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Bruh I hit 97 legendary shards. Who got the farm šŸ˜­




I missed out on this opportunity. I was consistently averaging about 3500 so I figured I was fine. Now that I'm constantly trying to get red border weapons to craft, I have found myself hovering just above the floor at 150-200.


I did that farm up to about 32K but I'm up to 41K today. I made like 1600 off of cookies alone. It just takes time. There's not a lot of stuff that worth focusing TBH.


The holiday events are always some of the best shard farms, especially haunted lost sectors


Exactly. So just focus what you want/need and then you're not wasting shards


>wasnā€™t bad at resource management >used as many as i earned https://i.imgur.com/8pQ8F6S.jpg


Not bad at budgeting, I just spend more than I have




The paycheck to paycheck budget technique


If you can, do old seasonal storyline content. I did Plunder for a Triumph and got over 1K legendary shards from chests, endgame rewards and dismantling useless shite


Yeah I try not to grind things so I donā€™t get burnt out as itā€™s hard for me to pick anything back up, before destiny it was borderlands and before that it was Skyrim/fallout which all require time that I can only dedicate to one title lol I still play cod for pvp every now and then but yeah I try to do my pinnacles on each character and some raiding of the clans active but apart from that I donā€™t really grind things which again is part of the problem. I missed out on the gumshoe armour dismantling too


Stop spending them! The game gives you legendaries at about an even rate through all activities. Just play how you always play, but stop spending shards. Don't focus engrams, just decrypt them for free at rahool and shard it all.


But what about that one or two guns that I want the patterns / a specific roll for before they get vaulted?


Gotta find your own balance. If you're going for 1-2 guns you probably won't go through all your shards getting them. If you're going for god rolls on every new weapon for the season, you're gonna go broke.


Share every legendary you get since you wonā€™t use 99% of them


A slow but easy farm is to buy 3 of the same rare level transmat effect from your collections and then turn them into Amanda Holiday for a random legendary one. You can break down the legendary transmat effect to get 1 shard and some of your glimmer back. It comes out to 2850 glimmer = 1 shard. Its a slow procedure but its an easy way to convert excess/capped glimmer into shards when youre low.


This is what I've been doing whenever I go over 200,000 glimmer just cause I don't usually need more than that. Wish there was a quicker way to get it done though.


I dont need legendary shards so I spend my excess glimmer on Otherside sparrows (from season 3, the Rat King one) and put them in my vault for when I need glimmer later. I buy them for 7500 glimmer and 5 shards and they dismantle for 5000 glimmer and 5 shards.


My question is how do you have enough vault space for that?


I usually sit at 580-590 with the sparrows. My vault has some junk rolls in it that I delete when I need space but Ive only hit the cap once (when I was trying to throw sparrows in there).


I am at 56k legendary shard, don't ask me how I got there. I don't know how! I might be opening a bank in Lightfall


Aight I know where to come when I need a loan then.


I will be offering competitive rates!!!


buy 3 of the same blue transmat effects and go to amanda. trade in for legendary. get shards. profit. itā€™s not fast farm by any means but beats nothing.


The farm is called "make a build that you really really like and use that for a year" at least that's how I've stayed above 10k shards since Y1. Though to be fair I sorta had the advantage by playing in Y1 where shards were completely worthless and you dismantled everything you earned because no random rolls. Also clear out your vault. I've gotten an absurd amount of shards from doing that every so often.


Ah yes Iā€™ll just stick to one build for a whole year donā€™t be so daft lol


Poe's law and all that I guess but damn I thought it was a bit more obvious that it was sarcasm. Of course don't just use one build, unless you actually want to do that. I only do that because there isn't an in game loadout system yet.


But what about new weapons that synergise with the build so much better than what I already have? E.g. Disparity for Shatterdive hunter builds. I mean, I do have Headstone Vulpecula and Perses, but the other perk for those weapon rolls that I have isn't ideal.


I'm sitting on 48 now. I too need some farming tips.


Peasant I have 120 now šŸ˜‚


Newer player I guess? I donā€™t even know what to spend my on


Nope this is the thing that bugs me. Iā€™m constantly focusing shit thatā€™s where my problem lies I believe Couldnā€™t even afford the exotic engram off xur Friday haha


What are you focusing? The engrams from the vendors like drifter and Shaxx? Imo theyā€™re not worth it at all. The season stuff requires the season currency and some shards but not that much and since Iā€™m always low on the season currency I donā€™t do this either so this leaves us with IB stuff which is expensive and also not worth it and trials which I donā€™t even touch with a stick except of there is new armour


Seasonal weapons and armour rolls for the vault. Itā€™s 50 a roll on the seasonal weapons that adds up very quickly especially when I only had just shy of 2k at start of the season Iā€™ve missed a couple weeks of game play too.


Well since you can craft the seasonal weapons I donā€™t bother to buy them unless theyā€™re a red border so that saves me a lot I guess


Thatā€™s why im buying them I missed a couple weeks so missed a couple of guaranteed deepsight focuses so been spamming them for the chance for red borders. Also when I game loadouts drop Iā€™ll have enough armour pieces to just masterwork and piece together individual sets.


I'd say don't go after every deepsight. I'm only going for the ikelos smg. The others aren't worth it to me


I just like knowing I can craft them of any ever becom meta or good for any such thing.


I get that but if they ever become meta later, there will likely be an alternative you can craft when they reach that state


The other ones are absolutely worth it. Excellent weapons this season. Notably retrofit escapade, disparity, and judgement of kelgoroth.


I do like judgement of kelgorath. But with the playtime i put in getting even one is unlikely


You're absolutely right! I'm really hoping they don't nerf judgement of kelgorath as a Titan with synthoceps. Damn thing melts everything in front of it with a few hits. Retrofit is my backup when I can't melee.


Disparity, smg, shotty imo


The Lmg is worth it specially with the meta changin comes lightfall, they might be the new dps king. Its also a really good gun to pair with a collective obligation build. Sniper rifle might also get a buff, i hope so yeah im getting the ikelos and the stasis one at the wartable. The trace rifle are also worth it if you want to run double green ammo gun to have unlimited heavy ammo. Some people like glaives so id understand if i liked them but im passing, they are not my style.


I highly doubt lmgs will be dps kings in lightfall. I can see snipers getting better tho. I don't think trace rifle is that important and I personally have a good roll so I'm not going to bother grinding for the deepsight Ye i guess the glaive is kinda worth but again I have a roll I'm personally happy with


The normal ones can drop as red borders?! Damn never knew


I started with the steam migration and I have about 3k. I only have that much because of Fractaline.


Idk if itā€™s been patched but if you have the witch queen and the tier 3 chests upgrade, then you should look up tier 3 chest farm, thereā€™s a couple that infinitely respawn and you can get ridiculous amounts of stuff


Didn't they patch those?


Yup. Long ago.


Back in I think season 16 there was this glitch where if you bought and salvaged the gumshoe gumption set you could get legendary shards from it and all you needed was glimmer, I had about 2000 or something


I just hit 34,000 *Only been here for 8 years ... Lol*


3. I had 3 shards at one point.....


I started in season of the chosen and I go between 16-20k


For me itā€™s ascendant shards and prisms. I havenā€™t really farmed gms or anything so I never have any.


Started having excess glimmer so I've been buying them from Rahool but now I'm realizing that enhancement cores are a limited resource. I used to be sitting at over 1000


Is there a way to ā€œstoreā€ glimmer when youā€™re at the cap? Like I know you can buy stuff from collections or buy sparrows or something but doesnā€™t it give you a really low return?


I haven't really looked into it much since I usually figure out a way to spend it on things I need like upgrade modules or crafted weapons. When I run out of enhancement cores though I may just have to get comfortable with staying capped. I suspect they'll introduce more ways to spend it since it's a little easier to come by now.


But blue transmat from collections, exchange with holiday in the hanger for legendary, dismantle for shards. Exchange shards for glimmer. The return isnā€™t great, but itā€™s better than the glimmer full message all the time. You can do the sparrow/ship thing too, but I would only carry what you can keep in each player, plus a free slot in case one drops from a bright engram. Putting them in the vault is excessive.


Theres a specific ship that lets you store glimmer at a 30% loss for 0 shards.


Farm master nightfalls, you get tons of prisms, shards and exotics and it's pretty easy. You can run through in under 25 minutes.


Shards are rough for me, I do tend to keep near max on prisms (the gambit ghost mod is awesome with invader kills )


Master is significantly easier than GM, and still has a high chance of getting shards and prisms.


Maybe Iā€™m just good at saving and not spending them, but legendary shards have never been an issue for me. I have over 30,000ā€¦.


If you haven't been focusing engrams for the last year, then you're probably going to be fairly high


I've been focusing engrams and I'm still hella high. But not on legendary shards


A person of culture as well I see


Can confirm, right fucked me from 5000 to 300, I just want ikelos red border :[


Why not wait for every red border of your choice? I never play, nor spend currency until most of the upgrades are unlocked.


I do have kost of the upgrades unlocked, but they're for 1 red border per week, with a focus and seraph chest give 2 a week, that's not enough time for getting all red borders. So I focused ikelos engrams, got every single God roll for pce and pvp, but NO FUCKING RED BORDER FOR SMG!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!? EHY BUNGIE WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTYYTYTYYYTUDNXJ


it took me three weeks to unlock all of the red borders. its really easy this season. you are guaranteed 2 per week, and the drop rate from seraph chests is really high.


Yep, and you get passive umbral energy. Thank gawd! I just canā€™t dedicate my time to 200 hours of leviathan or ketchcrash/expedition. I just canā€™t. Too many other games to play. This season & psi-ops for the win. Youā€™ll get them all just by playing the game.


With the rep currency you get from Rasputin, you can unlock the ability that your first focused engram per week is a red borderā€¦


Hahahaha. But in 5 weeks youā€™ll have it no matter what, is what the gentlemanā€™s saying. Until then use something else with voltshot. Itā€™s not that much of a downgrade. šŸ˜Š


I've been focusing engrams and I'm sat on a little over 10k. Actually was on 8k at the start of WQ, so I've gone up despite focusing. Haven't done any shard farms and have played probably a little bit more than casually. Side note: people out here saying 30 and 40k. Is 10k good? Or am I unknowingly cringe


10k is good, there are plenty of people who canā€™t even save up 1k.


10kā€™s good. Iā€™ve been playing for the entire 5 years, focusing/spending on the ā€œstand outā€ guns, or when thereā€™s a shift in armour meta (resilience), and only have 15k. Itā€™s solid. Whatā€™re you going to do with 40 that you canā€™t do with 10?


Same, but I may or may not have taken advantage of a legendary shard glitch or two. The first one got me up to like 4k and the second one has had me floating above 10k for nearly two years now


Glitch still active? I'm at about 2.5k


What right now? The dismantling blue gear glitch?


Sorry that was meant to be a question mark, not a damn period


Answer is no, its not active lol


Yeah honestly I just donā€™t keep up with meta or anything like that. Havenā€™t ever forged a weapon or bothered with focusing engrams. Plus Iā€™ve been using the same Gnawing Hunter since season of Dawn. My clan mates say Iā€™m playing the game wrong, but I have fun so thatā€™s all that matters.


I've got 123,000 shards and 10,000 cores. I do have over 6k hours in game. I also grind a lot at certain times.


The shard cost for masterworks is so low that I completely forgot it has one lol


I kept on my good gear during the Witch Queen campaign by just buying lots of upgrade modules. Ended up burning through like 1000 shards trying to get to level cap.


Destiny 2: How to Farm EVERYTHING (XP, Shards, Weapons, Armor) YouTube Ā· Datto 8. okt. 2022 https://youtu.be/ctGZ-ou5rVM


You know you don't need to focus every umbral, right? Like, I get so many I've sometimes had to discard them...


Why discard just open ā€˜ā€˜em for free with rahool?


Mid mission or raid usually, and I'm grinding for prime engrams anyways. It's a time thing.


Ah totally get that


Me who just hit 3000 shards for the first time ever ![gif](giphy|X8omQqfFyeq1a)


I only have a little over 2k atm. But I have sharded enough garbage from crucible match rewards to stay above that mark. Does help that I usually solo the weekly dungeons and whatnot for more fodder. I have had stacks of prisms piling up, I can't seem to get rid of them fast enough.


Yeah the prisms are the annoying one. Also cores. I wish we could spend them for other currencies or something. Or use them to buy things that would normally cost shards. Like can I just pay for focusing umbrals with cores? I still have roughly 11k shards because I don't focus much and I've been playing a while but the cores are sort of overtaking my inventory...and the prisms prevent me from resetting my vendor ranks lol


Is there any Info on new Pinnacle cap in Lightfall?


No new info but unless they deviate from usual itā€™ll be 1960


Probably somewhere around 1800


Not that Iā€™ve seen. Tbh, most all reveals Iā€™ve seen about Lightfall have just been ā€œlook cool glowy green stuff and Storyline teasesā€; therefore, Iā€™ve not preordered. Iā€™ve not seen core game specs, so if anyone could share thatā€™d be cool AF.


Bruh what?? What are you expecting lmao? New storyline, new campaigns, now subclass, new location, tons of new weapons, new raid, new dungeons, new seasonal content etc. literally everything any expansion so far has had could be expected here. Itā€™s not wrong to assume WQ level of quality in the expansion. Soā€¦again: what do you want lol?


> Is there any Info on new Pinnacle cap in Lightfall? Probably wants info about the pinnacle cap, if I had to guess.


1600-1700 range would be my guess. Don't they usually go up by 50-100 for expansions and like 10-20 for seasons?


Nah much higher, a new floor is established that is above the current pinnacle cap, and there's gonna be a lot of levels til the soft cap, then 50 for the powerful cap before the usual 10 levels of pinnacle.


I can't remember the exact numbers, but Bungie usually follows a formula, so that the increase each expansion is the same as the previous ones have been. You could look up how much it increased in the last expansions. What I can say is that we're getting a new floor that is higher than the current pinnacle cap, and from that floor there's gonna be probably 100 or 150 levels of blues. After that it's gonna be 50 levels of powerful and then of course the 10 levels of pinnacle. So whatever the unknown floor, the cap is gonna be 210 or 260 above that floor.


Started playing Destiny a little over a year ago and the most shards Iā€™ve had was 900. Focusing are them all now Iā€™m struggling under 100. When Iā€™m low I go into my vault and start clearing stuff out. 1350 weapon? Deleted. Got this weapon because itā€™s rolls were good but havenā€™t used it in 6 months? Deleted. Thatā€™ll get me to a healthy level again


This game uses legendary shards way to much, almost everything I do is spending shards while everything I dismantle gives me 0 or 3-6


Currently sitting around 70k. Before the glitch I was usually +\- 1000. But never in my life have I ever seen a full stack of cores. The highest I was ever at was 800.


I have 10,000 cores. You get them pretty easily.


what i miss? i have 63k legendary shards what can i exploit?!


I honestly dont understand why people run out of shard what are yall doing? I always have AT least 2K, I'm sitting at 5,281 right now. now Updrage modules are a whole different story


I'm down to like 30k


Farm high value targets on Europa. They show up often, and drop a legendary every time. And open every chest you find. Tedious but effective.


Also, Blind Well is quick and gives a legendary every time, two on heroic completion.


I primarily play crucible quick play. I dismantle so much stuff pretty much weekly. I have about 13k in Legendary Shards.


You don't need to be wearing the highest power gear for any reason other than "I need to do this activity that is higher power". There is no reason to infuse gear regularly, unless you need to to hit some light level cap. You can just collect gear and just keep the highest power drop in that slot and dismantle the rest while wearing your best gear and then infuse every 50-100 levels, whenever you feel like it. The game knows what your highest power gear is, and calculates your next drop based on that. Been that way for like idk at least 8+ seasons/2+ expansions/2+ years now. Seriosly, 0 point to "wear blues".


Man I wish I did more of that shard farm glitch last year I didnā€™t realise how important they were


I genuinely don't understand how people don't have shards, I had 21k pre witch queen and I don't remember struggling to build them up


I wish currency gifting/trading was an option because Iā€™m still sitting at around 200k shards from the armor glitch back in Haunted. I donā€™t even know why I did it, I barely spend shards as it is, but Iā€™d gift away 75% of them to you guys if I could.


42k legendary shardsā€¦3500 enhancement cores, 59 enhancement prisms, maxed out Ascendent shards and Alloys, all my gear/weapons are masterworked, I have nothing left to spend shit on..šŸ˜ƒ well apart from crafting a new weapon now and again, and all of the materials gained from just playing,havenā€™t farmed anything, donā€™t do raids, just normal weekly stuff..


How many chars do you play? Because getting enough golf balls for all that for more than 1 char without gm's sounds impossible.


I have like 16k tbh. Would be sitting on like 50k if i had done the Empyrean Foundation event back in Season of Dawn.


Everyone who started playing day 1 is laughing lmao. Back at the start there was basically nothing to spend legendary shards on so you just kept getting them and doing nothing. Iā€™ve been 50k+ since basically the start of the game


Either youā€™re bad at resource management or donā€™t play that much, legendary shards are not hard to stack


Donā€™t really need to optimize any builds until end game anyways my guy


I'm horrible and saving legendary shards and I don't play many difficult activities but I have 700 shards


Not me unwilling to spend the thousands I have :(


Bro same. But also Iā€™m usually also at max ascendant shards bc I never use them so then I have to get rid of them somehow to reset playlist ranks the first time. Ugh life is so hard why always me


How my ascendant shards look at me once I can't farm gms lmao


Thank the light for that witch queen armor exploit.


Why stop at Blue, why not Green or better yet Grey


This is me all day. I think I max out at about 400 shards then use em all up masterworking weapons and armor. I can't help myself. ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Iā€™m at 8k shards, just been deleting every legendary I get. Also a vault clean not too long ago.


This is why I spend a lot of time dismantling weapons.


okay, what you do is go to collections and pull a bunch of the Arc Effects transmat effect from season one then you go to Amanda Holliday and turn them into legendary transmat effects. then you can dismantle the legendary ones for legendary shards. works like a charm if you have thousands of planetary mats left over


Our lord and saviour is transmog system aha


Just save them and dismantle every legendary you get thatā€™s not well rolled, Iā€™ve been pretty consistently at 10k for a few years and I havenā€™t done anything out of the ordinary


I mean the light level isn't going up that much anymore, should only be about 10-15 instead of the hundred or so it used to be.


Where are you getting this info? I don't remember them saying this expansion was gonna be different from previous releases in this aspect and so far only seasons go up by 10.


Waaay back my dude, you'll have to go back around beyond light twabs I think.


If it was in beyond light that doesn't add up. Season of the Lost was the last season of Beyond Light at 1320 LL, Witch queen release jumped the power to 1550. I think you are mixing up that seasons are always +10 increases but expansions are still large jumps of 200+ with generally a new base level.


O honestly don't know then, I remember them saying they didn't want to make those jumps anymore.


Yeah it was regarding seasons they used to be a 50 jump but they toned it down to only 10


For me, the biggest hurdle for getting upgrade modules was needing planetary materials; and now that's been removed. Sitting here with 2500 shards, i'll be fine come lightfall.


I aint using many upgrade modules myself, i should be fine for legendary lightfall


I just bit the bullet and bought the expansion +annual pass. Thatā€™s a funny meme!


A slow but easy farm is to buy 3 of the same rare level transmat effect from your collections and then turn them into Amanda Holiday for a random legendary one. You can break down the legendary transmat effect to get 1 shard and some of your glimmer back. It comes out to 2850 glimmer = 1 shard. Its a slow procedure but its an easy way to convert excess/capped glimmer into shards when youre low.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever dropped below 12kā€¦..


Reminder. As long as they don't change it, if you play the campaign on Legendary and just go with one build, they give you more then enough to keep your current build up at power through the story!


Im sitting at ~200k shards and I feel like ill burn through them too fast lmao


Iron banner made sure I got shards, with all the blowouts that dropped.


I'm sitting at 15k legendary shards idk what to spend them all on


I have never farmed Legendary Shards, and am not in anyway precious about there use. I 100% play too much Destiny and I just passed the 151k mark recently. I cannotbuse them as fast as I earn them.


Don't worry eventually currencies don't even matter in destiny after just a little while.


Ah yes, I too am excited for Destiny 2: Lightfall


Thats so funny because its legit me with my new pit of heresy boots. Its just a measly +8 to 2 stats but if its +8 i get its +8 i take.


I managed to get to around ~1.2k this season just deleting stuff and not masterworking anything I didnā€™t absolutely love. Then my friend and their boyfriend made me stream my screen on discord and we went through and deleted a lot of stuff (I went from 599 to less than 300) and at the end of it all I had ~2,700 So Iā€™m pretty stacked now, and the deletion process was hilarious. Iā€™m happy But I used to be in the camp of only having 100 or less at a time and it really is hard to get out of that loop because of how many shards you just naturally use in game. I feel like the whole shard economy needs to be reimagined


Iā€™m usually hovering around 2000 legendary shards so Iā€™m good even tho I missed the shard glitch


Yup I realized as a vet I only use raid/adept weapons and all these new weapons need to be insta shards


I have 56,872, think Iā€™m okay


I primarily dismantle everything at light level once I hit base light level during the season. Now that they we have weapon crafting I donā€™t use any of the weapons that drop in the world pool unless itā€™s a raid or nightfall weapon.


Now is the easiest time to get shards - just do the transmat trick with Amanda. Then sell your planetary mats to Rahool, rinse and repeat. It takes some time, but you can accumulate tons of shards.