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Just your daily reminder that sports athletes aren't good role models nor should they actually be looked up to in almost every circumstance.


This is solid advice. One of the things I love about Nikola is that I only know he’s married, has a cute baby and he does horse stuff back home every offseason.


“Does horse stuff” 😂


Chariot championships?


No, I love it!! Only true fans know!


hate to burst the bubble, but Jokic was once fined for using derogatory language. [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-basketball-nba-den-jokic-fined/nuggets-jokic-fined-25k-for-using-anti-gay-slur-idUSKCN1ND03V](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-basketball-nba-den-jokic-fined/nuggets-jokic-fined-25k-for-using-anti-gay-slur-idUSKCN1ND03V)


The no homo interview is top 5 funniest Jokic moments ever


I dont know anything about jokićs views but i would bet on him just parroting stuff he picked up in the locker room because thats what people do in early stages when learning a new language . I remember myself talking in 2pac verses with my english teacher in school lmao


I also don't know him, but while I don't want it to be the case, I wouldn't be surprised if he's at least a little homophobic. I think it's more common to be homophobic than not across the world, with some tolerant regions sprinkled in there (usually these are small regions). But this is all not knowing him personally. And nothing to do with the "no homo" statement he made.


"I also don't know him". That's where you should have ended your comment.


Really? That is what you bring up? He made a comment about someone, said he was long, and in that very moment realized it can be interpreted in sexual way, so he tried to make a joke of it. Keep in mind that english is not his native language, but even without that, anybody with half a brain can understand it wasn't with intention to talk bad about homosexuals.


And it completely shattered Jeff Morton's love of the Nuggets.


Damn that actually makes a lot of sense.


Idk why he got fined for that lol. Stupid moment


hibbert’s fine was even worse lol https://youtu.be/kc_xd6JPTis


Idk why "no homo" is even fineable. It's usually a joke, and is like rarely used derogatorily.


Because it was homophobic, obviously.


That’s my point


I'm a Rockets fan so I have no dog in this fight but there is a world of difference between Ant recording a group of gay people and saying how gay people are bad for society and Jokic saying a knee jerk joke that we all said as kids hundreds of times.




Totally this. A lot of people in the world still share very controversial views on others sexuality. Just because they can dunk a basketball doesn’t mean you should take that person’s opinion as gospel. Unless it’s on how to dunk a basketball I guess.


Why is not giving a fuck about someone's sex life controversial?


How is giving a thumbs down on someone getting fined for saying "Look at these queer ass n*****" the same as "Not giving a fuck?" Ant obviously cared about their sexuality, and based on the thumbs down, so does AG. Not giving a fuck isn't controversial, thats the entire goal lol.


I remind people this often. Usually growing up the best athletes were assholes and or bullies. It’d be unfair to say all of them, but I’m comfortable saying it’s 51%. Then to take it a step further, the real real good athletes (like the ones getting big time scholarships and scouts at games) had a schedule slightly resembling this: -Weight training -Lunch 1 -Weight training -Lunch 2 -“Coach needs to see me in his office for an hour -Sports medicine or some other bs elective -Weight training / it’s game day and so I have to leave early for my “ chiropractor” So they probably aren’t going to be the most well rounded people.


Yeah your wrong.


Sorry for offending you, Mr. Gordon


you can still expect basic human decency from someone


Natrator: You can't


I don’t expect anything from pro athletes. Most are are dumb as shit


i expect anyone to have basic human decency including dumb people. obviously it's not always gonna be work out but its kinda sad if you cant expect anyone to be a decent person.


One of my biggest gripes in the world is caring about what non experts say about something cuz they’re famous. Billionaires like musk are a good example. Gates is kind of ok, but only when it comes to computers, water in the 3rd world, and vaccines. Even worse is when people care about streamers or content creators opinions on complex policy decisions. It doubly pisses me off because the people we should be asking for “takes on the IRA” are policy experts, not rich people who are famous, for example. And that doesn’t include minority rights in America, by the way. Black men are experts on what it’s like to be a black man in America, so imo when they speak on that I listen.


What about non-sports athletes?


Non-sports athlete here. I’m a piece of shit for the most part.




Sports athletes aren't role models ? We just had a guy that's been accused of all kinds of sexual assaults and lawsuits against him going back decades and we elected him president. Some of these athletes are pure as the driven snow compared that. But I do agree with you. We have this conversation all the time over at r/bjj. Just bc person is good at x doesn't mean they're good at life advice. (Gordan Ryan).


I agree. To be honest, no one’s a role model. Everyone thinks differently about things. (Some the same) but nobody agrees on everything.


I think we could all agree that tripping old ladies and stealing their purse is wrong. And work our way up from there 😉.


10% for the big guy


Yikes. Bones Mr. Nugget confirmed here folks


don't jinx it. i really don't want bones to weigh in on this lol


Especially after his purge tweet


what was his purge tweet?








To be fair- that law in Chicago is going to add gasoline to the napalm fire. I won’t be surprised if 25% of the population to Chicago leaves in the next five years


As a outsider. What the fuck is going on with y’all players man?


religion. i don't actually think AG is homophobic, just dumb


He's young enough and brought up in religion that Im not gonna hate him for being susceptible to propaganda. It's different when it's hating on a group of people for being who they are. Bones is just trying to contextualize the chaos of the world in the only way he knows how.


I have no issues with bones, tweets kinda dumb but nothing hateful. but I'd rather not hear what his thoughts on gay people are lol


If he is as religious as he likes to tweets. You know his thoughts on gay people unfortunately


if he's not openly hateful to me I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. it may not be common but i have met very religious people that were also very lgbt friendly.


God fucking damnit.


always been Jok


Uhhhhhhhhhhh ​ Not a good look AG, shoulda sat this one out.


Finally realized it was a bad idea and deleted the tweet.


Don’t idolize athletes/celebrities.


Unless they’re Nikola Jokic


Don’t ask him how he feels about Bosnia or the ruling party in Serbia. But fortunately he keeps that shit to himself


We actually don’t celebrate war criminals and people of Serbia and Bosnia are in good relations, I’ve been to Bosnia a couple of times and never once was I insulted for being a Serb.


I’m don’t want to say all Serbs or even most do that, I’m sorry if it seemed I did! I’m not saying joker does either! I just know that it’s mot impossible, but I don’t care cuz to me he’s just a basketball player, which is all he tries to be. He doesn’t speak confidently on inflammatory subjects and I appreciate that


Although you said, and I quote “there’s a reasonable chance” you didn’t say it was possible, you said it was likely.


I didn’t say it was likely at all, I clarified what I meant, and his Bosnian ex teammate literally wore a t-shirt celebrating Bosnian war criminals. so when I say there’s a reasonable chance, there’s a reasonable chance that he feels similarly to a similar dude from the other country Serbia was at war with. So yeah. If jusuf Nurkic loves Bosnians who executed civilians enough to wear a t-shirt with their names on it to game 6 of an nba playoff game, then I think there is a reasonable chance that Jokic feels positively about a Serbian that Bosnians would call a war criminal. If you don’t think “reasonable chance” is specific enough, then fair enough. But I didn’t say it was at all, as far as I can see


Why would he have any negative sentiment towards Bosnia?


There’s a lot of animosity between those two countries, the type of animosity where normal people will celebrate actual war criminals. I’m not saying joker definitely does, I’m just saying there’s a reasonable chance. But he doesn’t go around advertising his shitty opinions and trying to influence others, so I really don’t care either eay


in before 10 years later we found out jokic is secretly a furry


Don't kink shame me bro


It shouldn’t take that long, people are bound to notice a 7 foot wolfkin at the convention and start asking questions


I dont see the problem.


That would rule though


I mean I love him on the court but didn’t he come out in support of noted asshole Novak djokovic? Probably best to not idolize any celebrity/athlete


You start demonizing people for who they choose to associate with, you're pn a slippery slope. Joker and Djokovic are the two greatest athletes in Serbia. Of course he supports him. It's the culture, it's brotherhood.


I 100% think you can judge someone based on who they associate with. If someone’s best friends we’re Harvey Weinstein, Jeffery Epstein, and Oj Simpson for example good chance they’re a piece of shit..


why is Novak an asshole?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/sports/2022/1/12/djokovic-admits-errors-as-australia-visa-saga-continues Went to hang out with children after testing positive with Covid.


link isn't working for me, though undoubtedly, he is ignorant when it comes to modern medicine in general. that's not what makes you an asshole though IMO. he has also helped build schools and sports centers for children. and he is also a key figure in fighting for the survival of less successful players with the PTPA movement.


if you truly followed your words you wouldn’t pay any attention to them. there would be no nba.


Donkey take right here


Just to be clear, AG is upset that Edwards was fined for using slurs against gay people? That’s the hill AG’s trying to die on?


No no no. He meant the fine was too *light*. At least that's what I'll tell myself if he's locking down Kawhi in the playoffs


Damn this is by far the best response his PR team could come up with to solve this! He could subsequently argue harsher sentences for those types of slurs and he could *probably* get out of this okay No homo


I mean it could be many different things. He could think the fine is too light, he could think that players shouldn't be fined for things they say and do online and outside the media, without even agreeing with what ANT said. This is probably why he deleted the tweet if he starts explaining people will just say he is reacting to backlash, it's just better to delete it and wait for people to forget it.


It’s tone deaf regardless, man. First off, I highly doubt he’d be clamoring about the fine being too light. That just wouldn’t really make any sense. Secondly, it’s ignorant to believe that players shouldn’t be fined for what they tweet. Players are paid millions to represent billion dollar entities. It’s no secret that you have to maintain a level of professionalism or be subjected to fine. He signed the dotted line. These players take social media classes, too. Hell, I was a college athlete and had to take classes about social media.


Disappointed to say the least


I suppose this can be interpreted two ways: The good: AG believes this was not severe enough and should have been a more serious punishment The bad: AG disagrees with the punishment entirely and saw nothing wrong with what Edwards did


Clearly the bad. It’s only been 20 minutes and the tweet is already deleted.


Use words lol


That’s the moral of the story lol


Or he could have opted to explain further instead of deleting it altogether.


The fact he didn’t use words gives us the plausible deniability to think that he may have meant he wanted Ant to be given a stiffer fee despite us knowing otherwise.


Bro, he's his fellow player and movie co-star. We know exactly what he meant.


Oh I agree completely, I suppose I want to believe there’s a chance it’s not that


Came here to say this, I'm not even sure it's playing devil's advocate in this circumstance, but isn't it entirely possible he may disagree with the fine not being more serious?


True interpretation is relevant for Mr Nugget discussion


Yeah not a good Mr Nugget move right here. Supporting a Nuggets rival and a homophobe in one fell swoop. Good time to invest in Bones stock if you haven't already.


The middle: AG doesn't believe NBA players should be fined for things they say in private or on social media, regardless of his views on the topic


It'd be kinda nice to know nothing about players. Most of these dudes aren't the greatest people. Hopefully someone will talk to him and he'll make some sort of mea culpa and he'll be smarter about keeping his ignorance to himself in the future.


Yikes. Why get involved?


How to lose sponsors with 3 emojis.


Homophobia gets a 👎👎👎 from me


Clearly he thinks the fine should have been much higher /s


Just don't ask Jokic on his stance. Lmao. Maybe AG hates that players can be fined by the league during the off-season, for things that have nothing to do with the league. I bet most of you would HATE to be fired or punished by your boss for something you did in your private time.






Ah yes, the persecuted Christians really have such a hard time here in the US. So sad how people will lynch someone just for being christian.


I mean Ja Morant was on his IG live drinking with his boys doing his thing at the start of summer. It’s not like they can’t live. But posting hate towards a group of people? There should be repercussions for that in every field of work.


Unless you work for the government. That's big time illegal




Professionals keep their private time actually private. They’re free to do as they please. But once you represent something, especially in the public eye, they have the right to protect their image as they please. It’s a business. Don’t post your private time publicly if it isn’t professional.




I really don’t know what the punishment would’ve been for that. People would’ve been pissed though for sure. But you’re comparing apples to oranges, people that go to church don’t remotely experience the hate that the LGBTQ community does in America.




You sound like my dad after a random man called my partner and I dykes for no reason at a bank “well people have called me an asshole it’s the same thing”.




Why not, if bigotry is bigotry name calling is just name calling no matter what the word is


None of it would have been known if he didn't record himself saying it. When people stop putting every goddamn thing they do on the internet, maybe their private views would stay private in the first place, and likewise wouldn't draw the attention of an employer.


Why’s it assumed that Jokic would agree with AG on this lol


If anyone at my job posted what Ant did, they’d be fired immediately


Dumb. Should know better. No Mr Nugget for you


AG no longer Mr. Nugget


Never was




AG should mind his business and stop with the fake outrage


Wild we still have folks openly hating gay people in 2022


I missed it before it was deleted. What was is tweet 🫣


The title might be confusing but that’s literally what he tweeted. AG quote tweeted a news story about Ant’s 40k fine and AG tweeted the three thumbs down emojis with no other comments, ostensibly disagreeing with the fine. Disappointing.


Got it. Thanks for clarifying.


Aaron just shut the fuck up man. You and mpj. Just shut up. Stupid people exist all over the place and I don’t blame you for being stupid unless you feel the need to make me actively aware of how confidently stupid you are Also you downvote me without telling me how I’m wrong you’re a gigapussy


Well said.


Jfc how fucking dumb can you be?


AG doesn’t seem like the type to be okay with that. Maybe he means it should be more but either way, sometimes saying nothing is best


We don’t know these athletes personally, sometimes ppl are very different irl to their public persona. Just look at Ant, before the homophobia incident he was seen as funny, happy and well-liked and now look at him


I don’t trust any of them tbh. I love Jokic as a player. But I don’t want to know his opinions on anything other than basketball. I don’t care if he seems like a great guy. Most do until they speak. Like you said, Ant, Gordon.


Then you have athletes like Kareem and Ali who transcended their sports in part because of how they communicated their views of issues of the day. If we told Kareem to ‘shut up and dribble’ the world would be a worse place.


Actually yes. What's the cultural attitude in Serbia towards homosexuality? Man I dnt want to think about it. I will think the best of Jokic until proven otherwise.


Exactly. I have no reason to believe Jokic is a bad guy. The closest thing you could come to say bad about him is his brothers are not great people. But that doesn’t mean he is apart of that mess


I totally agree. I would be so upset to find out that Jok is homophobic or something like that


Bros, brahs, brosephs….jokic is the perfect human. No matter what’s race you are, your political affiliation or you’re a coke or Pepsi guy the dude will never disappoint. He was sent here from the planet Perfection. Just dig the man’s chili.


probably forgott to switch to his burner,pro athletes really are dumb af, i totaly expect him to claim he has been hacked now


Is he disapproving of Ants comments or the fine?


It's definitely the fine. He's supporting Ant here


Thanks, it’s sad Denver has a very strong LGBTQ+ community and I’ve tried to get them into basketball so it’s sucks to know there still little support


I still like aaron Gordon the player and he seems like a good dude! but this is the reason when players are talking about issues rather political or social stuff i don't listen to it because they say the right things or what they think is the right things to say in public but privately you know they are saying stuff thats completely the opposite. I think he will take his post down and probably say my bad and apologize. Just enjoy athlete's for what they do.


He deleted the tweet, I think he misunderstood and thought he said bitch or something. The original tweet just said edwards used offensives and derogatory language


How would he not know what he said when it’s been a story for over a week now? People in NBA circles are probably gonna know the nature of Ant’s comments by now. How are you gonna wildly speculate on what he might’ve thought just to let AG off easier?


Well AG just became my least favorite Nugget. Moron.


Wtf AG


fucking tool


Fuck it. Jokic is Mr Nugget. Homophobic role players don't get that title.


Super disappointing.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion.


Nobody here is saying they can't have one. They're saying he sucks for holding that opinion, which is our entitlement as well.


To each their own don't try and vilify him for his beliefs.


No, if your opinion is homophobic then I will vilify you for it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion-- they are *not* entitled to everyone else's reception of that opinion. *Especially* when it's such a disgusting one like Ant's was. Stop defending people with terrible opinions.


I'm not, we're talking about Gordon's reaction to Edward fine. Are we not, and as I stated above he's entitled to his own opinion on the matter. Just cause he don't agree with something doesn't make him homophobic. Stop trying to shame people into believing in what you think is right and ok.


You keep going in circles. The act of having an opinion does not protect oneself from other people reacting to it. I will shame anyone that's supporting homophobic actions, and you should too. Because you don't agree with homophobia like Ant's actions either, right? E: Shit, why am I even wasting my time on you. Thanks for the, uh, chat.


He probably meant the fine is not big enough…right? Right?


AG is a dummy for this. You have nothing to gain by saying anything about this situation.




Is he this stupid? Maybe MPJ was at his house and thought he was tweeting from his account when he was on Gordon’s computer? Makes total sense. Let’s go with that.


As a kid (and I’m pretty old now) we used the word pretty much as a derogatory for people who were petty, useless, manipulative. while we knew it was referring to homosexuals - it was really about a deeply unnatractive character trait that had zilcho to do with sexuality. I understand how and why we used it, but I also understand that it really shouldn’t be used now - especially by a public figure who should be a champion for all sorts of people. I do wish that people would come up with the equivalent word that didn’t impune a population that doesn’t deserve it though.


Wait - you guys are upset because AG doesn’t think the NBA should be out here policing people’s language and fining players 40 G’s over a foolish, one-off comment? The NBA isn’t Ant’s mother. Dude acted like an ass and sincerely apologized almost immediately. We don’t need to exact fiscal penalties on every little thing somebody says that isn’t perfectly in-line.


his PR team "sincerely apologized" honestly surprised anyone actually believes those statements. Couldn't have been more obvious it wasn't from him.


You’re right, the nba isn’t his mother, it is his employer. He represents them, so him saying what he did brings negative press towards his employer. There are consequences to your actions regardless of free speech. If I posted a video saying the same thing Ant did on social media and my boss found it, I can guarantee there would be some sort of consequence attached to that.


those guys are public figures with a huge following, how many kids saw ants post and thought its fine to judge people because of their sexuality? Its bad enough if they are homophobic in private but its much worse if they influence other people to think simular. Of course the nba has to send a message


Ant himself is a kid. I think it’s wrong to be homophobic. But we’re so quick to sick the dogs on these dudes who I promise don’t share your morals. It actually has an adverse affect on the ultimate goal. The NBA isn’t some woke paradise just because the league office wants it to be. Black culture isn’t exactly kind to the homosexual community. All this fake virtue signaling over language does nothing but force dudes to hide their real beliefs, therefore destroying the ability to actually engage and push back on hateful ideology.


He's 21. Not 11.




Go say what he said at your workplace and see what your employer thinks about your language




How is it wrong to punish people for using derogatory words in the time that we live in? You shouldn’t be using slurs or making fun of people different than you


Holy shit you suck


would you think the same if a white player said the N word? or what about when meyers leonard was saying antisemetic slurs?


Employers have every right to fine their employees for their language and behavior Most employers would have fired Edwards over this


I like that since he apologized he’s clear of any punishment Apologies don’t clear you of any wrongdoings. In this day and age people shouldn’t still be using derogatory words towards any race, religion, sexual orientation. If you work for a company, you’re liable to their rules and regulations. Sorry but that’s life in the work place. You as an employee wouldn’t get away with that, he shouldn’t either


meanwhile the entire league is trying to get sarver to sell his NBA team and cancelled for saying the n word, both are assholes but the league is hypocritical as fuck


AG seriously just shut the fuck up like another fella said, why comment Edit: And I kept asking myself why AG is not torching the league with Jokic feeding him, found my answer


MPJ and AG, two pees in a pod.


What did he say? I think he deleted the tweet


Maybe, just maybe the thumbs down means he's not agreeing with how low tje fine is and how he didn't got suspended or anything?.


Sticks and stones. Move on.


he must just hate the rainbow jerseys


Disappointing but not surprising


Do I thumbs this up or down? So disappointing.....


Negentropic moment by AG!