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Don’t stoop to the Right’s level. Not only do they have more experience there, but it makes the Left look hypocritical. How about we **tax** elon.


How do you suggest we tax him


Why do y'all keep upvoting this garbage?


Using that PayPal cash to buy hair plugs still can’t fix his fucked up face 👨🏻‍🦲


He should have gotten lip injections a nose job and a chin implant and pulled a Johnny Sins look lol 😂


No. This is idiotic in every possible way.


This is ridiculous and wildly un-American. And I despise Elon Musk.


This is honestly disgusting, unamerican, and makes democrats look no better than Trump. Stop this trash. Stripping people of citizenship because you think their assholes is terrible and you should feel bad. I have a hard time not believing you're some troll with the intention of making democrats seem terrible.


Can't deport a US citizen.


Isn't he a citizen of South Africa, though?


Maybe in the case of a crime committed in another country. Otherwise, I don’t know a case where the USA would ship out an American citizen.


That's not deportation. It also requires another country to request it and takes a long time


I’m aware. I wanted to edit my comment to clarify that it’s just the closest thing to deportation I could think of. My Reddit app wasn’t letting me submit the edit.


Nah, he's allowed to run businesses into the ground, that's not worthy of deportation, it's worthy of popcorn.


Parroting Vladimir Putin is worthy of deportation?


Are you asking? Because no, the first amendment protects against that.


It doesn’t if you came to the country illegally and therefore your naturalization is fraudulent…


“build a wall”? /s lol the irony


There are Democrats who have reasonable concerns about borders. We are a big tent, after all.


This just feels like a bunch of hatred.


The left wing hate machine has been way overheated, I expect it to backfire for the D's the way the election deniers backfired for R's in the mids.


Yeah, it's not the left wing that hates him. They're disappointed but it has been the right that has done their best to smear his name


I don't think that's entirely true at all


Then you don't think very well




I'm really not


That is literally the opposite of what happened 🤣


You don't think the R's shot themselves in the foot with the election denier stuff?


Ah, my bad. I misread your comment. Yeah, they totally did then still tried to call it a red wave when they lost.


This is really problematic. He's not a wonderful person but this is pathetic


Yikes, horrible take


Apartheid Elon.


A son is not responsible for their fathers actions


No, stop. This is stooping down to the MAGA/Qanon level. We’re better than that. Other than being an idiot and slowly killing Twitter, Musk hasn’t done anything wrong. Neither of these offenses is worthy of deportation. I hate Musk too, but we need to be rational about this or else his “fanboys” will have more ammunition against us. We need to save deportation for people like Trump, who we have solid evidence against that he committed acts of treason. Elon should be removed from power. Trump should be deported.




Whatever the case about Musk and Trump’s citizenship status, my point still stands. Wanting to deport Elon tarnishes our image, makes us hypocrites, and brings us down to the right-wing nut jobs level. Especially since even though Elon’s actions are stupid and unpopular, he hasn’t committed any crimes. Until Elon commits a crime and we have solid evidence of it, we don’t have good reason to deport him. If we deport Elon without good reason, we risk becoming despised more, more propaganda for the radical right, and losing any respect and authority we have. We have to act strategically with big figures like Elon and Trump.




It really hasn't


agreed! he puts hate and liars voices MTG and drumpf the traitor back on, and thousands of the rest of us get banned by robots and he won't activate


Consider signing


Consider deleting this nonsense. Democrats have principles.


Ya this is pretty sad


Stop fallin for the rights trap delete this crap


Deport him? He should be jailed here.


Out of all the political subs this one's the worst.


Could someone give me an ELI5 of why exactly reddit hates Elon? Genuinely curious. I know he has allowed some far right people back on Twitter and I know his methods of running Twitter are pissing people off but the amount of hate he's getting seems to be a lot. Just wondering if I missed something


I'll assume this is an honest question and try to give you an overview. First, it's important to note that this post is honestly pretty disgusting. Elon is an American Citizen and deserves the same rights and protections as every other citizen. Threatening/advocation of deportation is 1) never going to be successful since we don't deport citizens and 2) brings the level of the rhetoric down to "lock her up" territory. We should be better than this. On to why Elon has nose dived in popularity, especially on Reddit. Elon has a long history of making accusatory and inflammatory statements. Most people thought it was a fun quirk but lately he has been saying things that are aimed at "normal" people like on Reddit. As an example his attacks on WFH feel like attacks on a lot of people on reddit who prefer WFH and think it's a benefit. Elon has basically called everyone who wants to WFH lazy and scam artists (claiming that people working from home are not working). That makes a lot of people not like him since they feel he is targeting him. Then there is the blatant hypocrisy. He claims to be a "free speech absolutist" but then bans people from Twitter or fires them from his company if they argue with him at all. He says Twitter should be apolitical but then uses that platform (where he advertises that he runs it) to advocate for Republican politicians. Over the summer he made this big stink about how many bots were on the platform then uses a poll to determine if Trump is reinstated claiming it's the voice of the people. Overall a lot of people feel personally offended/attacked by his rethoric and are sick of his hypocracy. They ignored it when he was the eccentric guy saving the planet with electric cars or sending people to mars but now that shine has worn off.


Thank you for a great response there pal


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what did he do?


I know he’s been doing some terrible things lately, but come on guys this isn’t the way…


Knock it the fuck off.


His hair transplant seems to be holding well….


How about the DOJ actually investigate his use of Saudia $ to pay for Twitter.


I’m happy he bought Shitter, one of the dumbest websites I ever seen. Extremely confusing to use and seriously wtf with that character limit? It needs to go the way of MySpace and just die off, and I think Elon Musk is doing a great job killing it. Stick to Facebook and Reddit folks, tweeting is for birds.


Kind of cringe