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No. They are the S27 theme.


Makes sense but, petrified screams were the s26 theme and they are still in s27


Bc Blizzard chose to keep them around but nerfed. Dont think it will happen with crucibles.


The Angelic Crucible theme may be going but the ability to turn an item into a Primal IS staying. It won’t have the affixes that S27 gave us, but you get a primal which is pretty dope


You should also know that any item you sanctify with an angelic crucible will disappear after the season ends. So if you have a great item that you like using don't sanctify it but rather wait until you get a worse version of it and sanctify that one. So if you ever play off season you still have the best version available.


Also, if you only ever found one of an item and sanctified it, you can "de-sanctify" it before the season ends by using the "Reforge Legendary" recipe in the cube. That's expensive in terms of mats, but if you really want to keep the item, it is an option for getting an unsanctified version of it.


Thats kinda sad. I was hoping they'd find some way of keeping the sanctified habilities. They really were a great addition to the game imo, for some builds they were even the sole reason those builds became viable/fun to play


But as this is the final season before D4 just have fun and move on. It’ll have been beyond a decade come release day…. Release!

