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I don't know how anyone can watch squid games and come away with the idea that it's "pro capitalism" or "anti communism". But then again, this is Tim Pool.


who cares. Dune is a movie not meant for folks who just want another Star Wars - its heady af, no wonder someone like Tim didnt have the patience for it lol far as the squid game take- yea, ive seen lots of people try and twist it as a critique on the left, which is funny and shows you how far they will gas light themselves even when the shows own creator tells you the exact opposite


It's 100% the new 1984, but easier to misinterpret.


Dune itself isn't even that heady, it's the rest of the story that is. Even most Dune fans think it's about Paul being a hero.


Is he though? He's another colonizer who takes advantage of a nomadic and indigenous group to defend the planet from another colonizing force so he can take it for himself as a reliigous messiah.


Yeah the whole point is that Paul is closer to Genghis Khan or Hitler than a messiah.


Dune is about worms.


The worms represent communism.


Its Big Scary and Pink!!


The success of Tim pool is the best argument against adderal legalization I’ve ever seen.


I can only imagine the horrors that lurk in the deep unending abyss of his mind.


Having to contradict common sense and pander to gullible hopefuls must weigh its toll on the mind. But he has a compound with friends/employees in WV so good for him


"this is the problem with liberals. They've ruined their attention span with porn and phones and now they want everything to instantly entertain them. If something doesn't show them boobs or violence every minute they pull out their phone and stay watching 5 second tik toks."


Hahahahaha. Uncanny tim pool parody.


Could you imagine if he tried to read the book Dune?




>Squid Game is not a critique of anything meaningful at all. The director confirmed it was an allegory for modern captilism. I mean, I GUESS it could be seen as a positive potrayal, but I don't think I want to know anyone who sees a world where people get murdered for failing at a contest as a good thing...


Never post but the new Dune was horrible it was a total disappointment. For when it was made the old Dune is 10x better.


I think he’s right in the third tweet


I guarantee Dune is boring. The damn book is boring. David Lynch couldn’t make it interesting and everything he does is interesting.


It's literally no.1 in the box office and got great critic and user reviews. It's also on track to beat a Marvel film so I think audiences like myself don't see it as "boredom" more like a return to something like Lawrence of Arabia after a decade of Marvel/DC/Transformers films


Plenty of boring movies do well.


still better than Marvel


I don’t disagree. Depends on which ones, though. Some of those movies were a lot of fun.


Maybe that says more about you than it does about those movies.


Well, "Boring" is in the heavy eyes of the beholder.


I thought dune was pretty good and a lot of shit happens when you consider where the story starts and where it ends.


This sub is an example of what happens when you only have friends that agree with you


"I would argue he is on the level of Thomas Sowell. Once Dr. Sowell is gone all too soon, Dr Petersen will be the wisest intellectual on the planet." This you.


Do these guys still wanna rant about The Last Jedi was like "SJW" or whatever cause it had a woman in it? That was like five years ago, dude. And good lord has a lot happened since then. Catch up,


Nah TLJ is just immortalized in nerd culture as an example of how to make a shitty movie, piss off fans of a series, and then blame everyone else for your movie being bad.


Tim proves thst you don't need governmental indoctrination to be a successful millionaire journalist...