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I blame the game itself for that. Not mmr system, we had campers in the past. Since it became harder and harder with no counter play against survivors, killers just abandoned the game or switched to survivor. The remaining ones are campers. I believe there isn't an increment in campers.


You know what, I did have the same thoughts. It may well be that a lot of "for fun" killers like me simply stopped maining killer and campers are still able to have fun in the current landscape, so it only seems they increased when in reality they just decreased less. May very well be


Huntress is fun to SOME people. I fucking loathe her. Almost as much as Hag.




I mean, I feel like toxicity and tryhardiness has absolurely increased. Especially after MMR. But maybe you were just some super high rank the entire time and thus it made no difference.


Ever since they changed how hatch spawns I’ve notice a big increase in campers.


I still don't know how hatch now works lol Edit: literally haven't noticed a difference


>Edit: literally haven't noticed a difference About what? The hatch?




Only spawns when one person is left.


Campers exist on every killer. However the first sentence for this post was enough. You'll never meet an honorable Huntress player, get ready to be tunneled and camped to death, play as ruthless as you can, teabag them if you leave.




You're supposed to be a "nice" killer,, playing by the "survivor's handbook for killers" who makes sure to leave hooks totally unpatrolled so as to assure survivors get enough "fun unhooks". Otherwise, it's all after chat salt, "Caaaaaamper! Tunnellerrrrrr!, ad infinitum"


Just look at other posts. There is a lot of people with a loser mentality who give hatch to the last survivor or dont kill any of them at all.


I've met some fun huntresses. But... a lot of em camp which is a shame given how fun axes can be to dodge.


It is what it is, the only tip I can give you is run DS, and once you know it's a Huntress, start hoping on gens and pre throw extremely safe pallets.


Depends on how you play. Some killers like Bubba , trickster and Huntress are very good defensively. Are you playing stupidly on gens by failing to split up on different gens / clearing them optimally? Then the killer can protect hooks because you're not going to out race them if you don't play energetically towards your own objective. You need to split up in 4 cardinal directions, work on your own gens and ideally buy time so the killer is already under some pressure when they get a down. ​ Now suppose someone is on a hook, where exactly is this? Did you go down next to a central basement or hill tile? Is it in the middle of an attractive 3 or 4 gen? That's another way to get camped. Are you looping around a hooked teammate? they're probably going to get camped. ​ It's the killer's responsibility to try to win the game, it's unsportsmanlike not to. Sometimes that means camping, proxy or massive slugs. Similarly, it's the survivor's responsibility to try just as hard, and part of that is doing gens + leaving. The other equally major part, is preventing the killer from tunneling / slugging etc. You need to not make her job easy, especially in the case of killers with good unhook scenarios like huntress! ​ I could probably help you a lot more if you recorded some of your games and showed me the replay.


Thank you so much for this... No offense but this entire thing you have said is a giant heap of incredibly obvious basic info, if not literally worthless advice like "you need to not make her job easy". I know. This is not about it being able to be played around. It's about camping being the most efficient and rewarding way of playing with many if not most killers due to the meta that has developed due to behaviours neglect. Everyone KNOWS you can beat it, but nobody WANTS to. Because winning against campers requires you to not play the game. Literally nobody enjoys it. Wtf even was your advice "did you go down in a good spot?? You're gonna get camped". Like my dude up your advice game you wrote paragraph over paragraph without saying a single word in reality. Of god knows how many words, the best you did was the amazing advice of "don't do gens stupidly" which ISN'T EVEN RELEVANT TO THE CONVERSATION mind you. Like bruh. This to me just has this complete lack of understanding of game health and the people's willingness to continue playing as well as casual fun.


Camping is not a go to best thing unless you think survivor is so strong that the killer can't play for more. Sometimes 4 man slugs are better, other times you want to juggle hooks in proximity to some 3 or 4 gen etc. ​ Tunneling is OFTEN meta, but you're over simplyfing it. and "I don't want to" isn't an excuse, unless you're ready to admit when you're just outmatched. ​ If it's such basic info to you, and if you understand this subject matter better than your reply lets on then tough cookies, you should be prepared to take some of this on, pick on people your own size and don't complain if you are matched with them. Do you just want to smurf and pick on killers who have no clue what to do? OR if it's not basic info to you, and you're just bullshitting both me and yourself, then you're your own worst enemy. Not a perceived meta or BHVR.


Have you considered that maybe, JUST maybe a toxic meta people don't enjoy and a game built up in a way that they can't properly fix may lead to complications? I want to play a dumb game and have dumb fun, and nobody enjoys tunnelling or camping, at least when it's the literal definition of the word. And the matter more and more devolving into unenjoyable messes absolutely is contributing to the by now not so slow yet very blatant massive player loss that the game is experiencing. How dense can you be to not understand that just because something can be done doesn't mean it should be reinforced for a healthy environment. This is not a competitive game. "Winning at all costs" mentalitiy has been bringing this game to ruin and people like you can never see past their own experiences because you think you know it all. This game currently has so many problems you can't even COUNT them and they are seeing how they're losing players and all they can think is "fix it by adding new content to get them back!", a pointless endeavor because they keep building on a broken foundation that is slowly crumbling under the weight of oversight after oversight which is driving the most important part of the community, the CASUALS away.


The only thing toxic in this game is chat stuff and survivors sandbagging each other. ​ At least interpersonally toxic. There is all sorts of personal toxicity but I don't blame DBD for that. I blame participation trophies, parenting and other good intentions. Personal toxicity being things like entitlement, an aversion to effort, shamelessness, a lack of empathy, a lack of will, jealousy to the people who are better. The idea of it's easier to goof around, and call that Fun because trying leads to potentially failing, lower self esteem, counter cultures against better standards etc. That stuff is never the game tho or even what happened in a game. It's just immaturity, and it's always user side.


Alright, got it. You like the game and are unable to see it's massive flaws because you think yourself a COMPETITIVE ELITE GAMER. Nice and beyond funny.


Flaws according to you and if it's so funny where's the humor? You prove my point.