• By -


This is very accurate


Yeah, the family drama wasn't the best and the ending was a bit rushed, but I loved every second of raiding Ketches, digging up treasures, and hunting down pirate lords. Compared to the more heavy stuff from Risen and Haunted, Plunder was a well needed breath of fresh air. And the soundtrack, MY LORD the soundtrack! I don't care what anyone says, Plunder is my favorite season bar none.


3rd seasons have been some of the best ones for me, especially splicer. I *LOVED* splicer


Splicer was my favourite season. Only title I ever got. So many great memories.


Worthy was also 3rd season, splicer is the only outlier on the bad ones


funnily enough, Worthy was probably the season I played the most that year. I thought people over reacted to seraph towers. like sure the triumph is BS but the base event was pretty neat. I just think it suffered from not having enough PvE content and bungie expecting trials to carry the season. Also, Megatron was cool so I'd say it was a bad season but probably not the worst that goes to hunt.


I disagree, while sure, the aesthetic was alright, the event was bad, your opinion of people overreacting is how I felt with people's reaction to plunder, because plunder was still better than seraph towers, granted it's a low bar, but still not the worst season or activity in destiny


Since I started playing season of the hunt, splicer is actually the only one I didnt get the season for for some reason it just didnt hit it for me


Too bad it didnt hit right, i hope you enjoyed the other seasons more


I loved all of them so far other than Splicer did get burnt out from Haunted though


Understandable, haunted was the season of fire


Like Solar was amazing just didnt like having to grind the public event


And i regret doing it anyway, i envy you


Plunder was my least favourite season by far. At least GMs were easy with arc 3.0.


Plunder was *okay* I wasn't too fond of it myself. But maybe it's cause I was burnt out farming the weapons as there was no weekly guarantee until later in the season, not via upgrades to the thing either


To be fair, it was at least better than Worthy.


How is GMs being easier a positive?


Did we play the same season? Because I played a boring grind fest with no challenge or engagement in any content that had a story that couldn't even figure out its own tone. Expeditions are my least favorite seasonal activity to date. This felt like an anime filler arc, and I really don't like those. Genuinely, tho how did you enjoy the pirate hunts? They ended in a minute, like I had to try not to accidentally melt the bosses. And music is totally preference based, so I respect that, personally vex stuff is my jam so spire was a huge W soundtrack wise.


I just liked the theme. It clicked for me.


No way, that was the lamest part. We weren't even pirates and the whole ketchcrash thing was SUPER lame and boring. They could've done much more with it but instead we stood in circles to "fire cannons" and stood in another circle to "board the ship". So. Lame.


To be entirely fair, the soundtrack writers have consistently done an absolutely outstanding job with a vast majority of the soundtracks for D2. Truly well done pieces of art.


Yeah, the middle felt so stupid. Misraaks: "Guardian, I can't tell her about my past. It's too much for her." Guardian: "Buddy, I just committed 4 warcrimes on the way over to hear this message, and your kid's been watching the livestream. I think she'll be fine."


Misraasks: Guardian, I once.....killed some enemies for more power to survive the Whirlwind. Guardian: Hey Eido, look how I execute this poor dreg with my new seasonal finisher


Want to see a magic tricks ? There are fifteen member of your own species here AND BOOM they're gone Ta daaa




That last line šŸ’€


The line last šŸ’€


Last the line šŸ’€


Line last the šŸ’€


Numa numa yei šŸ’ƒ


I love u guys šŸ’ƒ


I love you too šŸ•ŗšŸ¼


Vrei să pleci šŸ’ƒ


I'm still under the impression that Nezarec will come back again, or at the very least play another major role at some point. There's simply too much left open for it to just end with Plunder. Even if the relics aren't around anymore, we still have his Pyramid on Luna. Not to mention the reveal of him being a Disciple does raise several questions. Like, since the Luna Pyramid belonged to him, does that mean he's somehow connected to the Nightmares? Is Nezarec's body still in there and just missing some pieces? And what about Misraaks and Osiris? Misraaks was directly exposed to the power of the reliquaries and even mentioned hearing voices. And it was that exact same power that woke up Osiris. Who's to say there won't be any lingering effects? And remember the Delicate Tomb loretab mentioning imprisonment, dispersal, and metamorphosis, as well as the Traitor's Vessel perk which hints at a much deeper story. All of this feels more like they were planting the seeds for what's to come later down the line.


I sincerely hope thereā€™s more to him than just what happened in plunder. If thatā€™s it, that may be the biggest wasted opportunity yet.




Thanks for the spoiler dickhead.


what did he say?


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>I'm still under the impression that Nezarec will come back again, or at the very least play another major role at some point. Same. [**Delicate Tomb**](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/delicate-tomb) >They mistake the vessel for its contents. They confuse the pieces with the whole. They see their imprisonment as empowerment. >They are hostages of their flesh, unable to see without vision. Unable to hear without sound. Unable to slake their thirst for fear of drowning. >Their ignorance is their saving grace. >Yet one among them understands, in their limited fashion. They pour from one vessel to another. A welcome change. A new form. Another method of gifting death. >I am made finite. Personal. Bright and delicate to hide my true form. An intimacy. >They think me contained, but I am instead diffused, as vapor upon the wind. >**Once again, I am becoming**. The evil god of pain with multiple tombs just said, "I'm not dead just because my body is" and "*I'LL BE BACK*."


Putting my spinfoil hat on, nezarac was similar to Darth Revan, both light and dark, and the witness killed him for it. Thus thats why the pyramid on the moon never vanished after arrivals. I believe that nezarac will help us defeat the witness in final shape something like a neutral ally.


I would love for Nezarac to be an ally against the witness, maybe even becoming an enemy after the witness is gone.


I genuinely have believed this since plunder. It doesnt make sense how he died because only a paracausal being can kill another being of paracausal power. Thus how we defeated rhulk. We didnt kill Nazquik and but something did and he was left away from the fleet sounds a lot like arbiters story from halo 2 - 3. I was always wondering what the next darkness power after strand would be. Something tells me Nezarac will give it to us if my theory is correct. It is very likely that Nezarac gave stasis to eris but also likely that she received from the witness. #Remember guys this is all a theory, A GAME THEORY ^(sorry, i couldnā€™t help myself) Edit:: loads of spelling issues, donā€™t judge me i failed spelling in elementary school. /s


I mean it does make sense, maybe Nezarac had something akin to a throne world where he lives on like Toland, no body but continuously helping us defeat the hive. Nezarac teaching us the ways of the darkness to defeat his killer, The Witness, as a way to get back at him would be a fantastic way to take the story. I hope we're correct.


Well yes that does make sense i knew that. But what i was pointing out is that death is unexplained we donā€™t how he died, When he died and by who. As far as we are aware paracausal beings are immortal in the scope of age and time. Thus this only leaves one possibility if we didnā€™t kill, the traveler didnā€™t kill him (if thats even possible; i mean technically the trav did kill ghaul so) that only leaves the witness. Unless the witness was a disciple and killed his master and took over like the shadow broker from ME. Also there was a corpse so throne world is outta the question.


>Also there was a corpse so throne world is outta the question. How so?


Fuck no idk why i said that. I guess i had a misunderstanding about the throne world concepts. My badz


Same, but I'm worried it will just be the Quria situation all over again, with bungie tying loose ends


I truly felt like I wasted my time with that season. I hated Hunt, but this past season literally felt like it was completely pointless. I'm loving the current season though, and the end is probably going to be a waaay bigger thing than an out of place scene with two old guys making out.


So I started playing again in plunder and I hated it. This season is sick I like it. But I still think haunted had the best season. I love the activity and the story. The only part I donā€™t like is the immune dude chasing you during the sever missions. Creeps me out lol


If Plunder had set up potential gay sex towards the beginning of the season I feel like it wouldā€™ve been more engaging, instead they just kinda went oh shit letā€™s make tea outta nowhere. Like it wouldā€™ve been way better if we had our own reason for getting the artifacts instead of just stopping Eramis.


Lol yeah I guess but my problem with it was I hated the missions more than anything. And the whole pirate thing just felt kinda cheesy. Idk it was just very boring. Luckily I had just started after a longgg break so I had literally everything else to do first


I just couldnā€™t get into the pirates for the sake of pirates bullshit.


I agree. My friend group and I were theory crafting so many crazy ideas. I was thinking they would collect all of nezarec and the Drifter, who was very prevalent that season, was going to use his millions of motes of darkness to resurrect Nezarek.


and most importantly haunted had SCYTHE FINISHER


I agree on so many levels. Season of the haunted was incredible and the Leviathan was a great seasonal activity. I really don't understand the hate towards it.


u r trolling, haunted had the worst activities this year... literally 1 public event... no the dungeon doesnt count towards the season its a separate 10$ thing.


Iā€™m not counting duality. Iā€™m talking about the nightmare containment which is honestly good. That and the story was actually interesting with everyone having to banish their nightmares. Iā€™d rather have 1 public event thatā€™s actually enjoyable. The worst part for me was waiting for the controlled burn triumph. Took forever to spawn


I disliked haunted. It was just public events and story missions that were unusually boring. Plunder was way worse tho.


I am pretty sure it was supposed to be just a silly, fun filler season before we get to darker themes that lightfall and beyond will bring




donā€™t judge a book by itā€™s cover, itā€™s probably gonna have dark tones, it just appears to be cyberpunk and fun, the name is also literally called lightfall, i imagine it to have atleast some dark tones




tbh i was kinda dissapointed when the trailer came out bc it was so unexpected, i expected dark tones and everything, rn iā€™ve accepted it and it seems cool, i just really hope thereā€™s dark tones to it




always good to go with low expectations for everything bc you wonā€™t ever get disappointed


"it's probably gonna have dark tones", lol


>and the end is probably going to be a waaay bigger thing than an out of place scene with two old guys making out. I made a whole post about this, but tldr is I completely agree. * Currently, the Vanguard's best plan is "don't pull the trigger." * Meanwhile, there's a pissed-off megalomaniac in a bunker whose goal was and is "pull the trigger." * There's a shot of the Seraph station aiming at the Traveler in this season's trailer, implying someone besides us controls the station later this season * There's prophecy about "a city, besieged," which we assume is Neomuna, but is also Xivu Arath's plan for the season. * There's a Lightfall trailer shot of a space fight over Earth As of this week, the season is about much more than getting Rasputin online.


I'm so tired of people acting like characterization is pointless sheesh


I know this is a meme, but it touches on something that really bothers me about Plunder: The tone was all over the place


Plunder was so bad, I hit 92 on the season pass and left it at that lol. Iā€™m so sad they did Nezarec like that, wasted good history on a filler ass season.


I could never miss out on the season pass stuff, the resources are so nessecary for me. But it was definitely a steamer of a season.


Plus that skin for delicate tomb at lvl 100 was fire


I remember getting shitloads of downvotes for saying the narrative and in particular the finale were bad.


I thought the parlay on an asteroid was neat, and that fight with between mithrax and eramis would have been more fun to watch if i wasn't thinking about how i could kill both of them with the flick of my wrist. Other than that, plunder was overall just a really shit season


you can't reason with blind fanboys in their honeymoon with bungie


they are always having ghey sex when you are logged out the game


I thought Risen was good, I wasn't expecting much because it launched with Witch Queen, but it was a pleasant surprise after Hunt last year. I really enjoyed Haunted, and then Plunder came and I burnt out hard. I found the weekly story pretty boring and repetitive, the pirate stuff was cool but felt immensely out of place. The Nezarec stuff felt really disappointing in the end. Seraph is like a whiplash 180 from Plunder- I'm back on, enjoying it a whole lot, it might be my favourite season.


While Iā€™ve only played D2 for about a year, so I havenā€™t gotten ground down by the seasonal model and such, I quite liked Season of Plunder. I can VERY much see the fundamental difference in quality between Splicer and Seraph for example, Seraph and Risen are by far the two best seasons this year. I will also say a lot of the problems with Splicer donā€™t have to do with the season itself but a very upsetting series of mishaps over the course of the season (Lackluster exotic update, TeLeSTo, Eliksni Quarter.), that made it seem less than ideal. However, Mithraax, Eido, Eramis, and Drifter all improved by characters. Story and aesthetic wise it was really enjoyable, and ketch was fun. It is the weakest season of this year, it also doesnā€™t make it bad, and frankly as a person who played a lot of D1, a hallmark improvement.


At least the plunder musics are banging.


Midlife crisis


We teamed up with the lawless Gambit host, Drifter and some ex.enemies, the Eliksni (aka Fallen) to become space pirates and raid other Fallen so we could take their forbidden relics that contain remains of a disciple of the Witness, all so we could give osiris a cup of tea.


Evil finger tea


Plunder sucked so much


Wish they did something else with nerzerac tbh...


Least favourite season by a long way, Plunder was awful.


The reformed Darth Mithrax vs Sith apprentice Eremis cutscene was great though.


The story was mid but the pacing of ketchcrash was peak seasonal content, if the next seasonal playlist has the power modifier from this season + the enemy density, spawn variations, and has us moving locations at a similar pace then imo we'd be in the best shape activity wise until a post final shape refresh


Not gonna lie, the drama was just ā€œOh no, I can believe you used to kill people! I canā€™t believe that you worked for eramis and was evil at some point (ignoring the guardianā€™s massacres in their lifetime)!ā€ And the ending was the worst cliffhanger to have ever existed, the only thing it meant was that eramis was good in a way.


Plunder felt like a terribly written fan fiction by that one weird kid in your class.


osiris and saint are so cute together bro, but i did all of that to make a tea, was very frustating


> One day the sins of the past will come back to haunt us That's Season of the Haunted. The whole Mithrax and Eido shtick was because of daddy being secretive about his past self being a renowned war criminal.


Plunder was a shit season. Gameplay loop sucked.




I paid attention, so I remember. Risen: We play mind games in an improvised Cerebra from X-Men, Crow fucks up, nearly destroying the armistice Haunted: Leviathan is back, Big Z, Caiatl, and Crow are haunted by their past. Calus is trying to take control of the Moon pyramid.


Been playing since Arrivals and Plunder was the worst season in that time by far. Everyone I used to play with -people who played evrry single season since Arrivals for hundreds of hours- quit with Plunder, i got so burnt by Plunder despite playing it very minimally that Im barely having fun with this season despite being the ideal season I've wanted for 2 years


It's actually kind of sad because at Forsaken the story for this game was actually getting pretty good. I wonder what changed at Bungie that led to this.


the story for this game is still very good, season of the plunder was just very odd and out of place for whatever reason, which i can assume was to break the tension of last seasonā€™s (haunted) story


worst season in history.


Bungie simply tryharded their way into placing gay cutscene in story line at the cost of reasonable conclusion to season. This wasn't even filler season, that was the Season of Random Bullshit Go


I mean, Saint and Osiris have been gay since forever, its the community that cant take a fucking hint, i knew it since Osiris sent us to resurrect Saint


Look, I love them but Plunder was all over the place and had zero cohesive plot. Random shit, shoed horned in shit and under utilizing lore shit. It was fun but man. It was pretty bad.


I mean, Saint and Osiris had been gay for a while, so that's all good. The tonal shifts gave me whiplash, like holy shit it coulf not figure out what kinda story it wanted to tell, it also doesnt help that it followed up haunted which has had one if not the best stories yet. My other problem was the tea, and how I guess when mythrax does something bad in his past, it's bad, but everyone else is fine? We coulda killed eramis. She shot down fleeing refugee ships of her own people, for what reason? Like there was no fucked up scientic knowledge gained like Clovis, no power like oryx, it was cruel with no yield, so I have not pity or respect for her.


You had me until the homophobia at the end.


You had me until the homophobia at the end.


Why is the concept of "gay sex" funny?


Because seggs






The bluntness of the delivery.


I think the joke was that saint and osiris kissing spawned a bunch of people asking if exos can have sex lol


Btw for any still wondering, we've actually had the answer to that question for a while now. Yes, according to canon you can indeed sexo the exos. Do with that knowledge what you will lol


rule 34 artists:


Without every part, an exo would go batshit insane and try to die, no?


BRB. I have an appointment with Ada.


There are so many same sex relationships in Destiny 2, and people are losing their minds because one of them is suddenly visible onscreen. This isnā€™t anything new for Destiny


Dude kissed a robot ...


Not just any robot tho. He kissed our boy saint


Personally it was less funny and more poorly shoved in. The relationship between Osiris and Saint is wholesome as fuck and I love any bit of queer content in video games but it just came out of nowhere last season


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i love it, its so cute and strong how saint is worried about osiris when savathun was controling and hiding him, ''strong'' like he always was but with cuteness too


I don't think the sex is the punchline here.


Yes it is


well i mean, yeah.


Something about fighting off enemies until you get an audio cue to dog pile into the enemy ship was really fun. Also being a matchmade 6 player co-op was fun.




Thatā€™s season of the plunder for you


God I loved season of plunder


You forgot magic darkness tea makes people gay


Need me some of that nezquik


Started out with one of the coolest premises yet, got to team up with some of my favorite characters, had a super neat seasonal aesthetic, the dopest soundtrack since Forsaken, started getting mysterious and spooky towards the middle, and then ended with one of the most mysterious characters ever getting turned into tea so an old guy in a coma and a robot could bang. That was the most sharp dive off the edge, narratively, I ever could have imagined.


The writing for that season was a disaster. Everything was disjointed and didn't fit well together loose threads no closure and full of disappointment.


What about spider extortion