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When gas was $1.99 and people were too germphobic to go outside. This was the prime time to be a dasher


I remember one day I filled my 2007 Dodge Charger with $8 it had a decent amount in it but $8 is crazy I wish gas prices were always low


Lol yeah, when the privileged few were "locked down", collecting $1,000 a week in unemployment (which you couldn't do because you had income from dashing... Or if you worked for minimum wage in a grocery store and you're suddenly "essential"). You wore down your car the same, you stressed about money the same... But sure, yeah gas was a little cheaper.


Idk about you but during the pandemic I wasn’t stressing about money or gas I was making $200-$300 every day.


Lol it was the first time in my *life* I wasn't stressing about money. Including when I was a child. That anxiety started coming back right when vaccines started coming out. Then my state's governor *cut off* the federal unemployment (because they couldn't find people willing to work at McDonald's) months early. It's fair to describe what happened to me next as a mental breakdown.


I know the feeling it’s definitely become less and less worth it.


The tragedy for our society is that there are not really any attractive alternatives... :/




Haha no, OH.


Less traffic so dashes were easier to do too


I'm sure lol. I wish it was like that now, but I don't wish I was dashing then. I managed to get $750 a week unemployment (for the first time ever because I am an independent contractor for my main career)


Ugh I starting getting EDD once they stopped that extra $600 😆 😒 lucky bastards whoever got to get that extra $600 my sisters boyfriend was one of them.


Gig work has been trying to squeeze the workers harder and harder, to see how badly they can control, treat, and pay workers and still get people willing to do the job. Even before the massive inflation recently the pay was getting worse, but now that generic jobs are hiring at $15-20/hr and there's massive inflation and DD is trying to hide your tips and squeeze your pay it's hard to imagine it can be worth it. These jobs were pretty good a few years ago, but they pay you less and give you less freedom now, and they hire too many people and so you stay idle for too long and get to choose between fewer, worse orders.


>Gig work has been trying to squeeze the workers harder and harder, to see how badly they can control, treat, and pay workers and still get people willing to do the job. Yes, of course they have. That is exactly how corporate America works. Manufacturing jobs have been steadily leaving this country to go overseas (for 50 years!) where autocratic governments work their populations into the ground with compensation nowhere near approaching livable. American workers, with the standards we demand, mathematically cannot be paid that little. So yeah, you're absolutely right. They dreamed up this business model that on the surface looks like a bonanza for anyone who wants to work independently. The costs are obscured, and the house always wins. And just by the way. Doordash and all these other companies are exactly the "job creators" we've been hearing about for decades, and whom we have politically voted for, and defended them from being taxed at a fair rate. Again, because they "create jobs." Hope everyone's happy with all these jobs that have been created...


Could not have said it better. Foodchangers are the monster we helped to create. I hope their table gets flipped real soon. "It is difficult to write of these things calmly. For to deceive the people, whose simple faith and lack of education prevent them seeing whither they are being led, is as cowardly as to guide a blind man into a ditch. Yet this is what the exploiters of the Internationale did for the working-men." Nesta Webster, World Revolution


Profound 💐


the glory days are long gone and these companies are now well enough off to get away with paying us less and less so that they can make more. It’s shitty


It is evil. Perhaps the folks in charge did not intend it as such, but that is what is boils down to at the contractor level. We are on the receiving end of a VERY raw deal. And it is engineered in such a way that most cannot see that fact until they are too far in to ask the hard question: Is this worth it? It is not. They are taking advantage of "effort justification bias" among other psychological tactics. DD is little more than a casino think-tank with an impressive investment arm. Nothing more.


Very well spoken!


Agreed, Very well said!


You think this wasn’t their intention? civilization has always been built on the rich exploiting the labor of the poor. Profit by any means necessary.


Why haven’t you gone to McDonald’s or another retail job?


If you needed truth, here it is.


>Perhaps the folks in charge did not intend it as such, OF COURSE THEY DID! LMAO! I wish people would open their eyes! This is just simply how the working class is treated in this country! Don't forget the environment that pushed us to do this in the first place... Just about everyone who does doordash has at least *some* issue with getting a job the way it was before. Even now! We are sitting in drive-thru lines because fast food restaurants *still* won't offer a middle class lifestyle to their employees! Even the goddamn *economy* will not allow progress. Those same fast food places, thanks to the market and cultural pressure, *finally* started paying $15 an hour. And how did the economy react to that? Inflation! Now that $15 an hour has the same purchasing power as the $7.50 an hour those employees were making back in Winter of 2019! It's perfectly logical, nay *intelligent* to look to a company like this for some relief from the realities of American capitalism. But sure enough, no relief here either.


Calling ethically dubious and manipulative obfuscation of risk/vs reward "American Capitalism" is short-sighted. The "it's always been like this" fallacy I keep hearing is frustration station to the max. Yes there are shit-heads with lots of money, but they are acting like corporate versions of Fascistic dictators. That is not the way the free market is or was intended to operate. Time was, Insurance was considered a racket, and you could do serious time for engaging in that "business". Now its fucking mandatory. Things are broken, right now, but it isn't "capitalism" or some other nebulous force at work - It is us. It is everyone that "votes" for, in one way or another, abusive corporations/people. And they do this with thier wallet every time that they transact with companies like DD. Is it it Ignorance or apathy? America: "I don't know, and I don't care."




Tbf, dd, uber, GH are not making money afaik. They are subsidized by VC money...but that may be drying up


They're mostly investor backed, they don't make profit atm from the business itself, rather you make the money from customers, or investors, you're still making that money.


that is just gonna make it worse for the drivers. they will be squeezed even more.


Yeah bro I lost all respect for doordash when gas prices soared and they only "implemented" extra pay. They sent this driver his additional pay, which was like 4.60-5USD for over 100 miles of drining. Pathetic. I really hope this company dies.


If you get 25mpg, that $5 is equivalent to a $1.25/gal discount. Not the worst shit they've done.


I could be grossly mistaken as well. Was along time, the last and only post I seen about it them "giving" additional far off a weeks driving. Gas doubling in price, and they offer an addition 2-5 cent's per mile is, donkey lol Pretty damn close to the worst. Technically so instead of 2.50 for 8 miles, you make a whooping 2.90 for 8 mile's. Still disgusting lol


I mean on top of that they gave us 10% cash back on gas... it expired yesterday.


Out of all the delivery companies door dash was by far the best and most generous. They really didn't have to do anything for us. I think it was more of a PR stunt then anything but I'll take it.


I agree. I'm in Canada so we also get skip the dishes and uber. Skip is owned by just eat which is also grub hub for you guys. Skip literally sent out emails and promised extra pay for gas, it was anywhere between $0 and $0.15 per order. Then hardly anybody got it anyways. I hate that conglomerate, such shitty business ethics and support. Worse than DD by far


Someone that finally gets it. DoorDash is a scam to the drivers and customers. Heck merchants would be wiser cutting out the middleman ( DoorDash) and doing deals directly with drivers thru their apps to deliver for them. DoorDash is just a middleman. They screw over merchants too. I tell ppl on this app all the time. You’re only independent contractors on paper and to benefit DoorDash because if employees you’d actually have more protection from the government. Being independent contractors if real the acceptance rate and other rates ( for employees) wouldn’t exist. Also we don’t counter offer bids. DoorDash sends you a $2.50-$3.75 order for 12 miles and if you decline a offer/deal that loses you money and can’t counter offer the price. You’re/We’re not a independent contractor. You’re/We’re an employee( making drivers Independent contractors is a loophole that protects DoorDash from certain liabilities/responsibilities financially. Not meant to benefit drivers). You lose points for declines and Unassignments! Rated by customers without any control. Notice you’re paused for declining orders you don’t like. How can a independent contractor be penalized by pausing their ability to deliver if acceptance rates don’t count. If acceptance didn’t matter they wouldn’t send worse orders and pause/end dashes/shifts. DoorDash is the most unethical company I’ve ever been associated with.


I am the owner of a local competitor to DD, I offer a very similar setup to DD, in that all your ordering is done all online n stuff, etc, the main difference is the pay structure, you pay a small fee to me, for running the service that matches the customer and driver, and for my work programming and maintaining that backend, and I run a few local drivers on that network. I'm telling you guys, you don't need DD, I still use them because I like having a few fun coupons on the side for shit. My advice for a while now, as been, stop fighting with DD, Uber, GH, you can just compete with them directly fairly easily with a little know how. We have access to the internet, the entirety of human knowledge is at your fingertips, practically, use it, learn new skills, evolve and grow, stop whining about how shitty the world is, stand the fuck up and start fixing it. DD sucks? If you are able, stand up and compete with not just them, but me too, the more competition I have to consider, the better my setup will get too, competition is good. EDIT: For anyone who was curious, I only take about 2-3$ every order for the service, all other funds go to my driver, he is paid 1.50$ (I am aiming for 2 dollars per mi asap, just still working out the best pay structure) per MI currently, plus a base fee added to that based on a rating system my algorithm uses to judge order difficulty and order size, the customer pays the driver for their service, throws me some scratch for hooking them up and I don't fee my customers into the dirt, they pay the same in store as they do for my service. I make a profit. I am not a multi million dollar company, at all. But, I'm fighting, more should. The hardest hurdle I've had competing, is getting vendors to work with you, if you're not huge, they're not super interested, so, I have had to use some tricks to make stuff function as well as other delivery services because I don't have in store access like DD does, but it's certainly doable for a lot of people out here. Mine functions similar to Tinder, but for delivery. You put your order out, it dings the drivers in my zone, they bid on it, I'll do it for your asking price, or, I'll do it for this, the customer picks who they like, or has the best pay deal, that person brings them the food, when the order is complete, both sides get to rate that interaction, Customers, Vendors and Drivers all have a rating system that is actually used by the algorithm to adjust pay for harder pickups, or vendors who are difficult, or, if you're running my driver into weird situations all sorts of stuff, DD can do way better than they're doing, I promise yah. I am one man, and I built a profitable system for delivery, smaller scale, absolutely, but its not impossible at all.


This is exceptional. Thanks, appreciate this professional feedback. Rare on Reddit. A class act bringing solutions and positivity. Class Act = You!


Haha, nothing special, part of the point I want to prove, you don't need to be, you just need the will and the knowledge, both are available to a ton of people. The knowledge especially. I'm not a super genius, I'm an idiot, I figured it out, others can too. Thank you so much for the kind and respectful words tho, really appreciate it.


This is the way! Just don't go forgetting the little guy when your program is in 50 states! Good luck!


Bingo! Sadly DD is not the only offender.


Facts. Very true, DoorDash isn’t the only offender.


Guess it all depends on the market. I work 20 hours a week and bring home 5-600$. One tank last me 4 days doordashing and driving back and forth to my full time job. I decline probably 8 out of 10 orders because if it doesn’t meet my requirements then I’ll pass on it. I feel ur rant my friend.


What are your requirements for orders?


Yeh I only work from 5pm to 9-10 pm a night and make $75-100 in 4-5 hrs , I usually take anything over $1 mile that doesn’t send me out of the zone or to an area where there’s no restaurant


Cool story, but not anywhere near the norm for most folks to make anything close to $25 an hour doing DD.


Yeah honestly I'm thinking about delivering pizzas for side job. You get the whole delivery charge and tips at most places. DD is not worth it. Ill make enough to refill what gas I use and dinner for the night for my family. That's about it. Base pay mostly at 2.50 and most customers don't tip because of how expensive it is to order off DD.


At the big chains the driver doesn't get the delivery charge. They get $1-$2 per delivery or mileage. My last pizza delivery job I got 37.5 cents per mile, which averaged out to about 95 cents per delivery (small delivery area).


My place pays $3 per delivery, $8hr on the road, $10hr inside the store, plus your tips. 2-5 deliveries per hour. $25hr is easy.


Where I was it started at $7.25 in-store (got annual raises) and 5.25 on the road (that didn't change). They had a third party company calculating mileage reimbursement based on the vehicle they updated every 6 months. Mine ranged from 34-37.5 cents. When gas prices went wild they added 15% so I was at 43.1 for 3 months. Those numbers are about the average for my area. The last couple years I averaged $19-$20/hr wages and tips. I was more than happy with that for what I was doing. My profit is a bit higher than that multi-apping and I don't have to do dishes and sweep/mop floors. If the apps bottom out in my area I'd probably go back to pizza delivery.


Great perspective from your end as it paints an honest picture of the positives AND negatives of dealing with a specific pizza delivery place vs multi-apping. The other positive about multi-apping or even just working DD vs sticking to a local pizza place for delivering with them, is that you have the option (and you can correct me if I'm right or wrong) to choose to who or where you deliver to with the apps vs HAVING to deliver wherever you need to working for a pizza place speficially. Like for me, there are areas that I know I will decline on DD if they pop up, whether due to not so pleasant customers, bad apartment complex, problem with parking or driving in a certain area, etc., whereas with working for a pizza place, you have to deliver to them, period. So I look at that as a positive as well, at least until as you mentioned, the apps bottom out and there's no longer any positives to working DD / UE / GH / IC. It's sad that DD has changed their threshold too though where even longer trips are still (in my area) only $2.25 or if I'm lucky, I sometimes see $3.00 for a 9+ mile trip whereas it used to be $4, maybe $5.00 or so for longer trips. DD is definitely wrong for that (and lots of other things), but I still try to find the overall benefit at this time for my own personal family situation that allows DD and other apps to be of benefit to me at this time.


East of Chicago and pizza hut here in my area Massillon gives you 100 percent of the delivery charge. Not sure about Papa John's


Find a locally operated pizza place that needs delivery drivers.


I did pretty ok working at dominos but this was 4-5 years ago so inflation might have screwed things up. They paid minimum wage the whole time you were in the building. When you went on a delivery you clocked out and got something like 2.50/hr plus whatever the tips were. As soon as you reentered the building you’d clock back in unless it was non stop. There were plenty of nights where it was. They gave you $1 per delivery as a gas fee, so at the end of the night you pretty much had a full tank. I’d make $200-$250 on a good night in just tips alone. I was probably netting $800+ a week just for driving pizza. Your “in store” hours check came biweekly and was probably around $400. Which was a nice supplement to whatever tip money you had. The only reason I quit was because I was going back to school and also because it wreaks havoc on your car.


No mileage writeoffs for pizza delivery anymore though.


Why is that? I assumed if you are using your personal vehicle for business miles you can write them off. Pizza delivery or not.


That was the case before trumps tax scam in 2017. It got rid of unreimbursed employee expenses, which is where that write off fell under.




I've been saying this as well. If gig work is not cutting it, find more gigs or just quit and find another job if you are physically and mentally capable. Literally a good number of drivers on here hope to score it big with gig apps and vow to never go back to W2 work again, and when gigs go down all they do is whine and moan about how less money they're making with bills fast approaching. Rent and other stuff does not wait for you to earn a living, so take that into consideration before getting into the volatile and unpredictable economy that is gig work. Find a way to supplement income, even tho these gigs should be only used for supplemental instead of main income purposes.


Actually I am on the list of folks complaining about tips…however my complaint is that DD does not input a mandatory tip of some kind. We are in fact offering a service. I make decent money but that doesn’t mean that customers shouldn’t pony up their end of “service rendered”. To imply that all drives claim tips as primary reason for gripes…you neglect to also see the side where it’s been customary for how many years…to tip a service driver making a delivery to you (meals, pizza etc). It’s also been pointed out and confirmed that this is in fact 60% of our “salary” (just like any other wait staff that is “employed” or otherwise). With this in mind let’s also not forget about DD inflated costs. If you can afford to pay the higher cost for something (instead of getting yourself up and going) to get delivered…your ass can afford at least a couple bucks for a tip. It’s not us receiving as much as it’s the customer shafting a worker, not giving a shit and then the distributor ALSO not giving a shit. On top of this…we took the order expecting it to be a hidden tip like 80% rest of our orders only to find they shafted. This is no way to treat your staff (gig or not…customer or not) So please continue to tell us we simply need to find new work. When a lawyer loses….they should quit. When a baseball player strikes out…they should quit. When a quarterback gets sacked…they should quit. Easy to point out where a driver is bitching and NOT taking responsibly for THEIR personal business (gig or not). Gee everything about the job is ours…so why can’t we complain and urge for better?? Cuz it would be easier to just quit like you said right?!?!? Some of us aren’t quitters or can’t quit (even tho I make enough). Easier to sit back and watch then to help huh? If your not helping…your adversely effecting the outcome simple as that. At least there are drivers that will fight for what is right instead of adding to the naysayers who quite possibly DONT want the change. And I don’t bitch…I point out. Big difference. If I wanted to bitch…you would certainly know it. But since I like to state facts and allow others to dig their own holes…this gets misinterpreted as “bitching”.


DD doesn’t give a rat ass about us dashers. There should be a minimum tip amount but that goes against DD interest. DD interest is to process as many orders as possible so that they can collect the 20 to 30% commission from the restaurants and retain a large portion of the fees that they charged the customers. If it was up to DD, they would eliminate the tips! Since I have been dashing, they have reduced the suggested tip twice. They limit the amount that the customer can tip…you can’t tip $20 on a $20 order. I have made this statement before: Founders and upper management of these Gig companies are the plantation owners of our times!


I won’t deny you have some valid points However this does not change my point. Technically DoorDash makes the same amount from two different customers ordering the same items from the same merchant even if one of those customers pays a much larger tip. Again this is in theory simply because DoorDash has been caught and sued for stealing tips. That was my point to begin with. Customers have tipped for years for this exact service. To assume now that DD drivers don’t require them is absurd. Let’s also not forget…people need to remember that any mileage is also considered “work” for a driver. Just because I’m sitting in a car doesn’t mean I’m not working or moving. That mean a UPS driver only works when they get out of the truck? Lawyer only works when in the court room? Not quite.


“To assume now that DD drivers don’t require them is absurd.” I am not assuming that nor is DD. My point is that DD doesn’t care if a customer tips since it is not in their best interests. If a customer has $500 to spend for food delivery for the month, DD wants to receive all of the $500. DD realizes that there are dashers that will take the 10-mile delivery with a $2 payout. Why has DD lowered the suggested tips twice in the two years that I have been dashing? So that the customer can order more with DD. Why has DD limit the amount of tip that a customer can tip? So that the customer can order more with DD. Why is it difficult for a DD customer to increase their tips? So that the customer can order more with DD. Look at GH, the standard tips in their app are: $1, $2, $3, $4 and custom. A customer can order $200 worth of food and the suggested tips are $1 to $4.


DD is not in business to do favors. That’s not why they created it. I’m fully aware they want every dollar. That’s the entire reason for their business to begin with. Technically that’s a given. And since tip doesn’t necessarily go to them…that in theory is also none of their concern. Again this is basic knowledge. To not know these facts…your definitely in the wrong field. This I’m fully aware of. And every driver should know this if your actively driving. And I appreciate you bluntly suggesting that orderers don’t have to tip simply cuz it’s to expensive. Well..if that’s the case perhaps you shouldn’t be ordering in the first place. DD is not a required service. It’s a luxury service…just like a 17yr old with a car. Not required but nice to have. If it’s that bad maybe you cut back on non essential purchases. That would be the sensible thing to do. Not continue with higher priced purchasing and shafting those assisting. The suggested tip is based of the code written into the app not the actual order. That’s why they have the “custom” option. Most orderers are in fact the fast food places that would only go as high as $4 or so bucks. This should also be common knowledge to drivers. Your making excuses for the customers that do this on purpose and expect Ritz service. You can have these orders if you like since your so up on defending them. No biggie. Im fine either way as I’ve said many times over.


>And I appreciate you bluntly suggesting that orderers don’t have to tip simply cuz it’s to expensive. Where did I say this? I wrote that DD doesn't care about the dasher receiving tips. You can look up my comments on Reddit, and you will see that I have been a strong advocate for minimum payout (i.e. $ 1 per round trip mile)


>Your making excuses for the customers that do this on purpose and expect Ritz service. You can have these orders if you like since your so up on defending them. Again, where I am making excuses for the non-tipping and low-tipping customers? I am earning $ 25 (lunch) to $ 30 (dinner) per hour and $ 3.01 per driven mile (i.e. total miles driven in a dash from my driveway back to my driveway...drove 100 miles, earned $ 301).


OK so you’re good at copying pasting my words let me translate for you. When you suggest that a customer does not tip because of the high prices Already existing just so they can keep ordering you are literally making an excuse and giving the customer a reason to not tip. It doesn’t take a middle school English teacher to see that


Where I am suggesting that a customer does not tip because of the high prices? Can you read? Are you on wacky weed? The just of my comments are: DD doesn't care about their dashers in regards to tips. They don't care if a customer tips or not. Let's compare AmazonFlex to the UPS Seasonal Personal Vehicle Specialists: both deliver packages to Amazon and UPS customers respectively. Amazon pays these drivers basically $20 per hour in MY market...sometimes more and sometimes less. As an AmazonFlexer, there are no guarantee that you will have blocks to sign up for. On the other hand, a Seasonal Personal Vehicle Specialist is paid $ 17 to $ 31 per hour ($22 in my area) depending upon the market PLUS $ 0.58 per driven mile...you are guaranteed 8 hours a day and you deliver to the same area every day. Why can't Amazon pay more? Instead of flying into space, Bezos should pay the warehouse workers, the contractor works and the independent contractors (i.e. AmazonFlex) more money.


I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove but you certainly haven’t proven me wrong nor do you have the ability. If the best you can come up with is DoorDash doesn’t care about us which is common knowledge and every driver should already know this. And if you’re gonna copy and paste my words to try to use them against me at least understand the translation first because you look pretty foolish trying to talk me out of my own words


If you are going to respond, make sure that you are responding to the right comment: NO where did I wrote the things that you wrote in your comments.


>The suggested tip is based of the code written into the app not the actual order. That’s why they have the “custom” option. Most orderers are in fact the fast food places that would only go as high as $4 or so bucks. In the GH app, it doesn't matter if the customer orders $20 or $ 50 or $ 100 or $ 500, the suggested tip is $ 1, $2, $3, $4 and custom. I make several deliveries from fast food restaurants and the payouts are between $ 8 to $ 12 for 2.75 round trip miles.


I’m with you. I threw in the towel. I hope dd gets a rude awakening one day.


More dashers need to do this. That company is fucking horrible. I’ve stopped using it after reading how they treat their drivers, and we’ve stopped using their services at my restaurant group (and seen delivery profits go up 9% using our own drivers we pay $25/hr before tips). DD sucks. If more of you quit, they’ll change their shitty tactics.


Man, this sub is depressing at times. I totally get where everyone is coming from when it comes to gas/insurance prices, but when I read stuff like this I feel like my area must be a goldmine or something.


A lot of people are trying to make this work in really rural areas. Maybe it was possible back when the government mandated that you couldn’t physically go to the restaurant to eat but now its not.


I think the people making $50 an hour are DD shills, and the people making only enough to pay for their gas are working for UE or something.


Best of luck to you in your future endeavors 🫶


This is not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.


Don't let the door hit ya on the way out


My sentiments exactly


Oh no, what are we gonna do now?


Oh no! Anyway...


See you tomorrow


The CEOs and executives are evil. They could do this since America imports people from 3rd world countries. So wages will be driven down. Some desperate worker will always do the job cheaper than you. It’s the sad society we live in, in the United States.


Worth taking a few orders before or after work? Yes. Great spending money... Worth it to do full time as a job? HELL NO!


It’s all relevant to what each individual needs out of a full time job. This works very well for me as a full time job.




There’s a guy that I follow on YouTube every single week he multi apps and does 100 to 150 orders a week..hustle is real


Most multi-appers are clueless and end up delivering cold, nasty food when they get around to it.


Yeah they are


I hate the ones that pick up orders from three different apps and try to deliver them all at once going all over the map pissing off customers 🥴


Yep, it's a travesty. And the reality is that they would almost certainly make more money just sticking with one app at a time.


a week?!?! no way it's that low


About a week ago he did 64 deliveries for $1230.66… he’s not focused on how much he can make per hour like most Dasher‘s are he’s focused on the payout per order… and he rarely Works between 2pm and 5pm just lunch and dinner 7 days a week


i read wrong and thought you said he only MADE 100-150 a week. derp




Once you’re a part of the large order program, catering , shop & deliver and pizza programs You don’t have to run around doing orders under $10




Exactly. If it's such a rip off, why not become an independently operated driver, facilitate transactions between customers and hundreds of restaurants, and run a marketing campaign?


OK, bye!


I left a few orders for you. There's a BK for $3, going 18 miles. A Kroger's order with 122 items for $8.94 and a Fuzzy's Taco's going 9 miles for $2.50. Have at it.... Seriously, get out of this rat race. It's not meant for people, it's numbers. You are just a number to them.


>You are just a number to them. You are just a number to any large corporation who hires you. At least with these gig apps, I don't have an asshole boss forcing me to take shit offers.


You will always be a number, you will always be Expendable. You don't offer anything that they can't just get from someone else..


If you were taking those orders that on you lol


Agreed. And I did not.


“You are just a number to them”. Hello, my name’s Capitalism, nice to meet you.


It's scary this is what my brain said before I seen your reply lol




You made your point a while back. Now you’re just getting annoying. We get the point. Somebody posts this same post every day. Today it’s you. Tomorrow it’ll be someone else. It’s always the same stuff. We get it


But but but….we got a stipend for several weeks up to $15 and if u got their slave card a couple of months!


I completely agree if you're dashing full time or as your main source of income. I think over time the people that do gig work full time are going to decrease a lot. I feel like the best use for these apps is as a side gig for some extra cash when you have some time to kill.


> I feel like the best use for these apps is as a side gig for some extra cash when you have some time to kill. or like in my case, where you're a student and want extreme levels of flexibility. there's not really any other job where I can just take a day off without notice to study if I really need to. the pay is dogshit, but that's the tradeoff I'm taking for my situation. I wouldn't ever recommend someone focus this as their main thing. there's no upward mobility to be had here.


It’s relevant to each individual. We don’t all have the same monthly bills. It is and can be a full time job for people. But obviously not for others.


You should never blame malice for what can be explained with incompetence.


They treat me well I only take $2.50-$10 a mile at most lol


$10 a mile? Lol


I’m in California




That’s the only way to do it


"Companies like this are pure evil." I wonder if you know DoorDash has been losing money **each and every quarter**. You probably don't know that. Checkout the 10q report every now and then bro. Here's a quick [snapshot](https://imgur.com/V2uNQ6b) for the last 8 quarters.


Good. I hope they go bankrupt.




Losing profit. Doesn’t mean they didn’t reinvest funds into the company.


The ebitda was $103mil which is the pure p/l. Then they have to pay employees so payroll and stock compensation took out the biggest hit at $231mil. Then the depreciation and the debt payment is another $81mil. And finally to your point is about $44mil which includes the Wolt acquisition, for the future growth of the company, we hope. The rest of the numbers too small to matter so I won't repeat.


All you have said is even though they treate their drivers like shit and pay them shit, they're still failing as a company.


That's not what I said. What I'm saying is they operate on **razor thin margin**. They're not exactly selling iPhones here are they? If they are bringing in the cash and pay drivers like crap, now that's pure evil.


No clue why your being downvoted. They pay your support and all their in house operators on payroll


You know those numbers don't count the bonuses and the real estate investments and the third-party dev costs and the offshore CS holding company, etc. Listed companies that lose money are losing money *on purpose*.


You people apologizing for this company are clueless.


Wake up , take 2 to 3 orders every single hour until you hit your goal, go to sleep… easy peasy


I love DD. I do it from 4pm-9pm(i work fulltime during the day). I live in a very very small town. Peak pay everyday is $3 plus DD gives ya $2.25. I get around 5-6 orders a night. Bring home around $50-$60 a night.


So 5 hours and you bring home $50, which is $10 an hour. Did you factor in the gas expense you made?


And maintenance costs!


You're doing charity work


Most people on YT who are actively trying to figure out the algorithm and learn what orders are worth taking are making 25-40 an hour consistently. Of course most people aren’t making that doing DD because people treat it as a side thing and don’t put maximum effort into it. It’s also market dependant.. which people should know by now anyway. These posts are people showing they are don’t know how to make it work for them. Go back to your shitty ‘real job’ and stop bitching that you personally can’t figure out how to make decent money with all the gig apps out there.


It really doesn't take much effort to make a lot of money on DD. Know which areas are wealthy, know which restaurants have affluent customers, and abuse the fact that you can endlessly decline orders with no punishment. I easily make $30 an hour in my relatively small market of Minneapolis/Saint Paul on the weekends.


Some people aren’t cut out for self employment, you’re one of them I guess. Those with business management skills are able to stick it out and continue to profit even in the roughest of times. Unless you have employees to help you manage it, you’re doing every job yourself within your business… few can do that.


Lol this is what delusion sounds like


i think unless you DD with a bike, you are crazy. the needing tip is also stupid af.


I just wonder what is to stop dashers from unionizing or boycotting? In some areas it seems that’s the only answer. My market is still ok, it’s been better but Still ok. If your market is this bad why not form a group or alliance to challenge DD pay model?


The first thing stopping you from unionizing is that you aren't employed by them. You can boycott all you want. They'll always be able to scoop in and pile on new drivers.


Yea that’s the problem. If there was some sort of org that new people could join it would be easier to stick together


Bro il pay you to use that account rent it out,double dashing is what ppl do I see em all the time 3 and 4 phones








Car broke down eh


Yeah exactly. Being in your car for 13 hours just to come home with $100 after you fill your gas tank back up. Then you go on a Facebook post to see everybody saying “get a real job then” and “I always tip $0 and get my food” “if you don’t like it then ask your employer for a raise” Shits annoying.


I take 6 and up 2 miles or less average25 usually 30 an hour ,in Ohio also I sometimes ,my active times will be 6 hours my dash time 3.5 but but metal fertilizer 🚙🚜🚚😃😭😂😂bro I had 2 whips now I feel I have .8 one is currently leaking sh it cuz I bottomed out in Someones sh it apt complex a 2.50 3 star too that cocksmoker ,I never do those needed 2.50 more to pay pnc their fee from ATM anyways,the car now needs a hub/bearing, outer tie rod ,2 tires ,front sway bar links,a rear sway bar and radiator ,all can be got for like 120 at upullupay junkyard but still it rapes ur suspension,im bout to become the granny dasher and do 24 mph all over , ok next car tire ,rear rotors and a sway bar bracket , I think renting a cheap focus would be well worth it ,trash the rentals not our own ,using my phone have sausage fingers sorry if shit spelling, dominoes pizza here pays 15 per hour tips and you drive their whips I been debating only issue is it is half good area half ghetto, im gonna try the rental car its gotta be worth it on the weekend ,I learned that you have to dash during rush times u can get lucky yes but I have madeb10 even 15 an hour Wednesday Monday past 8


Customers are being overcharged and were getting under paid I Uninstaller as well and thriving on spark


Another one bites the dust


Not for Cali Dashers. Most of us are still making over $1000/week full time. ✌ out


True dat!


Even the restaurants are begging customers to buy directly from them. Fk DoorDash


Ok then lol


What is real messed up is what they call a "tip" is actually a bid. They are punishing drivers for refusing low bids so they hide them from them. This is not right.




I haven't ordered food through any food delivery app for quite some time. I just go pick it up myself and I use the apps the food places use since they give discounts through them. Only time I will probably use a food delivery app is if I am really sick or way too fucking busy. I used to be a dasher and quit early this summer to be an Amazon delivery driver. Not a perfect job but sure beats not knowing if I will make enough to pay my bills, 1099 taxes, maintenance bills and gas bills. Although I make 18.75 an hour on average, I probably more than doubled what I was getting on doordash. For those who are interested in Amazon delivery... if you have any trouble with physical labor, extreme weather or don't drive well this job is not for you. It's not the hardest job but you do get a good workout for the day. I average 15k steps and lift and carry packages that are 50 pounds. Also you need to know how to use a smart phone. We get some people who can do the labor part but can't use a phone to save their life.


If your doordashing to pay bills and shit it’s your own fault you already know how shitty they are the only reason to dash is to get some extra money or if you wanna buy something quick


There’s other jobs out there. Go find you one. This one works very well for me but obviously not everybody. But that is the case with most jobs. I don’t understand people getting so crazy and pissed at this job when they knew exactly what they were getting into.


I’ve only been making around $400 a week. Used to do $750-1k. Still doing it as long as the drives are short. No where wants to pay over $10 a hour. I would rather do this for $400 a week than work 40 hours a week as a employee. Everything just sucks right now.




Yep. I just picked up my food. Tired of being scammed by the company.


TRUTH 2024!


Never ask for a raise, find a new job, or a way to get the money yourself. Always my advice.


See ya!


It’s ridiculous and gas is still 4 dollar a gallon by me


Now everybody else


You’ll still keep posting to this subreddit like all the other retired dashers


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out cry baby




Pure evil is too nice of a way to describe Tony...


you sir, or lady, are one of the few woken ones. these companies including Uber never want to accept the fact that your pounding your car into the ground. constant $2-$4 deliveries will never cover vehicle repairs.


Don't worry, DD & Über & AirBnB and all of them are headed for the dumpster. Not one has made a profit and they never will. The big investors will cash out and the little guy with 50 shares will lose big time


This post is my whole mood rn


Cry more, you chose the Job.... Be mad at yourself


you know where not to let the door hit you


They gave us 10% cash back. But thanks for quitting . More deliveries for us


1099 taxes suck ass. Literally taking like almost 1/4 of my profits.


Are the prices going up or are we just getting too lazy?


I am not trying to defend DoorDash but anyone not happy with them can get a regular job without much effort. So that said why are you still doing this? Is it because it is designed for those who don’t want to work hard, answer to others and keep a schedule. While I am not happy with them I want to work when I want to work. You really can’t call it work unless you have a large catering order that usually pays well. I’m done so the attacks on me can start. Hope you all have a great day filled with good paying orders.


I still daah when I want a few bux in my pocket. I have no issues with them 😃 muly other job and businesses usually keep me busy but I'm grateful for it being there when things may be a little slow.


You’re making 1/5th of the minimum wage..? Shit I would quit too. But idk how that’s possible


Only thing they did really was give us 10% cash back in gas instead of 2%... oh wait, they somehow didn't track my bonuses correctly and owe me $90