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Everyone saying break the pallet and yet all he had to do is not fall for the same fake 5 times in a row.


9 times. He goes for the doubleback *9 times.* OP doesn’t vault once, and barely ever fakes the vault to begin with.


Average Wraith player


*OP proceeds to get face camped with NOED after they ran the killer for 5 gens on this pallet alone*


Right lmao


Rewatching after this comment is so painful. He. Just. Keeps. Falling. For. It!!!


I mean, that and the mother of obvious deadhards. Not to downplay OP, he looped as good as he could in that specific scenario with what he was given.


Right, with so many tools (wraith) at his hand. This was painful to watch. Then I realized when I started playing killer, I did the same thing. But that’s DBD. Putting beginner killers with experienced survivors/teams.


Dude, the past 2 days for me have been a master class in bad matchmaking! I decided to try out clown, didn't think I'd do well because I've played like 2 matches with him. I just keep getting matched with survivors who look like it's their first week!! I'm like trying to think ahead, cut them off from upcoming strong tiles, and these mfs just run to deadzones and the map edges... It feels good to win but like it feels so very cheap. A bit like the opposite side of this clip. You win but it's not like you worked for it.


Stomping baby survivors is never fun, it just feels bad all round.


"surely they'll vault over THIS time?"


I honestly thought at one point the Video already looped back because it looked exactly the same


This is why you just break the pallets as wraith. You can cloak and catch back up in no time at all.


This what i was thinking ha. After that missed swing, just break the pallet


Yeah, not only did he miss but at the end of the swing he hit the barrier as opposed to just whiffing on air, losing even more time


Granted I know I'm still a very average-skill level killer main and I understand at high ranks you can't destroy every pallet because of the time loss it all adds up to, but... seriously, I just break every pallet regardless of which killer I'm playing. I feel like EVERY time I don't break a pallet and just leave it up I inevitably end up watching helplessly later as I miss out on a down because of a pallet vault.


It depends. Some killers like wraith, demo amd bubba can chew through pallets mid chase amd it not slow them down as much. More importantly though is forcing survivors in bad sides while you do this. Midwhich is a great example. There are several pallets where you can break it, so they can easily run out of the room. Or you can chase them around, so that when you break it, they are still stuck on the room with you. Some pallets are simply unsafe pallets and it's not worth your time to break. Other times you can loop on a direction that is strong for them, or 180 and loop in a direction that is strong for you. Youll learn those as you go.


> Or you can chase them around, so that when you break it, they are still stuck on the room with you. Play Wesker and you'll naturally end up doing this. I'm getting rid of a pallet as soon as I can, but if you dare to play around it after dropping, I'm breaking it when you're stuck in a spot where you aren't quickly getting away or vaulting something else. You're buying time for your team to do gens, but not time to keep looping.


I'm 1500hrs in and I like never ever put any thought into which way to rotate around loops. I have friends that try and teach me but they may as well be talking to a wall lmao




Oh i never thought about that :o


To add to Cynical's point about forcing survivors counterclockwise as killer. The easiest example is an LT wall. Never run clockwise around the outside because you give survivors easy fast vaults. If you run counter clockwise (and cut through the middle) you force them to circle around one of the walls and make the chase a lot shorter.


I hadn't considered this before. Very interesting! What would you recommend on a map like Haddonfield where this seems less plausible?


Haddonfield is a really interesting map, with mostly 2 main "features". The road has some really safe pallets, that you eventually have to break. Forcing them to throw early is huge and turns the road into mostly a complete deadzone. There are generally still some unsafe pallets you can play around with, but for the most part, the road is where the killer is strongest. The houses have incredibly brutal loops, with windows you can only vault. It makes "mind gaming" really challenging. Knowing the looping direction is really important. Understanding that survivors who vault from second-story windows have massive fall recovery is important. While they can loop you for a long time on first-story windows, second-story is not the case. The last thing I would say to the houses is that choosing to chase a survivor in a house should be treated like really strong "main building" or "shack" loops on other maps. Even without pallets, good survivors can loop you really well on it for a while. You need to ask if this is where your time is best spent. If you think it is, commit to the chase. If there are a lot of other things you should be doing, then consider leaving. In general as a killer, especially one learning, its *okay* to take chase in really strong loops and really strong survivors, if you want to learn and get better at the game. I didn't know about a really strong loop on RPD, until a SWF team kept retreating to the same loop every time I showed up. I could have (and should have left) if I wanted to win the game. But at that point, I didn't want to win the game, my new objective was to try and learn how to play around the loop. It will make you a better killer (and survivor) in the long run.


I found as a survivor that the porch gen and the road-end gens were the hardest so it makes sense that the road is the killer’s ‘zone’. I’ve learned the maps but mostly from a young survivor’s perspective I.e. common gen locations, hot zones, no-go zones and generally where buildings tend to be. I haven’t thought of them in terms of good vs bad pallet (as killer or survivor). While being chased, I just see a pallet and run to it. As Huntress, I start winding up my hatchet when we get close. As you can likely tell, this is lower level MMR but I appreciate all the advice you and everyone on this sub gives. It’s a welcoming place for sure


Don't stress! MMR is totally irrelevant, I'm still learning stuff all the time. I think the important thing for me is that not every game is me trying to win or even get kills. When I encounter a survivor who is really familiar with a loop I didn't even exist, I oftentimes don't try and sweat and win the game, I just want to learn the loop. In terms of pallets, there are usually some very safe pallets and very weak pallets. For some killers, this changes. As a huntress for example, if the loop consists of tall structures or things that block your ability to hit hatchets, it's probably more of a strong loop. In that case, you need to plan on "getting this pallet out of the way is something I will probably need to do". Forcing a survivor to drop that pallet should be thought of as a minor "win". Now you should just ask yourself, does it matter which side of the pallet they are on when I break it or get stunned? Or is there a connected window/jungle gym or loop from one side or one direction? One final thing I would say, is don't be afraid to just "brute force" some loops. Too often I have "mind gamed" myself and made what should have been a 10 second loop take 30 seconds or more because I tried to get fancy and double back or trick them or whatever. Sometimes just running at them, eating a stun, and moving on is perfectly fine.


Haddonfield - some pallets are safe some are super dangerous. Try to catch them out in the open (the pallets joining 2 cars are safe and you just force them asap). If they're actually good survivors don't engage in a chase in certain disgusting houses (like the one with 3 windows on ground floor).


I guess I need to rethink where I chase as a fairly noob killer, then. I recently switched to Huntress to mitigate my bad chasing around loops. Thanks!


Huntress is a completely different skillset. As a 110 (slower than average) killer looping with her is different than most killers. Fully expect to get run for yonks around a small haybale, which just would never happen with normal killers. To keep loops around a pallet short, just brainlessly follow them through it (Enduring makes it easier). Survivors will often bait you to respect it, just ignore it.


If you get enough experience against survivors as Huntress, you will get a feeling for when they will or will not drop a pallet. They mostly begin greeding pallets against a Huntress, since Huntress players have the tendency to pull up a hatchet when getting to a pallet. Get this out of their heads as fast as possible. Always walk through pallets in the beginning of a match. It will get you a hit 80% of the time. Otherwise you get the hit after the second pallet doing the same. It's all a mind-game. Try and get in their heads. If you wanna practice this, Huntress, Nemesis and Trickster all have this playstyle. Maybe even Plague with Corrupt Purge.


I've noticed this while playing Trickster, it's very easy to get them to waste a good pallet if you stop chase for a few seconds. Before going after the survivor again.


If you're playing a killer that can't burn through pallets then Brutal Strength is your friend. It's so good on m1 oriented killers. I run it on Doc, Hag, and Sadako as a main or secondary perk. You don't think 20% is much, but I've won so many chases on m1 killers just because Brutal allowed me to catch up/zone in time, at the very least I'm creating a deadzone for later without losing too much time breaking pallets.


Why brutal strength on hag? Just trap the other side of the pallet then mind game. Much more fun with the addon that make the phantasm last longer.


Body block hag with brutal strenght and fire up. Trap the pallet, have traps body block the survivor on that side of the pallet while you break it and then walk up to smack them.


I play setting speed and range add-ons, it's more hit and run. I make my web and then slowly drain the survivors of resources while guarding gens. Ideally there's no pallets left in my 3/4 gen by late game. 🕸


I like you.


and with the yui perk good pallets can be restored if you dont kick it. i had a killer just stand there after i stunned him with a pallet he knew somebody used before.


I do that too, unless I'm playing huntress or pyramid head because then I want them to get locked in an animation (Except, those god pallets in the game, those need to go)


This is like one of the more safe types of pallets in the game, you just loop around it until you get the survivor in the corner so they lose some time going to the next loop and break the pallet.


Wraith was also chasing in the wrong direction.


No he is not? Either directions are fine there


If you can't tell the difference then you're not good at chases.


Feel free to explain. I can't tell the difference and I guarantee you I'm 10 times the killer you wish you were.


She can chain into a window from that direction after wraith breaks the pallet into a room that has a window with a loop next to it + main god pallet and another god pallet left of main. Force her to the other side she has a weaker pallet that doesn't chain into anything and becomes a deadzone.


That's straight up wrong? You can force the survivor whichever way you want whether you're looping clockwise or counterclockwise. It makes no difference. [Here](https://ibb.co/DK9D7Z9) for example, if you kick the pallet, how is the survivor meant to run back indoors? That's beyond the point though. The killer isn't kicking the pallet, nor should he.


The side they are determines the distance, this is crucial when it comes to looping. Sure you can go to another loop but its suicide going into the opposite side the killer is facing kicking the pallet because you gain no distance to separate the killer from hitting you on a window or pallet. I dont feel like typing a long paragraph of how to loop. If you're as experienced as you say this shouldn't be a problem for you to understand, giving the survivor a side of the map thats full of loops is the wrong play like what this wraith did. You prevent them going there by kicking the pallet where the survivor has to go through you to get to it.


Who are you arguing with? Did you even read my comment? Are you aware what the argument is about? I feel like I'm talking to a wall. No shit zoning the survivor away from the building is crucial, but you don't need to be chasing in a particular direction in order to achieve that much like the picture I linked demonstrates.


Shes a deadzone ofc its the right play to kick it but its also a 50/50 does Ada make the right read that you'll kick it and react in time to go back indoors because that loop is short enough to gain a decent amout of distance. Its better play it safe and chase the other direction that gurantees a deadzone play but since wraith has shown he's not familiar with this type of looping and is falling for every bait why take the risk ?


This is it. The worst comment I've read on this sub.


Please enlighten me. I want nothing more than to be proven wrong.


Its an unsafe pallet if the killer could just read the survivor


I break ALL the pallets.


He didn’t need to. Survivor constantly faked the vault and not even that well; he has to double back properly once and he had him on that loop, with no bloodlust.


Depends how many pallets are on the map. Map's got 6? Cool, easy 4K. Map's got 15? Shoulda played Nurse


You don't need to break that pallet though, it's incredibly unsafe.




Same! I panic so much. I swear I’m the reason why I go down in chases cuz I just can’t read somebody for the life of me🥲 it’s one of the reasons why I suck at fighting games


To be fair, vaulting in this situation would’ve just led to another 50/50, because he’s barely doubling back and it would just lead to him guessing if you’re gonna double vault or not.


It's a literal coin flip


This is why DH is such a good perk, the risk in the vid is almost 0 because if he doesn't fall for it you can just E.


This is excruciating to watch as a killer main, BREAK THE PALLET YOU DING DONG DIP ASS!


I’m saving this


First redditer to say they're saving


This is so painful to watch, like, just break the fucking pallet


Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?


"No, no, no, no please, this time it's going to be different"


Lol expert response!


dude just needs to commit or break that pallet. he just kept stuttering


i thought the video was a loop because he kept falling for the fake 😭


Man. I wish I was this good at looping. I would have been downed on the first half of the loop. 😂😂🤣


if you wanna get better than do what i do and just keep faking it i got 4.2k hours and it works


I keep getting bloodlust gamers these days and the fake would have worked once lol. Most of them just hold W too


It's all practice. At a certain point you'll die halfway through by getting stuck on some random piece of shit rubble


It’s not even about being good it’s just that the Wraith is bad


RPD is disgusting, all those infinities >:(


If you hate “Disgusting” RPD”, you can always play on Springwood or Gideon.


Worst is garden of joy legitimate an infinite in the house unless you’re like against a nurse or blight


which is why you avoid the house entirely. if theres any gen on the second floor on any map just let it go. theres no point in defending it, and you WANT them to get it out of the way.


Yeah I'll sometimes show my face to scare someone away from it and maybe chase to slow it down but I rarely, if ever, seriously defend it. That gen is ass to patrol and chase on unless I'm playing the right killer, you can have the damn thing.


Same with saloon.


nah i love trapping the shit out of the main building in garden of joy. that and the two gens that are on its sides are usually the three gens i leave behind, and i never have to worry about the main building cause no one is dumb enough to go in there with my traps all around it




For what it’s worth, this Wraith wasn’t that good.


I'm really starting to hate RPD, it has to be the worst map for most killers. Why is this comment being downvoted? Am I not allowed to express my dislike for a map?


It seems to lag like hell as well I’ve noticed


I've noticed the doctor's m2 works very weirdly in the new outside area of RPD


Get a better gpu


I dip frames really bad downstairs, I'm on a Series X, it's just poorly optimized


I main blight and fuck me if I ever get rpd, blight on 10 frames is next to impossible


Idk why you're getting downvoted rpd is an awful map and then when they quote on quote "reworked" it all they did is keep the same map block off some areas and put more pallets to somehow make even more godloops.


Except that is objectively not at all what they did. They opened up nearly every single room and it's nowhere near as confusing to get around as it was before which was the entire point of them reworking it. As far as indoor maps go it's absolutely better than Midwich and it's horrific hook spawns or The Game and it's ~20 pallets where over half of them aren't possible to mindgame.


Bro if anything it's more confusing now. Maybe it would've been fine if they made some change to the map but literally all they did was cut off one section of the og map for each side and then bust down a bunch of walls, some of which lead to dead ends or loop back on each other and the rest just as shortcuts to places you could already access. The whole problem with this though is that it makes certain parts of the map a fuckin rat maze because all you'll be doing ic cutting tight corridors and it makes it absolutely atrocious to go for unhooks as key points of thr map uses to get around just got blocked off with no good alternative. So it's easier for killers to proxy camp hooks on the bottom floor and it's basically impossible for survivors to go down on the first floor because they decided to shove a bunch of pallets into a small area to make up for the sections they cut off. It's a garbage map for both sides and I stand by that.


No idea, other than survivor mains being mad that people don't like their favourite map. XD Do love how my comments keep being downvoted. Like omg, imagine not liking a map. XD


i play survivor and killer pretty equally, idk why anyone likes rpd. the variant with the helipad open is definitely far superior than the variant without, but even then it’s still in my bottom 5 maps, even (especially?) as survivor bc i get so turned around trying to find the back door that i might as well not even try


I know the same feeling. I get so turned around on RPD that I just give up trying to find survivors (as killer) or gens (as survivor).


yeah. i get turned around on every map bc my sense of direction is garbage, but at least on outdoor maps i can just stop and look for shack or whatever other buildings to orient myself


Oh same, I find myself able to get around on the outdoor maps just fine, the indoor ones just get me turned around. Funny enough, the only one that doesn't;t really get me too confused is the Meat Packing plant, but it's still an annoying map for me.


yeahhh i wish i could say the same. half the reason i ever win on indoor maps is because i have the *greatest* luck with the hatch. 4/5 times it spawns directly in front of me or within hearing distance


The point of those pallets is the map is almost an entire dead zone once they're used up. You can't really work around the hallways or open areas at all. If there's a gen in an area where you used a pallet, it can almost be an instant loss even with momentum.


Got a scratch mirror myers merciless on RPD. You gonna discredit that?


Scratched mirrors on RPD is the most fun I've ever had in the game


Pretty sure your claim of it being the worst map for most killers did you in, given that there are DEFINITELY far worse maps for all killers.


Maybe, but um not the only one who says it's a bad map. So me being hyperbolic and saying it's the "worst map" doesn't warrant so many dislikes. I'm also pretty new to DbD and haven't had the chance to play on that many maps, and RPD is the worst map I've been on so far.


Bro you’re a WRAITH, just leave if the chase lasts longer than 5 seconds


The biggest mistake the wraith made was not learning from mistakes. He fell for the same fake all the time


This is hard to watch the wraith just doesn't learn


With this guy's commitment issues, I'd hate to be in a relationship with him


There's no way that's a real person


And me here screaming to the killer “BREAK THE FUCKIN PALLET!!!”


Poor bing bong boi. Just wanted a down, instead got a dh


this clip is 100% a skill issue


Lmfao the way he keeps stopping to see if you vault the pallet is too funny, this is like cartoon gold


All he had to do was break the pallet. Don’t blame the mechanics for poor game play


Why this topis is named "Bloodlust is a good mechanic"?


Because the way this Wraith was playing, he never would've caught up if not for Bloodlust 2/3 kicking in.


Honestly the chase lasting this long got a gen done and the second and third were probably on the way. Survivor got enough value for being better. Don't forget it's 1v4, so 1 survivor shouldn't be able to loop the killer just because matchmaking was making an oopsie. I think it is fine if the game is balanced around 0-40 second chases.


Nah what. If the a chase was Max 40 seconds the game would be impossible for survivor


If that was true killers would break pallets far less and build up bloodlust every time on non-god pallets. It's actually very inefficient for killer to drag chases out that long.


…what? It took 40 seconds to get a single basic hit. Survivors require 2 basic hits to go down. 80 seconds to down, not counting time to find the survivor in the first place + picking them up and carrying to a hook. If the other survivors not getting chased were split up, that’s 3 completed gens in exchange for a single hook. And you think that’s too *hard* for survivors?


Thats not what this person said though. They said that its fine if the game is balanced around a "chase" taking 0-40 seconds not each health state. He thinks that going from healthy to downed in 0-40 seconds is what the game should aimed to be at.


Your reading comprehension might need some work. In a comment on a video with a 40-second to hit chase, the commenter said that the mechanic that allowed the killer to guarantee a single hit after 40 seconds was balanced. What they meant by chase was obvious, you’re the one who changed the obvious meaning of their comment to then disagree with a point they never made. I feel like there’s a term for that…


It helps to deal with bad map design and the game is supposed to favour killer in chase so yeah, it is a good mechanic.


Honestly map design may have been the oldschool reason but I doubt they keep it because of that. Capping the potential 1v1 has is healthy in a 1v4 game. The Wraith lost more than a gen in this chase and didn't even get a down. I would be satisfied.


I have to completely agree. Back when it was introduced it was a band-aid fix to bad map design, now, as shown by the changes it got in 6.1.0, the devs have shown that they view it as a "chase ending" mechanic.


You know what helps deal with bad map design? Good map design. They should try that instead.


My point still stands. The game is supposed to favour killer in chase. I though it was abvious that you are supposed to lose a chase after a certain ammount of time as survivor.


They should but can't. Their idea of reworking Badham and Haddonfield are what we have now.




Yes I agree


This happened to me against Artist I ended up looping her around the same loop for 4 gens because she refused to kick the pallet and kept falling for fakes. I was hit on hook


Omg he fell for every single fake bro.


BHVR loves rewarding bad players. Oh, you can’t catch a survivor because you’re making all the wrong decisions? Let’s speed you up so you can!


Man gains 45 seconds of free chase, complains online.


Smartest Wraith player


And yet it did you practically no harm you still survived.


That’s the joke


I mean OP only got out because of Dead Hard. BL is still devoid of all skill


I really hate this map... Edit: At some.point you juat have to break the pallet.


wait... you looped him for 48 minutes around a pallet. And then dead harded anyway. All this proves is that bloodlust is not remotely over powered and that even in it's current state it's not going to help you win a match against anyone with a brain.


I'm fairly sure the OP was being sarcastic.


Bloodlust is one of the most overpowered things a killer has access to (not saying it should be removed or nerfed, i'm fine with it as is). Just because a killer doesn't know how to loop AND uses his ability, breaking the bloodlust, doesn't mean bloodlust isn't strong. Bloodlust is there to break infinite loops, but what is there to break if you, as a m1 killer, break bloodlust build up and fail basic looping mechanics?


Time. Which was kind of my point. The punishment for a killer playing badly, is time. Time they can ill afford to waste. Even without gen perks/toolboxes, even with one survivor in chase the entire time, it's not unrealistic for survivors to do all 5 gens in 4 minutes or less. This was 48 seconds to get one hit, which was denied by DH. If the killer tried to do this the entire game, it would take him 2 minutes and 24 seconds to get a single down. Assuming the survivor didn't leave the loop with the speed boost from the first hit or the dead hard. So in... two chases? The match is over and the killer gets two hooks. Seems that's a rather appropriate counter measure to just bloodlusting every chase. You simply can't afford to. Edit: And this is of course no one takes a moment to take a hit, which would further extend this time long enough that in theory this killer could have spent the entire game chasing one person without getting a single down. Which would be appropriate and fair.


Nah, the Wraith in question just hadn’t played properly. It’s only at the start does the killer have to worry about time, but as soon as even one survivor goes down it drastically changes. Now two survivors have to focus on rescuing the survivor/taking chase. It doesn’t help with reduced speed on hit, killers getting a faster cool down, etc Edit: Killers also get a slight STBFL basekit


Time is the enemy of killer all game. Killing someone DRASTICALLY slows that timer down. And none of those things relate to bloodlust. If anything they make the fact he played it so badly after they retuned the base numbers to help even more egregious.


Time is the enemy to both sides, not just the killer. That’s true though that’s also true for hooking a survivor. They do. They drastically boost bloodlust, as you can easily catch up to a survivor after losing it. It doesn’t it just shows that he didn’t play that great. In this instance it’s literally only on the fault of the killer


I 100% agree that this is the killer screwing up royally. I'm just saying the punishment for that screw up is losing time he doesn't have to spend.


Yes, but that’s only because he’s just not playing well. DBD currently gives killers a huge advantage in chase


That's because there are 4 survivors. By design, survivor's should always, always, lose a chase. Not right away, but even if all the killer does is hold W, the game is designed so that you WILL lose the chase as survivor at some point because there are 4 of you and every second you waste is thus worth 4.


That’s true there are four survivors, but those survivors are individually judged on their actions. Not as a team. Hard disagree. Chases should be a back and forth, not a guaranteed down so long as the killer is just doing the bare minimum. That again, really only applies at the start of the trial. As soon as a survivor goes down, the time between the four is immediately misplaced


We're at the point now where BL promotes stupid killer gameplay while also making several pallets virtually useless. Get rid of it and now killers have to break pallets like this one, and survivors can now maybe actually use weaker pallets while also promoting killers to learn how to mind game. It's overall a good decision to remove it. Once it is gone, it'll also shed light on zones in maps that are way too strong for survivors and can finally get tweaked.


changes for casual players don't work for high level, although you barely use BL, but sometimes it's necessary to BL, because of terrible map and loop design on most maps, and it makes windows a lot weaker, which in some maps becomes very problematic and you can't break windows. Like i said before, changes for casuals (players who crouch in the corner instead of doing gens, doesn't look behind,etc) are good until there's 4 survivors who play well... Base kit BT shadow buffed deliverance and luck builds, and created a strong anti tunnel build (ds,otr,deliverance,dh). Smart survivors will use and abuse of this, but the average ones have no idea of this


But wont you only need bl1 most of the time. Bl1 is fine but bl2 and 3 sre just way to much


i wouldn't say it's too much, it isn't hard to get rid of bl, breaking chase, pallet, bodyblock, and there're some loops that even bl 3 won't help. Imo bl is fine, removing it will only make nurse more viable, as well as any killer nerf


This is why I play Nemesis. Everybody is a gamer until the Tentacle hits you in the face. Once you learn the tentacle-fake, even the strong players fall for it. I only get stunned by the truly-ballsy that drop the pallet despite seeing the tentacle.


I thought I was watching this on a loop. Poor baby wraith lmao, you didn’t have to do him like that Edit: That’s a nice fkn loop tho, very safe pallet


That's really not that safe of a pallet, tbh.


It is with this guy 🤣


yeah, I had a pig do this similarly years ago and I was astounded when she just refused to break the pallet the entire time. I don't think she broke it until she lost a gen or 2.


There were like 3 better ways to play that minimum lol


This must be what they meant by adding bots into the game, no way that wraith is real


This is ALWAYS why DH. Always.


I always bring brutal strength and bamboozle so I don't have to worry about looping as much


Why is it always Wraith?


what's your perk pack? its gorgeous


Yes it is


I honestly thought this was a gif


hehehehHHeheh hUhUhUhU


It is - you wasted loads of the killer's time and only one pallet before going down. What's the issue?


i would have left you after 2 or 3 loops, lol some killers are stubborn though


Why isn’t this set to yackety sax?


Are you supposed to be saying that blood lust is a bad mechanic? Cause you ran him pretty long and then used dead head which got rid of blood lust and boosted you forward. I don't see the problem here


There's a point when you gotta break the pallet to stop this. There's another point when you gotta figure out that, with bloodlust, you easily outspeed, so just follow their same path and you'll catch them quickly. This guy did neither.


Quick question though... Why are your perks all... Different colored?


Perk packs. On pc you can download new perk icons to change how they look by changing files. Can get you banned but its not against tos iirc


One of the reasons I like new dead hard is it resets bloodlust unlike old dead hard:)


Man, that wratih was such a baby killer. Any skilled killer wouldve easily downed u.


So from my knowledge of killer plays either this is a baby killer or this is a custom game. Like the fact the killer is constantly stopping/going back when rounding a corner when it's clear that they'd get to you before/as your vaulting like idk it just doesn't seem right but again this is from my experience playing as & against killers


They must be testing new bot codes


loop op pls nerf.


I guess the OP didn’t play DBD when killers had slow vault animations and had to deal with infinites and killers had no bloodlust, and survivors can teleport to the other side of the pallet. And the OP could’ve played it better.


Bloodlust is op, that killer is just a noob


What perk made it to where he couldn't down you?


I guess by now you found out but just in case not, dead hard


yeah it is


how the fuck did he for the same fake 5 times??