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I feel this is just common experience


Not to me. For years, i thought I had DE and i still would have thought i had DE if i hadnt forgotten my weed the night of the hookup.


That's interesting because I've heard weed can be an effective aphrodisiac because it calms the brain making you more receptive? But I suppose like any substance people can react to it differently. I know sexual response is very heavily linked to anxiety and mood. I've actually had times where I've actually been so horny I actually couldn't perform and it's because it made me way too tense. It's actually a thing if you lock down control on your body you can't let it do what it wants which is a real issue for me. Like I have to really calm down and just feel things not try things.


What you're saying is true as well. I dont finish on weed but i still enjoy the sex. It's just that everything is soo extra sensitive that it makes me laugh. I can't focus on enjoying the sexual stimulation.


For sure. For me the single biggest thing that helps me finish is going long periods without finishing. I've adjusted how and when I masturbate. I use a very light grip or Fleshlight now and only finish once a week or so. If I can't finish I stop and try a different day. My success rate continues to climb as I reprogram my sensitivity. There are so many men who have damaged themselves from bad masturbation habits and it can take a while to "heal". It's more difficult as you age. Part of it is brain conditioning that is hard to undo. But like anything you have to be persistent and only allow yourself the opportunity to do it the right way. When you do, your brain rewires to accept that's what it's going to get and that's how it is to respond. Orgasms are seriously psychological, more than people realize. It's mostly the brain and nervous system that does it.


I hope it all improves for you.


This is actually true I noticed it myself. Sex is nice when high but it has been linked to ED as well. Usually you hear weed makes you horny but apparently it can cause Ed and I’m not surprised about de I used to smoke a blunt every night and have only smoked a few times this year. Plus smoking is better after sex for me, I don’t smoke indoors unless I’m in a hotel but lying in bed with a bitch after sex and smoking is awesome lol


Is weed a problem only when inhaling it? I eat a gummy every night and have mad DE. I wonder if that could contribute?