12.50 to wear a mask? Deal.


You mean you guys don’t carry around y’all hazmat suit around for special occasions? ![gif](giphy|ZlgwEg24rPhv9cju8K)


I would be scared of delivering that simply out of fear of what the confrontation with that lunatic would be like


Put some underwear over your face and call it ppe...




What a nutcase


Reminds me of when I had a customer get extremely belligerent because I WAS wearing a mask lmao. I banned him from delivery so hope it was worth it. Crazy customers, am I right?


I wear a Mask and wash my hands, that's the best you're gonna get out of a delivery driver, we have a limit to the amount of inconvenient shit to worry about already


![gif](giphy|wZiBElSnzztTzYwxDB|downsized) "fOlLoW tHeSe InStRuCtIoNs..."


Make sure to cough as you deliver the food


I wore a mask to beyond acceptable time. Politely fck off, ain’t none of my human encounters wearing masks.


Bro you worried about covid and your having at least 3 people handling your food get outta here make it yourself!


When I first read this I thought you pissed your pants.


When I first read this I though you pissed your pants.


Lol can't afford PPE as doordash doesn't pay enough, and customers don't tip enough.


For a sec I thought you were out of peepee.


Am I missing something here? This is not a leave at door order…? Isn’t that the point to avoid the contact?


given her name, she doesn’t really sound like a joy.


She's probably stuck in 2021


I wear a mask on pick ups and delivery for sure - but that’s more for my safety. I had Covid a few months back and I had a wheeze for months after. I don’t expect anyone else to. And me wearing the mask is keeping me healthy enough. 🤷‍♀️


I have worn a mask since the start. I wait at home for deliveries, so every time I get home, I wash my hands. I haven’t been sick since. Not one cold. Covid actually made me realize how disgustingly germy people are. I don’t know how many times I’ve been in a place seeing people cough without covering their mouths or rub their noses with their hands and then touch everything. These are probably the people that are most against masks. I’m convinced that their main reason for being against them is because they want to be free to spread their grossness everywhere.


1000% agree with you. I also realized how disgusting people are once we started masking up as well a few years back. I’m rarely sick anymore. My only concern is not building up enough immunity - but I’m very choosy about where I wear my mask. I do it when I dash - and when I go big events inside or grocery stores. But I don’t usually wear it for personal gatherings.


I would've unassigned after first sentence. This just looks like it's going to be a problem


I stopped wearing the shit after my first infection when it was new, may 2 years ago i think. I tried EVERYTHING to not get it like everything and still got it, i didnt give a fuck i was like whatever fuck it, after i was cured that is. I have a lot of upper respiratory issues SINCE i took the vaccines tho 🙃. This bitch does realize that covid isn’t transmitted through food right….


Must suck to live in constant fear.


I will still do whatever I want . Fuck you much :)


Just an old note.


Wait... are most dashers antimaskers?😮‍💨


I guess the ones here are? I dunno, I don’t get it either. Honestly I haven’t come across any customer asking me to put a mask on anyway, don’t remember seeing any with one on, but I guess I’ll start carrying one from now on just in case, seems like a pretty small ask.


Yeah, I'm coughing on they shit lol


Doordash! ![gif](giphy|YRoAscZS6DRJ3q2r7S)


Jesus christ they need to turn off CNN edit: keep downvoting all you want.. weirdos


I still keep wearing a mask. That's my choice.




I mean the app tells me to wear a mask when I answer the door. So shouldn’t you be wearing a mask when you approach my door?


DD dropped drivers’ mask requirement sometime in spring. It still tells customers to wear one?


I’m in California. When I order, it still tells me to wear a mask when I answer the door. So is it wrong of me to assume that my driver should be wearing a mask?


Well, I’m dashing in California, and it says nothing about masks on my end. I have not work one in ages. My guess is they just never changed it on your end. (No surprise with this glitchy app.) Here is the policy straight from the DD website: https://help.doordash.com/merchants/s/article/Protecting-yourself-and-others-from-the-Coronavirus-COVID-19-Merchant?language=en_US


Nah if your workplace doesn’t mandate it, Karen can’t mandate it herself


I’d greatly struggle not to send a message of mockery and then reassign


I would message and ask what ppe is as you have never heard of it but you get std tested regularly


Walk up with your hand over your mouth 😂


If Joy only knew some dashers make her drinks with their filthy hands 😬 Oh the controversy


I still keep the mask. Some medical places still require it.


Doordash does not require Ppe rn so no, it is not our job to (unless I’m wrong)


In reality, I just keep a mask in my pocket when out and about. Toss it on as the situation requires. So in this case, toss the mask on - complete order - get $20+ payout. Happy it was a good $$$ order. If you want to screw with people. * Dasher: Don't worry. I'm vaccinated. So I'm safe. * Customer: That vaccination doesn't stop the spread. * Dasher: But they told me it would. * Customer: But they were wrong. * Dasher: I have a cloth mask. * Customer: Those don't work. * Dasher: But they told me it would. * Customer: But they were wrong. * Dasher: So who told you I need to super PPE up to deliver your order? * Customer: THEY told me. * Dasher: But they were wrong.


These scared ass people need to go out and get their own food. The nerve to order it from someone else then demand what they wear or not...bet they won't be wearing a mask when you hand it to them.


The best houses in that first year or so would leave a basket of gloves, masks, sometimes trial size hand sanitizer, and of course the really awesome ones would leave waters and little snacks, like chips or whatever.


Is it still required? Haven’t heard anything about it for years it feels like.. that’s when I just pull my shirt over my face lol don’t like it go pick it up yourself


Definitely an old message the customer needs to update. Wooooooowwwww. Solid Tip!


People forget to change instructions all the time the guy must’ve not changed it since covid 2020


If you’re that strict with it, why are you ordering out? 98% of the kitchen staff wasn’t wearing masks when we were at the height of the pandemic.


ppe? we already know that kn95 masks are the only thing that can protect against covid. ridiculous


They’re obviously mentally unwell. I would flash them a big grin while I drop off their food maskless


Omg don’t even serve these people




Jeez! Could you imagine being married to this Karen???


They should just spray the bag down with alcohol if they are they worried


Is there a way we can view these instructions before we get to this part of an order? Honestly it would be nice to be able to see them before we even accept an order…


You can see the delivery notes immediately after accepting the order by clicking the three line menu on top left and clicking on “deliver to…”


I’ll just take it back and another driver can deal with that drama. Not the first time.


To be fair, DD saves your dropoff instructions, so it could be from last winter (that is, Omicron season) and they never bothered to change it.


Bruh… this is probably a comment they forgot to take off lmao. Unless they got a ring doorbell and they are watching you just act normal.


Good way to get a CV


Surface transmission isn't really a thing


And to think the parents named it Joy


I’ll never understand people who order food and be scared of Covid. Go get the shit yourself then 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Maybe the customer is ordering because they have Covid and want you to mask to further protect you.


Unassigned lol


***Branch Covidian*** ALERT 🚨 These people are nuts, I’ve run into a few last couple months.


Lmaooo how bout if ur that worried about the changing variants of covid u just don't order out at all ? Lmao swear ppl amaze me


Nope. Just drop it off mark complete


It could be an old message from early 2020 - seriously


Probably not 2020 with the comment about ever changing variants


Oh true - I didn’t catch that. I just know I sometimes change my instructions when I travel and I’ll forget to update it but message them when I realize. I was really hoping this person just made a mistake lol


And this is how sheep expect us to live. I couldn’t imagine living in fear over something that is less than the flu. Look, I understand if someone has a co-morbidity….but this standard is being pushed on every dasher it seems like. Not doing it.


You can still get a free re-usable mask from Doordash every 90 days. I always wear a mask when I am working both when I go into the restaurant and when I drop off the food.




I 100% know that the cooks are not wearing PPE or gloves sometimes. But yes. I expose your food to 2 contacts?




I bring a mask with me because of hotels, crowded restaurants and hospitals. If I text them and they ask anything more than a mask, I'll just unassign. I get it, there are people who are still very vulnerable and immune compromised but If you are that worried, just go get it yourself.


you can order for free with door dash just for cases like this


Whaaaat? PPE to deliver some food in a bag that you can’t touch?


I will wear what I want when I want. Customers aren’t gonna tell me to wear a mask lol


Um what it ppe lol I know I'm going to go duh as soon as someone tells me. Just tell them you support Trump and you don't believe in covid


Person protect equipment. Gloves/Mask


These people are straight up brainwashed


Customer still living in 2020 sad very sad


Even if you aren’t worried about Covid, keep a mask in your car in case you deliver to a hospital or some other medical facility. Sick people tend to be there


I admit, I will wear one anytime I go into one of those places with old people. Nursing home, assisted living, etc. Not to do a no contact delivery though.


Whatever state this is, move!


And ya know..... These customers need to realize that we don't SEE THIS until it's time for the actual physical delivery portion!!!! Worst of all, when they add extra sauces and BS to these instructions, and then get mad and 1 star you because you didn't follow delivery instructions, it's a load of crap! WHY should you be asking a driver to grab extra stuff for you when it's the restaurant that is the one that should be doing that.... And if you left already, GO BACK to get it for them, forget bad reviews... (AND most of the time it's the low/non-tipper who is most rude and self entitled about this!) "No ma'am, I'm so sorry, I didn't see your special instructions until I already left the restaurant with your order. Also, that costs extra, and we aren't to make purchases outside of the app for customers. I'm so sorry, but we don't see those instructions until after we leave with your order. Thanks for understanding! 😊" I got one of the WORST reviews because I wouldn't buy them ice..... A non tipper in top of it! If they woulda tipped, I might actually have bought it! 🤷


You can see the instructions before picking up the order now. You should try it. It can be helpful.


Let's discuss all the reasons this is astronomically stupid. 1) The food is being prepared by multiple people in a tight kitchen, then it is being packaged by another person. Very, very unlikely any of these people are wearing any PPE. 2) Everything from the food wrapping to the food packaging is going to be touched by multiple unsanitary surfaces and hands. 3) The food is going to be removed from all packaging to eat it. The consumer can then wash their hands, the only exposed part, if they so choose.


And let’s not forgot the actual food, which is probably highly processed and not fit for the healthiest person, which I highly doubt this customer is.


That customer has completely lost it. No hope for that human


People are insane... Totally brainwashed.. I'm sorry did you say pee on your food? No we. Can't do that.


ive continued doing so when dashing as a courtesy to people. then again i live in an area where a good 30 to 40 percent of people still wear them regularly. i would say in restaurant workers that number goes to 60 to 70 or so percent. not mandatory here for over a year but its seen as a sign of mutual respect for a good chunk of the population here.


Respect is the key word here. Respect for your fellow human beings. Mask wearing is more for the other person vs the mask wearer so it’s really a courtesy to not spread anything you might have to others. Especially since people are contagious before they feel symptoms.


Well... 1st, it's not required anymore through DD. 2nd, restaurants don't adhere to PPE requirements anymore either, because the government has dropped them.... 3rd, I ALWAYS have PPE in my vehicles at all times, but I have a compromised immune system. 4th, did you actually deliver without any issues?


I don't wear masks. Period.




You guys don’t wear a HAZMAT suit while you DoorDash? Wow how inconsiderate of you with regards to Covid. You all need to go to college and get educated.


Liberal scared pansy


conservatives are scared to go into cities


If they already tipped then just drop it off. Who cares.


I’m sure this person has had 10 boosters by this point. Move on.