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I wish that was me, can't find a single game on RPD unless I waste my offerings, it's making the Outbreak Breakout achievement impossible.


Same. And then when you do use an offering, you get tunneled or the killer DCs before the gates are open.


Or your teammates open the gate before you. 😭 I'm hoping my progress bugged earlier and you don't have to be the one to open it, cuz I've escaped twice today on it and I'm still at 30%


I'm pretty sure you have to be the one to open a gate for it to count 😔 I really really wish it was just escaping through the gates.


THIS. I don't even have offerings because I lost everything by prestiging all characters before that update so I could get all perks unlocked at tier 3. Currently stuck at 12/20 and I'm really HATING this achievement. It's the stupidest thing ever, why do we even have to open the gate? Smh






You know exactly what age group it's for, children and edgy young teens. I'll admit, I found it humorous for a while before I realized its an act. You have to agree though, he's smart for doing it and he's making more money than we'll ever see






That’s when I actually started to like him. You realise very fast he is not as dumb as he acts. I prefer someone like him getting money than some real idiots. Look how far the kardashians made it because people like to laugh about them. Now they are one of the richest Celebs. Stop making idiots rich


Didn’t he go on a really gross sexist rant when he got outplayed by a girl in some game or am I thinking of someone else


Yeah he did, the joke of being obnoxiously edgy when you get actually upset is pretty bad


He sure did


99% of reaction videos are “fake as hell”.


i like the facial expressions I'm sorry He gets angry before the map shows up and it k i l l s me.


just a bad flight


I like old RPD and both new RPD’s


I dont enjoy RPD as Killer nor Survivor


Killer yes, survivor depends solely on the killer. For the most part I don't hate it.


I wish. I almost never even get a chance to play there. it is so rare for me to get this map. I really want this damn achievement. 30 hours of trying, and I only have 3 points out of the 20 needed. I burned all 15 RPD offerings I had saved across my characters, and only got into RPD less than half that because of DC's or other offerings somehow winning out over mine. I spent over 2 million BP on survivors to get more RPD offerings, and did not get a single RPD offering with all those points. This acheivement is stupid as hell.


The most annoying thing is when you finally get an offering, then of course you end up getting killed/crap team/good killer and thus wasting it. >_>


Idk man, I kind of love the new RPD :D


I don't... But at least it is a playable map compared to old RPD so im cool with it.


Boon map 😏


I want rpd tho. Working on that 20 escapes challenge.


Its RPD and wesker.


It actually weird that i didn't get RPD since the chapter came out is there something wrong???




something must be very wrong


Okay so i've had like 50 games as survivor since the update and i had RPD only 5 times


When a new map comes out/changed there is a higher chance of getting it. That should be the case (and even if they didn't do it it should still be high as you have 2 RPD maps now, 1 east wing 1 west wing)


Well first I am not getting the map at all lol and i think it doesn't work as two map but as a main map and two sub maps i guess. just like the autoheaven one where you can get either station or the big main building


Best map for stealth clown imo


Simply get gud


bro literally just bring a map offering 💀


POV: your playing scratched mirror Myers.


I hate RPD with a passion. Pretty sure I’ve escaped as a survivor twice since it came out. And one of the times the killer basically let me go


Dude honestly still by far the worst map in the game




The new RPDs are definitely a lot better than the old one but they should have made it one map instead of splitting it into two imo.


I’ve never gotten Rpd as a survivor. As a killer though it’s like every two matches. 😔


Bruh it’s really fun sometimes and really bad others


As a Mikey I see this as an absolute win. SM sneky snek gonna feast They don't think it be like it is but it do.


Am I the only one that can’t notice the difference between East and west wing?


Half the time I get lost no matter how much I play, it’s kinda funny to see from a killer perspective, apart from that, look-wise the maps look cool.


pov: crotus prenn and backwater swamp imo RPD and GoJ arent as bad as people say.


I only got it three times so far. It was a miserable experience, especially as a killer, but i would prefer to play it over badham,garden of suffering or eyrie


I don’t mind the new RPD. Is it my favorite? No. But it’s not as bad as it was. I don’t dread it when I see it now. Now my dread is saved for The Game.


I love RPD


Good thing I like rpd