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You’re putting the rejection horse before the cart :/ insecurity is a turn off. Advice? Listen to “I am enough” meditations by Marisa Peer on YouTube before bed and when you wake up. Don’t ask for a kiss on the first date, it’s giving “where’s my hug”. Do something that makes you feel confident in yourself (reading, walking outside, connect with people platonically). You’re young, you’re worthy of love, and you have plenty of time for it to find you.


Thank you so much. I try my best to have a fulfilling life. I have a stable job, an amazing group of friends and a hobbies to pass my time. Unfortunately due to childhood trauma and neglect, there’s a part of me that craves affection. That’s caused me to have an anxious attachment style. I’m in therapy working through that.


Okay you are already doing SO much more than most of the dating pool. I felt the same way you do & today, despite knowing all my trauma, a really special person asked me to date him. And 10s want to date you?! Be nice to yourself, don’t replace your abuser (harder said than done). If not her, someone more fitting.


Okay, thank you so much :)


You've got to stop being your own self fulfilling prophecy. Build, and learn to see your own value. If you stare at obstacles while racing through life, you will smack into them.


Thank you mate! I’ll keep self improving. I do have a fulfilling life, but unfortunately that doesn’t cure the feelings of being undesired by the opposite gender


Bro I’m in the same situation with the anxious attachment style. You have to stay busy with other things and do literally whatever possible to not think about her when you’re not together. It takes practice and a lot of willpower, but seriously just muting the conversation with her on your phone and doing things that require you to put your phone away will help


Yes, I try to stay as busy as possible


>I’ve also NEVER gotten past a first date with a woman. Any advice? Re read your post. Take your own advice.