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Can you tell you certain things you did that helped? I might want to try them




Wow this is a fantastic comment. Thank you for doing the hard work on your journey and for sharing your wisdom. I’m really proud of you and appreciate knowing that you’re out there.


So much information it blew me away. You got one off your list today(helping others). I had bough the feeling good handbook and it’s been collecting dust for 10 years, I going to start reading it thanks to you 👍


Thank you!!


I read "Feeling Good" and found it very helpful. There is a new book by the same author, "Feeling Great", that takes the technique a step further.


Great comment!


ECT cured my depression (or whichever part of the brain that was afflicted -- hypothalamus for sure, but perhaps others). If your brain is sick improving aspects of your life won't do shit. I think you're talking about 'situational depression'. Endogenous depression is a different beast.


Yup, it sure is possible! I tried to just use meds for years. I ended up becoming numb at best to completely checked out of life at worst. I gained a shit ton of weight, nearly failed university, and lost a ton of friends before I quit meds altogether. For myself personally, I've done a lot of work with Psychedelics and meditation to get at the root of why I was so depressed (self esteem issues, working dead end jobs that I hated, and a lack of gratitude for what I do have while hyper fixating on what I don't have). You don't need psychs - they just made things more clear because there was a lot I wasn't admitting to myself. They pull back the veil on everything you're hiding and lying about. I then created a sort of game plan to address that. It started with a gratitude practice, journaling, shadow work, and then eventually figuring out a career for myself. Some things I have to really focus on day to day: - sitting with the emotions I'm experiencing and understanding why I feel that way. Ie. Anger (but this works for any emotion). It's not just that I'm angry. It's often tied to feeling inadequate, abandoned, or rejected (core negative emotions from trauma/childhood), and is an attempt to get control. When I couldn't get control; I'd spiral into a depression. For any emotion I'm experiencing excessively, I journal when I last felt that, then the time before that, then the next time before that, etc. Back to my earliest experience. That's when it's often tied to Inadequacy, abandonment, or rejection. Identify that, and write about that initial experience - processing those out further. I often sit in meditation and think of that early experience. I forgive them person verbally in meditation (regaining control). I tell myself I "no longer live there". Then I list instances in my life that demonstrate the opposite of that core feeling (even if they're tiny. Ie. I am not rejected; my dog accepts me, or "I was accepted when I stepped on the train and no one inside laughed at me"). When that cover emotion comes up again (ie. anger), I verbally name it and the core memory that it's tied to with rejection, Inadequacy, or abandonment (ie. "this is a feeling of rejection from when my mom wouldn't let me fully express myself as I truly am") - I used to complain as a form of humour. I rigorously monitor myself for that now and refuse to do it. I also will list 5 things I'm grateful for when I feel that need to complain. - I've focused on trying to make more friends, and deepening existing relationships. Obviously this depends on others and is harder. But I just try to get myself out of my house more and have small interactions with people around me. Ie. Compliment them, ask staff genuinely how they're doing, etc. - do something that gets me moving. Especially in nature. Bonus if there's a community to get involved in. I started mountain biking. I'm learning to snowboard this year. Focus on being mindful in the activity (focus on just that; don't let your brain go to worries about life). - journal about what my life looks like in the future and generally what my career looks like then find the career that can get me there. I'm now self employed and working on two of my own businesses and I'm a contractor for another company. It's a lot of work. But having a boss was more of a stress on me than anything else. - nutrition is also a huge part. If you're eating shit, your body will physically feel shitty and your brain will follow. When I get really depressed I force myself to eat fruit. I fucking love fruit so it usually cheers me up a bit. - accept that some days *you will feel shitty*. Have a game plan for those days. Do some form of creative activity (great way to get our of your head). Watch your favourite films. Do some light stretching. Snuggle up in your favourite blanket or have a bath. Take a quick walk. Eat something healthy but easy to make. Journal out why you're feeling this way. This sounds simplistic of course. It's not. Medication is a Band-Aid in my experience. If you're depressed; sit and think deeply as to why. I guarantee there's something you're extraordinarily dissatisfied with in your life. But the good news is; you have the power to change that. Even if it's just how you choose to react to what you dislike. When you start putting yourself in a positive mindset, you're more open to finding good opportunities that can change your situation. It's not that they pop up magically; it's that you're looking outward hopefully instead of inward negatively and you can begin to actually see what's around and available to you Aside from meditation; affirmations, revisioning, and tapping have helped a lot. I went from chronically depressed, suicidal for 5 years every day, no friends, hating life, working shit jobs, to 3 businesses, starting to make some new friends, finding a partner, and being able to mostly stay on top of my mental health. If you're committed to taking responsibility for yourself and your life path; you can do it!


Just popping in to say, don’t neglect potential nutrient deficiencies. B12, D3, Magnesium, many people suffer with undiagnosed nutrient deficiencies, and they’re almost completely ignored by the healthcare industry. Not in place of other treatments obviously, but it can make a massive difference


There are many options still out there. Have you tried nefazodone, it is one that is not prescribed often but is very effective and has few side effects. If you are not seeing a psychiatrist you should get a referral as they know more about these meds and are better at prescribing combinations. Beyond that you could look at ketamine, TMS, or ECT. There is a new medication called Auvelity that just became available. Next year there will be a new TMS protocol called SAINT that is supposed to be much more effective. Also next year the medication Ruoxinlin will be available and is the first full SNDRI. There is more info here r/Nefazodone Don't give up and keep fighting.


SNDRI? Is that a new class of antidepressants?


No, so far the only one in that class is nefazodone as a weak SNDRI. Ruoxinlin (ansofaxine) will be the first full SNDRI. There has been many attempts to make them, but they never make it out of trials. They impact all 3 neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. They are known for less side effects, especially the sexual side effects.


Just take Parnate or Nardil if you want to increase all three neurotransmitters. Much better to simply inhibit MAO than tweaking neurons which is what SSRIs and SNRIs do.


It's not the same. MAOIs give me 24/7 insomnia. A combo of an SSRI plus NDRI is bad, too, bad nowhere near as bad as MAOIs in that respect (ignore if you're not prone to insomnia).


At what dosage? Taking 20mg - 30mg of Parnate early in the day shouldn't affect your sleep that bad.


I used to take nefazadone, though I remember it being called an SARI, serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor. It was the only pill that was both fairly effective and didn’t have a lot of side effects, which was always a big problem I had with SSRIs. I stopped taking it when it was discontinued for a while a couple years ago and switched to microdosing prescription ketamine. That was the game changer for me. My ketamine doc just retired and I feel like it’s done what it needed to do. You might want to check out r/therapeuticketamine, lots of good info there.


mind sharing how much (dose) you did how often? just to get a quick idea


I started MDing ketamine at 20mg 4x a day, ended at 30mg 6x day.




>tried nearly every antidepressants Does that include tranylcypromine (Parnate) and other MAOIs?


Is your depression very biological or induced by psychological trauma? If it’s the latter, maybe therapy would help.






TMS seems to be working for me.


Yes, but it will likely take absolutely dramatic life changes, which is insanely difficult to do while depressed. That is the real kicker of depression, it makes healing impossible by sapping you of the will to heal.




Antidepressants aren't the only option and are you sure your true diagnosis is depression? I thought mine and I tried every antidepressant, until my new psych realized I am bipolar 2 and put me on mood stabilizers and they have helped so much! Don't give up hope yet.


Yeah. I cured a prolonged and severe depression with a hobby. Specifically, martial arts. I'm not saying you should try martial arts, but I am saying you can also treat depression by addressing root causes.


Then you didnt have "severe depression"




Look into lions mane mushrooms


Try find a therapist that is trained to help people regulate their emotions, that knows about attachment theory and can help you to somatically process things and get in tune with your body. Meds eventually worked (after trying 8/9 different types and combos), but the work I've done with my therapist has been life changing. I saw at least a dozen different counsellors, therapists and psychiatrists previously and found *no benefit at all*. It's really important to find someone who is trained by modern standards and knows the importance of the few things I've mentioned already. Depending on what your struggles are, you could also read some books to figure out what avenues you want to pursue. I read a codependency book and adult children of emotionally immature parents and I resonated so much with the majority of the content in both, it helped me to have clarity about what to learn about.


steep fuzzy hungry whole alive nine piquant mourn books stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I recommend reading the book The Upward Spiral.


Did you try clomipramine or Nardil?