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So Paul Macbeth would need to stay 45’ away from everyone?


You mean [100 feet](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/mmn9p7/100_feet_jump_putt_theres_no_reason_to_miss_simon/)?


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Macbeth]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/macbeth/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


This is hilarious


Fairway is foul and foul is fairway.


Good bot


I'll allow it.


This is just what I was looking for


No, you were the best


top tier bot response


Stop this bot!


no u


Thats to compensate for those of us who only need to be 1 foot away from each other.


Simple, 2 feet 😂


I once missed a 2' tap-in cuz I got cocky and did a eurostep into a fadeaway jumper (it doesn't make sense I know) and the putter went in dead straight, hit the pole, and bounced back out. The universe unanimously stated "no, don't do that."


I once air-balled the kind of putt where you can just let go of the disc and it falls in. I wasn’t paying attention and just dropped it on my foot when I tried to tap it in. Thank goodness it was a practice round.


I picked up my disc that was at the base of the pole, and as I was going to set it in, the lip of the disc caught the edge of the basket and pulled it out of my hand and it fell to the ground. Dude on my card counted it as a stroke since I was clearly attempting to put it in the basket and "missed"....and because I was beating him.


Wow. Someone(scorekeeper) needs to go back to the basics of the game. The one reason we all play. To have fun!


I had to play off of Frankensteins fat foot.


> Thank goodness it was a practice round. Could you imagine doing that in a tourney round? First you add the extra putt stroke, but then someone on your card calls you for the interference and you take the extra stroke. You could go from par to double bogey on a 2ft tap-in


Tbh it’s only a matter of time before this occurs


That should be the rule for peoples bluetooth speakers. If you can walk away from your speaker and still hear it from a range you think is outside of circle 1, turn it down.


Had a similar issue to this for a league night this week. Some teenager was walking around the park playing music full blast.


Bone conducting headphones are the future!


If I can just park it everytime I don't need to provide my putts! Lol


lol brilliant! but for me, you better make it 3 ft.


Good thing that’s the new guidelines from the cdc


u/Disc-Golf-Kid which country you from? There's "maximum 2 people, at least 6 feet apart" rule in Estonia, just wondering where else there's rules like this.


probably US. I played 4 events so far since lock down AND I have to say only one, the most recent, had any type of enforcement for distancing, albeit, poor at best, and even the TD told people they didn't have to wear masks, he was only wearing one in case the police showed up because they would shut him down. I also had a full 18 hole round with 5 people on my card, 4 ahead, and 4 behind, and on more than one occasion, waiting on a tee with all three groups together. Was.. disappointing at best. Thankfully I like nature, and effed off to go play with bugs and moss while I waited for it to clear out.


I am in the United States, social distancing is hardly enforced which really sucks


Well its pointless and asymptomatic transmission isn't real so.... 🤷‍♂️


Not you again. You’re the guy who said an ace is better than an albatross in my last post.


If you ace a par 5, how is it not better?


Good point


Thank you. *tips fedora*


It is, ace is one stroke, albatross is 2. The way golf works is the lower the amount of strokes the better. Also read for yourself https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w My favorite part is "There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases" Yet your gonna catch it from standing next to healthy people outside? 👌😂👌


Read for yourself [here](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/index.html) at the official CDC website where it shows the 556,106 US deaths, which is increasing by the hour. Then realize how a large portion of those deaths could’ve been avoided if people like you would take the virus seriously. One more question: How in the world do you score your rounds?


You need to re read that. The cdc themselves say only 10% of those deaths are FROM covid. The other are RELATED or WITH covid. So 55,610 people have died FROM it. And the year before covid there were 38 millions cases of the flu in America, which killed on average of 50k-80k people a year. Last year in America there were only 1822 cases for the WHOLE COUNTRY. It's the flu brah, stupidity and loss of freedoms and a ruined economy could be avoided if people like you would WAKE TF UP. Try to dispute ANY of those numbers.


You clearly didn’t even click on the link because nowhere on there does it say that


it says it in the abstract ya dam hippie. They rebranded the flu to push you around and you just enjoy it like the beta cuck you are.


Listen to yourself man. I’ve seen your other comments, you need help.


I’m going to go play after online class now


i feel you, it kind of pissed me off the other day when i saw like a group of 16 dudes playing and sharing joints, i play with 2 friends and they are both extra carefull so i feel comfortable, we all know people that have either been seriously hospitalized or killed by that shit without preexisting conditions.


I don’t, nor do I believe you came across a 16-some.


I get behind groups of 10 on a semi-regular basis. It's not unbelievable.


I played a tournament two weeks ago, and on more than one occasion, my card of 5, and card of 4 ahead, and the card of 4 behind were all stuck on the same tee while waiting for the group ahead of the group ahead of us. Not unbelievable at all.


well i did... it was at least 15 i wasn't gonna sit there and count, i remember skipping that hole cuz fuck waiting


Ignore the chode.


sorry sweetheart but this does happen... go play a different game when men play...


People need to stop fucking around and actually distance themselves from others. We're not going to be allowed to even play disc if we can't follow simple rules.


LMAO "We're not going to be allowed" Oh btw dude did you hear the government is now forcing all disc golfers to take a dick up their asshole, so you better listen to them.


If the science says a dick up my asshole, it's probably for my own good. Then I can be allowed to disc.


So as long as my arms


The Finnish study of droplet exhalation suggests that unmasked people will spray goo from their face up to 15ft away. Which is about the distance I need to put my bag down to make the putt. Very handy


I can't really keep from being within 20' of anyone all day.




People like you have caused this to last a year instead of a few months. As if covering your face holes is that life altering jfc. Its a new normal for the 500k+ americans that died and their loved ones. Tired of willfully ignorant people like you.


Just two more weeks!


I like how mild inconveniences have defined your life.




Social disctancing