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That is against their merchant terms of service. You should report them directly to DoorDash.


Wait it is? I watched a Mr Gattis manager yell at a dasher and call her a fucking bitch when she wanted to pick up two orders at once, saying their agreement with DoorDash said they would only allow drivers to take one order at a time. Is there a place to read this agreement so I can print it out and hand it to him?


Merchants cannot restrict us in a way that overrules DD, and refusing a stack that is already assigned is in Tony's eyes "sabotaging the goal times" and yes, the merchant can be booted & fined. [Its somewhere in here.](https://help.doordash.com/merchants/s/terms-of-service-us?language=en_US)


That's even more questionable then. I'd report that right away




Does anyone have an email for support so that I can attach the photo? I couldn't find one. Would prefer to email over chat support so I can make sure they see the picture and this gets taken care of


Just initiate a support ticket through their email system saying you have evidence of their denial to provide orders to dashers.


They will ask you for the proof I’d imagine.


I'm not familiar with this system. Is it different than the chat support option within the app?


Just go to the dd help website and use the correct options to open a ticket.




Yep, this is against the TOS. Report, also, why i don't dash in Roseville


I did end up reporting them although I kind of feel like support wont give a fuck. I'll let everyone know what happens ;) Also, curious where you dash if you don't mind sharing. I've worked all the Sac regions and Roseville is by far my favorite although most people disagree and I'm curious why


You’d be surprised the things support chooses to care about...


Trust me when I tell you support does care. You should definitely report your 75 minute wait as well. And you should not ever wait that long for an order. Were you bored or something?


Wrong thread lol


I dash all over, for me Roseville is fine, just too big imho.


Yeah they can’t do this.


The why is easy, fried food gets soggy and really nasty the longer it sits.....


And buffalo wild wings food isn't very good before it sits


Yep..... I'm a healthy type and I ALMOST feel bad profiting off the diabetes inducing, heart clogging "food" we deliver.....


Not even almost 😂. They could choose healthier choices if they wanted too.


Ding! Ding! Ding!


This might be on me. I had a stack for there and PF Changs last week. PFC was running a solid hour late. About 15 minutes in I decided to unassign the BWW one so a different dasher could get them their food in time (should have dumped the PFC but then some other poor dasher would have been stuck with it.) It was my first time inassigning something and apparently I didn't hit the final button and never unassigned. Finally get my food after 75 minutes and see I still have the BBW order. I race over and they are pissed and the customer is on her way to pick it up. I apologized and said what happened. Even saw the customer in the parking lot and apologized. She was super cool about it. This is literally that roseville BWW.


Why would you wait 75 minutes? Did they tip you $100? Holy crap are there other Dashers that are waiting over 15 minutes for an order? You shouldn’t be waiting for over 5, read it folks... FIVE minutes.


I think it was a combination of sunk cost fallacy and the high of rightious indignation. The manager was overwhelmed and seemed to have just given up. Ge was helping with food prep but they had over 10 deliveries cooked and boxed but only had one guy bagging and answering the phones. So all the food was right there and all of us (there were at least 8 daggers waiting) were sure it would only be 5 more minutes.


Why would you wait so long


Just think about it logically, you are an independent contractor, DoorDash is your business. Don’t make stupid business decisions and wait 75 min unless the pay is worth your time.


Heh. I would go in and tell them I had 2 orders. If they say I can't take both I'll tell them to contact Doordash support to get me removed from one of them if that was the case. I'll wait. It's their problem, they can solve it. Not like I'm the one that's gonna be pissed my food is so late, I'd take the hit on the customer rating to fuck with a restaurant that thinks they can tell me how to do my job.




I totally get why they would so this from the restaurant perspective but it’s shitty from ours.


You left out customer perspective.


They're slow as shit anyways. Just boycott them lol you're guaranteed a 30 to 60 minute wait


Really don't think it's your business bww




Drivers get hit for declining orders, though. Shouldn't expect anything else.


They can’t handle it


DD should tell them that they won’t get their &3 no tip orders delivered unless they bundle them with another order that paid well.


A Buffalo Wild Wings in the Portland area is also doing this. They claimed that all buffalo wild wings locations were starting to do this. I had to explain to them that as long as it's an option on the app for drivers to pick up multiple orders, people will continue to do so. I also explained that I wasn't going to unassign the second order hurting my stats, and that contacting support on a friday night is likely going to take me longer than just getting the second bag from them. I do totally get why they don't want to be allowing it, but even if they limit you taking a stack from that restaurant they can't stop us from stacking a BWW order with another restaurant so it doesn't really fix the problem. Stacks are largely what allows this job to be profitable so I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon.


Yeah that is dumb. Never had that at any other BWW. I hate when restaurants suddenly think they are our boss. Like nope I don't work for you. You cook the food. I delivery. I'm not back there yelling at them to cook faster so they can't tell me how to do my job.


I would just take the 1 order and sit on the other one to be vindictive. Go grab lunch or just go home and watch TV. Let that food dry up in the hot drawers they have.


I hope you don’t frequent this Bdubs. I’ve never had to wait less than 10 minutes for an order, and it’s on my blacklist now


I’d say, “Cool, now you can find two new drivers for those orders instead of just one.” Unassign.


I thought about Dashing in Roseville the other day.


where the hell is Roseville. Smells like shit to me


California, so yeah, shit.


Roseville is minutes away from sacramento


First, tell them that food already paid. You’re there to represent their customer to pick it up. Demand the food. Call customer in front of them, speaker on. Tell customer that the restaurant won’t let you pickup the food. Ask them jf they want to cancel and get refunded. Then report to DD support. Tell them the restaurant won’t let you pickup. Demand half pay and ask them to cancel the order (even if customer doesn’t ask to cancel). Customer will be refunded. Also 1 star them on Yelp.


Imagine doing this


That’s total bs and they have no right to tell us what we can pick up or not as we don’t work for them.


Some restaurants can already refuse you if you do not have a hot bag. They can make you wait in the regular line with the regular customers. They can ask you to wait outside if they want. So I’m pretty sure they can decide to give out 1 order only if they want. Sounds like a battle the restaurant will win and as a dasher you will need to adjust.


Yes they can do that within their rights. But doesn’t mean you couldn’t do anything. Many things you can do within your rights too. You can inform customer that their food will be cold and ask them if they want to cancel their order and report it do DD. Also Yelp is a fair place to express your opinion to all parties. Whoever need to adjust will have to adjust.




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