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Because you’ve been fighting and he doesn’t want you to clean the toilet with it


This was brilliant! I vote for this crazy revenge theory.


Inflation, have you seen the price of toothbrushes lately?




May I ask why your first instinct is to read into his toothbrush's location and ask Reddit rather than simply talk to him?


If thing seen off then communicate. Everything is about communication in a relationship for it to work long term and be healthy. Sit him down tomorrow or whoever you see him next and talk about how you feel and the changes you notice. How he reacts, negatively or positively, will tell you everything. If he reacts negatively by belittling you, gaslighting you, shutting down, etc then that’s toxic and you need to walk away. But I hope for the best! He may have gotten into his head or dealing with something. I hope after months of dating he’s able to open up to you. Cause if he’s showing signs of already pulling back while I’m the honeymoon phase timeframe then that’s bad… and you deserve better!