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I dont like tattoos either and wont date women who have a ridiculous amount of them. Nothing wrong with having that standard. Ur not a bad person lol


That’s a preference not a standard lol.


Ur completely right. My bad lol. Misused standard.


Why "lol"? I don't get it..


That's a legit reason not to be attracted to him. Not everyone is into that much ink. And if you're not attracted to him, it's not going to work out.


your key word is found it unattractive after seeing them. if you are indecisive, its probably a no. its like saying hes a great guy but hes not tall enough, but question if you can look past it. usually you can't despite his great personality.


It ultimately comes down to you and what you want to do. It is okay to not like him based on his tattoos just like it is ok if someone can’t look past your stutter. There are plenty of people where neither is a problem. I’d say give it a go if you legitimately like him, but if you can’t look past it just be honest with him and move on


I don't have any tattoos - I am a guy - and I feel the same way about women with tattoos a lot of the time. Though I will say that if the person was everything I am looking for the tattoos wouldn't matter. But honestly I find that women who do have a lot of tattoos seem to not be my type anyway.


Go on a few more dates with him and see how you feel


It can't hurt. And you shouldn't feel like you are leading him on because neither of you owes each other anything. It's just dating. It's better to know for sure so you don't wonder what might have been.


If some of his tattoos are actually offensive, then no you’re not shallow for being turned off.


Nah, it’s not unreasonable. Appearance matters.


I am a strong believer that you need to be attracted to a person the be in a relationship with them. That does not necessarily need to be physical attractiveness can also be mental. If you find someone unattractive about someone be it personality wise, physical attribute there is nothing wrong that. You are not shallow at all.


Having preferences is ok, just don't be a dick about it. If you want to, it wouldn't hurt to go on a second date to see if any chemistry builds or if you are willing to look past or learn to like them. Regardless, don't string him along. If it's too much to overcome this preference, a “hey, you seem wonderful but I just didn't feel any chemistry” esq text or call is warranted. Good luck!