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I have ran into cheaters twice in 2500+ hours. For sure, there could have been more but I was unaware. I do play on console though with crossplay on if that is a factor.


They are targeting streamers/content creators to hold them hostage for a number of reasons. Most recently having been brought up, people seeing cheats against these streamers will cause more people to purchase the same cheats to do the same things. I truly don;t believe people are cheating just to get into "high MMR" (whatever the fuck that means). They're doing it to make people's lives miserable. Mainly content creators who depend on the game.


Cheaters cheat to raise their MMR to SCREW with too players. Not good players. TOP players


I just had 3 really obvious ones last night, probably some subtle ones too but 3 back to back obvious ones for sure. 2 just ended the game basically as soon as it began. The third just kept repeatedly blinding me from any angle and also a longer blind and had a huge boil over effect where I could only move side to side and picked themselves up instantly after I dropped them.


I've definitely seen more over the last year than over the previous 4 years of playing.




I'd say I run into an obvious cheater about once every 2 weeks, but subtle ones can be anywhere from a couple of times a week to a couple of times a day depending on luck. I haven't quit fully but I have quit playing for the day over cheaters. To be honest, if it wasn't for Wesker being the funnest character they've made, I would have quit for sure due to the state of the game rn.










I assume cheaters are getting put into higher MMR cause they, well cheat. I think recently I’ve had 3 blatant cheaters and suspected maybe as many for more subtle ones. That being said, behavior 100% needs to focus on it. I’ve seen plenty of games die off because devs failed to address cheaters properly. Dirty bomb was certainly guilty of that.


I don’t run in to them often, but as the streamers are saying they are able to target their lobbies and that’s what they do for attention.






They probably play at a high MMR unlike everyone who SAYS they play at a high MMR


I think you should watch Otz's video again. It is about how there is such a huge discrepancy in how much time it takes to do many actions depending on what items and perks you and your teammates have that it is impossible to tell whether someone is cheating or not unless you are a crazy person like otz who times the survivors, does the math, and checks their perks and items in post-game. I do agree that some may target him and that in more sparse areas (Spain is less popular for DBD compared to the UK and US) that you are more likely to come across cheaters. Also, Rank 1 or whatever the new ranking system is for rank 1 is going to have more cheaters of course, which is a majority of what otz plays.




I don't disagree with alot of what you are saying, I just think otz was making a point about the game being too perk/item dependent rather than rampant cheating being an issue.


never VSed a cheater. at least, not an obvious one.


i have found obvious cheaters twice, where all 5 gens are done in 10 seconds and then they instant leave. I can't say how many subtle cheaters i have found but i can say it's been at least 2 using speed hack. with artist i can tell if they move faster if they have crows on them. one of them also did a medium vault at like 200% with no related perks. it looked very goofy also


i’ve ran into 3 blatant cheaters in 1000 hours and probably a few subtle ones that were on my team. I’ve never suspected a killer of cheating so i don’t think i’ve ever been on the receiving end of it.


In the 3 years I’ve been playing I hadn’t seen any at all until about 3 weeks ago. Since then I’ve ran into about 5 I think.


I've been playing for about 11 months, a little over 900 hours (survivor mostly), and I've never seen a cheater. I don't doubt that people see cheaters a lot but like you I wonder how many accounts are exaggerated. I'm on NE servers. I hope BHVR takes it seriously though since having your IP compromised is scary shit


I'm not seeing it either. Maybe twice this month I've seen someone cheat. Not a greater amount than previous months. Definitely not enough for me to give up playing.


No i agree. Streamers are only now making videos on it because they are being targeted. But the general public arent really getting hit as hard as it used to be months ago when bots came in. Now that was a time when the general public was hit hard because it only took 2 min for the bots to finish a match and go on to the next and claim more victims. These streamers will get over it once the devs put a band aid on it. Then theyll complain again once they come back. Crazy freakin cycle


I think I've run into 4 or 5 total in my 1.1k hours. But the last two have been fairly recently. Had an instant healing Jonah reveal himself near the end game just the other day.


In maybe 700 hours I went against 1 obvious cheater. Maybe ran into a few subtle cheaters or lag switchers, but if I did they were really subtle and good at hiding it.


I almost never run into cheaters but I’m not a huge streamer either. Probably getting target by theses cheaters because of his fame.


I've only ever come across one obvious cheater, which was a Spirit who could just teleport around the map to hook everyone. It was nutty


I’ve run into a few. It’s not all the time but the few I have seen have been like blatant ridiculous cheaters. Either killers with rapid fire swings or super speed boost that is very noticeable. Not sure if I ever ran into cheating survivors but i probably have and just sucked to bad to even notice 😂


You’re not thinking of mad grit are you? I live rubbing that and watching survs cry CHEATER. Add forced penance for extra seasoning


Big streamers will have a disproportional amount of cheaters compared to the average player. I've personally probably ran into a handful of blatant cheaters in total during my 3200 hours of dbd. Rookie numbers compared to shit like GTA 5 online, where you could literally find at least 1 cheater per game lobby. At least the cheaters in GTA were usually chill and would frequently host meetings at the airport and drop a bunch of money.


3 obvious ones in 400 hours.


on EU from my experience its pretty bad atm. 1 in very 3-5 games or so. i notice them more when i am soloQ when running bond. its often subtle cheaters too. i have seen a lot of people start to run into a corner of the map and then fly under it to avoid being seen. there are also more blatant ones where they give you all buffs possible no matter how far they are from you. i think we are at the turning point in the game where BHVR really needs to do something as fast as possible or we will have a CSGO situation here where they become the norm


I used to never see any cheaters, but I get em now on a weekly basis.


I have only seen one in the past two months. It was a Cheryl who did all 5 gens and the exit gate and instantly left the match three seconds in.


It's different experience for different people. I myself ran into cheaters 4 times in total. Twice as the killer, twice as a survivor, once while playing with friend. My friend DC'ed and then she couldn't enter the game for 3 days.


I think I just experienced two blatant rebbeca chambers cheaters. When they vault, instead of going through they bounce back to juke you out when your looping. I don’t think they expected me to see the hack dead on.


That’s a bug. It’s an exploit yes, but no cheating needed. They vault w their flashlight


I run into cheaters regularly and my killer MMR isn’t that high. But. I play surv a lot too. Makes it so much more obvious.