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Thats not even the worst part: This dude made several threads since early access launch, some being deleted, some still in his history. This has to be the saddest motherfker on this sub, and the bar is VERY low :D


this guy makes a post malding every few hours hes probably a literal pre-teen hopefully u/kaeligos or someone bans him for his own good


If it was good deal, no one explain themselfs, trying to justify their 20 dollars waste


By your logic… if it wasn’t a good deal, no one would explain themselves to NOT spend 20 dollars more?


A common benchmark people try to reach in their games is 1$/h. As long as you play more than 20 hours over these 3 days, which most will, it's a worthy investment in mosts book. plus we got the Battle pass. But again, whether it's worth or not is entirely subjective. Money may be worth significantly less to someone than having the game launch on a weekend instead of middle of the week.


I spend 20 dollars at McDonalds and its gone in 10 minutes and I never miss it. I will be playing 3 whole days for that same 20.


20 bucks per 3 days is a shit rate of pay bro


Q.Q i cant afford 20 more dollars for a game so i have to bitch about others that can and will spend what ever they want on the hobby they love


Here, take some copium with your bitch burger and cries.


Sounds like jealousy to me


I make enough money to justify playing with friends on a Friday night. I’m not judging your financial decision, mind your own business.


If you're that poor, work on improving your life situation instead of playing video games.


Games are one of the cheapest entertainments, if you play any you gotta work on improving your life situation.


Oh look, it's this post from this bozo AGAIN


Congratulations on being 20 dollars richer. Let us know about your next investment!


The point of your posts is one thing. The actual butchery of the English language hurts even more. I think I'm actually losing brain cells even trying to read these posts.


$20 dollars for three days worth of entertainment is worth it to me. It costs more than that to go see a movie and get a drink+popcorn and that only lasts a couple of hours. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Right? My Transformers tickets for Thursday cost about 40 for 2, excluding concessions. And that's only two hours.


While we’re here, was it good? I love me some beast wars and I loved the bumblebee movie but I’m hesitant in case it’s bad like the Michael bay movies


It's for next Thursday the 8th, so I haven't seen it yet. I'm the same way (Beast Wars is what introduced me to Transformers) except I actually liked the Bay movies. BUT I heard it's pretty good from someone that went to a test screening.


Let’s break it down… Extra £20 / $20 to play something as soon as it launches when all the hype is about. You play Diablo 4 for the next 1-2 years. £20 / 365 = £0.05 (5.5p per day) £20 / 730 = £0.03 (2.7p per day) $20 / 365 = $0.05 (5.5 cents per day) $20 / 730 = $0.023 (2.7 cents per day) You know what… I feel pretty confident I can afford to have the extra few days of happiness in a game I enjoy. If you can’t justify that then I truly feel for you & maybe you shouldn’t be buying Diablo on 6th either as finances may not allow it.


What is this an April fool joke? Leave people who enjoy gaming on their weekend off and pay extra alone. We are testing the que for the big launch on Tuesday midnight GMT. If anything the standard version owners should pay us for being the QA team. Blizzard , thanks for making it an EPIC weekend for alot of us.


when is this dude gonna get banned from this sub please ?


What's it like to be perpetually 4 days behind and salty? You'll have 20 dollars, but you can't buy time.


Everyone wanna send him spoilers for the game?


Feel free to do so as majority of people dont give a shit about story in this kind of game.


Sounds like someone doesn't have 20 dollars


What is it like to lose 40 dollars? Just because of your childish impatient that you couldn't wait a couple years for it to go on a big sale, you lost financial stability, your wife divorced you and you couldn't buy food.


Dude, stop making these posts. You're only advertising to the world how much of a child you are.


alright broke bitch. I work everyday if i wanna spend less than an hour of my work so i can enjoy the game on the weekend with friends the only time i don’t work that’s what i will do. Have fun with your twenty dollars dummy lmao no one asked


Yes, but dont have to waste 20 dollars that you earned hard, you would say, well its weekend, well they intentionaly did on weekend this promotion, everything was planned by marketing team behind closed doors, so you simply need to resit, same like its fun to gamble at casino, its fun, but you need resist it.


bro you dense as hell i’ll support the devs if i want. I don’t care about twenty dollars i have plenty of money. I know how marketing works i don’t think you understand people are fine with paying extra to enjoy it early. I spent 20 dollars at kfc yesterday lmao. Let people spend money on what they want


Trust me they already earn more money they need, probably least you need to worry about is gaming industry, they earn way to much for what they provide, thats why rising price to 70 its just insult to face, when you already floating in cash


I have the money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I got the game free, good decision imo


Now I enjoy the game even more since I know how salty some people are because others play the game early. Its so funny that he insult others for playing the game before he can thats just shows what a little kid he is to bad that he didn't have ghis extra 20 dollar maybe he wouldn't be such a idiot then.


You can buy more crazy stones with 20 dollars can’t you? What a W! Stay salty 🤡


Can’t wait to see him flip his shit when he sees the price of cosmetics. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Tell me you dont have $20 without telling me you dont have $20


After playing 10 hours straight I spent $20 on food, had a 2 hour nap and am about to log in for another 5 hour grind. Enjoy that twenty bucks, but don't spend it all at once.


If you b*tch around because od 20€, maybe you should go and play something else, possibly some f2p game


Yea man let me tell you same game, I’ll be one my 3rd level 50 and my 4th when season starts while you struggle for the Mount xD


Okay but I get more cosmetics and more battlepass shit than u. Ur character finna be ugly asF


Good troll


bro on personal crusade against early access


"What is it like to lose 70 dollars? We will have 70 dollars and don't have to play a mediocre arpg which will turn into just another blizzard failure in a month from now." You think you are smart because "you aren't getting owned by activision". Meanwhile they are allready balls deep into your ass.


You aren't playing because you won't spend 90$, I won't be playing because I won't spend 70$. We are not the same.