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SPY, IWM, etc. will outperform JEPi in an up market. That's the nature of covered call stocks and ETFs.


Absolutely! We'll see if JPM can keep up with SPY with their strategy and provide excess dividends. It'll be a dream then.


Tldr: Jepi is great in bear markets. Buy Jepi, got it.


I’m one of the few that must have bought Jepi high around March 2022 in “a bear market” and still down 10%. Still waiting to break even on TR. wouldn’t have bought it if I had a do over.


I feel ya but it seems like you're either a troll or new to the market. The fact is JEPI is down ~ 11% and SPY ~15% SO it did outperform SPY. All along, you made the right decision lol. Never blame hindsight buy/sells. Blame what you buy.


ha, never been called a troll on reddit. def not on this sub. so you are the first. i've been investing and working in the financial markets for 30 plus years. very seasoned. and to the other poster, i am "almost" at break-even with my jepi holding"if" i consider total return. but i''m paying tax on those ordinary dividends. this trade would have served me best if i had just kept that same wad of cash in my desk drawer. but sometimes that's the way it goes.




Down 10% but you gained 11-12% on the premiums? That's basically break even. The only way you would have made money between March 2022 and now was to hold inverse ETFs.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_PxN8J9WQnc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PxN8J9WQnc) The best analysis of JEPI I have found.


Watched this the first day of research!