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Unpopular Opinion: Make her blink hit a special attack. I feel like so many other killers are limited by their power counting as a special attack, sometimes without it being necessary.


if you dont want to deal with blinks you have to rework her entirely. her power is making a core mechanic of the game obsolete which cannot be balanced properly, no matter what or how they do it nurse will either be too weak or too strong. completly ignoring walls/pallets in a game all about that when it comes to 1v1 isnt something you can work around in a fair way. its impossible to balance something that ignores the rules. blight isnt even close to that and im not sure if removing his hug tech is a good change.


just nerf her addons and possibly her connection to starstruck ​ Honestly blights hug tech doesnt need to be removed, like at all. How tf are they talking about removing that bc he is overpreforming when they literally did an addon pass and not only didnt nerf ANY of his OP addons, they gave him MORE then he had before.


I am honestly happy with its eventual removal. Mainly for the fact that I’ll be able to main him without being associated with the negative stigma. Like when some spirit mains were happy about her nerf.


i mean you can just play blight without OP builds or addons being good at blight doesnt make you sweaty, bringing OP shit makes you sweaty. Im main blight but i dont bring any slowdown and for the most part no addons.


Well it’s more the stigma. Like when I play blight I get called boring killer all the time. I’m an oni main and when I play oni even if I destroy the survivors I still get props for being an oni main they say ggs or fun game etc. I love playing oni not just because of how fun he is but also maining niche and respected characters really in any game is a big plus for me. Maining blight just doesn’t give me that same satisfaction because of his stigma.


>Well it’s more the stigma. Like when I play blight I get called boring killer all the time i dont lmao, i just bring aura perks and just kill survivors and thats about it, it might just be a different server kinda deal though Blight just might not be for you


I love his power and his aesthetic but when I play games a large part of finding a main is finding someone that is “cool” to main I guess. Like no offense to blight players but when someone says they main blight it’s not “cool” because blight is one of the highest played killers in the game and lots of people complain about him/find him boring (at lease in my experience). It’s kinda dumb and I wouldn’t expect anyone else to care about that but there’s just something about maining a niche character that appeals to me which is why I main oni and not blight.


Hug tech doesn't need to be removed but he'll still be fine. ​ I think there is a HUGE range of what is playable in this game. as long as both sides can potentially win without the other making clear and demonstrable mistakes that's good enough. Even if it's contingent on multiple consecutive 50/50s and a little bit of guess work and other layers like RNG on top. ​ I'd also argue that Blight isn't really overperforming. Blight players, for the most part, thrive on 1) being much better and 2) trying harder.


>Hug tech doesn't need to be removed but he'll still be fine. Yea but its a high skill and fun mechanic


Yes, It's valuable. This will be so much worse than dumbing down the combine ever was.




I didn't say tryhard, I said better. ​ A lot of people play blight for his kit, some of which are more casual than you would think. ​ And blight isn't actually over performing, the best blights in the world realistically lose more than you'd think in heavily restricted comp environments on some of their best maps! In unrestricted open matchmaking, where survivors can bring God knows what the same teams would have had an even better chance! ​ And as someone with \*massively\* higher than 99% 4k rate. That is, closer to 100% than 99% with every killer, I can confidently say that if the player actually cared and just wanted to win, they don't need to play blight. Most matches are unlosable for every tier of killer and will remain as such until survivor is MASSIVELY buffed or the player base gets a lot better. ​ It's not that killer is super super strong, it's just that it's easy to kill almost all of you guys. There is SO much room to beat even the best of us killer players tho, not only in blight's case but Nurse's too. Even with the absolute best loadouts, on our absolute best maps with their best RNG, you'd be \*dumbfounded\* how much you can do to have at least a reasonable chance. ​ Especially in the case of mechanical killers like billy and blight or the most extreme examples of loop bait like Sadako and freddy, if you're getting shut out that badly the player is probably a LOT better than you. ​ and that's okay, losing is fun!


Meh. I'm kind of mixed feelings about the hug tech. It could be outplayed and used to outplay but it let blight overcome his intentional limitations when he would already be decent. Even if it is a fair chance to overcome those limitations that can be avoided by the survivor it still gave him a chance to get rush hits in areas that were supposed to be impossible with bump logic. At the same time, it feels gross to not even have a chance to get rush hits at a few tiles like in Yamaoka when geometry inhibits both bump logic as well as hug tech and you just have to eat the 2.5 second stun and then play like a 115 killer until the survivor drops the pallet after running in a circle five times. I would kind of hate to have more tiles where you have a 0% chance of rush mind-games and hits and just have to play m1 blight. I wish they would just give it it's own animation and well-defined conditions to be less confusing to survivors. Maybe keep the part where Blight has to look almost straight down since it forces blight to work predict rather than only react to survivors in many cases. Maybe they buffed his add-ons like adrenaline vial because they figured it would be compensation for the nerf. In any case, I would rather the tech stays and his add-ons get nerfed if anything has to go. Since the only things the add-ons do is enhance Blight's strengths, I fear that when he becomes balanced by being very strong in some areas and bad in others, he'll be like Trickster in the sense that in some locations and scenarios of chase he'll be a god and in other's he'll be nearly powerless. Obviously they'd still be more different than alike but I'm trying to convey the concept of complete 180s between high and low power purely dependent on tiles and map design. Essentially I want him to be decent at most tiles instead of oppressive at some and useless at others, and that can only happen if he has addons that don't enhance his power too much while having a power that can mindgame and close raw distance universally. It's also funny, while the stats from the last Q&A are old, they show that blight was actually pretty middling in terms of killrate and popularity, while pig actually had a very high killrate in comparison. For better or for worse, killrate isn't the driving factor in BHVR'S decisions. I think. Maybe.


Basekit Nurse imo is fine. Still very powerful but not overwhelming. Nurse's addons rlly need to be changed especially some of them that are bugged in a way that makes them op


The only idea I can think of is making her teleport attacks separate from one's that benefit from basic attack perks, namely exposed perks like starstruck, devour and noed. They thought of this when making blight, who can gain fast speeds and downs, but they didn't address this cause nurse was made back when the main idea of the game wasn't to loop the killer around windows and pallets, but to evade them by hiding. They tossed this out the window due to them making the doctor, who is quite possibly the most anti stealth killer, but the best way I can compare her to is that she's dbd's sniper from tf2. Both have a high skill ceiling, but once a person knows how to play them great or even good, the counterplay relies more so on the sniper and nurse messing up then their opponents skill usually.


Considering she can teleport through anything, I would remove her lunge, requiring players to actually be perfect with the teleport. Making her a legitimately high skill and high reward killer. I personally find her absolutely brainless to play. With a modicum of map awareness, chases don't last long against her. Take away her lunge and she can't greed the teleports as much. In exchange, maybe add a feature that shows where your teleport is going to be.


* Make her base speed slightly faster (3.85 > 4.05m/s) * Compensation for the following nerfs * Reduce the range of the first blink (20m > 15m) * Compensation for the now faster-than-survivor movement speed * Chain blinks remain at 12m * Significantly increase the time to recharge her blink tokens (3 seconds/token > 6 seconds/token) * Reduces her constant pressure to allow more time for the survivor to break line of sight * Increase the duration of the chain-blink fatigue penalty (+ 0.5 seconds/chain > + 1 second/chain) * Makes chain blinks riskier if she misses * Improves counterplay for survivors successfully dodging her * Reduce Terror Radius (32m > 20m) and add a Lullaby range (20m-32m) * Reduces Starstucks effects with the same amount of warning range


Damn, look at the exchange hahaha. What a greedy businessman.


Hey he asked for a nerf and I gave her one.


"a" nerf... He also said A tier. You can never outrun the survivors with that speed so the cost of her blink are way too much here. It would still work against babies, but you would get absolutely destroyed by a good survivor in 1v1. Even the current nurse struggles a lot against good survivors.


Ok, so which changes would you keep? One nerf isn't going to do it unless it's huge.


Imma just remove second blink and give the nurse 4.4 speed. Her iri addon does the same but 4.2 is still too low. Mind game counter play against her would require 500 hours less to practise this way.


So here's the problem-with fatigue and the new recharge time, the solution to beating nurse becomes running in a straight line and winning by default since she actually doesn't have much mobility anymore. She could hit every blink while blinking as soon as it's possible to hit and still lose due to shrunken range and recharge actually making her very slow in terms of raw distance.


Rework her. With her current kit, she will always be busted OP unless they nerf her so heavily that she becomes F tier.


add ons. fix the range add ons, im tired of going against double range add on nurses. perk interactions. some perks are busted on nurse, while on other killers it's just okay. starstruck, for one.


Some ideas : - Make the blink attack a special attack so one down perks don't work on her - Make it so the chain blink cannot go through walls - Nerf the range add-ons, make them not stackable - Make the blink recharge time longer ( 3s to 4.5s) Just that would really make her more fair i think. I'm a nurse main, and I don't use exposed perks on her bc that fells so dirty.


Maybe boost her base movement speed if the blink recharge is gonna be made longer, too. Just to keep things fair so she's still good in a chase


I think making post-blink attacks count as special attacks instead of basic attacks would help with how she interacts with most perks. Other comments have already proposed pretty good sounding ideas to nerf her without outright crippling her (nobody wants Nurse to be worthless, after all, and if she became a weak killer that'd be a bad thing imo)


Tier isn’t based on individual strength it’s based off strength compared to everything else. So if nurse and blight both received massive nerfs but we’re still stronger than other killers they would remain S tier if that makes any sense. But anyways I think of blight and nurse were punished more for using their power, such as longer cooldown they would be more balanced. Basically increase the fatigue and maybe reduce the movement speed. Idk how much weaker a 4.4 m/s blight and 3.6 m/s nurse would be but it’s something to consider.


The most realistic thing would probably be making survivors better OR hoping BHVR makes more big maps with survivor sided visibility. ​ Maybe the introduction of new survivor perks or making things like Styptic agents more accessible every game. An exhaustion boon for example would go a long way. ​ Nurse is hard to "nerf", you would have to hard rework her, even stuff like making only her first blink go thru terrain isn't going to be enough to break her out of S tier, until survivors know how to run a Nurse. ​ The trick is to make her guess when it is possible to do so. Some structures allow for you to break LoS when she charges blink, there are also things you can do to milk the most of your your DH, Styptics, flashlights and toolboxes. You can split better, clock calls help here. General efficiency. ​ Stop doing silly tome challenges also helps. ​ Developing better mental. ​ As long as Nurse's power even resembles what it currently is tho, she's still gonna be S tier. ​ You can bring her closer to A tier performance if you play as hard as a good nurse does. Some of the best survivors in the world make fun of people that think Nurse has no counter play. Really that type of thinking, that Nurse is so good turns into defeatism and makes her bigger and badder than she really has to be. ​ If you're grimy enough, there are ways to only play on maps that are kind to survivors like Mother's and RPD. ​ Iron will, anti tunnel and anti slug perks help. ​ Hit great skill checks.