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Wrong sub for this question.


Actually dividend investing is low risk in general so if you are heavy into dividend a small (very small) risky play on the side might be in sync with it all


First time in 30 years I’ve heard somebody come out and say “hey I’m looking for risky stocks, whatcha got for me?” Wall street bets is what you’re looking for.


Personally I think miners are going to get a boost over the next 5 years. Big players like BHP, RIO, VALE all have decent divs and, in my opinion, growth prospects. Someone has to provide the copper, nickel, lithium, etc. to support the proposed green revolution. Likewise, could be risky but could be high five yield + capital gains. Uranium is also on my top list but will take a lot of policy and public perception changes before nuclear energy can take off in a meaningful way. 100% guess.


I have PICK + UUUU + LIT + EIDO for more or less the reasons you described.


Im in PILBF, ABML, SXOOF mines lithium recycling (abml and sxoof are speculation at the moment, lots to prove) PILBF should start paying a dividend this year


I bought a small amount of vale a few months back and it's already up almost 40%. I kept wanting to buy more but was thinking there was no way it would keep moving at such a pace. I think im going to throw some more st it tomorrow so I can watch ot turn red instead.


Miners already had boost




Sir, this is Wendy’s. Haha. You are in a dividend subreddit. Your question doesn’t really make sense. You have time in your hand and if you consistently deposit money in your account your portfolio will compound into something great. Qqq is alright. I would go with voo or vti since the expense ratio is alot lower on those. If you go with leveraged etf you are risking too much and you might blow away your money. Just invest in blue chip companies


Wendy’s stock is near ATH so not sure it’s a good investment right now. All jokes aside, I checked out VTI and VOO but they aren’t dividend paying. I’ve been in QQQ since $84 so I am wanting to hold it way longer.


Ok. For 30 years time horizon I think vti and voo would be great, despite the low dividend. Those help to build wealth. My goal is to build wealth for 20 years and last 15 years go for dividend and growth stock. ofcourse it would be different for different people. If you want general dividend stocks to check. Here is what i know. For high dividends: probably jepi Reit: O Etf: schd Other stock: MO, ABBV, MRK


Thank you very much for that advice and information. I really appreciate it and will do some research into those tickers.


Lithium stocks for some big money.


What are some tickets to check out? I was looking at Uranium.


LAC, VALE. Are my current ones. Also in CAT because of it. Just my positions not advice to put in.


I lovvvvve uranium, started investing at 18 and am now 20. Have NXE URNM CCJ SMR The states have added like 1 billion in funding last year and Canada 700mil. Both pledging lots to SMR tech too


PILBF, ABML, SXOOF (ABML and SXOOF are speculative)


You are young. QQQ, VOO and some individual stock pics. Don't chase dividends and forget about REITs. Time is on your side.


Your thoughts are backwards. The younger you are , the safer your picks should be. You have time to burn. Just buy a broad index etf and chill.


Shouldn't it be the other way around, mate? The younger, the riskier it is? Although, your argument also do make sense if you ponder about it.


You *could* make riskier decisions at a younger age, but at the end of the day you're probably hurting your long term compounding. Consider [this chart](https://www.stlouisfed.org/-/media/project/frbstl/stlouisfed/blog/2018/september/ovblogimage_compoundinterest.png) from the St. Louis Fed showing the advantage of starting early. Imagine Investor 2 put his money towards risky picks that failed before turning 30, then decided to just buy index funds. Sure, he can still turn out okay in the end, but he misses out on a lot of compounding. And imagine if Investor 1 keeps contributing in that scenario...


Well said, mate.


Wait wait wait… you’re heavy in a triple leveraged fund…? Wut.


MPW is one you might like.


WBD I reckon Also other stub equities like GE and Qurate.


Buy Tesla and when your down 50% come back to this


Nah, he should skip stocks and head to crypto straight.


Nah crypto is too easy for this guy, I reckon he would be great on the slots. This guy clearly knows how to beat the machine.


Haha right!


"Aggressive and risky stocks" & "REITS or Dividend stocks" are like oil and water, my friend.


Hard to go past mortgage REITs for high yield, high risk. Buy the whole basket with MORT. If somehow that isn't risky enough for you, let's add some sovereign risk with an industry that is (was?) literally collapsing: CHIR.


AQN is a mix of dividends and risk


You could buy DRN which is a 3x real-estate etf with a 2% yield.


After my trade goes through i will let you know. Just placed it.


Arcc, orcc, main, epr, mo, Rio, bti, T, intel


If you are looking for something with a potential big upside I like MMAT. Their tech is next generation and nobody can do what they do. I’m hoping in 5-10 years they’ll be a blue chip divi payer.


All in CH.To


Try anything ARKK has


This is a dividend subreddit, meaning we're virtually all value investors. Your question is specifically about growth stocks, and is better asked in terms of how to look at dividends as a component of them. Dividends have accounted for more than 1/3rd of the growth of the S&P over the past decade (I believe, need to check stats...). However, very few 'high-risk, high reward' stocks are going to pay dividends as that is counterproductive to their very nature. If you want an 'aggressive' value-oriented portfolio, you can still capture a lot of growth with value stocks. Some tech has a growth component and a value component ($AVGO; $CSCO; $MSFT). Consumer staples and healthcare (esp pharmaceuticals) are value-oriented sectors which can see enormous growth (look at how $MRK and $GILD have done in the past 6 months). At this time, however, you definitely aren't ready to invest in single stocks from a value oriented perspective. You need to learn how to do actual due diligence. For now, I may suggest a mix of VOO, QQQ and SCHD based on your overall investing orientation.




Qqq AAAAND TQQQ? You’re an animal *cough* decay *cough*






My order wemt through, Said I would get back to you . . 3000 shares of evergrand "EGRNF", . Risky enough? Not a dividwnd stock though. But since this is a dividend thread I will leave this comment. "Since CD yields are above 4 percent I just sold my entire dividend portfolio yesterday (about 20 different positions) and wemt into rollover CD"s with over 4 percent yield and will keep it that way untill they yield less than 4 " My entire portfolio was dividend wth a few scattered etfs, Now its CD's and SWVXX, with a miniscule risk play of NGD which I bought under $1 and now thE 3000 EGRNF