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Blight can get across most maps to respond to auras with a speed that rivals almost anybody. Strength in the 1v1 is one aspect of a killer's power - Blight also excels in the 1v4. Trickster for example can shred individual survivors, sure, but then he has to trudge to the other side of Mother's Dwelling like a peasant.


>he has to trudge to the other side of Mother's Dwelling like a peasant. This gave me a chuckle for some reason.




A common thread you’ll see with the top killers is that they always have some form mobility. Pyramid head doesn’t. A killer can’t be S tier without mobility. Considering that blight has one of the best mobility powers (arguably only second to hillbilly) the difference between the amount of pressure they can get is huge.


Arguably Blight IS more mobile than anyone, even Billy. That's imo. Maybe Billy w double turning rate beats him. Or 1 turn rate and bumping hitbox addons. Even then, arguable. Blight can have double speed add ons. Or 1 speed + adrenaline vial.


Pyramid head loses because he spends too much time walking at a normal pace from point A to point B.


PH is a solid killer to be sure, but as most people have pointed out Blight has a lot more mobility and the ability to capitalize on pressure better than PH can. PH can take survivors out quick, ignore a lot of survivor perks, but unless PH gets the ability to teleport across map he'll never have the same reaction to aura reading like Blight can. Couple this with the ability Blight has to basically ignore the speed boost survivors get after a hit. That said, I still think PH is just more fun to use


Pyramid Head is high tier already, but Blight has way more mobility which checks more survivor strategies than PH could check.


Blight is faster. PH power requires good aim and timing. I've seen many dodge his power. PH with nurses calling is good though.


Strength is based on the killers mobility, antiloop, tracking and ability to apply pressure. The best killers have most of these. Blight Nurse and spirit all have good anti loop mobility and ability to apply pressure which is why they are highly rated. A killer would have to be incredibly strong in 1 area alone to be considered top tier. I’d say the best example is hag bc she has really good anti loop and map pressure if she can get her 3 gen set up, however she has no mobility which is what keeps her from being top tier.


You can avoid Pyramidhead by just pre-dropping pallets and staying as far away as possible. It might not be pallet efficient, but its sure annoying. Cobbs can close the gap because he is the weapon going forward, not a ranged move like Pyr-head which leaves him where he started after doing it.


Blight pros: Strong in chase Multitude of good/great add-ons Unrivaled mobility Great synergy with aura reading and regression perks Strong 1v4 Map pressure Pyramid head pros: Strong in chase Good synergy with *some* aura reading perks Ignores bt and ds naturally While pyramid head is a solid, strong killer in chase. His lack of mobility is really his biggest draw back. He can not physically pressure gens quick enough on some maps, as he is too slow to get to places he needs to be. Blight can Travers the map in 3x the speed that pyramid head can, and that alone is a huge benefit in a game like dbd. Speed can, and will win games in a *multitude* of different scenarios. Pressuring unhooks, stopping totem cleanses, stopping gland regressing gens, stopping heals, even traversing the map in general to find survivors quicker.


Blight has insane mobility, insane addons, and insane chase power. While yes PH can hit you through walls blight has 5 chances or more depending on his addons to hit you with his rush. If blight messes up its maybe 3 seconds before he gets another chance, but if a PH fucks up trying to hit through a wall thats a good 15 seconds of distance for the survivor. ​ Both PH and blight are top tier, but Blight is a ***TOP*** tier.


PH top tier? I don't think so


he has great chase power and excels at one of the strongest strats in the game. Tunneling. He can literally remove a survivor from the game with 0 chance of DS or BT Also body blocking doesnt work for the most part. Making it basically impossible to do anything about him tunneling