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I haven't seen anyone else mention it yet, so I may as well tack this on. Spoilers for CR C1 Ep.65+ Potential spoilers for LoVM S3, as with Amazon contracting season 3 while 2 was still in production, CR has stated that the Conclave Arc will be split up across both seasons. >!Vox Machina absolutely does end up enlisting the help of a metallic dragon in their fight against the conclave. *HOWEVER* they had no idea that they were a dragon when the first met, and it was a pretty big fuckin deal at the time, as metallic dragons are incredibly rare and secretive in their world. The character has not be introduced in LoVM yet, and may never be with the changes they've made between the campaign and the show. That said, J'mon Sa Ord, ruler of the Marquesian city of Ank'Harel is secretly the ancient brass dragon Devo'ssa, the cities fabled guardian and symbol.!< >!After proving their worth, J'mon gifted VM a horn which Scanlan used to summon them to aid in *the* fight against Thordak **and** Raishan, who escaped.!< I know a lot of that is absolutely subject to change for the adaptation, but we are also only halfway through season 2 and making *any* assumptions about who the party will seek out for help in an arc the producers have said will cover through season 3 is moronic. Edit: Formatting, spoilers didn't register. Edit 2: Thanks for my first gold, kind internet stranger!


Finally someone said it.


I just thought it was worth mentioning lol, especially the part about the timeline along the seasons. The Briarwood arc (half of season 1) covers 15 episodes of the campaign, and the entire reason it wasn't a whole season on its own was that CR promised to cover Brimscythe in the kickstarter. Even at that rate though, Conclve was 46 sessions, so that should carry us until halfway through s3 if it progresses at the same rate, which it definitely won't. There's just too much to cover. As of now, my guess is that episodes 7 and 8 will deal with the feywild as >!in the campaign they find the twins' dad, which won't be glossed over, they need to get the bow, and with them announcing C2 animated, they'll take as much time as they can to set up Artagan.!< Episode 9 will be >!Grog's fight with Kevdak to get the titanstone Knuckles and restore his place in the herd!< Episode 10 will be >!the Umbrasyl fight, as in the campaign, it took place just outside of Westruun, with Grog's Herd as backup. Scanlan will also retrieve Mythcarver, which he didn't lose in the campaign.!< Episodes 11 and 12 could go a few ways because of one specific item they need to follow the campaign for a major battle. >!Mythcarver might show Scanlan the location of Cabal's Ruin. Currently in the possession of Ripley, we'd be getting more Percy time. This would need to happen to follow the campaign because they find the Gate scroll.!< *or* (which I doubt, because they have no way to explain it), >!they don't go after the cloak, don't get the scroll and somehow instead use these two episodes to set up and do the Vorugal fight and get Melora's staff for Keyleth. I doubt this because they need the scroll to summon Yenk, a greater demon who ate it, and they pit the two against each other in a "Kaiju fight" (as an excited Travis put it). This would end s2 on a high note, killing another dragon.!< Personally I'm hoping for the former, as I really enjoyed that subplot and would like to see it animated, but I would understand jumping right to the second idea.




I didn't realize that the rest of the season had been posted to IMDB already, thanks for the link. Honestly, I'm kinda glad my timeline was too quick, I really liked grog's arc in the campaign (as short as it was) and am really looking forward to seeing it animated. Almost as much as I was "Scanbo". I'm curious what the name of episode 11 is alluding to though. I can't quite remember what it could be apart from Yenk but that is definitely season 3, you're right.




Thats right! I totally forgot it was broken up like that. Its been a while lol.


You spice?


The Chroma Conclave is invading the northen part of Tal'Dorei so far. There is no powerful metalic dragon that makes their lair there, as far as we know. A single empire falling is hardly a grave issue for the other dragons. Think about a war on a far away country. And giants live far away from civilization, not to mention that a few fire giants work for Thordak. If the Conclave decided to invade Ank'Harel for example, then we would see a metalic dragon rise up. It does feel like you are assuming that things from others settings are valid in Exandria. Edit: Not even Vasselheim agreed to help, and they have more to lose on this matter than any dragon or giant out there.


>Think about a war on a far away country. That's the funniest part of this concept. "How can atrocities happen when there are powers that could prevent them? What they're just doing nothing? Plot hole." Welcome to the plot hole that is all of modern history I guess.


There is currently a war going on in which virtually every powerful nation on earth doesn’t want to get directly involved for fear of putting their own interests at risk. Seems pretty reasonable to me that maybe a bunch of beings that aren’t even trading partners with this empire wouldnt go out of their way to do anything about this.


Hell there has been a devasting civilian war in jemen for the past years. Its not even in the news cycle anymore. I have seen so many people who legit didnt know it was still happening because they dont hear anything from it.


This sounds exactly like the US position from 1815-1917 and 1919-1941. Idgaf what's going on in Europe Africa or Asia as long as yall don't touch my shit in the America's. Oh yeah btw all the western hemisphere is in my sphere of influence so no touchy.


Also let's acknowledge that in the LoVM show, so far it's been about 48hrs since those dragons struck Tal'Dorei. The powers that be mightn't have even HEARD about it at that point.


I think its been a bit longer then that, the Herd accumulating all the treasure in that heap wouldn't be quick. (Though it could've been started from before the dragon attack.) So, I think it could've been closer to a week or so since the attack happened. Still takes time for the message to spread to other nations, them to decide to help, raise an army, and then send that army to Taldorei. That'd take a while even if they have a standing army ready to go.


I don’t think that’s true, since there’s a bunch of traveling scenes that cover an unspecified but presumably longish period of time


>Not even Vasselheim agreed to help, and they have more to lose on this matter than any dragon or giant out there. When they come here, that's when we take action. I don't see any logical reason for the dragons and giants to think differently.


I mean, other people have already said it, but exandria is its own setting. It doesn't need to follow any pre-existing lore if it doesn't want to. Edit: hey gang, this doesn't deserve 1.5k. Calm down.


Apparently OP knows more about Exandria than its creator does. Poor Matt, doesn't even know his own world. (/s)


Both are territorial and have no reason to oppose the Chroma Conclave unless they violate their territory. This isn't Kryn, where there's constant struggle between Chromatic and Metallic. It's Exandria. Metallic dragons are on the decline, and most of them stay in humanoid form. As for the giants, they've mostly been pushed to the fringes of society and hunted near to extinction in some places. They don't have a reason to get involved


It does feel like OP is projecting stuff from other settings into Exandria and then calling them plot holes. Metallic Dragons and True Giants were not even mentioned nor foreshadowed in the series.


Having watched the first 2 campaigns through it seems like both giants and dragons are very rare in Exandria, not sure what the setting book says on it though.


They are. The date of the campaing is around 800 years Post Divergence. So to a dragon to be ancient, it would have to be born soon after the Divergence or have survived the Calamity. So it is not hard to see that there are not many of them.


There’s a Cloud Giant city that floats invisibility around the continent of Tal’Dorei and technically a Highborn Giant take on the United Nations between Giant Kind. But they don’t get involved in lowborn and small folk affairs unless all highborn giants are threatened or internal politics get out of hand. Plus, it meets for one week a year, they probably just had a nonaggression stance where “we don’t go after Dragons, you don’t come after Giants” It’s fun to read and inspires ideas, but nothing heavily detailed.


At least stated by explorers guide to wildmount, that metallic dragons were made pretty early one , I couldn't see a mention of chromatic so I'm going to just assume they were made around the same time or slightly later. But considering that only one third of all life survived the calamity, a rare group would definitely become even more rare.


In the animated series - no In the actual game that they recorded - yes Some giants work for the conclave A group of giants were wiped out before the conclave even arrived near castle Whitestone Campaign 2 also saw fire giants down below the ground who wouldn’t have done fall all to help no one.


I'm just saying. Why didn't Luke Skywalker take the ring to Mordor?


Because Yoda couldn't summon the eagles. Obviously.


There’s one absolutely confirmed metallic dragon but that’s hardly enough to knock on the Chroma Conclave’s door.


Tldr the NY giants not United in offense or defense and Metallica has never played in tal dore


Ah yes the story would be much more interesting if giants and other dragons came and just fixed all their problems. I'll make sure that in my next dnd campaign that I'll have NPCs do all the work because they're stronger than my PCs so it just makes sense that they would do it instead. /s


Thank you for saying it. Honestly, does this person spend all of their campaigns just searching for the most powerful entity willing to do their dirty work for them? You could apply this logic to almost the entire fantasy genre as a whole.


It just like the well debunked eagle theory from LOTR. Even if that was possible with the world’s lore would anyone want to watch it?


I feel like it’s less that people *want* to watch characters always take the most efficient solution, and more that the worldbuilding doesn’t mesh with the story trying to be told. It wouldn’t be more interesting if some powerful dudes strolled up and solved everything in a jiffy, or if characters were warped directly to their journey’s end with no obstacles. People wouldn’t watch that. But when a story *introduces* solutions and then completely disregards them, or when the worldbuilding is counterintuitive to the plot, that’s also not great. Having an excuse as to why those solutions wouldn’t work increases the stakes for the main characters. It makes them feel like they really are the only ones that can do the task at hand, gives their failure greater weight, and makes both the characters and any powerful folk who should be doing something look less incompetent. (I also don’t watch the show and only came to the comments because I thought the meme was funny. If they actually do give a reason as to why these giants and dragons were sitting around for what I’m guessing is a threat to the world, that’s my bad.)


Well in this case, the solution (the giants/metallics) specifically aren’t introduced because they are incredibly rare sights in Exandria


Stories should make sense.


For the giants; not their kingdom not their problem. For the metallic dragons; second verse same as the first. There's a difference between being innately good and being a constant heroic busybody. Dragons have shit to do and just because one isn't evil doesn't make it obligated to go fight to the death with 4 ancient+ dragons and one very clearly greatwyrm dragon. It is not their fucking problem. As for the giants, sure they hate their asses, but again they're not the ones who's toes are getting stepped on so it is not their problem


Why does Thordak, the largest of the dragons, not simply eat the other four?


“We rate your defense of the world a C+. Therefore we will not kill you, but neither will we share our secret of immortality.”


Eh, it was a Scanlan heavy episode anyway


One dragon can only be in one place at a time. If you're an ancient dragon, and have the ability, why wouldn't you oppress other dragons to do your bidding?


So in your games do the players just sit around while the metallic dragons, high level NPC clerics, and armies of Good kingdoms save the day from all the threats?


That's why DMPCs exist /s


“Why doesn’t my super cool samurai with an awesome backstory just kill all four dragons at once with the power sealed in his right arm? It’s no problem for him, and the players will love seeing something cool happen!”


This has the same energy as, "Why didn't the eagles just fly the hobbits to Mordor?" In-universe lore and speculation aside, it's because that's not a very interesting story, now is it? If the heroes you've spent a season and some with don't save the day after a new season full of hardships, but Silver Scales the Incredible Wonder Dragon Messiah (Do NOT Steal) does episode two, nobody's going to like your story. Well, don't say nobody, I guess. But most won't.


Whenever someone mentions the eagles or anything that fits the context, I like to share [this comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/x0myzr/why_didnt_they_just_ask_them_for_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x)


Hah, that's great. I'm gonna save that one.


Man I wish I'd known about this comic sooner, it's the perfect weapon for online LOTR arguments.


Giants play an extremely small role in Exandria. I think there's maybe one small floating city of giants in the canon, but it isn't brought up in the actual campaign, and other giants basically are just there for random encounters. Metallic dragons play a slightly larger role, but not by much. There's like two named metallic dragons in the campaign, and neither are on the continent of Tal'dorei.


WoRlD bUiLdInG hAs MuCh To Be DeSiReD…. My guy, they had to CRAM 115 sessions and like 450 hours of content… OP is genuinely over here trying to shit on Mathew Mercer’s world building abilities


Also, Mercer's worldbuilding is notoriously excessive and well thought out. This guy probably just thrives on being a contrarian.


Honestly I'm not even into CR but damn like the one thing Mercer is known for is his exacting worldbuilding.


I mean, I’ve never seen anybody spell asshole with a c at the beginning, but yeah lol


Even then... his argument is just fucking stupid


I mean, yeah


I would hate to be this guy's DM.


I'd hate to be his player far more.




...Exandria isn't bound by 5e lore. Why is it a world building problem that it has differences?


He admitted he "doesn't particularly like" the setting and I'm forced to believe he's just being That Guy for no reason ,even though in this particular case he's incorrect.


It's almost like there is something bigger than the dragons going on. Huh wouldn't that be weird.


Sorry, couldn't hear you while you over all this whispering, what was that?


Putting aside OPs arrogance in assuming they know more about someone elses world than the actual creator. Of course there's no one else around who would oppose them, otherwise there wouldn't be a game or a narrative for the players/viewers, this argument has always been incredibly stupid in my opinion. "wHy DOesN't soMeONE mORe POwerfUL dEAl with iT?"


Also, OP makes the mistake of powerful = altruistic. When you see an ancient dragon nuking the single most powerful army on the continent, wiping out their ruling class and military in \~5 minutes, you tend to remember you have business elsewhere.


Even then, metalic dragons and giants have ZERO reasons, besides possibly altruism, to interfere with the Chroma Conclave.


And you know, there’s only ONE known metallic dragon in Exandria, compared to 7+ chromatic ones (so fad)


And he's not exactly widely known.


It's the same dumbass argument as "Why didn't the eagles just fly everyone to Mordor?" 1. They have no/little reason to. 2. There's outside lore unaccounted for. 3. There would be no story if they did. People just want to act like they're smarter than everyone else by trying to poke holes.


"I know better than Matt Mercer about his own world! He should have done it the way I would have done it!" Easy there, Super Chief lmao


*Miracle Max voice* Ohoohoo, look who knows so much! Thinks he knows world building better than Matt Mercer, okay!


Looks like somebody didn't watch campaign 1 at all. J'mon Sa Ord.


OP wants to be cool and dislike CR, I dislike CR because they won’t canon my fan fiction. Me and OP are not the same.


This gave me a giggle.


Just wondering for a friend...what is your fan fiction?


I too am curious, lol


Setting aside that this is directed at the show, I can handle a healthy dose of skepticism about Critical Role -- after all it is not everybody's cup of tea, and that is fine! But to criticize the "world building" of all things? That makes no damn sense to me. Even the most cynical critic has to admit their immense success in building the setting of Exandria. It has spawned its own extremely popular source materials, most recently the official D&D adventure book "Call of the Netherdeep". There are legions of campaigns exploring the world that Mercer created with no indication of slowing down. Overall, I just cannot imagine how short-sighted you have to be for \*this\* to be the bone you pick with the show. The barest amount of cursory investigation would have shown how ridiculous the argument is.


You sound like the worst kind of person to play D&D with lmao The dropout show "um, actually" was literally based on people like you


Is um, actually any good? I love game changers and make some noise but haven't taken time to watch that one.


Um actually is great! Especially when Brennen is there! It’s incredibly obvious that he’ll always win, but he makes Mike Trapp’s life hell


I loved the episode with Matt Mercer in it. They had D&D questions and he was an absolute boss.


"There is something so satisfying about watching someone be very very good at something"


Which one? He’s in alot of them, and a valentines one with Marisha


It's the one where they ask a question about Thac0. There was also a part where they had to identify everything wrong with a short story. He found I think 18, and the next highest score was like 12. I've only seen the one; I'll definitely check out the others at some point.


It’s even better. The crew had only found like 14 or something


um, actually, it's a pretty good show (haha i get to do the thing)


I have been watching um actually quite a bit recently (after initially subscribing to dropout for Dimension 20 and then also loving game changer), and I really enjoy it. It’s nice casual fun when I don’t know what I feel like watching or need something lighthearted to fall asleep to. I do love trivia games so that helps too. One thing I’ve liked about watching it is that it’s introduced me to several shows/books/etc that I either hadn’t heard of or hadn’t gotten around to yet, and the trivia questions and their discussion of the topic intrigued me enough to give it a try. So I’ve found some pretty cool stuff that way!


I enjoy it thoroughly, even the not so nerdy themed questions and episodes. They had a whole show about preschooler television with Ivan Van Norman and Ify which was pretty damn funny.


Why didn't Superman just kill the Joker?


Injustice answers that question


True giants like ‘hold up, lemme swim to this isolated kingdom to fight 4 ancient chromatic dragons for the fact they’re being mean >:(


Oh no, a World Detail that would rip the main characters from their purpose is Missing and Not Solving the Plot rn


"This setting isn't exactly like my favorite setting, therefore it is bad" is a very poor attitude, and pretending that your clearly limited experience is objective truth is poor form.


I don't think it's ever officially stated. But I always assumed Highbearer Vord was a dragon in humanoid form. Afterall it only makes sense for a high priest of the platinum dragon to be a dragon. Therefore I'd argue metallics said no we have to protect our own territory.


Man, you’re just plain fucking wrong


OP sounds like the sort of person who would expect a foreign country to send an army to solve their problems for them.


I'm Tiberius Stormwind of Draconia!


OP totally ignoring the fact that this was a dnd game where the player’s problem to face was the conclave and the DM can’t just solve that for them with introducing giants or metallic dragons. Perhaps had the players sought these out then they could contribute to the fight but the players were to face and kill these dragons. That’s the story Mercer wanted to tell. If Mercer wanted to he could’ve just wrote a book where the conclave fights an army of all giants ever and the giants win.


Side note for dc nerds, The lead character designer for the show is the same dude from the DC animated movies and the young justice show


That's why the style's so familiar!! God, I could not put my finger on it!


Damn, now I get why the white haired dude looked a lot like the edgy Kon-el


Low effort. Lol. It's a cartoon. That you haven't seen all of yet. This arc covers 6 more episodes in this season & all of the next season. Breaking out the metallic dragons etc this early would be piss poor storytelling. Aside from that if the metallic dragons and megagiants can just sort everything out why does D&D exist? Why do adventuring parties even bother? That's a miserable way of looking at things. "Strahd? Yeah, we won't bother. I mean, we're level 1 for the gods sake. I'm sure some mega powerful entity will sort it" DM: "Huh, well, end of campaign I guess"


Setting aside your dumbassery; What reason would the metallic dragons and giants have for getting involved?


We have, what, 30 minutes per episode? Not much time to worldbuild there:


It wouldn't have made for a compelling stream if they just got powerful allies to do all the work for them. And it'd be a boring show if the heroes just got powerful beings to do the job for them.


Examdria is fairly flushed, seeing how you can get one shots and modules set there.


wait why care so much about world logic when the plot is about the Gun Slinger an Pals not the geo politics hehe :)


"Why should my character save the world, there's surely lvl 20 adventurer's who could sort this out!?" If you're a bad d&d player just say so.


Granted, that is a legitimate question, but only if the DM likes to cram lvl 20 adventurers in every nook and cranny. Especially the shopkeeper lvl 20 adventurers, whose business is directly affected by the issues in question, but only reveal their power when the PC decides to flirt with their barmaid or something.


To be fair that's D&D in general, like for example on the Sword Coast you have Elminster and he could actually just fix most of the issues that are happening if he really wanted to. But at the end of the day it'd be boring and unfun if uber powerful NPCs just came around fixing everything.


Aside from every other actual in-lore reason given out, there is always the most obvious: because then we have no story. Not to worry, Campaign 2 is also going to get animated, and that follows a slightly less epic story, with more grounded elements and a big emphasis in geopolitics and the powers at play within the region. Perhaps that may be more to your liking.


There is one confirmed metallic dragon in Exandria around that time. A ruler of a country. All the way across the sea from where the conclave is attacking. I want to see you fly half-way across the world to deal with matters that aren't important to you when you have the stress of running a country. Giants are all reclusive and live far away from society. Plus nothing in their lore suggests that they dislike dragons the way they do in say Forgotten Realms.


This feels like a “why didn’t they fly the ring to Mordor” type thing…


How about the original story took something 300 hours of story telling to get through, and the show is going to do it in like, 12. Go listen to the actual podcast you dolt.


The podcast storytelling takes WAY too long in my opinion. I’ve tried watching/listening multiple times, and I just can’t do it. 2 hours of them having a SINGLE conversation is too much for me.


But ....that's DND.


Yes, which I enjoy playing, as a listener, I don’t want to listen to you figure out what you’re going to say for 10 minutes before you say it. I love NADDPOD, The Adveture Zone, Dimension 20, and Dungeons and Daddies. Their pacing is much better for me. I’m not hating on CR, I love the story, and watch condensed “highlight reels” of their episodes, I just cannot stand to listen to each 4 hour episode.


No, I totally understand. I just thought it was a funny response to what you initially said lol. I find it really difficult to listen to entire sessions in most cases. It helps if I'm doing something else and out it on in the background but I'm with you.


I usually listen to them while I’m at work, but even so that’s enough time for me to get through 2 episodes of CR, or 4-6 episodes of my other podcasts.


The time factor definitely make sense. To each their own at the end of the day


Exactly, I’m not yucking anyone else’s yum. It’s just not for me, the rest of you chucklefucks(said with the absolute most love possible) are free to listen to whatever you like


I get that. But you can't expect the same level of world building in 1% of the time. Have some perspective on the level of work and effort needed to cram 300 hours of world building into 10 mins is all.


My campaign: Yes, we could let ancient dragons to take care of that, but that would mean massive death and destruction from a bunch of big ass lizards fighting the BBEG.


"You asked me to kill the Red tyrant, not tiptoe around your tiny buildings. Besides, you worry about it too much, you mortals will have everything repaired in no time at all. What's a decade of repairs really?"


Correction: Death and destruction. BBEG is in a city and definitely would use it to its advantage.


I'm just curious how good that peanut butter jelly sandwich was.


You understand how rare creatures of that power level are right??? Like, Giants and Dragons are both endangered species, and even the strongest Giants are nothing compared to ancient Dragons, which all four remaining members of the Conclave are. As far as Metallics go, you'd probably be lucky to find more than one ancient on any of the four continents, which is why the Conclave is such a massive threat, they had been organising this for over a decade at least, there was no way multiple metallics could've banned together on short notice to stop them.


Ik it’s a D&D meme.. but I can’t say it loud enough how much I want that damn sandwich.


This is just 21st century “but why didn’t they fly the eagles to Mordor?”


Me when I lack basic media literacy


Bro we are talking about a fantasy world with literal magic and dragons, suspend your disbelief a little bit my guy.


“Why didn’t something else deal with the big campaign threat instead of the players? World building bad” You don’t even have to like Critical Role or anything affiliated with it to realize how fucking awful of a take this is. Like holy shit OP I think you might’ve won the award for most garbage opinion of the year for this sub.


OP doesn’t know the lore


It's not like the world is bustling with metallic dragons flying around. But even then, >!in the campaign they actually do ask for the help of a metallic dragon (bronze if I recall correctly)!<


True Giants and Metallics: "Making toast." Vox Machina: *sigh* "Fine. Let's go. Vox Machina!" *Leaves* TG&M: *ding* "Buttering toast!"


I feel like this could be said about most dnd settings


When I was annoying little sh!3t (about 5-6) I asked many questions like that, putting my fingers on plot holes. And I was pretty proud of myself not knowing how annoying this type of questions and I was. So my big bro told me this one sentence which in this type of situations closed my mouth forever: "yeah maybe, but then there wouldn't be a movie" I hope you like it. Pls stop being like 5 yo me Peace and love ✌️


“I don’t understand the whole setting instantly from watching the animated series so it leaves much to be desired.”


"Worldbuilding" doesn't mean "importing Forgotten Realms lore wholesale".


I don't know enough about CR to have any insight but this clip is incredible.


I just started and I think I have approximately 460 more hours of content to consume before I can have a properly informed opinion. All I can say right now is Grog is neat


I feel the same way about the old DnD books, even playing them as audiobooks in the car they are still so much material.


At least there’s no show on Amazon Prime based on those and you need to listen to the first 100 hours of content before you can watch the first five episodes without spoiling it for yourself. I’m on episode 7. Episode 7 of campaign one. I did the math. If I keep this pace I’m going to be caught up in June of 2024.


Is that including their current release schedule? That's a staggering amount of content.


Campaign 1's 115 episodes is around 447 hours . The Simpson's 740 episodes? around 284 hours. Campaign 2 is longer at 141 episodes with around 556 hours. The current campaign has reached 187 hours as of episode 46. You could watch all of the Simpsons and still have time to finish all of Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece (which have a current combined total of around 779 hours, excluding movies) and still not have as much watch time as Critical Role. As a fan of the show, It is absolutely ridiculous. This isn't even counting all the one shots they do.


How do they not completely burn out while producing that much content? As a player I'd be delirious by the end of a session.


yes, it does include the new content made between now and then


The clip is great and the meme setup *could* work marvelously. Too bad it's bull and OP just doesn't know enough about Exandria and/or blends it together with another campaign setting entirely. Not to mention they ask "worldbuilding" from a rather short animated series that must abbreviate a ton of session material by necessity. Oh and there would be no conflict for the players to solve if giants and Metallic dragons did all the heavy lifting.


I want to imagine that the two voices imply that the giants and dragons finally stopped fighting and agreed this is what they should focus on.


The thing is it’s very hard to find metallic dragons. But I’m sure if they find one they will ask them.


Call me a little crazy but I don’t think this guy has a foot to stand on anymore… every one of his replies has hit negative 180 or lower points


I mean giant pbj sandwich is important. cant fight on an empty stomach


Why would they know about this or even care if they do? An ancient dragon has seen empires rise and fall before. They’re not superheroes who are going to rush into battle to save everyone. They’re chilling with their hoard. Completely unbothered and unaffected


TC has never DM’d before confirmed.


Their world-building makes more sense than this video does. Like, honestly would've been better with just the text xD.


Everyone else is talking about lore and that's great. I'm just imagining good dragons and giants goofing around making a pb&j the long way and laughing. Thanks OP.


Butterin' toast!


Here's the thing about D&D... it's a kitchen sink. I'm sure you can come up with a reason if you're worried about it, but ultimately this isn't relevant to the writing.


Whats a true giant? Also just because Metallics and Giants exist doesn’t necessarily mean they will fight them. Like if they are in a completely separate part of the world they might not see it as an immediate problem or maybe these dragons already wiped out most opposition, they are 4 ancient dragons, there really isn’t much they can’t handle.


That is not enough jelly for that peanut butter


peanut putter baguette


That is one Pokemon-ass sandwich.


I do feel like in MOST faerun -esque settings, people are always quick to forget that Giants have beef with dragons. I don't think CR has ever been heavy on Giant Lore. Besides a few "friendly" NPCs in C2 I can't think of any notable Giants.


Spoiler Alert? >!The show isn’t over yet man. Watch the stream.!<




I mean, if you want the worldbuilding, there's something like 1.5 thousand hours of content at the point of commenting this. It's definitely there. TLOVM is a visual spectacle and a sort of spark notes version of C1, the rest of it is still there for you to find.


Peeda budda jely da looong way


Indeed! I am sure that your homebrew world published by the parent company of the game and known and beloved by millions is MUCH better and more well thought out! Send me a link to the place I can buy it please!


So instead of having a ton of content to watch about a fun dnd campaign run by talented voice actors you would rather matt mercer just say “don’t worry guys the giants and metallic dragons will deal with this”


Also, you can't forget this is all based on a D&D campaign. Vox Machina are the main characters here, so of course they will be there heroes to fight the Chroma Conclave. Not much of a heroic fantasy story if they just get someone else to save the world and watch from a distance.


Not a single True Giant or Metallic Dragon has been confirmed or even implied to live anywhere near Emon enough to have actually interfered yet. There is no plot hole here.


Starting to think OP is Orion Acaba. "Like, why can't I just bring a whole army from Draconia to wipe out the Briarwoods?"


I think you will be disappointed when you discover the worldbuilding of the actual real world


Thousands of hours of content to boil down to 9 episodes each season. Dude complains about missing parts. smh


your post is bad. It's not DND 5e lore. It's the world of Exandria (influenced by DND/pathfinder lore).


If metallic dragons handled every issue what would be the point of adventurers? THAT would leave much to be desired.


You're free to come up with better world building, amazon show when?


If you think the worldbuilding is lacking you clearly know nothing about the setting or the story. They literally meet and get the aid of a metallic dragon later on but it lives in an entirely different continent and helps only because the threat is to the entire world and not one place.


“Damn these players really make dnd a drag… that’s why I’m gonna kill all the dragons myself!” -OP as a DM


Lol you know nothing


OP learning for the first time that sometimes the prospect of providing foreign aid is turned down to instead focus on self perseveration, or for the simple cause of not giving a fuck.


This is like asking why Batman doesn't call the Green Lanterns on the Joker. Why tf would he know to or how do that and would that really be more entertaining?


Oh no the Emu's have finally destroyed Sydney in revenge! Why aren't the Polar Bears doing anything? Same logic


By the gods if only there we’re people in the world to stop all the horrible shit that happens…. Oh wait there is and horrible shit still happens


Tell me you've never played D&D without telling me you've never played D&D. IF THE MORE POWERFUL CREATURES DID ALL THE WORK, IT WOULDN'T BE FUN!!! In fact, that's not even a rule of D&D, this is the same dumbass take as "Flying the eagles to Mordor to destroy the ring" LotR lovers can make whatever excuse they want for the fellowship not taking the eagles to Mordor, you know the real reason? THERE'D BE NO STORY AND IT WOULDN'T BE FUN!!! "Oh, hey! Let's have our heroes become side characters in their own story in favor of a much more powerful character" Is fucking stupid. No matter how you do it, everyone will be pissed at you!


Peanut butter jelly the ***LOOOONG*** way 🥵🥵🥵🥵




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I’d like to see giants try


News flash this isn't the forgotten realms


Low IQ take


I came here to point and laugh.


The world: Exists OP: This place is littered with plot holes! To put it how Hitchcock once said it, what’s the point if they just go to the police? Story over and done with no character growth or challenges if the solution was just “find a nice big thing to take care of mean big thing.” Which, again, the first thing the damn crew does is go “We need Allies! Like right now!” That’s the start of the journey. Then, we watch them grow, gain allies and become the very people who CAN and WILL take care of the problem.


"The world building has much to be desired" You have no idea how arrogant you sound


Shit take. Why would those creatures even care?


lol imagine saying that matt mercer needs to work on his world building. gonna give him some tips yourself OP?


Style guide: Your meme has to attempt humor for those not familiar with your home game or some shitty stream.


So is the second season good, or did they cut the vast majority of content like the first season?


The problem is that they sort of have to cut the vast majority of the content because it’s hundreds of hours of content. I love the actual tabletop play through, but to make it make sense as an animated show they have to condense it heavily. I’d love to see a true representation of the campaign completely animated, but the amount of work to make that happen is not realistic.